Our Heaven's Worth The Wait Part 9

Sep 22, 2006 21:55

Title: Our Heaven's Worth The Wait Part 9
Author: Me.
Pairing: VAM, obviously.
Disclaimer: Don't know/own. Unfortunately.
Rating: Uh... PG-13. For language, I guess...

Banner and Previous chaps under the cut.

Thanks to my fave Kat for this banner. Thanks, babe. Love youuuu!

Ch. 1
Ch. 2
Ch. 3
Ch. 4
Ch. 5
Ch. 6
Ch. 7
Ch. 8

Ville felt Bam shift slowly, as though trying not to disturb Ville, before he lightly traced Ville's face with his fingertips. Ville's stomach knotted up, and he swallowed back the smile that was creeping up on the muscles in his face, nearly automatically. He made a conscious effort not to let out the sigh that was waiting to escape his mouth. It wasn't until Bam combed his fingers through Ville's hair that he finally blinked open his eyes, to find Bam's focused on his own hand. When he looked back down at Ville, he saw a small smile on his lips, while his eyes had been searching for Bam's.

"Oh, uh... sorry," Bam mumbled, pulling back his hand.

"No, it's okay. Not a bad way to wake up, if you ask me," he smiled.

Bam grinned, and opened his mouth, letting it lay agape for a moment, before actually speaking. "Um, I'm gonna go... take a shower."

Ville nodded, withdrawing his own arms from around Bam.

"Bit of a cuddler, huh?" he smirked.

Ville blushed, and hid his face in the pillow. "Yeah," was barely audible as it left his mouth.

Bam chuckled. "It's okay. Like you said, not a bad way to wake up." Bam kissed the side of Ville's head before escaping the sheets and comforter of the bed, to go into the bathroom.

Ville waited until he heard the bathroom door close, and the water start, before moving his head again. He leaned over, laying his head on Bam's pillow, inhaling his scent. Ville smiled, letting his head rest on Bam's pillow until he heard the shower cut off. He dragged himself out of the bed, and started sifting through the clothes in his bag, picking something out to wear after his shower. Just as he stood up, clothes in hand, Bam emerged from the bathroom, towel hanging around his hips. Ville gulped, and looked away for a second, before looking back at Bam, forcing a grin onto his face.

Bam grinned back. "All yours."

Ville nodded his thanks, and brushed past Bam, nearly cracking, and taking him into his arms on the way.


"Hey, Honey."

"Hello, Darling."

"How's everything going at Bam's?"

"Fine. Past few days have been... interesting, to say the least," Ville said, chuckling. "How's everything with you?"

"Alright." Jonna could tell he wasn't all that interested in how she'd been. She also knew she was losing him. Losing him to Bam. Slowly, he was losing connections to her; loving Bam more and more with each passing day. She, of course, didn't want to admit it, or bring it up, for fear that he would leave her, and go to him. It was inevitable, obviously, but she still felt a certain security with Ville. She shook her head, and put on a smile, despite him not being able to see her. "So how many more days are you there?"

"Um, three or four. Not really sure any more," he laughed.

She smiled, happy to hear him laughing; even if it wasn't her causing it. "Alright, Sweetheart. Well, I'll call you again within the next few days. Have fun."

"Thanks. Talk to you soon, Love."

"Yeah. Love you, bye."

"You too. Bye."

No 'I love you'. Just, 'You too'. She'd already lost him, hadn't she?


Lining up his shot, Bam glanced up at Ville, who was leaning on his pool stick, subconsciously running his hand up and down the stick, causing Bam's imagination to go haywire with the various many possibilities. He shook his head, once again attempting to line up the shot; ultimately barely making it in. He breathed a sigh of relief, and ambled over to where the cue ball had come to rest, ready to line up his next shot. A miss.

Ville came up to the table, across from Bam, and lined up the shot, moving the stick back and forth through his fingers a couple extra, unneeded, times, before hitting the cue ball, and sinking in one of the few striped balls left on the table. He looked up at Bam, grinning.

Bam gave a nervous grin back, ready to jump over the table, and pounce on Ville. Bam narrowed his eyes, when Ville leaned down for his next shot. Two can play that game... When Ville was lining up his shot, Bam leaned down on the side of the table, the cue stick in his free hand. Bam lazily stroked up and down the stick, making sure to watch Ville's hands, and not his eyes.

Ville took a few extra seconds to line up his shot, watching Bam out of the corner of his eyes. He was a bit distracted when he went to actually shoot, missing the ball he'd been aiming for completely.

Bam smirked to himself, sauntering over to where the cue ball lay, and lining up his own shot. He blocked out everything around him, making sure he didn't have a single glance in Ville's direction, making the shot perfectly. He moved on to the 8 ball, making it in the corner pocket across the table from him. He stood up and grinned. "Good game, Ville."

Ville grunted. "Yeah. You too." He wanted to be upset, but he couldn't help but grin. Touché, my dear, Bami...


"Hey, Ville."

"Hello, Ryan."

"How's it hangin'?"

"Fine, and yourself?"

Ryan shrugged, getting a beer from the fridge. "Fine." He glanced over at Ville, and grinned. "So. What's up with you and Bam?"

Ville perked up his eyebrows. "What do you mean?"

Ry chuckled. "Come on, man. I've seen the way you look at him."

Ville bit his lip. "I have no idea what you're talking about... I mean, I have a girlfriend back home."

"Yeah. One that you never talk about."

Ville nodded. "True..."

"Come on. You like him, don't you?"

Ville looked down at the can of Red Bull in his hands, then back up at Ryan. "Um, I dunno."

Ryan perked up his eyebrows, sitting down across from him at the island. "Oh, come on. You know."

Ville blushed, smiling a little. "Uhm, okay, yeah, I do. But don't say anything."

"Why not?"

Ville shook his head. "I don't want him to know."

"Why not?"

"Because it wouldn't help either of us. I can't do anything about it, so why tell him if we can't pursue it?"

"Why can't you do anything about it?"


"So break up with her."

"It's not that simple," Ville said, shaking his head. "I can't do that... Especially not from here. I'm not going to do it over the phone, Ryan."

Ryan nodded.

"Plus, I live in Finland... it wouldn't work out anyway."

"You don't know that. Besides, I'm sure you and Bam could work something out."

Ville shrugged, remaining silent.

"At least think about it," Ryan said, standing up, and walking over to Ville's side of the island. "If you don't, you might regret it later," he finished, patting his shoulder, before turning and leaving the room; ultimately leaving Ville alone with his own thoughts.


I could definitely get used to waking up like this... Ville grinned when he noticed Bam's arms wrapped around him from behind. He put his arms over Bam's, lacing his fingers together with his own. He grinned, and snuggled back into the pillow.

Bam squeezed Ville's fingers, and smiled into his hair.


Bam jumped, loosening his grip on Ville. "Shit! I didn't know you were awake."

Ville laughed. "Calm down, Bami."

Bam took a deep breath, and relaxed against Ville. "Sorry..."

"It's fine. Don't worry about it. I'm sorry I scared you, though."

"You did NOT scare me... you just surprised me. That's all. Big difference."

Ville grinned at Bam's childish display. "Okay, BamBam. My mistake. I'm sorry I surprised you, then."

"It's okay."

"So. Have anything planned for us today?"

Bam grinned. "I was thinking we could... go swimming."

"Is that right?"

"Mhm... Want to?"

"Yeah, sure... but I don't have any swim trunks."

"You can use some of mine."

"Mmm. Okay. When?"



Neither of them moved from their position on the bed.

"Now as in... right now?"

Bam smiled. "That was the plan..."

No movement. They both seemed perfectly content to stay where they were.



"We going?"

"Mhm." Bam lazily untangled his fingers from Ville's and retracted his arms, sitting up in bed. He walked over to the dresser, and pulled out a couple pairs of swim trunks, holding them up. "Which do you want?"

"Black and red."

Bam tossed the pair in his left hand to Ville, before heading towards the bathroom. "You can change in here. I'll be back in a minute."

Ville nodded, following Bam with his eyes until the door was closed.

Ville watched Bam jump into the water, and sink to the bottom, before resurfacing. He slipped into the water, at the side of the pool, and looked at Bam.

"Aww, come on. That's no way to get into a pool," he laughed.

Ville smirked. "Not all of us feel the need to make a scene, Bami."

Bam stuck out his tongue at Ville, who smirked. "Keep that tongue to yourself, unless you're going to put it to good use, BamBam."

Bam perked up his eyebrows, as he started to swim over towards Ville. "And what, exactly, constitutes 'good use'?"

Ville smirked, before diving under the water, and swimming away from Bam.

Bam narrowed his eyes, turning around to search the water for Ville, only to find him sitting on the edge at the other side. Swimming over, he positioned himself in front of Ville, grasping his ankles; a smirk planted on his face.

"Don't you dare."

Bam perked up his eyebrows. "What?" he asked, in an innocent voice.

"Pull me into the pool."

"Pull you into the pool? Okay. If you say so," Bam grinned, before yanking on Ville's legs, causing him to splash into the pool.

After resurfacing, Ville glared at Bam. "I told you not to."

"No you didn't. You said 'Pull me into the pool'."

"Smartass," Ville murmured, making a face, and dunking Bam into the water. When Bam came back up, he continued. "I said 'don't you dare', and when you said 'what?', I told you what you were supposed to not dare do. Which was pulling me into the pool," he finished, hopping back up on the side, and pulling his knees up to his chest.

"Aww, come on, Vil. It was supposed to be funny."

"I could have hit my head on the side, you know."

"I wouldn't have let that happen."

"But it could have happened."

Bam sighed. "I'm sorry, alright? I just... fine, whatever. I'm sorry. Won't happen again." Bam lowered himself into the water, swimming back and forth under the water, only surfacing for air. Try to make a guy laugh, and have a good time, and he gets pissy... Fuck, that was stupid, though... God damnit. Swimming back to the other side of the pool, he found Ville dangling his legs into the water again. Bam swam up to the side of him. "Ville, I'm sorry. It was stupid. I shouldn't have pulled you in."

Ville's eyes found Bam's. "It's okay."


Ville nodded. "I'm sorry I snapped at you like that."

Bam smirked. "Trust me, you weren't the first. And you won't be the last."
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