Our Heaven's Worth The Wait Part 2

Aug 27, 2006 02:56

Title: Our Heaven's Worth The Wait
Author: Me. Duh.
Rating: Uh... PG-13? For language.
Disclaimer: Don't own/know. Obviously.

Bam was awoken that Saturday by a banging on his bedroom door. "What?!"

"You're not naked are you?"

"No, Dunn, I'm not naked..."

Ryan opened the door slightly, and peeked in. "Good," he said, stepping into the room. "Get your ass up."


"Dude, it's fucking noon."


"So. Get the fuck out of bed. Everyone wants to hang out today."

"Again. So?"

"So... Jenn will be there."


"Dude. She fucking wants you. I dunno why you don't wanna go out with her. Besides, she's cute."

Bam shrugged, and turned his head the other way. "We've known each other for so long. It'd be kinda weird," he said, as usual. "So quit fucking nagging me already."

"Come on, Bam. It's fucking Saturday. Don't piss the day away just sleeping."

Bam let out an aggravated sigh. "Fine, fine. Damn. Chill the fuck out." He lifted himself up on his arms, and slipped out of the bed in his boxers, looking around for some jeans and a t-shirt. After pulling them on, and stepping into his shoes, he looked at Ryan. "Let's go."

"Finally. God damn."

Bam gave Ryan a cheeky smile. "You know you liked the show."

"In your dreams."

"See you there," Bam said, winking at Ryan.

"Okay, now you're actually starting to creep me out a little. Can we just go?"

Bam smirked. "Yeah... why, does two guys together weird you out?"

"Not really... just you and me weirds me out."

Bam laughed as he followed Ryan out of the room.

"Where're you two going?" Ape asked in passing.


"Right. Well, be back by sundown."

"Yeah, yeah. Later, Ape."

"Bye, Bam. Ryan."

Reaching the skate park a while later, Bam and Ryan were greeted by their friends, all sitting around together. Bam immediately took advantage of no one speaking, and headed over to start skating alone. By the time he was worn out, it was close to being time to leave. Thankful, for once, for the lack of attention, Bam sat off to the side until he had to head home.

As Bam was about to leave when he heard Dunn called out his name.

"Wait up, man," he said, jogging over.

"What's up?"

"Jenn... wants to go out with you."

"Yeah, and? Haven't we already been over this?"

"Come on, man. Just hang out with her or something. At least once. What could it hurt?"

Bam shrugged. "I dunno, man," he said, beginning to walk away again.

"Think about it?!" Ryan called after him.

Bam waved him off while skating away.

Monday morning, Bam dragged himself out of bed, and got dressed, before heading off to school.

"Alright, class. We've got our letters back today," Miss Adams began, as she started around the class.

Tearing into the envelope, Bam pulled out the piece of paper contained within. After reading over the letter, Bam frowned. "Who the hell does this kid think he is?"

"A problem, Brandon?"

"Huh?" Bam asked, looking up. "Oh, uhm, no. No problem, Miss Adams."

Nodding, she returned to the front of the class. "You'll be writing back for your homework tonight."

Bam frowned, and groaned.

After school, Bam caught up with Ryan, and thrust the letter into his hands. "Dude, fucking read this."


"Just read it!"

Ryan pulled out the letter, and skimmed over it, before smirking. "Hah. Dude. I like him already."

Bam glared at his friend. "Come on, man. It's not funny. He basically thinks I'm an idiot."

"So? Dude, since when do you care what other people think?"

Bam shrugged. "I don't. But still, man... "

"Look, if you want him to take you seriously, or whatever the hell your problem is, write back and tell him... whatever," Ryan said, handing back the letter.

"Me? Do homework?"

Ryan rolled his eyes. "Suck it up, asshole," he muttered, walking away.

Bam sighed, and put the letter in his backpack before Ape showed up to give him a ride home.


"Will your mum care if I turn this up?" Linde asked.

Ville shook his head, while sprawling himself out over his bed. "Nah, go for it."

Linde nodded, and stood up, to turn up the Black Sabbath streaming through the speakers in Ville's room.

"So what are your guys' pen pals like?" Mige asked, easing back against the side of Ville's bed, from his seat on the floor.

Linde shrugged, sitting a few feet down from him, in the same position. "She seems cool enough. But, I mean, how much can you tell from one letter? She was pretty polite, though. Maybe a little too interested in the fact that I was from another country, though..." Linde cringed slightly towards the end.

Mige chuckled. "The bloke that wrote to me was pretty cool. Said he's in a band, and described himself... and his town a little bit. But, eh... I dunno. Seemed alright, though."

"What about you, Ville?" Linde asked, looking back at his friend, laying on the bed.

Ville shrugged. "Seems kind of weird to me. Him and his friends do stunts, where they usually end up hurt, for fun." Shaking his head, he continued. "And he's got this silly name, Bam. Real name is Brandon, though. Why would he prefer Bam to Brandon?"

Mige shrugged. "Nickname?"

"Pretty silly, though. Even for a nickname. I dunno. Seems alright, though, I suppose."

After waiting out the next few days, Ville got his second letter from Bam.


Hey, man. Um, so... Bam's a nickname. Got it from my grandpa. It's the name of a cartoon character. And it seems to fit, so... ya know. It just kinda stuck.

I didn't mean the pen pal thing, although, I do think it's kinda pointless. You should be able to go to the place you're trying to learn about, I think. What I meant was, school is pointless. I've been thinking of quitting, anyway, though. So whatever.

Cool. Yeah. I mean, West Chester can get pretty cold in the winter. And the snow's good for snowball fights. So it's all good.

Music, eh? My brother's in a band. They're pretty good. Doubt you've heard of them, though. Called CKY. They've been playing a lot of local shows, though. What kind of music do you play? You should send me some of it to listen to sometime or something.

Well, I guess that's it. Later.


Ville cocked an eyebrow. "Right," he mumbled aloud.


Over the next few months, Ville and Bam exchanged letters every week or so, getting to know a little bit more about each other with each letter. In the end, Bam decided that Ville wasn't such a bad guy. And Ville decided that Bam wasn't so strange after all.

As the school year neared its end, Bam and Ville decided to exchange home addresses, in case one of them felt the urge to write to the other over the summer, and beyond. Although, after a few months, and neither of them writing, they both basically forgot about the other. The months, and years, passed. Both of them, and their friends, left school; either by dropping out, or graduating. Bam went on to do Jackass, and get sponsored by Element for skating. Ville went on to join Daniel Lioneye, then HIM.


Looking around, Bam realized how bored he was, sitting next to Ryan on the plane. His leg began to bounce, causing Ryan to smack his upper arm. "Dude, chill the fuck out already."

"But I’m bored!"

"So fucking read something.... or... something. I don't fucking know."

Bam sighed, and flipped through the pamphlets and magazines in the back of the seat in front of him. He pulled out a magazine, and started flipping through it. He stopped on a page when he saw the name 'Ville Valo'. "No fucking way," he mumbled. "Dude," he said, shaking Ryan's arm. "Fucking... look at this!" he said, handing over the magazine.

"Yeah? Some band. Who cares?"

"No, man. The dude's name is Ville Valo..."

Ryan gave a confused, and uninterested look.

"That's the kid I wrote to in school, remember! The one from Finland! For English... dude, the fucking pen pals, freshman year."

"Ohhh. Wait, how do you know? You never saw a picture of him."

"How many fucking Ville Valo's could there possibly be in Finland. From Helsinki, no less. It says right here," he said, pointing to the words on the page, "that he's from Helsinki. And has been playing since he was a teenager. Dude, that's fucking him!"

"Alright, already. Damn. Chill the fuck out. Again. If you're so fucking fascinated, write the guy a god damn letter."

Bam thought back, and wondered if he still had Ville's address. Obviously, he'd have moved out years ago, but surely his parents would pass on the letter...?
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