Our Heaven's Worth The Wait Part 3

Aug 31, 2006 04:30

Title: Our Heaven's Worth The Wait Part 3
Author: Me.
Pairing: VAM, obviously.
Disclaimer: Don't know/own. Unfortunately.
Rating: Uh... PG-13. For language.


Ch. 1
Ch. 2

Landing in Finland, Bam followed Dunn to baggage claim, where Dunn got his bag, before the two of them got a taxi to the hotel.

"I've been thinking..." Bam began, while stretching out over one of the beds.

"Oh, no... that's never a good thing."

"Shove it. I was just thinking... why waste this opportunity to meet him, face to face?"

"Dude, you don't have his address."

"Not on me. But I could call Ape, and have her find it."

Dunn shrugged. "Whatever."

Ban grinned widely, and pulled out his cell phone, dialing Ape's number.

After four rings, she answered. "What is it, Bam?"

"Do something for me." Not a question. A statement.

"What is this something?"

"Ya know that desk in the extra room?"

"Uh huh."

"Can you go through the drawers, and find a paper that has the name Ville Valo, and get me the address in Finland that's on it?"

"Yeah, I guess so."

"As soon as you can."

"Yeah, yeah," she replied. "Goodbye, Bam."

"Bye, Ape."

A little over half an hour later, Bam's cell phone went off. "Yo. You find it?"

"Do you have any idea how much crap is in that desk?"

"Is that what I asked?"

April sighed, and read off the address, so Bam could write it down. "Thanks," he said, before hanging up on her. "Let's go," he said to Dunn.

"Go? What the hell are you talking about?"

"Got his parents' address. I'm sure they know where he lives."

"Oh, god... you're serious."

"No fucking shit."

Dunn shook his head lightly. "Yeah, alright, fine. Let's go. But how the hell do you know where it is?"

"Easy. Ask someone at the front desk."

That proved harder than Bam figured, as he got lost with the girl's directions. "Fuck," he mumbled.

"Go in that store and ask the attendant."

"Dude, we're in fucking Finland."

"So? I'm sure a shit load of people know English. Just try."

"Fine, whatever. I'll be back," Bam said, waving Dunn off. Walking inside, he slowly made his way over to the front counter. "Uh, hi. You speak English?"

The tall man behind the counter smiled. "Yeah. What can I do for you?"

"Oh, thank god. I'm trying to find this address," Bam said, handing over the piece of paper, with the hotel logo on it. "The girl at the front desk gave us directions, but we got lost."

"Okay. What you need to do is take a right at the next intersection this way," he said, pointing out the window. "And from there, go down five blocks, and take a left onto the street, and this street you're looking for will be the second on the left," the man said, writing it all down.

"Alright, man. Thanks."

"No problem," he smiled.

Bam made his way back outside to Dunn, a smile on his face. "Let's go."

"You gonna get us lost again?"

"Fuck you. I didn't get us lost. That girl's directions did. But this guy seemed to know what he was talking about. So we'll see."

Dunn nodded, and followed his friend, who seemed to be counting to himself. Dunn stopped really paying attention to Bam, until he bumped into him. "Dude, what the fuck?"

"This is it."

"This is what?"

"Ville's street. Or, at least, his parents' street."

"Man... how do you even know they still live there?"

Bam shrugged. "I don't. But there's only one way to find out, right?" he grinned.

Dunn sighed. "Oh, god..."

Bam laughed, and tugged on Dunn's arm. "Come on, man. It's getting late."

"Alright, alright, already. Chill out, man."

"Yeah, yeah."

"Why are you so fucking... into meeting this guy, anyway?"

Bam slowed his pace a little, and shrugged. "I'm not..."

"Yeah fucking right. It seems like he's the only thing you've been thinking about since we got off the plane."

"He's not."

"Whatever. You keep talking about wanting to meet him. But I don't get what the big deal is."

"It's not a big deal... Just shut up already."

Dunn sighed and rolled his eyes. "Whatever, man. Let's just get this over with. I'm fucking tired."

"Yeah, yeah." Bam started looking at the numbers on the house, trying to find the right one. "There it is," Bam said, pointing across the street. "That's the one."

"Finally. Come on."

The two of them crossed the street, and stood in front of a light blue house, with the number 612 on the front. "This is it..." Bam trailed off.

"Well fucking ring the bell already, man. Unless you're... scared..."

Bam looked at his friend, a look of anger mixed with resentment flashed across it. "I'm not scared, man."

"Then ring the bell."

"Fine." Bam walked up the front steps, and rang the bell, subconsciously tapping his foot on the ground. As a man opened the front door, Bam smiled. "Er, hi. Are you Mr. Valo?"

The man nodded, looking slightly confused.

"Uh, do you have Ville's address?"

"You a fan of his?"

"Uh... I wouldn't know, actually. I haven't heard any of his music. I'm just trying to find where he lives."

"Your accent. You are not front Finland."

Bam shook his head. "No, er, I'm not. I'm from the states. I'm just here for a skate demo... and I figured I'd try to meet him while I was here... I was his pen pal in high school."

"Ah. Yes, I remember him speaking of you. Bam, no?"

Bam grinned. "Yeah. He mentioned me?"

The man shrugged. "Um, more or less. At first, just called you 'crazy American boy who hurts himself and his friends for fun'."

Bam laughed. "Uh, yeah. That'd be me. So, do you have his address, sir?"

He nodded. "Please, call me Kari. And yes, hang on. I will get you his address, and some directions from here."

Bam instantly beamed. "Thanks!"

Kari smiled, and nodded, before heading back inside, and closing the door. Bam waited just outside for a few minutes, until the door opened again, and Kari handed him a piece of paper, and grinned. "He will be happy to meet you."

Bam smiled. "Hope so. Thanks." Bam turned on the stoop, and bound back down them, meeting Dunn back on the curb. "Let's go."

"He just gave you Ville's address?"

Bam grinned. "Uh HUH! Got directions, too, bitch. C'mon."

After twenty minutes of walking, Dunn huffed. "Dude, I can't believe you wanted us to walk... Why the fuck didn't we take the rental?" he groaned. "You said this wasn't gonna take long."

"Oh, shut up, and suck it up. We're almost there. Quit your god damn bitching. And the directions that girl gave us, had they been right, it wouldn't have taken as long."

"Yeah, yeah."

Another few minutes later, they turned onto the street. Dunn, once again, bumped into Bam. "What the fuck is it now, man?"

Bam shrugged. "What if he doesn't really wanna meet me, like his dad said he did?"

Dunn sighed. "For fuck's sake... only one way to find out, right? God damn. Why are you so fucking nervous about meeting this guy, anyway? You're never nervous about meeting someone. What the fuck is so special about him?"

"Um, nothing."

"Then seriously, man. Why the fuck are you so nervous?"

"What makes you think I'm nervous?"

"You stopped walking, dumbass."

"That's jackass, remember?" Bam smirked. "Alright, let's fucking do this."

They finished the walk down to Ville's apartment building, and opened the front door, before walking the few flights of stairs up to Ville's floor. Counting down the numbers, Bam found the right one, and knocked. No more than a minute passed when the door opened to reveal a woman with straight, brown hair, just past her shoulders, "Voinko auttaa Teitä?" (Can I help you? (Hah. Thankies, Kat.))
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