Our Heaven's Worth The Wait Part 7

Sep 20, 2006 03:03

Title: Our Heaven's Worth The Wait Part 7
Author: Me.
Pairing: VAM, obviously.
Disclaimer: Don't know/own. Unfortunately.
Rating: Uh... PG-13. For language, I guess.

Previous chaps, and banner under cut.

Thanks to my fave Kat for this banner. Thanks, babe. Love youuuu!

Ch. 1
Ch. 2
Ch. 3
Ch. 4
Ch. 5
Ch. 6

Over the next month, the phone-calls between Bam and Ville became even more frequent. As Bam lay in bed one morning, pondering whether to bother getting out of bed, his cell phone went off. He reached over to the night stand and snatched it up, grinning when he saw the name on the caller I.D. "Hey, Willa. How's it hangin'?"

Ville chuckled. "Fine, Bami. And you?"

"Eh. Bored. But, other than that, fine. So what's up?"

"I just wanted to talk to you about something."

"Oh," Bam frowned.

"No, it's nothing bad."

"Oh, okay. What is it?"

"Well, the band is doing a small photoshoot in New York. And I was thinking... maybe... I could stop by and visit before going home."


"Yeah. I mean, if you want me to, of course."

"Yes! I mean, um, yeah. If you want, that'd be cool."

Ville grinned. "Good. Uh, it's on Thursday, I believe. And I'll just call you after..."

"Yeah, okay. Actually, why don't you call me an hour or so before... and I'll just come pick you up."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, New York is only, like, a couple hours from here."

"Well... alright. Talk to you soon, Bam."

"Bye, Ville."


Thursday morning, Bam sat on top of the pool table, staring at his cell phone; willing it to ring. He finally got frustrated, and stood up, beginning to pace back and forth next to the table. An hour later, it rang, causing Bam to ump. He checked the caller I.D., and grinned. "Hey."

"Hello, BamBam. How are you?"

"Good. You?"


"How long till your shoot?"

"Um, about an hour and a half."

"Okay. I'll probably leave after we get off the phone... and you can just call me after, and I'll come to the studio or wherever it is."


"So. How's Jonna? And how're the guys?"

"Good all around."

"Jonna didn't want to come along with you?"

"She, um... no."

"Ville, is everything okay?"

"Yeah, yeah. Everything's fine, Bam. Don't worry so much," he chuckled.

"Yeah, okay, Ville."

"So. How've your past few days been?"


"Just fine?"

"Yeah." Because I haven't talk to you Bam mentally slapped himself for thinking that. Ville was in a relationship. He doesn't feel that way about you. Why do you keep doing this? Bam bit his lip, attempting to steer his mind away from his thoughts about Ville. Ville's lips on his own. Ville's hands tracing over his body. Ville's body rubbing against his own. "Fuck," Bam accidentally said aloud.

"What's wrong, Bam?"

"Uh, no, nothing. Sorry."

"Are you sure, Bam?"

"Yeah, yeah. Look, uh, I'm gonna let you go. And... I'm gonna leave in a few minutes, after I take a shower, and just... call me when the shoot's done, okay?"

"Sure, Bam."

"Later, Ville."


Bam hung up, and took a quick shower (as quick as possible, having just heard Ville's voice...), before getting dressed in a pair of jeans, and an Element t-shirt. He jogged down to his Mercedes, and drove off, while popping in his HIM cd. In less than two hours and lots of speeding, Bam was driving around New York, wondering how long it'd be until Ville called him.

Another half hour, and Bam was close to going insane. He just barely heard his phone ringing, over the volume of the music. He instantly turned it down, and dug out his cell phone. Ville. Bam face was engulfed in a grin. "Hey."

"Hello Bami... Is that my voice I hear?"

Bam blushed, thankful that Ville couldn't see. "Er, yeah. Listening to your CD again."

"Again? Aww, Bami. How sweet."

Bam blushed more, grinning even wider. "Yeah. Um, so... are you ready?"


"Cool. I'll come get you."

After getting the address to pick Ville up, Bam started off on his way to the building. He pulled up in front, and saw Ville leaning back against the wall, smoking. Bam grinned, and rolled down the passenger side window. "Ville!"

Ville looked over, and saw Bam. "Hello, Bam." He walked over, his bags slung over his shoulder, and opened the door, a grin on his face.

Bam smiled. "You can just throw your shit in the back seat."

Ville nodded, and complied, before getting into the passenger seat. "You must really like this CD," he said, motioning towards the CD player.

Bam blushed, and nodded. "Er, yeah. So, um, are you hungry or anything? We can get something to eat before we head back to my house."

Ville grinned. "Sounds good."

Bam nodded. "Any place in particular?"

Ville shook his head. "Anywhere you like, BamBam."

Grinning, Bam shifted into 'drive', and started off. After driving around for a little while, they found a place they'd both like, and parked. Heading inside, the two of them sat, and scanned over the menu.

"So, you guys know what you want? Or you need another minute?"

"I'm all set. Ville?"

Ville nodded. "You go first."

"Bacon cheese burger. With a Pepsi."

The waitress nodded, and wrote down his order on a pad of paper. "And you?" she asked, turning towards Ville.

"Otan salaatti ja vettä kiitos."

The waitress gave a confused look. "Um..."

Bam laughed. "How about saying that in English, man."

Ville blushed. "Right, sorry. I'll have a salad and water please."

The waitress smiled, and wrote it down. "Alright. I'll be right back with your drinks."

As the waitress walked away, Bam chuckled. "Having some issues with English?"

Ville smiled, looking down at the table. "Sorry. Just kind of came out."

"Dude, I don't care. But come on. A salad and water? God damn. How about some real food?" he laughed.

"Bami, that is real food."


The waitress came back with their drinks, and smiled as she set them down. "Your food will be out in a couple minutes."

"Thank you," Ville smiled.

She smiled in return before walking away again.


Ville looked up at Bam, and perked up his eyebrows. "So, what?"

"What's the real reason Jonna didn't come along?"

"Well, she had a photo shoot a few days ago... and she was kind of worn out when she got home... and she knew I'd be focusing a lot of my attention on you, and didn't really want to get in the way... so... she decided to just stay home."

Bam smirked. "I see."

Ville blushed, and looked down again.

"Why do you keep hiding?"

"What do you mean?"

Bam smirked again as Ville looked up. "You keep looking down. As if you think I don't see you blush."

Ville turned a bit redder, before he started picking at his nails. "Um... I'm sorry."

"Stop saying sorry so much."


Bam laughed. "Dude..."

Ville smiled, and opened his mouth.

"Don't you dare say sorry again," Bam cut him off, chuckling.

Ville simply nodded. "Okay."

After eating, paying the bill, and leaving a tip, Bam stood up, and waited for Ville to walk in front of him on the way out. Bam briefly let his eyes roam up and down Ville's body, mentally slapping himself for doing so. Shaking his head, he unlocked the car doors, and got in the driver's seat, as Ville settled in next to him. After the car started up, Bam's CD started playing automatically.

"Bami... can't you change the CD?"

"But I liiike this CD."

"Bam... I really don't feel like listening to myself sing."

Bam grinned. "Fiiiine. You can change it. CD's are in the glove compartment," he said, pointing to the small door in the dashboard.

Ville flipped through the CD's, and picked one out, switching it with the HIM CD. Bam grinned when he heard Turbonegro start up in the CD player. Bam began the journey back to his house. (Let's pretend he's had Castle Bam the whole time, 'kay?) About two hours later, they'd driven up the drive-way to Bam's house, and got out of the car. Walking into the house, Bam glanced back at Ville. "So, um... do you wanna stay in the guest room? Or... did you wanna stay with me, in mine?"

Ville chewed nervously on his lip.

"You okay?"

"Er, yeah. I just... I dunno... I don't really like sleeping alone in new places..."

Bam nodded. "So then you wanna stay in my room?"

Ville nodded. "Sure."

Nodding, Bam started up the stairs, and led Ville to his room, putting his bags on the bed. He looked back at Ville, and saw a look on his face that he couldn't read. Arching an eyebrow, he spoke up. "Um, are you okay?"

Ville perked up his eyebrows, and looked at Bam. "Huh? Oh, yes. I'm fine. I just feel kinda... gross. From the photo shoot and everything."

Bam laughed. "You can take a shower, ya know. Bathroom's right there," he said, pointing to a door over to the side.

"You sure?"

Bam nodded. "Yeah, I'm gonna go get a drink, but I'll be right back."

Ville nodded in return. "Thanks, Bami."

"No prob," he said, on his way out of the room. After heading downstairs to the Pirate Bar, and retrieving a Jones Soda, he opened it, and headed back upstairs. A couple minutes after returning to his bedroom, Bam heard Ville call his name from within the bathroom. "Yeah?"

"Can you get me some clothes?"

"Scared to come out here in a towel?" Bam asked, grinning.

"Er... no."

Bam laughed. "Yeah, okay. I'll get it." He opened one of Ville's bags, and began to search through them, before picking out a pair of boxers, black jeans, and a Rolling Stones wifebeater. He knocked lightly on the bathroom door, and waited until Ville twisted the knob, and opened the door. Bam noticed Ville's dripping torso, leading down to a white towel, wrapped rather loosely around his waist. Bam cleared his throat as his eyes traveled back up Ville's body, to his eyes. "Um, here're your clothes," he mumbled, handing them to Ville.

Ville grinned. "Thank you, Bami."

Bam nodded, nearly in a trance, as Ville slowly closed the door on him. Bam groaned, and bit his lip, walking away from the door. He traipsed over to his bed, and fell, face down, onto it, cursing himself for lusting over someone who was already in a relationship, and whom, he figured, wasn't remotely interested in him anyway.
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