Our Heaven's Worth The Wait Part 10

Sep 23, 2006 15:08

Title: Our Heaven's Worth The Wait Part 10
Author: Me.
Pairing: VAM, obviously.
Disclaimer: Don't know/own. Unfortunately.
Rating: Uh... PG-13.

Previous Chaps and Banner under cut.

Thanks to my fave Kat for this banner. Thanks, babe. Love youuuu!

Ch. 1
Ch. 2
Ch. 3
Ch. 4
Ch. 5
Ch. 6
Ch. 7
Ch. 8
Ch. 9

Ville smiled. "Not surprising."

Bam pouted.

"Just kidding, Darling," Ville grinned, leaning down to kiss Bam's forehead.

"Come back in the water." Translation: You look too good wet to stay sitting on the edge

Ville grinned. "What's wrong with sitting on the edge?" Translation: I'm having faaar too much fun simply watching your sleek body swim back and forth under the water to get less of a view.

Bam pouted again. "I don't wanna swim by myself." I want you in here with me, so there's a chance we might touch.

Ville grinned, then reached out to move away some hair that'd stuck to Bam's forehead; before trailing his fingers down the side of Bam's face. "Alright, Bam." Ville lowered himself back into the water, brushing against Bam on the way down.

Bam watched Ville, unblinking, as he slowly entered the pool, then moved slightly away from Bam, to look back at him. Smiling, Bam looked at Ville. "So... was there anything in particular that you wanted to do while you were in town?"

Ville shook his head, "Nope. Just wanted to spend time with you."

Bam gulped. "Okay."

Ville smiled at Bam's nervousness. "Something wrong, Bam? You look... anxious."

Bam shook his head. "I'm fine."

Ville nodded, and moved closer to Bam. "Still fine?"

Bam nodded.

"You sure?" Ville asked, moving forward, nearly pressing his body up against Bam's. "I mean really sure. You're not uncomfortable? In any way?"

If by uncomfortable, you mean extremely horny, and wishing I could kiss you, and fuck you right now, then YES! Bam shook his head. "I'm alright." At some point, Bam had to wonder if Ville's advances were simply to jar him, and tease him, or if he was beginning to feel the same way. He bit the inside of his cheek. Who are you trying to kid? He's got a girlfriend... and could have anyone he wanted.

Ville moved forward, as much as he could. Bam could feel his breath cascading over his own lips. Gritting his teeth, Bam held back from consuming Ville's lips with his own. But just barely.

Bam quickly moved away from Ville when he heard a crash coming from the house. "Shit." He looked at Ville, who was looking at the house, apparently expecting some sign as to what had happened, then back at the house, before hoisting himself up out of the pool, and heading towards the nearest door. He head Ville behind him, and balled up his fists, his emotions going into over-drive, yet trying to shut down at the same time. "What the fuck just happened in here?" Bam called, entering through the door.

"Raab did it!"

"Did not! It was Novak!"

"Liar! I didn't do shit!"

Three different voices. But all coming from the living room.

"Dude, what the fuck did you guys do to it?"

The suit of armor that stood on the wall was completely smashed, and in pieces, on the floor.

"Nothing!" All three said at once.

Bam shook his head. "Whatever. Dude... whoever did it better take care of that shit. I don't care who it was right now. Just fucking fix it." Bam took the stairs to go up to his room, and shed off his swim trunks, before digging out some clothes for the day.

Ville came in a few seconds later.

"What took you so long? I figured you'd come up to change."

He shrugged. "I was talking to Ryan."

"Oh. Okay. Well, uh... yeah."

"You're such a poet, Bam... such a way with words," Ville smirked.

"Yeah, yeah," Bam blushed.



"Hi, Jonna. How are you?"

"Fine. You?"

"Good. Yeah. Really good. How're things at home?"

"Alright. There?"

"Fine. Fun," he laughed. "And, uh... interesting, still."

Jonna smiled. "Well I'm glad you're having fun. You deserve it."

Ville bit his lip. Am I having too much fun? "Thanks..."

"Yeah. Well, I just wanted to check in... so, I'll let you get back to the guys. And, uh, I'll see you in a few days."

"Alright. See you then. Bye, Darling."


No 'I love you's. Again.

Ville headed back inside after stubbing out his cigarette, and went upstairs to Bam's room. He layed down, and closed his eyes. When he opened them again, it was dusk.


He looked towards the door. "In here."

Bam appeared in the doorway. "Hey. You okay?"

Ville nodded. "Yeah, why?"

"You haven't been answering me... and you didn't come down to eat."

Ville propped himself up on his elbows. "I'm sorry, Bam. I guess I fell asleep earlier."

"No, it's okay. I mean, it's not a big deal. I just thought, maybe... you were upset about something. I dunno."

Ville smiled. "No, I'm fine. But thank you for your concern."

Bam nodded, and moved over to the bed, sitting down next to Ville. Ville looked up at Bam from his position on the bed. Reaching up, Bam tucked some hair behind Ville's ear, before touching his face lightly. Ville's heartbeat increased, and he gulped, hoping to choke down his stomach, which had somehow made its way to his throat.

Bam bit his lip, praying he didn't lose his nerve. He shifted his gaze to meet Ville's, who'd been staring at Bam the entire time. Bam slowly inched closer to Ville, pausing briefly, to glance between Ville's eyes, and his lips. Bam slowly let out the breath he didn't realize he'd been holding in. He soon closed the gap, overlapping Ville's lips with his own. After at least twenty seconds, Bam slowly pulled away, and looked at Ville, who slowly opened his eyes.


Shit... what did I just do? "Fuck, Ville. I'm so sorry." Bam quickly stood up, and dashed out the door, down the stairs, and out of the house, headed for the remnants of Fast Eddie's Treetop Casino. He climbed up, and went inside, sitting against one of the more... stable walls. He slammed his head back against the sturdy wood, letting a couple of tears fall from his eyes. What'm I doing? I can't do this... He has Jonna! And why would he want me anyway? Fuck. I just screwed up the friendship, didn't I? He probably hates me...

After watching Bam run out of the room, Ville sat up completely. What the hell just happened...?! "Shit," he mumbled, getting off the bed, and heading towards the door. Walking down the hall, he kept a look out for Bam. Descending the stairs, he looked around. "Bam?!"

"He just ran outside."

Ville looked over, and saw Ryan sitting on the couch. "Do you know where he went? I need to talk to him. Now."

"I dunno, man. Why, what's up?"

Ville sighed, and walked over to sit next to Ryan. "He kissed me."


Ville nodded.

"So, I'm confused. Why'd he leave? Did you tell him not to?"

"No! All I said was his name... and then he said 'Fuck. Ville, I'm so sorry', and then ran off! God... I don't... what do I do?"

Ryan shrugged. "Did you want him to kiss you?"


Ryan nodded. "He's probably just spazzing, still thinking you don't like him."

Ville furrowed his eyebrows.

Grinned, Ryan shrugged. "I'm not supposed to tell you, but Bam likes you. A lot. But he says you don't like him. He prolly thinks you're mad at him or something, for kissing you."

"I'm not. I like him a lot, too... I wanted it..."

Ryan stood up. "I'll find him... and I'll talk to him."

Ville looked up at Ryan, a small grin on his lips. "Really?"

Ry nodded, a smile on his face. "Yeah, sure. He'll freak out less if I'm the one that finds him."

"Thank you."


"Fuck, man. There you are."

Bam looked up, his mind suddenly blank, to find Ryan coming into the Casino. "What're you doing up here? How'd you find me?"

"All your cars are still here, and you weren't in the fucking house, or the Hobbit Hole. So I figured this would be the next place to check."

Bam nodded, returning his gaze to the floor. "First question?"

"Oh. Well, Ville told me what happened. He was looking for you, and when I told him you ran out, I asked him why he was looking for you."

Bam was silent.

"He's not mad at you."

Bam's head jerked up, to look at Ryan. "What?"

"He's not mad at you... actually, he wanted it, too."

"But he has Jonna! And he doesn't even like me. He told me he wouldn't do anything with someone he doesn't have feelings for."

Ryan grinned, and shook his head, moving over to sit next to Bam. "Shouldn't that tell you that he does like you?"

"But, he... what... I don't think he..."

"Dude, trust me. He does. He told me. He likes you, a lot."

"What about Jonna?"

Ryan shrugged. "I dunno, man. But he told me he likes you. So stop saying he doesn't."

Bam looked down at his hands. "What the hell do I do, man?"

"I can't answer that."

"I'm fucking lost, Ry."

"Then you need to think."

"I can't! Everything just keeps getting jumbled up. And I don't know what Ville wants."

"So then talk to him."

Bam shook his head. "I can't. I mean, he lives in Finland, right? What the fuck am I supposed to do about that?"

"I dunno, man. But get the fuck in there, and talk to him."

Bam sighed, and stood up, leading the way back to the house. He checked for Ville on his way up to his room, but didn't see him. Until he reached his bedroom doorway. Ville was laying on the bed, his back to the door, curled up in a ball. Bam walked inside, and closed the door, causing Ville to turn around.



"Bam, I-I'm not mad at you."

Bam nodded, sitting down on the bed. "I know. Dunn told me."

Ville sat up, and straddled Bam's lap, wrapping his arms around him, holding onto him tightly.

Bam slowly returned the gesture, burying his face in the crook of Ville's neck.


"Ow! Fuck!"

Bam jerked awake, sitting up, and forcing the blanket, which had been covering both him and Ville completely, back. "What the fuck?" He looked over, and found Raab, on the floor, and Ville rubbing his side. "What the hell happened?"

Raab stood up. "Dude, I thought you were alone in here... I came to wake you up. I musta landed on Ville... What the hell is he doing in here? I thought he was staying in the guest room."

Bam pinched the bridge of his nose. "First of all, No. He's been staying in here all week, dipshit. Second of all, you're getting it doubly as bad back, because for one, you were gonna be waking me up like that. And for two, you fucking hurt Ville. So I suggest you fucking run."

Raab yelped, and turned around, fleeing the room quickly.
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