Running Away Into Your Eyes Blue-Chapter 10

Mar 13, 2006 21:23

Title-Running Away Into Your Eyes Blue

Author- Kashoku_Yoshiko

Rating- NC-17 This one, baby!

Pairing- Ville/Bam and Jussi/Jyrki

Disclaimer: Don't own Bam/Ville/Jussi/Jyrki ect. ect...none of it's mine except story line, okay? NOT A PENNY OFF OF THIS!

Summary- Bam loses something dear to him when performing a stunt for Viva La Bam. Can Ville help Bam deal with his loss...and maybe find a lost love?

Previous Chapters behind the cut!

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Bam slowly came back to the living and he regretted it instantly. His head was pounding in pain. He was 100% hung-over. With a loud groan he rolled over, hand smacking Ville in the face.

Ville swatted the hand away and turned his head the other way. “Bammie, don’t take your hang over out on me, darling. It’s not my fault you got wasted.”

Bam snorted. “Please, Wille, you had your fair share of drinks last night.”

“True, but my preferred method of recovery is sleep, not violence.” He readjusted his body and sighed. “Now go back to sleep.”

“But I can’t! Once I’m up, I’m up! I’ve got to DO something!” Bam protested.

Ville groaned. “You can’t just sit still, can you?”


Ville sighed. “The only thing you are going to drag my ass out of this bed for is sex.”

“You aren’t going to hear me complain.”

The next thing Bam knew, Ville was on top of him, trailing kisses up his torso. They were extremely warm against Bam’s bare skin and they left imprints of fire. When he reached Bam’s neck he nipped and sucked at the skin. When he had had enough of that particular taste, he moved to the plush pink lips and kissed them hard. He requested entrance into Bam’s mouth and he granted it immediately. Tongues danced with one another wildly within the caves. As the two continued to kiss, Ville trailed his hands down and removed Bam’s boxers and his own.

Ville stopped the kisses which caused Bam to moan in disappointment. “Oh, stop your whining. I know your addicted, sweetheart and I won’t deny you your pleasure.” He brought his lips down on Bam’s member and sucked gently, barely, on the flesh.

Bam bucked his hips upwards and moaned. “Oh, god, Ville…more!”

Ville smirked and did not comply to Bam’s request. He continued to suck Bam off at a slow pace that he knew was making the blind man beneath him upset. Bam needed to learn how to take life slow. Everything in his life was too fast paced.

“Will-a!” Bam whined more.

Ville removed his mouth and looked at Bam in amusement. “My we are impatient today!”

“Stop being a fuckin’ tease, asshole!” Bam said with pouty lips.

“Oh, stop it!” Ville said with a quick kiss to the lips.

“You better finish what you started!”

“Mm, I think I’ll move on.” Ville grinned. Bam’s face was pure amusement. He spread Bam’s legs wide and inserted a finger into the entrance. When Bam gave the okay, still a little pissed at Ville, he inserted a second finger and began stretching the skin. When he removed his fingers he reached under a pillow and removed a bottle of lube. He smothered it on himself and on Bam’s forgotten member. Positioning himself at Bam’s entrance, he slowly pushed in.

Bam bit his lip as the brief moment of pain but his body quickly relaxed to the familiar feel of Ville inside of him. He gave a slight nod of his head and Ville began moving inside of him at a slow pace. “Harder…”

Ville smirked. “No. We are taking the whole ride slow.”

“God I hate you!” Bam growled.


April Margera took the laundry out of the dryer and put it into the brown basket. With Ville, Jussi, and Jyrki staying she had more of it to do. Grabbing the basket, she ascended the stairs and headed towards Bam’s room. Shifting the basket into her left arm, she turned he knob and opened the door. Her eyes grew wide and her skin turned pale. Quickly she closed the door and began hurriedly down the hall. She should have knocked! “PHIL!”

“What?” Phil responded down from the Pirate Bar.


“Ape, that’s what couples do…” Phil responded, unaffected by his wife’s outburst.



“Bam, weren’t YOU supposed to lock the door?” Ville asked, continuing his slow thrusts.

“Oh, I forgot, so what?”

“Because your mother just walked in on us.” Ville said calmly.

“WHAT!?” Bam quickly began to sit up but was shoved back down by Ville.

“You know, this is the second time you’ve done this. At least the first time it was just Jussi.”

“I’m blind! Don’t count on me to do things!”

“Bam, you can no longer use that excuse on me. I don’t pity you and if you are well enough to skate, you can lock the door to your room.”

“Fuck you!” Bam growled.

“Actually, I believe it is I who is fucking YOU…”

“And doing a bad job of it!”

Ville took that thrust to slam against Bam’s prostate which caused a cry of ecstasy to escape from his lips. “Am I still doing a bad job?”

“Oh, god, Ville! Please…just…harder!” Bam said, almost in tears.

“Oh, I suppose you’ve lasted long enough.” Ville began picking up his pace and stroking Bam’s member to his rhythm.

Bam bucked his hips and cried out as Ville continued to brush over his prostate with each thrust. The two came together, Ville within Bam’s body and Bam on both their stomachs. Their breathing was quick and their bodies clung to each other.

“I love you…” Bam said.

“I thought you said you hated me.”

“Only when you are bad at sex!”

“Oh, so you only love my sex. I see how it is.” Ville teased.

“Shut up!”

Ville laughed and buried his head in the crook of Bam’s neck. “I love you, too, Bammie.”


“Jyrki, it’s going to snow soon.” Jussi began, wrapping his hoodie tighter around him. “Why are we out here, anyways?”

“Because someone is here that shouldn’t be.” Jyrki said. He stuck his hand in a nearby bush and pulled a large figure out. There was a yelp as he shoved the form against a tree trunk. “I thought Bam told you to never come back.”

“Get off me you Finnish freak!” The voice was unmistakably Jenn’s.

“I don’t believe you are in any position to be calling me names.’ Jyrki hissed. “Why are you here?”

“That is none of your business.” Jenn replied.

“Actually, it is. Bam is my friend and if you are threatening him in any way, then I do believe I’ll have to threaten you back.” Jyrki tightened his grip around Jenn’s throat.

Jussi stepped between the two and placed his hand on Jyrki’s arm. “Stop!”

Jyrki snarled but released his grip on his lover’s request. “Get out of here before I decide to really hurt you.”

Jenn stared at the two Finnish men for a moment before grabbing Jussi and pulling him towards her while pulling a knife from her pocket and placing it to his throat. Jussi’s blue eyes widened in fear.

Jyrki’s cheeks turned red in anger. “Don’t even think about it.”

“Don’t ever threaten me.” Jenn said with a cold stare. “Because I know people that could make you beg for death.”

“Oh I highly doubt that.” Jyrki spat.

Jenn took the knife and stabbed it into Jussi’s right arm, attaching it to the tree trunk As Jussi’s screams occupied Jyrki, she fled.

Jyrki immediately knelt down next to the now crying Jussi as blood poured from the wound. “Hold on, little one, hold on.” He gently pulled his arm from the trunk, but dared not to remove the knife from his arm in fear he would do more harm than good. He picked the sobbing man up into his arms and ran back inside to Castle Bam. “Someone call 911!”

“What’s wrong?!” April quickly made her way up the stairs from the Pirate Bar and eyes went wide in shock as she saw Jussi. “Oh my god! Phil! Call 911! Jussi’s hurt!” She ran up to Jyrki and smoothed back Jussi’s hair. “Jyrki, what happened!?”

“Jenn showed up.” Jyrki said.

“This was Jenn!?”



“That’s fucking it. I’m calling a restraining order on her ass.” Bam growled after hearing the news.

Jussi’s arm had been stitched and bandaged at Castle Bam, since he refused to go to the hospital. He was asleep in Jyrki’s arms on the leather couch in the main dining room.

“Why the hell would she come and stab Jussi? I don’t get it.” Dunn said.

“The bitch is psycho who has stalking issues. No one gets her.” Dico said.

“Is she really that pissed that you refused to take her back, dude?” Raab asked.

“Apparently.” Bam said.

“She broke up with you first. This is her own fault.” Ville said, taking a long drag of his cigarette.

“Well, whatever is going on, we’ll let the police deal with it.” Rake said.

Bam nodded, but Ville noticed the uncertainty in his eyes. “Bammie?”

Bam turned his head slightly. “Ville, I think I’m scared.”

Ville hugged Bam close. “Don’t worry Bammie, I won’t let her touch you.”


You know, I write this during Creative Writing, and my teacher keeps trying to look over my shoulder, and every time he does he regrets it *I don't turn these in for assignments, obviously...* And so today I covered it up with my arm and he asked why...I simply responded with a "You'll thank me." And I think he pretty much understood...But You think people would learn! Everytime someone ends up reading over my shoulder it's something they probably won't like *like Jussi/Jyrki bondange or VAM sex on a stick* the fact I Just hate it. So yeah, ya go. <3
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