Running Away Into Your Eyes Blue-Chapter 1

Feb 06, 2006 19:45

Wow! What a great first response and so quick! Your comments inspired me to write the next chapter!

Title-Running Away Into Your Eyes Blue

Author- Kashoku_Yoshiko

Rating- PG-13 later NC-17 I'm sure

Pairing- Ville/Bam

Disclaimer: Don't own Bam/Ville/Jussi/Jyrki ect. ect...none of it's mine except story line, okay? NOT A PENNY OFF OF THIS!

Summary- Bam loses something dear to him when performing a stunt for Viva La Bam. Can Ville help Bam deal with his loss...and maybe find a lost love?


Ville was the first to spring into action. He removed his black jacket and long-sleeved shirt and dove into the freezing waters of the pool. He spotted Bam easily through the blue and grabbed onto his limp body, surfacing as quickly as he could. Jussi helped Ville get Bam out of the water and wrapped his jacket around the shivering Bam. Ville did the same, not at all concerned that he himself was freezing.

“Someone call an ambulance!” Ville shouted.

Dunn was already on it, calling 911 with panic in his voice as he spoke. When he hung up he looked to everyone else in fear. “What about Ape and Phil?”

“Dude, they are going to want to know! Call them!” Raab said in haste.

“Right, dumb question.” He quickly dialed the number for Bam’s parents, desperately hoping they would answer.

Ville felt the tears spill from his eyes as he cradled Bam in his arms. He pressed his warm lips to Bam’s forehead and rocked back and forth. “Hold on, Bammie. Help is on the way, I promise…just hold on.”

When Bam opened his eyes he found something quite odd. He couldn’t see. Maybe he hadn’t opened his eyes. He tried again. Nothing. The world was black. He began to panic. He threw his covers off of him and sat up, ignoring the stab of pain that ran through his body. He went to get out of the bed but was stopped by a pair of strong arms, holding him tight. He heard words being spoken to him in a language he did not understand while a hand stroked his hair.

“Ville?” Bam whimpered.

“I’m here, Bammie.” Ville whispered softly.

“Ville, I can’t see…”

Ville frowned. “What do you mean?” He lifted Bam’s head and directly into Bam’s ice blue eyes. They didn’t look back. They simply shot straight ahead.

“Ville…I think I’m blind.”

Ville’s whole world seemed to stop. Bam, blind? That couldn’t be… It had to be just a simple side-effect that would go away in a day or two. It had to be. Ville looked into Bam’s eyes once more, drowning in his blue orbs to find no life in them at all. The only thing he saw in them period were tears streaming down his face. “Bammie…No it’s going to be alright. It’s only temporary. The doctor will fix it.”

Bam didn’t say anything. He simply buried his head against Ville’s chest and let the tears fall rapidly. Ville rubbed his back in soothing strokes and continued to whisper comforting words in Finnish to the weeping boy. When he finally heard Bam’s breaths slow to an even pace, he gently lay the boy down and got up to retrieve a doctor. He’d prove that Bam’s blindness was just temporary.

Ville, Jussi, CKY, Ape, and Phil all sat outside, waiting. Ville hadn’t told any of them that Bam was blind. They simply thought the doctor was running more regular tests. He really needed a smoke, but was to anxious to find out what the doctor had to say. All heads turned as a tall blonde man walked up to them with a far from promising look on his face.

“I am sorry, Mrs. and Mr. Margera. Your son is blind.” The doctor told them.

There was a sharp gasp from April as she put her hand to her mouth. The rest of them stared with mouths agape…except for Ville. His green eyes didn’t even make contact with the brown ones of the doctor.

“Is it permanent?” Ville’s deeply accented voice asked.

“The likely hood that he will ever recover is slim to none.”

“What happened?” Phil asked in a tone of disbelief.

“When he hit the water his eyes must have been open. When he made contact the force pinched a nerve-ending. In some cases like this, the nerve has been pinched back into place but it’s very rare.”

“Can’t you do that?” Jussi asked.

The doctor shook his head. “The risks are way too high. It is impossible to tell which nerve was pinched and if we pinched the wrong one we could paralyze him. I’m sorry.” He paused for a minute and then spoke up once more. “His body didn’t suffer any other serious injuries besides bruises and lots of sore muscles. You may take him home at any time. I’ll give you a prescription for some painkillers.” And with that the doctor walked away.

Ville’s breath began to come in sharp breaths. The nerve was pinched because Bam opened his eyes…because he had called his name before he hit…Bam was blind because of him.

Remember, Comments=Love!
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