Running Away Into Your Eyes Blue-Chapter 6

Mar 03, 2006 22:31

Sorry for lack of update, but I made it!

Title-Running Away Into Your Eyes Blue

Author- Kashoku_Yoshiko

Rating- This Chapter most defiantly NC-17

Pairing- Ville/Bam and Jussy/Jyrki

Disclaimer: Don't own Bam/Ville/Jussi/Jyrki ect. ect...none of it's mine except story line, okay? NOT A PENNY OFF OF THIS!

Summary- Bam loses something dear to him when performing a stunt for Viva La Bam. Can Ville help Bam deal with his loss...and maybe find a lost love?

Previous Chapters Behind Cut!

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

“Bam seems happier.” Jussi said while lighting a cigarette and puffing out a ring of smoke.

Ville nodded and lit his own cigarette. “Yeah, he does.”

“Give him something to destroy and he’s good as new.” Jussi smiled.

Ville returned Jussi’s smile and let out a sigh. “Is he truly happy or is he hiding behind those fake smiles?” Jussi gave Ville an odd look. He shook his head. “It’s just that I didn’t expect him to get over the situation so quickly.”

“Ah.” Jussi said in understanding. “Well, I suppose it’s because he’s had someone there for him. Someone to hold him while he cries and to tell him it’s going to be okay. And then the occasionally tender kisses.”

Ville’s head snapped up. “How did you know about that?”

Jussi laughed. “Ville, who doesn’t know is the question. There’s always been a sexual tension around you two, whether you have realized it or not.” There was a silence for a moment between the two before Jussi spoke up again. “When are you going to tell him how you really feel?”

“I don’t know. It wasn’t until this morning that I ever even considered Bam in that way, anyways. And even though I kissed him I don’t really know how he feels about me. I mean, I’ve always just been someone to look up to for him, someone to idolize.”

“Yeah, but he kissed back, didn’t he?” Jussi asked.


“Then what’s there to be afraid of?”

“Rejection, I suppose.” Ville said. “He is still upset about Jenn.”

“I don’t think he ever really loved her, Ville. Not truly. I think Jenn was just someone to help him kill the loneliness.” Jussi let out another puff of smoke and ran a hand through his hair. “He’s alone in his room practicing tricks on his mini ramp. Go talk to him.”

“Jussi, it seems like you want the two of us together more than we do!”

Jussi only grinned.

Ville shook his head and stood. Well, Ville, this is your chance. Don’t fuck it up like you did with Jonna. Ville made his way to Bam’s door and raised his hand to knock but didn’t. Dammit, Ville, you can do this! You sing in front of millions of fans but can’t talk to your fucking best friend. Of course, it didn’t help that he hadn’t talked to Bam since they kissed…

He took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

“Who is it?” Bam’s muffled voice came.

“It’s me.” Ville’s accented voice replied. There was a long pause of silence. He was scared that Bam didn’t want to see him and came close to leaving but the door swung open.

Bam had taken his shirt off and his skin was glistening in a sheen of sweat. He had a beanie pulled down over his curly brown hair with the heartagram and the word ‘HIM’ written on the side in white. Ville smiled at that. Bam was and always will be his number one fan. “Can we talk?”

“Yeah, sure.” Bam said and stepped aside so Ville could come in.

“I want to talk about the other day.”

Bam dropped his head and turned his back. “I’m sorry…”

Ville frowned. “About what?”

“Kissing you.”

Ville couldn’t contain his laugh. “Bammie, I kissed YOU! I should be the one apologizing!”

“Don’t,” Bam began. “Because I’ve never felt like that before and I liked it.” His cheeks began to flush in embarrassment.

“How would you like to feel that again?” Ville asked in a low, sexy voice. As he snaked his arms around Bam’s torso, he gently laid his chin in the dip of his neck and blew warm air against his flesh.

Bam shuddered and began taking in deeper breaths as Ville worked his right hand down across his hip, tracing the heartagram tattoo. He then slid it down under his pants and grabbed his member firmly. He let out a loud cry and collapsed back unto Ville who kept his light frame up easily. Even the slightest touch by Ville seemed to be magnified a hundred fold. ‘Losing a sense enhances others’ my ass…It creates a whole new one I’ve never felt.

“Ville, please…oh god!” Bam cried.

Ville smirked. He had only begun and already the younger man in front of him was begging and pleading for his touch. Bam was at his mercy and he most certainly intended to take advantage of it. He undid the button and zipper to Bam’s pants and removed his hardened member from its prison. With gentle strokes he moved his hand up and down his erection.

Bam couldn’t stand the pleasure that ran through every limb in his body. His knees buckled beneath him but Ville caught him with ease. The Finn lowered Bam’s body onto the mattress beside the ramp and crawled on top of him. Placing a kiss on Bam’s forehead he began to trail other searing kisses along his torso. When he reached the American’s pants, he pulled them completely down and off to the side, leaving him completely naked besides the HIM beanie.

Ville took Bam’s erection into his mouth and sucked gently. Bam let out a cry and entangled his fingers in Ville’s dark strands. “Oh, god, Ville! Please! I need you!”

Ville grinned. “Patience, my beautiful Bam, patience.”


Jussi flipped his switchblade open and closed as he walked down the hall, humming the tune to ‘The Lost Boys.’ He suddenly stopped in his tracks as he heard someone moan out Ville’s name. Bam’s door was open. That must have been where the sound came from. He poked his head inside to see Ville sucking Bam off while Bam begged for more.

Jussi retracted from the door and grinned to himself. He should be a matchmaker more often. He was about to continue on his way when he heard a loud and lustful moan and felt his own member harden beneath his pants. He looked around and there was no one there…

Reaching down, Jussi withdrew his own member from his pants and began stroking himself with soft moans. He closed his eyes and pumped to the rhythm of Bam’s soft pleas.

Jussi’s blue eyes suddenly jerked open soon after as another hand began stroking his member.

“Well, well, what do we have here?” Another deep Finnish voice spoke.

“When did you get here?” Jussi asked eyes wide and breathe jagged.

“Just now. And who knew that the first person I would see was my own little one jerking off to Bam Margera and Ville Valo.” Jyrki leaned forward and placed a kiss on his lover’s lips. “Let’s go back to your room and I’ll make you scream just like Bam.”


Bam came with a loud cry of ecstasy and took in a shuddered breath. “Ville, I can’t take this…please, take me! Make me yours forever and never leave…” Tears stung at his eyes and he didn’t bother to hold them back.

“Oh, Bammie, please don’t cry.” Ville leaned forward and kissed each tear that fell down Bam’s cheeks and then placed one on each eyelid.

“Just promise you won’t leave me…”

“Never, Bammie…not in a million years.” He planted a kiss on Bam’s lips. As he pulled back he looked into Bam’s vacant blue eyes. He now knew why Bam couldn’t see…He had run away with those blue eyes and was keeping them for himself. Ville had been the last one Bam had seen and it would forever stay that way.

“This isn’t fair…”

“What isn’t?” Ville asked.

“I still feel clothes on your body.”

Ville smiled. “That you do, my Bam. Shall I remove them for you?”


Ville sat up and removed his black clothing and positioned himself back on top of Bam, who began instantly tracing every curve of his body. “What are you doing?”

“I can’t see you…not with my eyes. But maybe if I touch you long enough I can print the image into my mind.” Bam’s hands then moved to Ville’s face and gently traced over it. “They say that sometimes people that go blind completely forget how everything around them looks…” He sobbed.

“Bammie, as long as you love someone you will never forget them, ever.”

“Then show me that you love me, so I’ll never forget you…”

“Bam, I don’t have any lube…I don’t want to hurt you or make you bleed.”

“It’ll be worth it, because in the end I’ll know it took away all my fears.”

“Alright, but tell me if you want me to stop.”

“I will, I promise.”

Ville stuck a finger into Bam’s entrance with caused a moan to escape the younger man’s lips. He added another but this time it caused an uncomfortable face to peer back at him. He paused for a moment, letting Bam’s skin stretch over him, and then he began to make scissor motions to prepare him.

When he felt that Bam was ready he removed his fingers and slowly began to replace them with his member. He was slow. Very slow. With every inch he pushed in he could see the pain in Bam’s face and the tears threaten to fall but not once did Bam complain. He simply bit his lip and took it.

“Are you okay, darling?” Ville asked, his entire self within Bam’s body.

“Fine.” Bam whimpered.

Ville’s green eyes were filled with concern but he slowly began to move in and out within Bam’s body. Bam let out a small scream as Ville’s movement tore open his entrance with each thrust but he still did not ask for him to stop. His heart almost broke at the cringing man beneath him but he kept his pace and soon the screams of pain stopped and screams of ecstasy began.

Bam’s eyes rolled into the back of his head and his body went limp in pleasure as Ville brushed over his sweet spot time and time again. It was amazing how after so much pain that so much pleasure could be brought to him. He entangled his fingers in Ville’s hair once more and begged for him to take him further, to give him all the love he could give. And Ville complied by thrusting Bam harder into the mattress below them.

Ville came within Bam with a cry of his name and collapsed gently on top of Bam who wrapped his arms around the Finn and held him close. “God, Bam, I love you…”

Bam buried his face into Ville’s shoulder and cried. “I love you, too, Ville.”
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