Running Away Into Your Eyes Blue-Chapter 4

Feb 09, 2006 20:43

I'm on a roll! Two updates in one day!

Title-Running Away Into Your Eyes Blue

Author- Kashoku_Yoshiko

Rating- PG-13 later NC-17 I'm sure

Pairing- Ville/Bam

Disclaimer: Don't own Bam/Ville/Jussi/Jyrki ect. ect...none of it's mine except story line, okay? NOT A PENNY OFF OF THIS!

Summary- Bam loses something dear to him when performing a stunt for Viva La Bam. Can Ville help Bam deal with his loss...and maybe find a lost love?

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3

The next two weeks were wonderful for Bam Margera. He could now make his way anywhere on the second floor without being guided by the feel of walls and objects. He concentrated on smells and sounds-especially sounds. Everyone was always so rowdy that was easy to pick up sounds and who they belonged to. Every day Ville had worked with him…Bam was so grateful to have the singer there for him. No one else would put up with him. Actually, he was surprised Ville put up with him. Several times when he had run into things he’d cuss up a storm and even yell at Ville but not once did the Finnish man get angry.

Bam was in his room, practicing simple skateboard tricks such as ollies, kickflips, and other flatland tricks that didn’t require visual aids to help him, when Ville knocked on the door.

“Yeah?” Bam asked, not looking up.

“Jenn is here to see you.” Ville said.

“Sweet, thanks man.” Bam said. He kicked his board to the side and put on his Element t-shirt. “Hey, Ville?”


“Sing me a song while we go down?”

Ville smiled. “Of course.” He knew the perfect one. “I see it in your eyes, I feel it in your touch, I taste it in your lips, and baby more I love you!”

“Asshole! Of course your smart ass would have to sing about eyes!” Bam said in an angry but playful tone. He began to chase Ville as he sang. Ville grinned as he continued to sing and walked briskly away from Bam, heading down the stairs. Bam paused as he heard Ville’s voice fade downwards and knew he was at the stairs. If he could just grab onto the railing…there! He took his first step down and the rest was a breeze as long as he held on to the rail. When he reached the final step he bumped into someone. By the smell of smoke he guessed it was Ville. “Hey, why did you stop?”

Ville was looking at Jenn. She was very uncomfortable looking, shifting her body weight constantly and had a look in her eyes. Ville knew that look well. He had seen it several times in his life and quite recently with Jonna…He stepped aside of Bam’s way. “Sorry…I’ll leave you two alone.” He didn’t go off far, though. Something told him Bam would need him soon after Jenn left.

“Hey, Bam.” Jenn said softly.

“Hey, sup?!” Bam asked. It was great to hear her voice…

“Can we talk for a second?”

“Yeah. Wanna sit?”

“No, I won’t be long.” Jenn said. She let out a small cough and straightened herself. “Bam, I don’t think this is going to work out. I mean…no offence but I can’t have a boyfriend whose…blind.”

Bam frowned. “And why not?”

“Well, think about it. I’d be made fun of for one and I don’t want to have to wait on you hand and foot.”

“I can take care of myself, thank you very much.” Bam said. His cheeks started to turn red in fury. Did Jenn really think he needed pity? He was Bam Margera…he took pity from no one.

“Forget it Bam. I’m moving on and you should too.” Jenn turned on her heal and made her way out of Castle Bam.

Bam’s fury all of a sudden turned to sadness. Did that really just happen? No…no no no. Jenn loved him, right? She had to. He was dreaming. This was all just a dream…But Ville’s Hand on his arm told him it wasn’t. Tears began to fall across his cheeks. Jenn never really loved him. It was probably for the stupid money. How could he be so blind-Oh the fucking irony!

“Bammie, it’s okay…let it all out.” Ville said in a whisper.

Bam immediately fell into Ville’s arms and cried into his chest.

“Dude, did ya hear?” Raab asked.

“Hear what?” Rake responded.

“Jenn just broke up with Bam!” Raab said. “Bam got really upset…He’s upstairs with Ville right now.”

“Vitun huora.” Jussi muttered.

“Why the hell did she go and do that?” Dunn asked in disbelief.

“Because he’s blind!” Raab said.

“Vitun huroa tunti kaksi.” Jussi snorted.

“That’s the most fucked up thing I’ve ever heard.” Dunn growled. He sat down on the leather couch with a huff and crossed his arms. “What are we going to do? We need to cheer him up…”

“Give him an axe and let him destroy Vito’s car.” Dico said.

“Yeah, but remember the golf tournament? Bam lost which means he can’t fuck with Vito’s cars anymore.” Raab said.

Dico laughed. “Who cares!? Since when has Bam ever kept a promise?”

“But how do we get Vito’s fat ass over here? He hasn’t been over since the accident.” Raab said.

“Tell him you’re having a cookout. Works every time.” Jussi suggested, puffing a ring of smoke into the air. “And the fact there is Finnish alcohol in the vicinity.”

“True. Vito can’t turn down beer.” Dico said.

“He still hasn’t figured out that every time we say that we never give him anything.” Dunn said with a laugh.

“Makes life so much easier when they are stupid.” Jussi grinned.

“Alright, so let’s get Don Vito’s fat ass over here!” Dunn said, taking out his cell phone.

When Bam finally came back to the real world, he felt safe. He had been haunted in his dreams over and over. He kept reaching out for Jenn but she just got further away with each step. But Ville got closer. His arms were wrapped securely around him and his chin rested on his brown curls. His breathing was slow and even indicating he was asleep. Bam snuggled closer to the Finnish man and let out a sigh of contentment.

His heart felt lighter.

Vitun huroa-Fucking whore

Vitun huroa tunti kaksi=Fucking whore times two
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