Running Away Into Your Eyes Blue-Chapter 8

Mar 07, 2006 21:30

Short but funny, I think! I got a lot of positive response on my Jussi/Jyrki fanfiction so I'm trying to please that audience along with this one! There may not be as many updates on this story for a while as I work on that one, but as soon as I catch up It'll most likely be alternating chapters, so keep a look out!

Title-Running Away Into Your Eyes Blue

Author- Kashoku_Yoshiko

Rating- PG-13 later NC-17 I'm sure

Pairing- Ville/Bam

Disclaimer: Don't own Bam/Ville/Jussi/Jyrki ect. ect...none of it's mine except story line, okay? NOT A PENNY OFF OF THIS!

Summary- Bam loses something dear to him when performing a stunt for Viva La Bam. Can Ville help Bam deal with his loss...and maybe find a lost love?

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

“So what should we do about Jenn?” Dunn asked.

The CKY crew, Ville, Jussi, Jyrki, April, and Phil were gathered in the main dining room. Ville was at the front in Bam’s throne in front of the heartagram emblem with Bam in his lap and holding his hand. He wore glasses over his blue eyes, attempting to keep the stares away from his blindness.

“I’ll gladly take care of her.” Jyrki grinned, his vampire teeth glistening. He had gotten permanent fangs placed in his mouth after all the talk of him being a true ‘Helsinki Vampire.’ Of course, he was highly infatuated with blood, especially Jussi’s.

“Well, I’m all for it. If anything you’ll scare the shit out of her enough she won’t bother us again.” Dunn said.

“Or she’ll call the police and have him arrested!” April protested. Always the cautious one.

“Even if Bam is able to master enough tricks before the contest it won’t stop her.” Jussi said.

“Maybe we can make a deal with her for money or something.” Phil suggested.

“She doesn’t want money, she wants the fame.” Ville added.

“Why don’t we have Vito sit on her? That would shut her up real quick.” Raab grinned.

“Oh, god, she’d probably suffocate.” April said.

“Good, then let’s go find Vito and tell him we have a ‘nice girl’ for him.” Bam said.

“Are you serious?” Dico laughed.

“Hells yeah.” Bam pulled his cell phone out of his pocket and flipped it open. “Hey, Jyrki, do you have handcuffs?”

Jyrki laughed. “Why, Bam, what kind of question is that?”

“Excellent. Go get them!”

“Jussi knows exactly where they are.” Jyrki smirked.

Jussi kicked off the wall he was leaning on and began walking away, completely ignoring the odd stares he was given as he left. Of course he knew where Jyrki’s handcuffs were. His lover had used them on him last night…

Bam dialed Vito’s number and waited for an answer. “Yo, Vito. Do you want a ‘nice girl’ that’s all your own?...Well I’ve got one for you. Get your fat ass over here…fine, bye.” He ended the call and began to dial another number.

“Who are you calling now?” Ville asked.

“Jenn.” Bam said. “Jenn. I’ve got your answer. Meet me at my house.” He flipped his cell phone shut without so much of a goodbye.

“Got them.” Jussi said, placing the handcuffs in Bam’s hands.

“Bam, you aren’t thinking what I think you are thinking, are you?” April asked, eyeing her son carefully.

“If you mean handcuffing Jenn to Vito, then hells yeah!” Bam grinned cheekily.

“Dude, that’s going to piss her off ten times as much!” Dico laughed.

“I know, but I figure there’s no other way around this so I might as well have some fun, right?” Bam nodded firmly.

Ville smiled and shook his head. “Bam Margera, you may have lost your sight but your stupidity still amazes me! I think it does even more so, now!”

“Well, Wille, that’s what I’m here for! I cause trouble and I’m good at it.” Bam hugged Ville closer to him and rested his head against soft dark curls.

“You know, we still didn’t solve the actual problem here.” Rake said, arms crossed.

“Eh, fuck it. We usually don’t when we have meetings like this.” Bam shrugged. “Right now we just need to prepare for Vito and Jenn’s arrival.”

“It shouldn’t be too hard. All you have to do is get Vito a beer, sit him down, then have us drag Jenn in here and handcuff ‘em before they even know what’s going on. As long as Vito has a beer in his hands he’ll never notice.” Dunn said.

“Good, then we do it.” Bam said.

April shook her head. “I’m not staying around for this…I’m really not. If you get arrested for this Bam, I’m not bailing you out.”

“Fine, I’ll just get Johnny to do it again.” Bam said, sticking his tongue out at April. Whether he was sticking it out in the right direction or not, he knew she saw.

After thirty minutes of waiting, they heard a door open and a “Yo!”

“Vito! Get your fat ass in here!” Bam said.

“Where’s my beers!? You promised me beers Bam and you better give me some!” Vito said, waddling into the dining room.

“We’ve got your beer right here, Vito!” Dunn said, holding up two bottles of Budweiser.

“Good, cause I was gonna get all pissed if you didn’t have my beers.” Vito snatched the Bud out of Dunn’s hand and popped the top with his bare hands. Sitting down on one of the chairs he began to drink. Not long after Vito finished his first bottle Jenn’s form appeared in the doorway. “Yo! Bam, you’re ex-girlfriend is here!”

Jenn rolled her eyes. “Disgusting pig.”

“Yos, Bam, your ex-girlfiend’s not very nice.” Vito said, opening a new beer bottle.

“You don’t think so, Vito?” Bam asked.

“Nos, I don’t. She’s mean.”

“Too bad, cause you’re going to be spending a lot of time with her.” Bam grinned.

Raab quickly ran over and latched one side of the handcuffs to Vito’s wrist while Dico, Rake, and Dunn grabbed Jenn and hauled her over to Vito, handcuffing the other half to her wrist.

“YO! BAM!” Vito said in anger.

“What the HELL is this!?” Jenn screamed. “Get this filthy piece of shit OFF of me!”

“It’s kind of hard to get rid of yourself, isn’t it Jenn?” Bam grinned. He felt around Ville’s face gently and kissed him on the lips to provoke the mad woman even more.

Jenn growled in frustration. “Bam Margera, you will PAY for this!”

“Yeah, yeah, whatever.” Bam flicked Jenn off and went back to kissing Ville as the Finnish continued to cradle him in his lap, running hands underneath clothing and along skin.

“Vito, now you’ve got a nice girl stuck to you! Might as well make use of that, right?” Dunn said, trying to annoy Jenn even more.

Vito reached out and pulled Jenn into his lap and grinned, but Jenn pushed herself off of him quickly, despite the fact she couldn’t go very far. Her pale skin was red in fury and her eyes would kill if they could.

“Get your fat ass up and get me out of here!” Jenn demanded of the obese Margera.

“Not until I finish my beers!” Vito said, taking his third bottle.

“Guess you’re stuck here!” Bam grinned. He hopped out of Ville’s lap and tugged on his sleeve. “Let’s go.”

“Where are you going?” Raab asked.

“To have sex!” Bam said as he headed up the stairs with Ville.

“Hey, I don’t want to hear what I heard last night so keep it down you assholes!” Dunn shouted before they made it into the room.

“That was THEM!? I thought that was just Rake snoring! Ew!” Raab said making a disgusted face.

“That’s disgusting!” Rake said, insulted by Raab’s comment.

“Whatever, I’m outta here. Have fun, Jenn.” Dunn took an empty beer bottle and smashed it on Jenn’s head as he walked out, followed by Rake and Raab, leaving the room empty save Vito and Jenn.

Jenn clenched her fists and jaw tightly. Bam Margera would pay dearly for this mistake, even if it was with his life. She would not be humiliated in this manner.


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