Running Away Into Your Eyes Blue-Chapter 9

Mar 12, 2006 17:35

Title-Running Away Into Your Eyes Blue

Author- Kashoku_Yoshiko

Rating- R-NC-17

Pairing- Ville/Bam and Jussi/Jyrki

Disclaimer: Don't own Bam/Ville/Jussi/Jyrki ect. ect...none of it's mine except story line, okay? NOT A PENNY OFF OF THIS!

Summary- Bam loses something dear to him when performing a stunt for Viva La Bam. Can Ville help Bam deal with his loss...and maybe find a lost love?

Previous Chapters behind the cut!

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Bam Margera clung to his board nervously. He was biting his lip so hard that it was drawing blood. He was bouncing up and down on his toes. It was quite apparent he was jittery.

“Bam, if you don’t calm down you’re going to wipe out before you even get on the ramp.” Ville said with a sigh.

“That’s not even funny!” Bam protested. “I don’t think I can do this! I can’t do this! I know I can’t!”

Ville groaned inwardly. This was at least the 20th time he and Bam had had this conversation since arriving at the demo an hour ago. “Yes, you can. You have been practicing a lot and have done really well.”

“Only with you standing at the top of the ramp singing to me!” Bam said.

“Then I’ll stand on the ramp and sing to you!” Ville said. “If my voice is what helps to guide you then of course I’ll help you, Bammie. We’re going to pull through this and prove Jenn wrong.”

Bam sighed and nodded. “Thanks, Ville, for helping me through this.”

Ville wrapped his arms around Bam and placed his chin on the dip of his shoulder. “Anytime, Bammie. You know I love you.”

Bam smiled. “I know, Wille, I know.” There was a comfortable silence between the two for several minutes until Bam spoke up again. “Is Jenn still attached to Vito?”

“When I talked to Dunn this morning she was.” Ville said.

Bam grinned. “I wish I could see it.”

Ville’s smile faded and he hugged Bam closer. “I’ll take pictures.”

“Ville, I can’t see. That means no pictures either.”

“The doctor said it might return someday.” Ville mentioned.

“But he also said it was highly unlikely to happen.” Bam added.

“Bam, if there is one thing about you that I know is that the most unlikely things happen to you.” Ville placed a kiss on Bam’s lips and pushed him forward. “Now, come on, it’s time for you to show that crowd just what Bam Margera is all about.”

Bam took a deep breath and nodded. “Lead the way.” He had grown very good at being able to follow people’s voices, so he no longer required a guiding hand. If he knew the person’s height well enough, he could look directly into their eyes like a normal person, but so far he could only do that with the people living at Castle Bam. But it was progress. He still had issues with the god damn dinner plates. He hated when they wouldn’t tell him what was on it, and he’d take a bite and find out it was something he hated. Assholes. They so did it on purpose.

“Alright, everybody! It’s the moment you’ve been waiting for…Bam Margera!”

Bam took a deep breath and readied his board for the drop in. He turned his head, hoping that Ville was there. He was answered by his lover’s deep voice.

“You can do it.” Ville reassured him. “Any preferences as to songs?”

Bam thought about it for a moment. “Surprise me.” And he did his drop in which set the crowd on fire. As Ville’s singing began and the crowd’s cheers continued, his adrenaline went up. His world was no longer veiled in black. He could see the crowd. He could see the ramp. He could see everything as if it were really there. Today was no different then any other skating demo. He was just blindfolded.

Bam fell, but only once. He took that as a good sign. As Bam went to finish the demo with his final trick, the one he had been worried about, he concentrated only on Ville’s voice.

“You’ll be right here in my arms so in love…” Ville’s voice sang softly, but just enough for Bam to be able to hear him.

Bam closed his eyes and shut out everything around him. He bent his knees low and lifted his body into the air along with his board. When he felt his body land back on the ramp, board still beneath him, his heart stopped. There was but a fraction of a second of silence and then a loud cheer. Bam stepped off his board with the biggest, cheekiest grin under the existence of the earth. He felt a pair of arms wrap around him and he knew they were Ville’s.

“I’m so proud of you, Bammie.”

“Oh, please! You think you are all high and mighty, don’t you Bam?” The crowd silenced.

Bam bit his lip. Of course she would have to ruin all his glory wouldn’t she. He heard no trail of Vito so the criminal must have escaped from her prison. Bam pushed Ville gently off of him and faced in the general direction of the voice.

“Bam Margera is a blind freak,” Jenn continued. “He probably doesn’t even know what the hell he is wearing let alone the board in his hands or the ramp in front of him.”

Hey, that was true. He had no fucking clue what he was wearing. Oh shit, he better not have been wearing that-Bam, get your head back on track here!

“Is it true?” One of the fans from behind the fence barrier asked.

Bam knew everyone was waiting for a response. He swallowed hard.

“Bammie, you don’t have to answer.” Ville whispered.

“No, I’m not gonna run from this.” Bam sighed. “Yeah, it’s true. I’m blind, alright? It happened a month ago due to my usual stupidity.” There was a gasp. “But you know what, Jenn? I don’t care if you tell the whole world about it, because I nailed all but one trick out there on the half-pipe and I consider that damn good progress and I’m happy with myself and no one, not even you, can take that away from me.”

Silence. Bam’s heart felt like it was about to rip through his chest it was pounding so hard. But then there was a cheer louder than any that was given to him during the demo. What the…?

“Bam is even cooler than before!” A young boy cheered. “He can skate while blind!”

“I wanna be blind!”

“Let’s go board blindfolded!”


All the fans that had come immediately rushed out. Ville chuckled behind Bam. “Bammie, dear, you shouldn’t influence the children in such ways.”

Bam couldn’t speak. Well fuck. That wasn’t how he expected things to turn out. A small smile crept up on his lips.

Jenn clenched her fists, digging her fake nails into the skin. “Bam Margera don’t think this is over yet! It is FAR from over!”

“Oh fuck off, Jenn! I’ve proved your sorry ass wrong and your plan back fired. Go find someone else to bother.” He flicked her off and turned his back to her, letting Ville wrap his arms around him and walk him to the car.

It was time to get drunk off his ass in celebration.


I know it's short, but it seemed appropriate where I left off. Jenn is the bad guy and will progess to be an even bigger one...Now, I'm sure Jenn is nothing like this in real life, but I need a bad guy and she's my target, so, to quote MTV "But hey, what can you do?"
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