New Chapter!!

Jan 25, 2006 00:12

And I'm back with a new chapter!! I still can't believe to support I'm getting on this story. I'm blown away by it. God I love you guys *hugs* LoL! Well, why wait. Here it is! ENJOY!! *smiles*

Title: Between Reality and Dreams
Paring: Vam (of course)
Summary: When something goes wrong, one might not know the difference between reality and dreams.
Disclaimer: Don't own them, unless there is something I do not know. And never happened

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Bam quickly lost himself in his thoughts again as he tried to think about the night before. A frown found his lips as he gaze fell to the floor. “I can’t remember.” his answer left his lips in an almost whisper.

Chapter 7

As he continued to stare at the carpet in silence, he felt a pair of arms slowly wrap themselves around his body. “Don’t worry love.” Ville’s gentle voice reached his ears next. “Come. Breakfast is ready.” he added in the same gentle manner as he pulled himself from the hug.

“Right. Breakfast.” Bam mumbled softly as he found himself following behind Ville.

“Besides, I think there is someone out there waiting for an apology.” Ville stated as he glanced over his shoulder at the brunette.

“Who?” Bam asked, slightly confused at Ville’s words.

Ville couldn’t help but chuckle softly at the way Bam was acting. “Riley, dear. You gave her a good fright when you woke up.” he answered as he stepped out of the hallway and into the kitchen. “Riley Lynn.” he stated sternly as he came to a complete stop. Halfway across the top of the kitchen table was the young girl.

The small brunette froze her actions as she heard the stern voice of her father. Before she could think of any words to say, her bottom lip slowly began to push out into a pout.

“Oh no you don’t. You can’t pull that one on me.” Ville laughed as he reached over the table and easily grabbed the little girl within his arms. She let out a squeal as he began to tickle her within his arms.

Bam stood at the entrance of the kitchen, watching the scene unfold in front of him. He was completely lost. Maybe this whole thing was a dream and he just couldn’t get himself to wake up from it, but everything felt so real. The way Ville interacted with the little girl. The way Ville acted towards him. Stopping on that thought, he began to think about Ville’s reaction towards him in the bedroom. He had always called him ‘love’ and ‘dear’, but he called everyone that. Yet, somehow it felt different now.


Two days had passed since the accident between the two brothers. Everyone that had been at the hospital had now left, except for Ville, Ape and Phil. The whole time there, Ville had never left Bam’s room. A reason he could not explain to himself on why he couldn’t pull himself out of the room. Ape and Phil had taken their turns leaving the hospital and coming back, but this time they were able to leave with a third member; Jess. Since he was showing no signs of other problems, the doctors were allowing him to go home.

Ville had been sitting in the same chair as before when he heard a soft knock at the already open door. Turning his head towards the door, he took in the figure that looked like Jess. This was the first time he had seen the drummer in a while since every time he had visited Bam, Jess was always touring with his band. “How is he doing?” Jess’s voice questioned, bringing him out of his own thoughts.

Shaking his head softly, Ville removed his gaze from Jess and brought them over to the pale skateboarder. “Breathing.” Ville answered with a sigh. He really had no answer to give Jess. Jess had understood Ville’s word as he stepped into the room. “How are you holding up?” Ville asked kindly as he heard Jess step next to him.

Jess looked down at his cast wrapped wrist. “I’ll be fine. It’ll heal.” he answered in a mumble. Silence then fell between the two of them. “Why don’t you come back to the house for a little bit?” he suggested as he kept his eyes on his brother’s still form. “April told me you haven’t left my brothers side once.” he added before Ville could put a word in.

Ville sigh aloud as he thought of a way to refuse the offer. “I don’t think I-”

“Just come back and refresh yourself a little.” Jess suggested, interrupting Ville’s sentence. No matter how much Ville was going to protest against the offer, he wasn’t going to leave without the man.

After a couple seconds of silence, Ville knew he was defeated. “Alright. I’ll come with.” he replied softly, finally accepting the offer. As Jess left the room, Ville slowly started to climb out of the uncomfortable chair that he had been slowly started to get use too. Standing up straight next to the bed, he softly placed his left hand on Bam’s forehead. Pushing a few strands that had fell onto his face away, he slowly inched forward until he was inches away. “I’ll be back in a little bit.” he whispered before he carefully placed his lips upon Bam’s forehead. Pulling away, he stepped away from the bed and towards the door. Grabbing his bag on the way out, he left the room to be greeted by three friendly faces. Only nodding his head to show that he was ready, he silently followed them out of the hospital.

So, whatcha think? Like? Love? Hate? Boring? I must say it took me a long time to get this chapter out. I don't know why though. I easily wrote out three last night. *frowns* Oh well. Tell me whatcha thought! I always love feedback and opinions! *gives out hugs*


P.S (lol) I just remembered something. I need a character and if one of you are willing to be that person I will ask one thing from you. If you want, the first person that can point out the two clues I used in Bam's part in Chapter 6 will get the part. What clues, you ask. The two clues I use that connect Bam to the car accident. If not, that's okay! *smiles and gives more hugs*
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