New Fic - Chapter 4

Jan 23, 2006 22:33

Wow, I can't believe how many people are enjoying this.*smiles* Well here's another chapter to enjoy.

Title: Between Reality and Dreams
Paring: Vam (of course)
Summary: When something goes wrong, one might not know the difference between reality and dreams.
Disclaimer: Don't own them, unless there is something I do not know. And never happened.

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3

Chapter 4

He was a wreck and he knew it. Staring out the window, he silently watched as parts of West Chester passed on by. He soon got lost in his mind as he recapped the past couple of hours. Not once on the plane was he able to get an ounce of sleep, so not only was he worried about his friend but he was also tired as hell. All he wanted to do was find out what happened and then by the end of the day take Bam home.

As the minutes continued to pass on, the parking lot of the hospital finally came into view. So sitting himself upright, he reached for his bag that he had sitting at his feet. The driver came to a stop in front of the main doors, where usually drop-offs or pick-ups were made. Feeling the car come to a stop, he reached to his back pocket and pulled out his wallet. After paying for the ride, Ville stepped out of the car. With a quick stretch of his body, he looked up at the building that stood in front of him. He never did like these places, but it wasn’t the first time he had been to this one in particular. With having a crazy skateboarder as a friend, you were bound to be visiting them in the hospital at least once a month.

Taking a deep breath, he gripped tightly onto his bag before entering the hospital. Trying to remember where everything was, Ville made his way to the waiting room. As the room inched closer, he was able to make out soft conversations, but nothing to big. Turning the corner, he stepped into the waiting room and saw everyone that was in there. Looking at their faces, he knew something was wrong and that someone was missing. Where was Jess?

“Ville!?” Ape’s voice said, breaking all of his thoughts. “What are you doing here?” she questioned softly as her voice became closer.

Looking to his left, he noticed Bam’s mother making her way over to him. “Dunn gave me a call, and here I am.” Ville answered with a small shrug of his shoulders. He guessed it was a little surprising for him to be there. He did just up and leave Finland because his friend was in the hospital, while not even knowing the condition he was in.

“So you just up and left Finland?” Ape questioned carefully as she now stood in front of his taller frame. All he could do was get himself to nod his head in reply. A soft squeal reached his ears as he instantly felt weight to the front side of his body. It took him a second to realize Ape had thrown her arms around him. “You are such a good friend to my son.” she whispered into his shoulder, where she had been burying her face within.

Not saying a word, Ville dropped his bag before slowly wrapping his arms around her as well, returning the hug. “How is he?” Ville asked carefully as the two pulled from the hug.

So, whatcha think? Like? Love? Hate? Any opinions or suggestions? LoL! I think I ask that everytime I post a new chapter, but I need too know. *winks* If you get sick of reading it, just tell me....I'll stop. Habits, I tell ya. Anyway, I know these chapters have been short (compared to my last story) but just give it a little time and they'll get longer. I promise. Oh and as alatariel3 pointed out, Yes every chapter I have put them in different P.O.V's (so no more confusion for anyone else) I tend to do that so it's not stuck on just one person. *smiles* Now Feedback please! *HUGS*

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