Chapter 1

Jan 20, 2006 01:22

Wow, a Prologue and a Chapter one in one night. I must be talented or something. *winks* Well the title says it all. Read and Enjoy!! Because now I have to force myself to sleep. I just remembered that I have to work in 5 hours(LoL).

Title: Between Reality and Dreams
Paring: Vam (of course)
Summary: When something goes wrong, one might not know the difference between reality and dreams.
Disclaimer: Don't own them, unless there is something I do not know. And never happened.


Chapter 1

Chugging the last of his beer, he slammed the empty bottle onto the countertop. He did not care at the time being. The only thing he wanted to do was continue to fill his body up with alcohol. Every now and then he would hear his friends protest in how much he was drinking, but he just ignored their concern. While they continued to wonder why their friend was drinking so much, and heavily at that, he remained quiet.

Grabbing the new beer that was set in front of him, by the bartender, he pushed himself out of his chair. As he stumbled slight to keep himself in an upright position, he began to make his way to the dance floor. While he made his way through the people, he never noticed the eyes that continued to watch his every move.

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen him like this.” a concerned Dico stated over the music, for the others around him to hear. “Well I’ve seen him drink a lot, but not like this.” he added, putting in more explanation to his words.

“Do you think it involves Jenn in anyway possible? I mean, she hasn’t been at his house for a couple days now.” Dunn questioned, as he stated an obvious fact among Castle Bam.

“Maybe we should get him home.” Raab suggested as he watched his friend grind with some random girl on the dance floor.

Dunn shook his head in reply as he also watched his friend. “I agree. Or our friend out there might regret himself in the morning.” he said as he watched his friend make an attempt at hitting on the girl his was dancing with. And by the looks of it, it was working. The others around him slightly agreed. “So who’s had the least to drink tonight?” he questioned as he looked back over at the others. They remained quiet as they began to think about how many drinks they’ve had. “Alright. I take that as no one.” Dunn sighed as he reached into his pocket. Pulling out his cellphone, he quickly dialed a number he knew by heart. “Hey Jess, we need your help.”


Ignoring the man behind him that continued to protest, Dunn walked with Jess to his car. “I really don’t know what has come over him.” he said as he glanced at the taller man.

“Don’t worry. I’ll get him home.” Jess said as he glanced over his shoulder at his younger brother, who was being supported by both Dico and Raab. The walk finally ended as they reached his car. Unlocking the passenger door, he pulled it open and stepped back. After a little struggle, Dico and Raab managed to get Bam into the car and buckled in. After a few thanks from the guys, Jess had closed the door. “Well I’ll see you guys later? We can probably torture Bam and his painful hangover in the morning.” he joked before saying his goodbyes.

Watching the three walk back into the building, Jess stepped around the car and climbed into it. As he pulled his seat belt on, he looked over at his brother. He honestly didn’t know either on why his brother was acting the way he was, but he wasn’t about to question him about it. After knowing this man for the past 26 years, he knew where his boundaries were. Starting the car, he soon pulled out of the parking and was heading back home. The ride was silent, except for the occasional mumbling coming from his brother.

Sighing softly, he began to think of reasons that could make his brother act like this. He truthfully didn’t like it when his brother was in this kind of situation. Sighing again, he put his attention back on the road. However, that wasn’t enough. It never gave him enough reaction time to the car coming in fast on his right. Trying to avoid the impact, he failed as he felt himself jerk to the left; slamming his body into the door and his head into the window. At the same time, he felt the car tilt in the same direction that he was leaning. The sound of glass breaking met the sound of metal crunching. Before he knew it, the car had rolled off of the road and landed on the roof of the car.

Groaning in pain as the car came to a stop, he tried to look over at his brother. The person had received a full on blow to the impact. He barely was able to make out his brother’s form as his vision started to blur. “Bam.” he whispered but all his strength left him and he soon met complete darkness.

There it was! *points above* So, what did you think? Hate it? Like it? Love it? God, feedback please. It's killing me to know what you guys thought!! LoL. I really need to lay off the sugar. *HUGS*

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