New Story, right here. *points to post*

Jan 19, 2006 23:45

*Starts to dance around* That's right! I gotz a new one! I don't even remember how this idea came to me, but I hope it's one you guys like. It's a short post, only because it's the Prologue. It's the idea of the story, but you won't know how long into the story the prologue takes place *sticks tongue out* HAHA! Ok, I'm calming down. But please read this! *hugs everyone that does and doens't read this*

Title: Between Reality and Dreams
Paring: Vam (of course)
Summary: When something goes wrong, one might not know the difference between reality and dreams.
Disclaimer: Don't own them, unless there is something I do not know. And never happened.


The only sound he could hear within the silent room was the constant steady beeping around him. For the longest time he had been sitting in a extremely uncomfortable chair, but he did not care. The chair had been pulled as close to the bed as possible, and he had his arms resting on the bed in front of him. His arms were only on the bed because of the hand he was holding that was laying on top of that bed. Barely he could make out an audible sound of soft breathing.

He tried to rack his brain on a reason to what was going on. To what had brought him here in the first place, but he couldn’t. Only because at the same time his mind was trying to recollect all of things that had happened in the last almost a full days worth of hours. Starting at a phone call and ending at the doctors words.

Starting from the pale finger that were interlocked with his own, he trailed his eyes up the pale arm until they landed on the face of his best friend. A once tan complexion, was now pale from the lack of blood. He did not know how this had happened, but he did know the results that it had put his friend in. Sighing softly, he lowered his head and placed it on the cool sheets.

As he sat within the hospital room, he never thought of the impact this whole ordeal would have on his life. He never thought about the changes that the people around them were going to have as well. Not one person ever thought about how one incident could change even the slightest feeling one could have towards another.

Well, what do you think? If I can get at least one comment before the night is over with, I might do chapter one. But then again, not everyone is an insomniac like myself. Anywhatwho, feedback please! I need too know what you all think of my new story so far.

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