Fic: Family Reunion 7/8

Jan 10, 2009 11:53

Title: It's Not So Much Cake (Family Reunion 7/8)
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: Cain, DG, Jareth and Sarah (mention of Glitch, Raw, the Queen and the Longcoats)
Rating: G
Summary: Cain and DG head back to the Zone [technically, it's more like Part Eight... but you'll take what you get, yes? ;)] *for moony_blues
Warning: Crack, crack and more crack. Oh, and did I mention the CRACK?! o.O *Written for tinman100's Challenge 18. LONG LIVE tinman100!!
Disclaimer: The original characters belong to L. Frank Baum and their respective actors. The current characters belong to Sci-Fi, the movie folks and their respective actors. The Labyrinth and Sarah belongs to Jareth, who's borrowing it -and the knockers- from Jim Henson, George Lucas and Terry Gilliam. The OCs are mine. The idea came from buffybot76.

Family Reunion: Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven | Part Eight | When Is a Door Not a Door? | Two Cains are Crankier Than One
Kans-Az: First Meeting | Azkadellia's First Barbeque | Laundry | Bar Queen

"We really should be getting you back home, DG. Your mother will worry," Cain said in that tone. DG and Jareth both rolled their eyes, noting that there was a "dad" in the room.

"But we'll see you again?" Sarah asked, hoping the answer would be yes. In the few hours she'd been in DG's company, Sarah had found a friend and -good God- someone to talk to that might actually understand half of what she said.

DG nodded, ignoring the hemming and hawing from Cain. "Absolutely," she stated. Cain reached over and grabbed her elbow.

"Let's get movin', Kiddo."


"So," DG asked as Cain skirted along the edge of the stone walls, his hand running along the bricks as he waited for the hole. "When can we come back? Or are you gonna dump me back home and then hightail it back here?" she snapped.

"You need to be with your family right now, Kid. You don't need to be worrying about me." DG grumbled as Cain stopped and turned to his left. DG watched for a second as he stared at the wall, sighed and then turned.

"Promise me you won't come in here alone and we'll see."


"And I don't mean 'bring Glitch or Raw'," he added a moment later, seeing that the wheels in DG's head were turning.

"You mean only come in here with you," she stated more than asked. Cain nodded.

"It's not safe, DG. Last thing we need is you getting lost in here," he said, waving to the tall walls.

DG glanced side-to-side and shrugged. "How can you get lost in this? 's a piece of cake, Cain," she trailed off as Cain stepped into the wall. Cain waved her forward and DG gave him a look.

"Piece of cake? ...We'll see..."


As the stone wall became a hedge, DG had given up arguing with Cain about why she couldn't come to this side alone. Between magic walls and eyeball bushes and the parrot-things... Maybe it would make more sense if she was baked. The stories he told her as they walked didn't help either.

"Why don't you just drop all the Longcoats here, then?" she asked, waving to the maze behind them. "Let 'em get lost and all and sit back and laugh..."

On one hand, Cain was impressed by the idea. On the other... kinda scared of DG.

"We'll see."

series: family reunion/kans-az, fic: labyrinth, ~challenge, .tinman100, ~drabble, ~crossover, fic: tin man

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