Fic: Two Cains are Crankier Than One

May 08, 2010 15:53

Title: Two Cains are Crankier Than One
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters: Cain and Jareth (mention of DG and Sarah)
Rating: G
Summary: Neither brother wants anything to do with Other Side holiday traditions.
Warning: post-series *Written for moony_blues, care of demilos_wagon.
Disclaimer: The original characters belong to L. Frank Baum and their respective actors. The current characters belong to Sci-Fi, the movie folks and their respective actors. The OCs are mine.

Family Reunion: Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven | Part Eight | When Is a Door Not a Door? | Two Cains are Crankier Than One
Kans-Az: First Meeting | Azkadellia's First Barbeque | Laundry | Bar Queen

"No!" Jareth shouted - actually shouted - and spun around with a flourish before moving over to his throne and dropping rather dramatically into the seat. In the middle the room, just at the edge of the sunken floor, stood Wyatt Cain; hands on his hips, one eye closed and his chin nearly touching his chest.

With a huff, Jareth looked up to his brother and waved a hand. "I already agreed to attend this foolish gathering." Wyatt said nothing. Sarah and DG had goaded both of them into the Christmas party, not that either Cain knew what that was. Well, Jareth had more of a clue, as Sarah had pushed many of her "traditions" on him over the years.

"Look," Cain said with a heavy sigh, "just go with it. You'll be miserable, I'll be miserable." Jareth looked up, but Cain continued: "DG will be happy, Sarah will be happy. Therefore," Cain said slowly, then pointed between them, "we'll be happy." Cain raised his hands slightly and nodded once.

Jareth rolled his eyes and let his head fall back in defeat. "Fine," he groaned. "It's not like we can shove them in an oubliette, anyway," he mumbled. "Sarah knows how to get out." Pushing himself up, Jareth moved quickly back to his brother's side and held out a hand. Wyatt said nothing as he held up the small, velvet bag.

Jareth reached into the bag and pulled out a slip of paper. Eyeing it, Jareth gave his older brother a sarcastic smile and help up the paper. "Well, it won't be much of a secret, but at least I'll know I liked what I got myself."

Wyatt rolled his eyes and snatched the paper from Jareth's hand. "That's cheating. Come on," he demanded, holding up the velvet bag again.

"Killjoy," Jareth grumbled and reached for another name.

"Pain in the ass," Cain replied with a smirk

"Had a good teacher," Jareth replied with a wink.

series: family reunion/kans-az, .demilos_wagon, fic: labyrinth, ~challenge, fic: tin man

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