Fic: Don't Touch the Shimmery Liquid 12/12

Apr 20, 2008 13:12

Title: Don't Touch the Shimmery Liquid 12/12
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: DG, Cain, the Warden, Jeb, Ahamo, the Queen, Glitch, Az and Raw
Rating: PG
Summary: If you don't know what something is, keep your hands OUT OF IT!
Warning: post-series *inspired by (but not so much an answer to) impish_dragon's bunny.
Disclaimer: The original characters belong to L. Frank Baum and their respective actors. The current characters belong to Sci-Fi, the movie folks and their respective actors. The Warden is mine. But you can have her. She scares me.

My thanks to you all for brow-beating me. This was fun. Would you be surprised if I told you there was also a Shimmery Mix. Naw, didn't think so ;)

Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven | Part Eight | Part Nine | Part Ten | Part Eleven | Part Twelve
More Tales: the first tale | the second tale | the third tale | the fourth tale | the fifth tale

DG was halfway through her generic soap opera plot description when Little Voice-Az began screaming for her to shut up.

'For the love of God! Wyatt Cain is lying on top of you, half-naked and ready to do probably everything you’ve been imagining for months! And you’re talking about sweaty guys in spandex?!' The voice stopped for just a moment and jumped back in with: 'Just don’t make the oven jok-'

DG was rather intrigued that her brain could be telling her one thing, yet she was doing the complete opposite, as she heard herself ask about the oven. But people react to situations differently, and if she happened to ramble when nervous-

'Shut up!'

“Princess,” Cain said, catching her attention. DG blinked and looked up into those blue eyes of his and felt her insides go all tingly. He didn’t look angry, but he had that ‘Wyatt Cain’-look. He sighed and DG saw the slightest hint of a smile. “Ess-tee-eff-you.”

'Go, Cain.'

She was amazed - not that he said it to her, but that he knew what it meant. She assumed. Her head tilted and she blinked. “Did you just tell me to-”

“Yeah. And now, I’m gonna show you my submission move,” he said with a smirk.



'You could have been just a bit nicer.'

'Shut up,' Wyatt told his own voice as he kissed DG intensely.

'I’m just sayin’... let’s think about the last time you did this. You really think she’s done this before? She’s pro’ly more twitchy than DeMilo on inspection day.' Cain groaned - directed to his little internal conference. The feeling of DG’s hands on his waist, however, made him forget that he was going to smack Glitch when they next saw each other. The last thing he needed - especially in this position - was the headcase rambling inside his head.

Even if he did have a point about DG and nerves.

'I heard that.'


The Warden glanced at the clock once again and grumbled. It was well past the set breakfast hour and she hadn’t seen head nor tail of the Princess or her ‘husband.’ She had met him at the door earlier that morning and was rather glad to see him.

Not that she’d admit it.

But two months of the current Princess DG was driving her to want to start drinking. Not that she was looking forward to the return of the tag team and their... antics. But she was glad to see him.

She would give them five more minutes.

An hour later, she reached for the door handle and pushed into the royal chambers. Glancing up as she cleared the door frame, her eyes rolled as it looked like a travel storm had hit the room. She did a slight double-take at the sight of Cain and DG, fast asleep and in each other’s arms. Pursing her lips, the Warden turned and left the room, pulling the door shut behind her.

As she walked down the hall, deciding on a late lunch, a smile spread across her face.


DG yawned and turned her head into her pillow - which was currently Cain - and opened her eyes. Turning her head toward Cain, she smiled and he opened one eye. Dropping her head back to his chest, DG sighed and rested her chin on his breastbone and reached up to run her fingers along his jawline. She figured that the stubble would be itchy, but in true Cain-fashion: Perfect.

Cain smiled and caught her hand in his. Giving the ring another glance, he pulled her hand close and indicated the ring. “Why didn’t you tell me it didn’t-” DG turned her head so that her cheek was now resting where her chin had been and then pushed herself up so she could get within kissing range.

“I didn’t know,” she said sheepishly. “I had it on the chain,” she said with a motion to her neck. Cain blinked; he knew she’d always had something around her neck, but it never occurred to him to ask. “And you said that it was not... and you don’t wear jewelry when you’re workin’ on a bike and...” She took a deep breath and shrugged. “I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable.”

Cain smiled and pulled her hand up to his lips. “We could get it fixed,” he said as if he didn’t really care either way. “Unless you want to-” he finished the sentence by tracing the path of the chain lightly against her neck. DG sucked in a breath and narrowed her eyes, which made him smile.

“We should really get out of bed,” he said a moment later, stretching slightly. DG groaned and let her full body weight collapse onto Cain.

“No... let the Warden enjoy her last day of freedom.” Cain laughed. “Seriously,” DG said with a straight face. “She’s had two months of peace and quiet and, now that my wingman is back from the other side of the Zone,” she said with a wicked grin. “We can raise a little Cain.”

Cain’s eyebrow shot up. “Excuse me?” he asked with a surprised laugh.

'Excuse me?!'

DG’s brow furrowed as she tried to figure out what was so funny. A moment later, her eyes went wide and her head dropped to Cain’s chest. Pulling her hand from Cain’s, DG covered her face and groaned. “I just made the Bible dirty.” Cain had nothing to respond with but a snort. He was still trying to process that sentence coming out of her mouth.

DG looked up a moment later and nodded. “It’s a story from the Other Side,” she started, assuming that the book hadn’t transferred over with all the other similar concepts between the sides. “About these two brothers: Cain and Abel.” Cain’s eyebrows went up a little. “Ironically, you,” she pointed to Cain’s chest. “Are so Abel, it isn’t funny.” Cain’s eyebrow went up again and he tried not to smirk.

DG frowned and rolled her eyes as she sighed deeply. “I’ve got an express pass to Hell,” she mumbled into Cain’s chest, having dropped her head in defeat. Cain snorted again and jumped when DG pinched his side. In a swift move, he had his arms around her and sat up.

“Come on, Princess. We need to get this day started.” DG was about to protest when Cain slid over to the edge of the bed and stood up - still holding on to her - and moved across the room toward the bathroom. Shocked as she was that Cain was carrying her - both of them buck naked - around like it was an everyday chore, the only thing she could say was:

“Hope no one’s lookin’ in the windows.” Cain laughed and set her down next to the tub. He turned away and twisted the knobs on the faucet, giving DG time to blush at the sight of his backside. And then, all of a sudden, DG realized that she was standing in the bathroom with Cain.


As she moved for a towel, she could hear Az, plain-as-day: 'You just did all that, and now you’re shy?!'

Cain turned at the movement in the corner of his eye and watched as DG wrapped the towel around herself. She knew his eyes were on her and she shrugged. “It’s cold!” Which, it was... Cain shook his head and looked back to the tub. A moment later, he had stepped over to DG and took her hand in his. “Wha-” she asked as he slipped the ring off her finger.

“Honored as I am,” he said with that smile. “I don’t want to see you lose it down the drain.” DG smiled as well and wrapped her arms around his neck as Cain set the ring on the counter and pulled the towel free. DG laughed as Cain picked her up again and carried her back to the tub.

“Who are you and what have you done with my stick-up-the-ass Tin Man?” she asked as Cain dropped her into the water. “Holy! Hot enough for ya?” DG screeched. Cain shrugged and slipped into the tub with a sigh. He reached for a bar of soap, dunked himself and did a double-take when he saw the look on DG’s face.

“What?” he asked, wiping at his eyes. DG shook her head and leaned against the side of the tub.

“We’re takin’ a bath.” Cain smiled and looked at the bar of soap.

“Yeah.” He tried to fight the grin and looked up to DG, barely holding a straight face. “What’d you think we were doing?” DG shook her head, but wouldn’t look at him. Cain set the soap back in its tray and moved over to DG. Narrowing his eyes slightly, he stared at her until she looked at him. “What kind of things do they teach you over there?”

DG made a face and came back with: “No matter how physically impossible something actually is,” she said with a pointed finger. “Anything is possible in the movies,” she finished with a nod. Cain raised an eyebrow and gave her a half-smile.

“While that is physically possible...” he nodded to the water. “No.” DG made another face and Cain’s arm went around her.

“Don’t you dare!” Cain smirked and DG had enough sense to hold her breath as Cain dunked her.


Life was finally back to normal at Finaqua - though DG was slightly disappointed that the Warden seemed to be taking her torture with a smile.

“I think she knows,” DG said one afternoon, while she and Cain were in the ballroom, practicing the waltz.


“Knows what?” Cain asked, moving DG’s hand up his shoulder an inch.


“That, y’know,” she said making a face. Cain breathed a laugh and nodded twice to DG before leading her backwards. “This would be so much easier with music,” DG stated a minute later. “You sure there’s no- Not even an eight-track player?” Cain leaned forward and pressed a kiss to her forehead.

“You’re doing fine,” he said quietly as he reached for her hand and moved it up his shoulder an inch.



A month later, DG and Cain finally returned to Central City. DG’s suspicions had been confirmed five minutes before the car pulled away, when the Warden pulled her into a hug and said that she was proud of DG’s progress. “Glad the two of you finally opened your eyes,” she added with a wink and a smile. DG tried not to laugh and decided that she wouldn’t trade the Warden for anyone else in the Zone.

Once back with her family - Jeb was stationed at the palace now - DG and Cain kept sneaking off into corners to steal kisses. Mainly because they were never alone.

“We could just tell them, Deej,” Cain said one afternoon as they stood near a window, Cain’s arms wrapped around her. DG turned her head to look up at him and smiled.

“But it’s so much fun to sneak,” she said with a wink. Cain smiled and pressed his face into her hair.

“That it is.”


“What are you up to?” Cain asked as DG set the container down on the corner of the desk. DG twisted and scooted the jar that started it all until it was in just the right spot.

“Testing a theory.” Cain moved close and wrapped one arm around DG as his other arm reached for the jar. He pulled the lid up and they both looked down into the swirls of grey and purple and green and he sighed.

“Still there.” DG turned in his arms and pushed up to kiss him.

“Not the theory I was testing.” Cain let the lid fall an inch or two to the desk and wrapped his arms around DG tightly as he resolved to kiss her senseless.


The sounds of shouting and a large bang brought the Queen into the hallway one afternoon about a month later. Her brow furrowed and she was puzzled as she couldn’t find the source of the disturbance. Turning toward the stairs, she decided to go up one level and look for one of her family members, knowing that whatever had just happened, one of them was surely involved, if not responsible.

As she reached the top of the staircase, Ahamo came around the corner chuckling and shaking his head. Spotting his wife, he smiled and his hand came to rest on her arm. “Hello, dear.”

“What happened?” she asked glancing around him. He breathed a laugh and turned her around, motioning down the hallway to their sitting room.

“You son and your advisor,” he said with a smirk. “-had a run-in with your eldest daughter and your Viewer.” The Queen spun around to look over her shoulder as Ahamo ushered her into the study. “Az and Raw were in the hallway when Ambrose and Cain came by,” he started, dropping into one of the chairs next to the desk. “Ambrose ‘glitched,’” he sighed and sat up slightly as his eye caught the jar on the corner of the desk.

“-and Az took it the wrong way,” he trailed off and shot a look to his wife. She had also noticed the jar, but what had her attention was the yellowish-pink liquid swirling in the container. Ahamo raised and eyebrow in her direction and smirked before leaning back in the chair. “Anyway, Raw tried to catch Az as Cain shoved Ambrose out of her path and I got there just after Jeb and DG.”

He picked at the seam of his pant leg for a moment and sighed. “DG’s pullin’ Az away from Ambrose; Jeb is picking Cain up off the floor and Ambrose darted for me. I’m afraid your Viewer may have locked himself in a closet,” he shrugged and looked up to his wife.


“At least this place keeps a person on their toes,” DG said as she moved into the bedroom. Cain was sitting on the end of the bed, head resting in his hands and jaw clenched. “What did he say?” DG asked after hopping up to sit on the desk.

Cain sighed and tilted his head slightly. “She can sure pack a punch,” he said quietly, as his head was pounding.

“She hit you?!” DG gasped and pushed off the desk. She moved next to Cain and ignored his slight flinch as her hand went to his back. She huffed and reached up to scratch the back of his head. “Look, whatever was said, just... say you’re sorry- And you don’t have to mean it to say it...” she added as she felt the muscles in his neck tense.

“I’ll apologize when she does,” Cain said simply. DG looked up to see her father standing in the doorway, then down to Cain, who’d dropped his hands and turned to look at DG over his shoulder; her eyes went wide.


“So, there sits Wyatt Cain,” Ahamo said as he wiped at his eyes, not even trying to hold back the deep laughter. “-cursed with clown make-up and DG laughing her ass off as they both sit on the bed.”

*sits back with plate of Caingerbread*
*puts feet up*
*angelic grin*

series: shimmery, fic: tin man

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