Fic: Don't Touch the Shimmery Liquid 7/12

Mar 23, 2008 23:37

Title: Don't Touch the Shimmery Liquid 7/12
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: DG, Cain, a messenger and the Warden (Finaqua's head house-lady) (mentions of Adora, the Queen, Az, Ahamo, Jeb, Raw, Glitch/Ambrose, Evie and her son)
Rating: PG
Summary: If you don't know what something is, keep your hands OUT OF IT!
Warning: post-series *inspired by (but not so much an answer to) impish_dragon's bunny.
Disclaimer: The original characters belong to L. Frank Baum and their respective actors. The current characters belong to Sci-Fi, the movie folks and their respective actors. The Warden is mine. But you can have her. She scares me.

Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven | Part Eight | Part Nine | Part Ten | Part Eleven | Part Twelve
More Tales: the first tale | the second tale | the third tale | the fourth tale | the fifth tale

Two weeks after they'd arrived in Finaqua, a messenger appeared at the door with a thick envelope bearing the Queen's seal. DG had been having breakfast when the man arrived and accepted the delivery only after the man agreed to have something to eat.

She noticed a handwritten note from Az, as well as a stack of pages from her mother, a pile of pages marked for Cain's attention by Ahamo and a note from Jeb. Out of habit, DG checked the envelope for any stray items and found a small piece of paper stuck in the corner. She could see words and, based on the intricate fold, assumed it was from Glitch.

Putting Cain's deliveries back into the envelope, DG read the note from Az as she finished her juice. She looked up as Cain entered the dining room and moved quickly to her side, the Warden hot on his heels. "Good morning, dear," he said with a twinge of 'this woman's going to get shot' as he gave DG a quick peck on the cheek.

DG put her glass down and gave him a bright smile as she reached for the envelope. "How was your 'Me-time'?" Cain reached for her plate and got a swat from the Warden. He gave DG another look and watched the Warden move into the kitchen. As soon as she was gone, DG picked up the plate and moved over two seats and placed the plate in front of Cain.

"I saw the courier," he said with a nod to the door and picked up DG's leftover toast. She turned to the envelope again and passed it over the plate. Seeing the Warden, she also pulled the toast from Cain's hand and reached for the plate, pulling both back in front of her. Cain turned toward DG and chewed quickly as the Warden entered the dining room again with a full a plate.

Shooting a glare at DG, the Warden set the plate in front of Cain and moved around to take DG's away. Cain actually snorted, trying not to laugh at the look on DG's face and pulled the contents of the envelope out. DG held up the note from Az and reached for a slice of bacon, which got her a raised eyebrow from Cain.

"Apparently, Az says that they are-" She turned the page sideways to read it, and Cain wondered if reading it at that angle made it easier. "The... reintegration of the... neural... stem-" He smiled at the sight of her trying to decipher Az's technical words. Or maybe the elder Princess just had poor penmanship. "The brain's still not takin'," she finally said with a sigh and held the note out for Cain to read.

He took the note as he swallowed and looked it over, trying not to smile at the idea of the procedure failing because Ambrose was too snooty to go back into Glitch. DG saw the smile and tapped his foot with hers. "Don't laugh at him! He can kick your ass." Cain squinted at her and took another bite of toast then looked to the note from Ahamo. DG laughed as she sat back and rested her head against the chair back.

"You have homework," she said in a sing-song tone. Cain pointed to the stack of pages from the Queen with his fork and then to DG. "Psssh," she said, looking away. "So," she started a minute later. "Did you have a good time?" She motioned to his dirty sleeve, which Cain glanced at and shrugged. He’d lasted three days in the confines of the palace and DG directed him to Ahamo's old hut.

He'd sorted through all the tools and knick-knacks, swept the floor twice and even fixed a hole in the roof. And all on the first afternoon after DG showed him the place. Every morning, he'd spend a few hours doing whatever he did - DG never asked - and always seemed to be more willing to help her terrorize the Warden upon his return.

He took one last look at his plate and reached for the envelope as the Warden returned. He gave the woman a polite nod and stood up. "I'm heading upstairs," he said with a motion from his shirt to pointing at the ceiling. As he passed behind DG, he bent down and stated: "Behave."

"Be realistic," DG countered with a grin and turned to watch him leave the room. She turned back to see the Warden giving her a look, which DG responded to with a polite smile and held up her glass. "May I have some more juice, please?" The Warden said nothing, but nodded and turned away with Cain's plate. DG rolled her eyes and sighed as she reached for the textbook from her mother.

There were days when Wyatt Cain wondered if his life would be any easier if he gave up one simple action. Granted, after all his years, he'd mastered the art of shaving. But it was just bothersome. Not that he was looking to have a beard the length or Raw's; nor the facial hair of the- his father-in-law. But, just for a few days; to change the monotony of his day-to-day. Not that his last year had been boring; far from it.

Adora hated the stubble. The longest he ever went was a week and two days, when she had left Jeb and him to visit her sister. She refused to even kiss him upon her return until he was shaved clean. It was much easier to go through the motions with a mirror, he noted. They'd had a small one at the cabin, but he tended to shave outside anyway, to ease the cleanup.

That wasn't true, he realized. He'd had over eight years of growth when DG and Glitch opened the suit. He'd had to cut most of it away before attempting to control that mess. And cutting his own hair was probably not the safest thing for him to do. Especially with his state of mind at the time.

Shrugging the thought away, Cain observed his jawline in the mirror before putting the shaving cream in his palm to the skin. As the blade took a first swipe, Cain mused that shaving dry skin was also a bad idea... but that was in the past. On the blade's third pass, something told Cain to pause. He blinked and was just about to ignore the feeling when DG appeared behind him in the mirror.

"Hey, Cain. Do you know how to-" He watched as DG's eyes went from the stack of papers in her hand, up to him, widened considerably and then out of his view as she spun away quickly. His jaw clenched slightly, but the entertainment of watching DG fluster in the doorway was worth his own embarrassment of standing in the bathroom in naught but a towel.

series: shimmery, fic: tin man

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