Fic: Don't Touch the Shimmery Liquid 9/12

Mar 29, 2008 17:50

Title: Don't Touch the Shimmery Liquid 9/12
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: DG and Cain
Rating: G
Summary: If you don't know what something is, keep your hands OUT OF IT!
Warning: post-series *inspired by (but not so much an answer to) impish_dragon's bunny.
Disclaimer: The original characters belong to L. Frank Baum and their respective actors. The current characters belong to Sci-Fi, the movie folks and their respective actors. The Warden is mine. But you can have her. She scares me.

Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven | Part Eight | Part Nine | Part Ten | Part Eleven | Part Twelve
More Tales: the first tale | the second tale | the third tale | the fourth tale | the fifth tale

-takes place before the 'fake' wedding. See Part Five for a refresher-

“So, we get there, like... two hours before they even open,” DG said with a flourished wave. “And the line’s from here to-” She spun around, trying to match an object with the distance. Pointing ahead, she continued: “There. I swear, the whole town showed up, pretty much.”

Cain caught her arm and pulled her back slightly, as he saw the large divot just in front of DG. “Anyway,” DG continued. “So they finally open and we’re in front of the Sizzler and there’s a road.” She turned and made a halting motion, nodded to Cain and stepped ahead by a few feet before turning,

“And right here-” she said, pointing to where she was now standing. “Was a giant rock. So, they’ve opened,” she said again and waved Cain to her. “We’re talkin’ half hour, tops. We go from there,” she said, pointing to where Cain had been. “To here. And they’re sold out.” DG threw up her hands and shrugged.

Cain caught her arm again and pushed her along. DG turned and pointed to him a moment later. “Oh, and I forgot! They hired a guy to dress up as one of ‘em; to entertain everybody in line.” Cain raised an eyebrow. The more DG told him about the Other Side, the more he realized he’d rather live in an O.Z. where the witch was still in power.

“It took us two days to get tickets! Two! You’re lookin’ at... what? Nineteen thousand people... Two days. Now,” DG waved to him. “Some folks drove to the next town, which was about twenty miles away...” She sighed and shook her head.

“So, nineteen thousand people put themselves through this-”

DG held up a hand. “Just in our town. You’re looking at the whole U.S. I mean, every town that had a theater...”

Cain raised an eyebrow. Nineteen thousand was roughly the population of Central City. He tried to picture all of them gathered outside the Mystic Man’s theater and cocked his head. “For talking turtles?” he asked slowly. DG raised a finger and corrected him.

“Ninja turtles.” At Cain’s look, DG did a poor karate move. “Whaah,” she said, imitating a bad fight scene.

Cain shook his head. “But they’re turtles.”

“And it’s a movie,” DG responded with slight exasperation.

“Turtles can’t talk,” Cain stated, honestly trying to picture what DG had described. DG groaned slightly, but didn’t argue with him. The concept of movies in the O.Z. was rather limited; the practice seemed to be reserved for military training over general entertainment. Most ‘art’ was in the form of theater, as the Mystic Man’s show had been.

“Well, if you know the whole story... There was this toxic sludge which made them grow and they learned to talk by listening to people from the sewers or reading the paper or whatever,” she said with a wave. “And they learned karate from a rat, who also got into the sludge. He named them after painters. Anyway,” she said with another wave. “There was a comic book first, then a cartoon. Then the movie.”

She spun around to face Cain and walked backwards for a moment. “Actually, I liked the second one more. Even if it was a different April and no Casey. But Casey was in the third one. Only they had a whole five seconds of screen time together, which was weak,” she said, more to herself then Cain. Turning back, she continued: “But, Vanilla Ice!” She laughed heartily and began bopping her head to the tune only she could hear.

Cain shook his head and looked out over the fields surrounding the city. “Hey, fun fact,” DG said, turning again but standing still. “The girl who played the first April was in a movie with a guy about an asteroid - which is another cool movie - and he played her husband. Same guy was in a television show with the girl who played the second April.” DG gave him an ‘isn’t it cool?’ nod and Cain simply looked at her.

“What?” she asked as a smirk spread across his face. Shaking his head, Cain stepped past DG and continued on to the palace. Her brow furrowed and she finally hurried to catch up with him. “What?” Cain stopped and took a moment to consider his words. With a huff, DG’s hands went to her hips and she frowned.

Sighing, Cain nodded to the palace in the distance as he took DG’s arm and led her along. “I’m just wonderin’ how we got to talking turtles from ‘the suns are setting so we should probably start heading back’...”

DG rolled her eyes and pulled her arm free as she shot him a dirty look. “Well, just be glad you didn’t say ‘Hey, it looks like it might start snowing.’”

Cain smiled and asked: “And why is that?”

“Because then I would’ve told you about the night we went to see Episode Three.” DG spun on her heel and walked away, leaving Cain to hang his head. He really didn’t understand how her mind worked sometimes.

DG was about ten yards away when she Cain call to her. “Hey, Kid.” She stopped, but didn’t turn as he moved to ward her.

“What?” she asked with a frown. Her eyes caught the shade of pink the sky was turning and she sighed.

“The O.Z. is known for sudden changes in the weather. Could start snowing any minute.” DG’s smile grew wide and she tried to wipe it off her face as Cain stopped next to her. Wrapping her arm around his, they walked together as DG started recounting the memory.

“Well, nowadays, you can get your tickets, like, a month before. But we still showed up three hours early...”

Quick note: Yes, Turtles came out in 1990. DG -if we assume she was gone the whole 15 years it took the O.Z. to fall- showed up in 1992. Let's just assume that time flows slightly differently between the sides. Cool? *nods* Cool. :D

series: shimmery, fic: tin man

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