Fic: Don't Touch the Shimmery Liquid 2/12

Jan 27, 2008 21:20

Title: Don't Touch the Shimmery Liquid 2/12
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: DG, Cain, Az, Glitch, Raw, Ahamo and the Queen (and a bunch of random OCs that aren't important)
Rating: PG
Summary: If you don't know what something is, keep your hands OUT OF IT!
Warning: post-series *inspired by (but not so much an answer to) impish_dragon's bunny.
Disclaimer: The original characters belong to L. Frank Baum and their respective actors. The current characters belong to Sci-Fi, the movie folks and their respective actors. Cut text was respectfully snagged from the Say What: An Unusual First Line Reunion Challenge post over at time_and_chips.

Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven | Part Eight | Part Nine | Part Ten | Part Eleven | Part Twelve
More Tales: the first tale | the second tale | the third tale | the fourth tale | the fifth tale

*By OVERWHELMINGLY popular demand... o.O

DG motioned between Cain and herself, opening her mouth and, at a loss for words, closing it again. She then pointed to the dish, question right there, on the tip of her tongue. Everyone in the room looked to the dish, then back to the young princess. DG rolled her eyes and put both hands to her forehead.

"All I wanted was a little adventure..." DG moved across the room and sat threw herself onto the couch Ahamo had been occupying when she and Cain stormed in. Well, when Cain had dragged her in. "Something to change up the daily schedule of 'get up, go to work and go home.' And I get robot parents, a possessed sister and," she waved to the dish. "And now a bowl of mercury that's ordained."

The Queen placed a hand on Cain's arm and nudged him toward the same couch, then stopped herself next to Ahamo, who was now leaning against the desk. "We'll prepare a statement," he said slowly. DG, who was now slumped into the couch - pouting like she'd just been grounded - made a face.

"What for?" Ahamo's brow furrowed slightly.

"Well, we don't want potential suitors arriving to-" he finished the sentence with a slight wave in his daughter's direction. DG shot upright, eyes wide and glanced toward Cain, who was now sitting next to her.

"But," she looked to her mother. "You said that you weren't-" The Queen raised a hand and stepped toward DG, but DG had already turned back to Cain. "I mean, don't get me wrong, Cain," she said defensively. "You're a total catch. Top shelf... but I- We-" she waved between them and shook her head.

"I said that I would not force either of you-" She stole a glance at her husband, then back to DG and Cain. "But, you are bound and will have to play the part, for the people." DG looked like she'd just been told that Christmas was cancelled.

"Screw the people!" she shouted, causing the Queen to flinch. DG looked back to Cain and slapped the back of her hand across his arm. Motioning to her parents, she demanded: "Now is not the time for 'strong and silent-'type! Are you gonna just sit there?" Cain took a breath and looked to the floor. DG rolled her eyes and slouched back into the couch.

Ahamo couldn't help but smile. He wanted to tell DG that this was all a big joke, but he couldn't. And Cain... Ahamo felt for the man: the man who had lost everything, only to find himself helping to save the O.Z.; the man who was nearly as old as him; the man who was now, technically, his son-in-law.

'He's taking it fairly well,' Ahamo noted. Contemplating being in the same situation, Ahamo figured that he'd be making as big a scene as DG. But Cain was from this world; he knew how the place worked, the magic. Ahamo and DG were from the Other Side. Arranged marriages, even forced, just didn't happen. Well, at least not in the twentieth century.

"You said that thing-" DG motioned to the jar again, "was illegal." She sat up and looked between Cain and her mother. "Shouldn't you arrest that woman in the market?" Snapping her fingers a few times, DG pointed to Cain. "Possession of an illegal substance," she nodded, then looked at Ahamo and nodded again.

"I saw the look in her eyes," Cain said calmly. "She had no idea that's what-" he nodded to the offending container.

"All right," the Queen spoke, making everyone jump slightly. She moved a few steps away and then paced back. "We should agree on the details; no need to complicate things." DG raised an eyebrow to Cain, who was focused on the Queen. "You both have come to us, intending to wed... and we have given our approval," she added, with a nod to her husband.

"After a small ceremony, the two of you will go to Finaqua for a time. And none will be the wiser. The truth shall remain in this room, and this room alone."

"You're forgetting the Three Stooges, dear," Ahamo said, motioning toward the door. DG wanted to laugh at the reference, but was still processing what her mother had just said.

"Wait. Ceremony?" DG shook her head. "That's enforcing." She looked to Cain, hoping he would back her up. The look she was met with, however, was not one backing her up.

"Would you rather we announce to the O.Z that we were tricked into it by a jar and a fistfight?" He raised an eyebrow and let the slightest smile slip. DG gave him a dirty look, but Cain ignored it and turned to the Queen. "No offense, your highness, but everyone between here and the marketplace..." He nodded toward DG and the three adults shared another 'grown-ups only' glance. DG's brow furrowed again and she frowned.

"What?" She looked between the other, beginning to panic at the looks on their faces. "What?" Ahamo and the Queen looked to each other, and Cain looked away. DG slapped at the ex-Tin Man again and gave him a look. His head dropped and he took pity on the poor, clueless girl.

"It's an after-effect," he said quietly, forcing himself not to take her hand. DG blinked, not understanding what he was referring to. Cain took another breath and put a hand to her shoulder. "The glow..." DG leered back slightly and raised an eyebrow. Turning to her parents, who were both avoiding her gaze, DG jumped to her feet and moved to the closest mirrored surface.

She made a fishface as she looked at her reflection. Damned if she wasn't actually glowing. She was the glowing potato they told her about when her science class took the tour of the reactor. DG blinked and cocked her head slightly. What kind of idiot plans a school field trip to a nuclear reactor anyway? Seriously!

DG saw her mother's reflection, just over her shoulder, and snapped back to reality. 'That's right: Married. Glowing.' Dropping her head into her hands, DG turned back slowly. She backed to the built-in bookcase and slid down to the floor. Cain stood up and took a step toward her. Tapping her head against the runner, DG threw up a hand and sighed.

Closing her eyes, DG stated: "Hang on a second, I'm in the middle of a psychotic episode."

series: shimmery, fic: tin man

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