Fic: Don't Touch the Shimmery Liquid 3/12

Feb 05, 2008 10:38

Title: Don't Touch the Shimmery Liquid 3/12
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: DG, Cain, Ahamo and the Queen (mention of Az and Jeb)
Rating: PG
Summary: If you don't know what something is, keep your hands OUT OF IT!
Warning: post-series *inspired by (but not so much an answer to) impish_dragon's bunny.
Disclaimer: The original characters belong to L. Frank Baum and their respective actors. The current characters belong to Sci-Fi, the movie folks and their respective actors.

Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven | Part Eight | Part Nine | Part Ten | Part Eleven | Part Twelve
More Tales: the first tale | the second tale | the third tale | the fourth tale | the fifth tale

DG rested her forehead in her hand and pushed her elbow into her thigh. A moment later, she dropped her hand and stretched her legs out. Though she was looking at her mother's desk, DG didn't see it. Oddly, the only thought she was having was that she should be having some thought, any thought.

Nothing. A complete blank. Except-

DG nodded her head to the tune forming in her brain and, soon, began mouthing out the words as she reached the chorus. Ahamo had guessed, by her head bobs, what she was hearing, and that had been confirmed with her first silent word. He moved over to her and held a hand, saying quietly:

"And I'll be happy to see those nice young men in their clean white coats." DG took his hand and let him pull her up as she continued:

"And they're coming to take me away, ha ha." They shared a smile - Cain and the Queen could only shrug at their obvious Other Side-reference - and Ahamo gave his daughter a hug, whispering into her ear.

"Better it's someone you know and trust, then a complete stranger." DG forced a smile and glanced at Cain. Ahamo let her go and gave his wife a look. "We'll fend off the press," he said for everyone to hear.

"They're paparazzi, now," DG said with a sigh, as she pictured the cover of the Enquirer and missed the look on Ahamo's face. PRINCESS PAIRED BY POTTERY! 'Beats 'Bat-Boy living under church,' DG though with a laugh. Ahamo escorted the Queen to the door and they dodged out, forcing Az back into the hallway.

DG watched the door close and took a few deep breaths before turning to face Cain. He glanced from her to the window. "They are gone now," DG said with a huff. She was actually more upset, at this point, at Cain's lack of emotion - not that he had much to begin with. Cain faced her with a raised eyebrow and breathed.

"Now's your chance. Scream, yell... voice your disappointment! 'The stupid kid has gone and ruined my life,'" DG shouted as she moved back to the couch and threw herself down with a thunk. Cain clenched his jaw and moved back to the couch as well. Sitting on the edge, back straight, Cain turned his whole body toward DG.

"You are not stupid." DG pointed to him.

"But, I have ruined your life." She dropped her hand and looked ahead. "Let's face it, Cain: I have screwed up every single thing since I got here. Not to mention screwing up everything before. And, pretty much everything in Kansas..." she trailed off with a frown. Cain breathed heavily and frowned as well.

"Yes, DG. You have ruined my life." DG's eyes shot to Cain, shocked that he actually said it. "I was so looking forward to going home to my iron suit," he deadpanned, glaring in her direction. She looked away, but said nothing. Both of them ended up glancing at the jar, still on the desk, before DG finally spoke.

"Okay, this thing says we're... bound," she stated sharply. "But it said nothing about us having to do anything about it. And she said," DG motioned to the door. "She wasn't going to enforce anything, either. So, we look at it like a passport or a parking ticket. Just a piece of paper that you throw in a drawer and forget about. And it's always right there when you need to find it."

"You put tickets in a drawer instead of paying the fine?" DG rolled her eyes. That Other Side-reference he understood?

"Now's your chance," she said, sitting up. "Go out into the world; find a new home, by a new lake, and fish all day. Take up juggling... Hell, figure out one of those tornadoes and move to Kansas. You'd love it there." Cain couldn't help but smile at DG's rant. He looked at his hands and fiddled with his wedding ring for a moment.

"Who would keep you out of trouble?" he asked, trying not to smile. DG laughed.

"Oh, I'm never going back outside. In fact, I may never leave my room," she nodded, matter-of-factly, and dropped back into the couch. Cain laughed heartily at that one. He couldn't imagine DG staying in her room forever. He was shocked that she made it through the night sometimes. Taking a deep breath, Cain reached over and placed his right hand over her left and gave her a slight, but genuine, grin.

"You should probably wait to tell your son until after we've stopped glowing," DG said sarcastically. Cain shot her a questioning look, which caused DG to frown and sit up straight again. "You're not going to tell him?" Cain opened his mouth to respond and closed it. "You can't just dump that on him. With everything that's happened in the last few months-" She hadn't been sure Cain had heard the Resistance man say 'two months,' but she'd done the math when they'd arrived at the second cabin.

"Let alone, keeping the story straight, but-" Cain squeezed her hand, which made DG stop. He added that to the short list of possible ways to shut her up when necessary.

"I'll tell him... Once I figure out what to tell him." He gave her a nod and looked away. DG’s eyes moved to her hand - the one Cain was still holding - then to a random spot on the wall. They sat in silence for a few minutes before Cain turned back to DG.

"Why would you be happy that men in white coats are taking you away?" DG opened her mouth to respond as her brain processed the question. She couldn't hold back the laugh as her chin fell to her chest.

series: shimmery, fic: tin man

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