I got in a shouting match with my parents tonight because I told them to stop saying racist shit at the suppertable aaaand then it just exploded from there. It was, uh, something.
So. Today I decided that this spring, I'm going to work really, really hard, and get my driver's license. And then I'm going to start the process toward moving out.
Thanks for the kind words, guys. I'm still kind of a mess right now, so it might take me a day or two to respond properly to comments/pms/whatever. Ah, well. ...Let's concentrate on some nice things instead
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Context: My hometown, Fort McMurray, is on fireA mandatory evacuation order was issued last night. 80,000 people have been evacuated. Some of the reports I'm seeing indicate it's closer to 90,000. It's very much an emergency situation up here
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