Mission Accomplished

Jan 12, 2017 18:52

/backdates on account of this being related to my cranky outburst earlier this week (though it's much more positive)

Project "Fuck You, You Racist Assholes" is going swimmingly.

I received a surprise cheque from the provincial government today - apparently they're giving a certain amount of cash to low-income people in order to offset the carbon tax? Or something. Anyway, yeah, unexpected money. If I had a car, I'd probably keep it for myself. But I don't. And this basically means project Fuck You is getting a double-dose right from the start, and I'm making up for that other time that I said I'd spite-donate and then forgot.

When I was thinking about it earlier today, trying to decide which terms I should use when searching, I was like "local or large-scale...? Crap, I don't want to choose". So, THANK YOU, ALBERTA GOVERNMENT, now I don't have to pick just one.

On the large-scale side, I went with the First Peoples Cultural Foundation*, which is... basically what it says on the tin. They're an organization in British Columbia, so they're mainly focused in that area, BUT, one of the programs they fund is First Voices, which is a language revitalization tool that various FN communities can use to organize/develop archives of their languages for both learning/teaching and general archiving purposes. The part that's relevant to my interest is that the project includes a whole bunch of Athabascan languages, including Dene. (Specifically Łue Chok Tué Dene - that group is in Cold Lake, which is south of me. Looks like there's nothing for Fort Chipewyan yet. Maybe some day?) Anyway, this seems like a really awesome resource, and I hope that as it develops it will prove to be effective.

Aaand on the local end of things, I threw some money toward the Centre of Hope. This isn't an org specifically oriented toward Indigenous people, but they work more generally to help out the homeless population in our municipality. Since an appallingly large portion of Fort Mac's homeless population is Native, well... it fits my general goal, anyway. Besides, my parents hate poor/homeless people too, so... y'know.

So, yeah, project Fuck You is off to a great start. I guess I'll have to start a jar to save my extra cash in, heh. ...Hopefully I won't have to do this too often. I mean, it's nice that I now have some ideas of places to throw money (and others as well - there's this one org centred around improving education for FN children, and that looked really interesting). But uh, in an ideal world, I wouldn't have to overhear my parents saying shitty things about Native people. Ah, well.

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3533472.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

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