I'm probably not going to write any of this [YOI]

Jan 13, 2017 17:25

Just spitballing some ideas, never mind me.

A few days ago, I stumbled across a discussion re: Guang Hong and Cao Bin in the context of some sort of rivalry* and it got me kind of throwing ideas at the wall. An actual rivalry is proooobably unlikely, considering the canon season is GH's first year competing internationally, and he didn't make it to the GPF. But - it's something that could happen in the future, maybe, depending on how things shake out for both of them. One of the ideas I've seen people come up as an in-universe explanation for Cao's absence in the canon year's season is that he was injured at the previous GPF, and decided to skip canon season's GP competitions because he was still recovering (focusing on being in good shape for Nationals, perhaps?). So, if he found himself in condition to come back - with a vengeance or not - that could be interesting re: his relations with GH, the new kid on the block.

Rolling it back to something more broad, though - rivalry (or not) aside, they would of course be aware of each other. Or at least, Guang Hong would be very aware of Cao. Perhaps Cao used to be the 'skating hero of China', so to speak, but now that's not so certain, and this is why Guang Hong's coach is kind of trying to nudge him in that direction (aside from the regular pressure that comes from international debut etc). I could also see it explored as a kind of foil to the Minami + Yuuri situation, where the younger skater is a fan, and the older one isn't really aware of his existence.

Or, hell, maybe they DO know each other, maybe they're buddies, insert something about inspiration through friendship etc here. That would also be fun to explore. And maybe I could try that - or any of the above ideas, really - pfff, I can't believe I gave this much thought to somebody who's only a name. (Actually, yes, I can - this is typical of me.) I guess I just want to write gen stuff with Guang Hong, and having those relations (friendship or rivalry or a bit of both) focused toward someone from his own country would be a much different situation than, say, his relations with Phichit or Leo.

Aaaand speaking of Leo....

The other day, I linked Spring Gazing, a poem by Xue Tao. And the more I read over it, the more I see the Guang Hong/Leo relationship in this poem (at least, this poem as it has been translated here). It's just so --

If you need to find when I miss you most:
When the flowers bloom and when they fall

^ That feels so very Guang Hong, to me. But ALSO

I pull a blade of grass and tie a heart-shape knot
to send to the one who understands my music.

"The one who understands my music" ...Such a description of one's focus of affection just seems so very, very Leo, it's overwhelming. I feel like there's a fic title in there, or something. Actually, I want to write a fic based on this poem, just like, in general. It'll probably turn out to moody and atmospheric and without much actual action (and probably a little bit too pretentious) but ehhh when it's just something for myself, well, who cares. :D One thing that doesn't quite fit for them is the third section - it's a little too despairing - but then again, sometimes long-distance relationships feel kind of hopeless, especially when you're the age that these guys are, so... ehhh, good enough.

Speaking of LeoJi, I stumbled across a wonderful discussion today, and hopefully this fic will actually happen -

So, there was this conversation with an Anon who was tossing around the idea of Leo and Guang Hong going on a roadtrip - convo starts here and continues here - and I'm so glad that they decided to write it, because oh my god, I want to read the hell out of it.

Just like - I really enjoy the idea of Leo making this totally ridiculous decision. Guang Hong's enamoured with the idea of a road trip, because wow, he thought it was something people only did in movies, and it sounds like the most American thing ever, hey Leo do you think we could- and then OF COURSE he says Yes. And not only that, they're driving to Montreal, because hey JJ was like "Why don't you visit" and it seemed like a good idea at the time. Basically, Leo seems like a level-headed guy overall. But he's also 19 or 20 years old, and young guys make dumb as hell choices sometimes. Choices that result in a 2800-mile road trip across the country with a guy you have ridiculous amounts of UST with, not to mention a Complicated relationship. (Hey, it happens.)

I like, too, that Anon linked the idea up to Leo's relations with JJ. Because even though we only got a two-second confirmation that they were rinkmates for a while when they were younger, the possibilities that opened up were an absolute gift.

With regard to Leo and JJ, I keep flipflopping on how I like to see those two - Leo and JJ, I mean. Because on the one hand, a slightly antagonistic relationship = interesting, to me, since we don't see that side of Leo at all. (Not to mention that, like I've mentioned previously, I find it kind of hot, ahem). But the more mellow alternative (and, okay fine, I'll be honest and say probably more realistic alternative) that they were friendly once and now... maybe not as much... That is interesting, too. Very "We used to be buddies! ...And now we're not. I wish you would tell me whyyy~" (It's because you grew up to be an obnoxious hoser, JJ. Just saying.)

Since we see JJ gain a bit of perspective at the GPF, I like the idea that it would help him out a bit in his interpersonal relationships. In general, of course, but with regards to the above former-pals scenario with Leo in particular. And that whenever they meet next - Four Continents or Worlds or hell, even next season - the result would be very "...You know what, you're all right after all."

And then bro hugs. Because bro hugs. (And maybe other stuff too, depending on what the nature of their previous relations was, exactly. Ahem. 8D )

Insert usual complaint about too many ideas, not enough time, and also eventually I'm really going to have to do some in-depth research re: figure skating, and ugh, effort!

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3533707.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

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