Sticky Post: Art and Fic Master Post

Jan 13, 2037 01:13

Looking for fic or art or other assorted fandomness? LOOK NO FURTHER! YAY! \o/

Unless you want a specific tag. Then you'll have to scroll down. :D

NOTE: I am in the middle of bringing my LJ up to date with all my published fic on other sites. To keep from flooding the top of my journal, however, I am backdating the entries to their original publication date. I will be adding them to this post in the order I import them here, though, so if you're looking for fic you haven't read yet, go to the bottom of the list for the new-old stuff. :D

A Quick Note on Pairings in My Art and Fic
I will include in the header information what pairings are intended/present and if you see other stuff, more power to you. Just know I don't hide my ships so if it's not listed, you're gonna need special goggles to see it. I proudly fly those freak flags as high as I can.


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Psych/Criminal Minds
I Know You Know (But You're Not Telling the Truth), [eT] Shawn, Reid (none) Gen, Humor - "Call me Shawn. I think it would be awkward for us to remain formal considering we almost entered into an extortion agreement just now."

Timeline Dependent Stories
A Psychic, a Hunter, and a Werewolf Walk Into a Bar, [M] Shawn, Dean (language, gore) Friendship, Gen, Supernatural, Hurt/Comfort, Action/Adventure, Humor - Shawn was just minding his business and playing some pool when his life took a sharp turn South. And he's not talking Georgia here. But at least it's good company.

Timeline Independent Stories
Double, Double Toil and Trouble, [T] Shawn, Dean, Sam (language, gore) Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Friendship, Gen, Supernatural - It's just another day in paradise and Sam can't help but wonder when 'paradise' became synonymous with 'hell'.

See Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Questions, [eT] Ryan/Jenny, Team Castle (language, spoilers: 03.13 Knockdown) Fluff, Episode Tag, Romance, Het, Friendship - Bad things happen to good cops and there are always questions, some a girl wants answered, and others she wants to pretend never came up.

Reveille, Reveille, [T] Casey, Chuck, (language, spoilers: all season) Gen, Friendship, Fluff, Humor - Five times Casey woke Chuck up and one time he let him sleep.

Danny Phantom
Untitled Mini-fic, [E] Danny/Sam, (none) Fluff, Het - Danny's supposed to be home sick, but the view from the ceiling of the cafeteria is so much better.

Iron Man
See Marvel Cinematic Universe.

We All Go, [T] Hardison, Eliot, (language, gore) Friendship, Gen, Hurt/Comfort - There may be an "i" in "hitter", but there isn't one in "team". Eliot really needs to keep that in mind.

Marvel Cinematic Universe
Like Fathers, Like Son, [T] Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, Peter Parker, (none) Family, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Slash - Tony's brain was more than prepared to fill in the blanks-everything from Peter falling off the monkey bars and breaking his leg to a school shooting or terrorist attack.
On Hold, [T] Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, (language) Angst, Fluff, Het, Plot What Plot (No Pr0n), Romance - Tony wakes up and finds he's not alone. The gorgeous red-head next to him is usually up long before he is. He's sure as hell not about to look a gift horse in the mouth.
That Which Sustains Me, [T] Avengers Ensemble, background Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, (gore, language, violence) Drama, Friendship, Gen, Hurt/Comfort - The villain of the week thinks he's found the Avengers weakest link. When will they ever learn?
The Uninvited Guest, [T] Tony Stark/Pepper Potts, Background Avengers (sexual harassment/assault) Action/Adventure, Drama, Het, Hurt/comfort, Romance - Press parties are Tony's least favorite kind of parties-all he wants is one little crisis to shut it down. But when Pepper breaks her one rule, he'll regret ever thinking that.

Prutscipe, [eT] Arthur, (spoilers: 1.10 TMOT) Gen, Friendship, Missing Scene - In which Arthur discovers that pride tastes a lot like porridge and neither is easy to swallow.
Adventures of Enchantment [e] Merlin, Arwen, (spoilers up to 3.03 Goblin's Gold) Humor, Het, Romance - Arthur discovers Merlin's secret. That's the least complicated part of his day.

Wrong Side of the Tape, [T] Charlie, Don, Colby, Megan, David, OMC (language, violence) Drama, Gen, Hurt/Comfort - Even when you're expecting trouble it can come from an unlikely direction and take you completely by surprise.
What You Don't Know, [eT] Don, Colby (none) Gen, Drama - A concern becomes a worry and Don enlists Colby's help to deal with the problem.
Sometimes You Just Have to Grin and Bear It, [eT] Don, Charlie (language) Humor - No man wants to be described as "cute and cuddly", but Charlie's about to discover that it gets worse.
Bruise Now Or Bleed Later, [eT] Charlie, Don, OMC (none) Family, Humor - When it looked like Charlie was going to be around for a while, Don decided he needed some basic training in 'How Not To Get Dead While Helping The FBI'. At least that's what he said. Charlie's beginning to think that Don really wants to eliminate the lifelong pain in his ass known as his little brother.
Normal, [T] Charlie (language) Gen, Angst - Sometimes, Charlie wishes he wasn't a genius.

One Shot Collections
The Long and Short of It, [e-T] Charlie, Don, Team LA, (language, violence) Humor, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Family, Fluff, Gen, Friendship, Romance, Het, Pr0nless PWP (Plot? What Plot?) - Charlie!hair-related ficlets. Oh, and brotherly worry, team goodness, blood, and pancakes.

Memory, [T] Lassiter, Shawn, (character death, tear jerker) Angst, Friendship, Tragedy - “Expanding your tastes?” Shawn asked. “You're more of a single malt scotch kind of guy, aren't you?” Carlton bit back his instinctive response and tried to tone down his sarcasm. “Normally yes. Tonight is...”
Because Seven Eight Nine, [T] Shawn, Lassiter, Buzz, Team Psych, OFC, (mention of abuse of a minor, violence, gore) Drama, Hurt/Comfort, Gen - The entire list of things that Carlton Lassiter liked about Shawn Spencer came into play on that otherwise innocuous Tuesday. (Because of that fateful Tuesday, he has discovered he is willing to break the rules sometimes, and while the thought alarms him, he doesn't think there's anything he can do about it now that he knows.)
I Can't Believe It's Not Shules!, [e] baby!Juliet, baby!Shawn, (none) Humor, Gen, baby!Psych - A late night meeting between Shawn and Juliet ends with an exchange. The following morning starts with Juliet wanting to kill Shawn.
Okay, Maybe It Is Shules, [e] Juliet/Shawn, (none) Fluff, Romance, Het, Humor - Twenty years ago Juliet helped Shawn win. Now she wants her share. With interest. Sequel to I Can't Believe It's Not Shules!
Breathe Deep, Seek Peace, [e] Juliet/Shawn, (none) Fluff, Het. Romance - She turned her attention to her own breathing. Oh that was a mistake, she thought as her eyes drifted shut after a deep inhale.
Watching You, [eT] Shawn, Henry, Gus, Lassiter, Juliet, (violence, gore) Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Family, Drama - Once upon a time Shawn Spencer wanted to be just like his father. Sometimes Henry wishes he hadn't.
How Shawn Spencer Ruined the Fourth of July, [e] Juliet/Shawn, Lassiter (none) Fluff, Humor, Het, Mild-Romance, Mild-H/C - Shawn was pestilence, plague, famine, and Armageddon all wrapped into an annoying ball of smug psychic playboy. Lassiter really wished he had the freedom to shoot him.
Pick Me Up and Put Me Down, [T] Shawn/Juliet, OMC, (none) Humor, Mild Romance, Het - Judging by the old saying, "What you don't know can't hurt you," he's practically invulnerable.
Knock Me Out and Tie Me Up, [T] Shawn/Juliet, Team Psych, OMCs, (violence) Drama, Hurt/Comfort, Mild Romance, Het - Buttface McPervert is back and this time he's got friends... Sequel to Pick Me Up And Put Me Down.
Hope Flies, Hope Tries, Hope... Dies, [T] Lassiter, Juliet/Shawn, (Character death, violence, gore, tear jerker) Tragedy, Angst, Het, Romance - Thirty-one years ago-to the day-a journey began. When it ends, nothing will ever be the same.
In Somno, Pax, [e] Juliet/Shawn, (none) Romance, Het, Fluff - He stays up at night watching her sleep.
The Reason, [e] Karen, Juliet/Shawn, (none) Romance, Het, Drama - She didn't listen. She heard, but she didn't listen. And that one tiny distinction may ruin everything.
Flight, [e] Juliet/Shawn, (none) Romance, Het, Fluff - He left today and I don't know why.
Wheel of Terror, Wheel of Wonder, [e] Juliet/Shawn, (none) Romance, Het, Fluff - A day at the fair, a revelation Shawn didn't expect, and something terrifying that requires a very special antidote.
Sometimes, Santa Needs Help, [eT] Juliet/Shawn, Lassiter, OMCs, OFC, (language) Drama, Casefile, Romance, Het - Shawn and Juliet have to work on Christmas Eve. Then Shawn decides to pull double duty and help Santa with a special case.
Two Christmases and a Partridge In a Pear Tree, [e] Abigail/Shawn, Juliet/Shawn (spoilers: 4.01 Extradition: British Columbia ) Fluff, Romance, Het - No matter where he is or who he's with, Shawn manages to have himself a merry little Christmas.
Irresistible Force, Meet Immovable Object, [eT] Juliet, Shawn (language) Gen, Hurt/comfort, Fluff - Curiosity may have killed the cat, but psychic detectives are made of sterner stuff. Ish.
Ever Ever After, [e] Juliet/Shawn, (none) Angst, Romance, Het - Fairy tales don't exist. Even if they offer to let you finish their crawling snake.
Howl at the Moon and Listen to the Stars Sing the Refrain, [e] Shawn, (none) Angst - Sometimes he lays awake at night and worries.
If You Get Lonely, Give This Song Another Listen, [e] Juliet/Shawn, (none) Angst, Romance, Het - Half-way around the world is much too far away for him to be.
Tuna Fish Don't Lie, [e] Juliet, Lassiter, Karen, Shawn, (none) Humor, Gen - Shawn has a startling revelation for his quasi-coworkers and Lassie almost gets his most fervent wish granted.
I Would Do Anything For Love... Maybe Even That, [T] Juliet/Shawn, Lassiter (violence, language) Hurt/Comfort, Romance, Het - Spontaneous heroism hurts more than they tell you in the movies. A lot more.
My Side Of The Story, [T] Juliet/Shawn, (gore, language) Angst, Romance, Het - It may not have been his fault, but it was his responsibility.
Only My Burden To Bear, [eT] Gus, Shawn (language) Angst, Friendship - Sometimes the hardest burden to bear is not being able to help someone else bear theirs.
Thanks For The Memories, [E] Juliet/Shawn, (none) Fluff, Romance, Het - Miami was nice, but it's no California.
The Existential Crises of Dating, [E] Juliet/Shawn, Gus (none) Het, Romance, Fluff, Humor, Friendship, AU(ish) - Shawn and Juliet have a formula that works for them. He flirts, she flirts, he asks her out, she says no, they solve crime. All is right with the world. And then Juliet adds a new variable and suddenly one plus one no longer equals two.
'Twas Beauty, [e] Juliet/Shawn (none) Romance, Het, Fluff - Shawn is a man of many words, but even he knows that sometimes less is more.

Never Say Never 'verse
Trial Run, [e] Henry, Karen, Shawn, (spoilers: 1.01 Pilot) Missing Scene, Gen - What happened in that meeting between Karen and Henry?
Keeper, [T] Lassiter, Juliet/Shawn, Team Psych, OFC, OMCs, (non-graphic abduction of a child, violence, spoilers: 1.01 Pilot, 1.04 9 Lives, 1.13 Game, Set... Muuurder) Angst, Drama, Hurt/Comfort, Mystery, Family, Friendship, Casefile, Romance, Het, Future!Fic - Lassiter finally gets the proof he needs to bring Shawn Spencer's psychic charade to a screeching halt. If only it was that simple...
Butterfly Kisses, [e] Shawn, OFC, background Shawn/Juliet, (tear jerker) Angst, Fluff, Future!fic, AUish - Shawn shares special moments with his daughter.
Eternity In An Hour, [e] Juliet/Shawn, OFC (none) Fluff, Family - The future wasn't just bright, it had gone supernova.

Dog Eat Dog 'verse
Lone Wolf, [T] Lassie, Juliet/Shawn, Gus, (character death, violence, vile trickery) Action/Adventure, Romance, Het, Humor, Suspense - "Everyone has a price, Jules. I'm sorry."
Dog With Two Bones, [T] Lassie, Shawn, Season 1/2-strength Juliet/Shawn (character death, violence, vile trickery) Action/Adventure, Friendship, Humor, Suspense - "Sorry, Lassie. But I had to make a choice." "There were others you could have made." "No. There weren't."

One Shot Collections
*Iz Ded* Moments, [T] Shawn, Gus, Juliet, Lassiter, Henry (violence, gore, mild language) Hurt/Comfort, Humor, Drama, Crack, Gen, Het, Romance - A response to tunes84's challenge to creatively whump Shawn. Let the pain begin . . .
Dress Blues and Gold Badges, [T] Lassiter/Juliet, (implied past tense nookie) Romance, Het, Angst, Humor - There were so many reasons why they shouldn't. Which pretty much made it inevitable they would.

Viridescence, [eT] Harvey, Mike, Louis, (language) Humor, Friendship, Gen - "That's a nice look for you." Mike glanced down and gave himself an appraising look. "Who knew I could work a sundress?"
Shaken Up, [T] Harvey, Mike (natural disaster references and descriptions, specifically the 1989 World Series Earthquake, and PTSD type things, language) Angst, Gen, Comment!fic, Friendship - Harvey and Mike get stuck in the elevator when the power goes out. Mike really does not do well in the dark and Harvey learns more about his associate's tragic past.

Fort Knox Has Nothing on Poughkeepsie, [M] Sam, Dean, (language), Gen, Wee!chester, Fluff - Every older brother knows that pillows are the very best defense against a pirate attack, no matter what the grown-ups say.
Not On My Watch, [T] Sam, Dean, OMC, (language, spoilers: 2.09 Croatoan), Gen, Family, Schmoop, Angst - Restocking their supplies leads Dean to realize they're short on one in particular: hope.
Apple Pie, [T] Dean/OFC, (language, implied nookie), Romance, Angst, Het - He would, forever after, associate it with sweetness and innocence.
Arkan Sonney, [T] Sam, Dean, (language), Humor, Hurt/Comfort - “You be sure to put that on my headstone: Here Lies Dean Winchester. Died from a bite by a rare albino hedgehog. They aren't native to the area and it didn't have rabies because it wasn't FOAMING AT THE MOUTH!”
Lip Gloss, [e] Sam, Dean, OFCs, (none), Humor, Drabble - This cannot possibly be legal.
Fine Print, [T] Sam, Dean, (language, spoilers: 3.16 NRFTW), Crack, Episode tag - Always make sure you read the fine print in any contract. Especially ones with a demon that aren't actually written down.
Check, [T] Sam, Dean, (language, spoilers: 4.01 Lazarus Rising) Gen, Drama, Episode tag - There was only one thing on Dean's list that didn't get done.
Delayed Reaction, [M] Sam, Dean, (language, spoilers: 4.09 IKWYDLS) Family, Angst, Episode tag - Sam can't believe that 'TMI' is all Dean has to say on the subject of Ruby and him. It's not.
Dangerous Assumptions, [T] Sam, Dean, (language, mild spoilers: 2.20 WIAWSNB, Humor, Hurt/Comfort, Gen, Family - Dean is not having a good day and Sam's whole year is about to get worse.
Feedback, [T] Sam, Dean, Ed Zeddmore, Harry Spangler, (language, spoilers: 4.17 It's A Terrible Life) Humor, Gen, Episode tag - With the MotW successfully taken care of, Dean and Sam have some unfinished business to deal with in regards to their old friends, the Ghostfacers.
Guardian Angel, [eT] Sam, Dean, Jess, Sam/Jess, (Character death, AU) Angst, Family, Het, Tragedy - Dean had promised that forever ago night to always watch over him, never to be there for him. He missed his big brother.
Hell and Fangirls, [M] Sam, Dean, OFCs, (language) Humor, Gen, Crack - The Winchester boys face down one of the most terrifying creatures to exist in myth and legend as the strength of their brotherly bonds is pushed to the breaking point...
Hot and Bothered, [T] Sam, Dean, (language) Hurt/Comfort, Family, Gen - Dean needs to get up and do his big brother duties and he will. Just as soon as someone puts put the fire on his skin.
Little Dog Lost, [T] Sam, Dean, (language) Hurt/Comfort, Family, Gen, Drama - It was followed almost immediately by a second sound, the one Sam knew would get him help faster than any other word in the English language that actually meant 'help'. “Dean.”
The Dangers of Smoking, [T] Sam, Dean, OCs, (language, underage smoking/drinking) Gen, Humor, Family, Teen!chester - “Hey, Winchester, isn't that your brother?” one of the guys, Pete Something-or-other, asked as he watched Dean's relentless approach straight to them. Sam's Adam's apple bobbed nervously and that was answer enough.
I Ain't Been Nuttin' But Bad, [T] Azazel, (language, spoilers: general S1/2 mytharc) Humor, Holiday - When plotting to bring Hell to Earth, there's really nothing that's too outlandish. Even asking Santa for a Christmas Miracle. Or, you know, whatever.
The Demons Must be Crazy, [eT] Sam, Dean, (language) Gen, Mild!Crack - Sam's pretty sure the sky is falling. Dean is pretty sure Sam is going nuts.
Keep It Under Your Hat, [e] Sam, Dean (none) Comment!fic, Wee!chesters, Gen, Family - Sam: "I said I'd rather play soccer than learn bow-hunting." Dean: "Bow-hunting's an important skill."
Personal Space Is For Pansies, [T] Sam, Dean, Bobby - (language) Humor, Gen, Family - In which the Winchesters get into a tight spot. Again. And Bobby has to save the day. Also again.

White Collar
Kiss and Tell, [eT] Peter Burke, Neal Caffrey (humorous use of off screen boy!kissing (not slash), language) Humor, Friendship, Gen - Revenge isn't about cooking like the saying says. It's more like a game of ping pong. Peter apparently has a hidden talent for ping pong.
As I'm Letting Go, [e] Peter Burke, Neal Caffrey (spoilers: 01.14 Out of the Box) Friendship, Gen - Neal's enjoying his well-earned freedom, as he should, but would it kill him to send a postcard once in a while? Post-series. No slash.
Conditioned Response [T] Peter/Elle, Neal Caffrey (language) Hurt/Comfort, Gen, Mild Het, Friendship - Things go south on an operation and if they wait for help it will come too late. Peter is Neal's only chance for survival and he didn't come this far to let Neal go without a fight. No slash.
Something Borrowed, Someone Blue, [eT] Peter/Elle (language) Romance, Het, Humor - Nothing is going to ruin Elizabeth and Peter's wedding day. Nothing. ... Well, except maybe that. Pre-series.
Carried On the Wings of a Thousand Paper Cranes [eT] Neal Caffrey, Elizabeth Burke (language) Angst, Friendship, Gen, Hurt/Comfort - Peter is shot and Neal is conspicuously absent in the aftermath. When Elle hunts him down she expects sorrow and guilt, not this.

fandom: supernatural: ghostfacers, i'm going to kill lj, fandom: danny phantom, internets r a huge waste of time-but fun, the internets saves the day again!, fic: white collar, fic: merlin, fic: supernatural, sticky post is sticky, fandom: crossover: psych/spn, fic: avengers, fandom: suits, art: numb3rs, fandom: criminal minds, master post: fic, fic: marvel cinematic universe, fandom: psych, fanart: banners, someone (fictional) is going to die, fic: castle, fic: leverage, art: psych, \o/, fic: psych, *dances*, reasons i belong in a nuthouse, fic: suits, fanart: wallpapers, making words my bitches since 1982, fanart: icons, pretties!, fic: danny phantom, fandom: avengers, fic: iron man, fandom: castle, fandom: supernatural, fandom: chuck, fandom: numb3rs, *win*, in other news i hate lj sometimes, fandom: crossover: psych/criminal minds, fandom: marvel cinematic universe, fandom: white collar, tv, did i mention i hate lj?, fic: chuck, fic: numb3rs, fandom: leverage, master post: art, fandom: iron man, art: supernatural, fandom: merlin, fic: criminal minds

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