
Aug 11, 2008 00:00

Title: Flight
Rating: e
Characters/Pairings: Juliet/Shawn
Warnings: diabetic warning, enough smush to smother an elephant, abuse of artistic license
Genres: Romance, Het, Fluff
Chapters: 1
Completed: Yes
Word count: 1919
Disclaimer: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA- No. The show wouldn't make nearly as much sense if I was in charge. Trust me on that.
Notes: Condensed into one chapter for LJ. Brought to you by the number 100 and the letter five. *insert snicker for David Duchovny, Jeff Goldblum, and SNL Celebrity Jeopardy*

Right. So 100 and five . . . as in five drabbles . . . with the- never mind. Just read it.

Actual origin: No. Freaking. Clue. Thus is my Muse.

Summary: He left today and I don't know why.

He left today and I don't know why.

He breezed into the station with his usual fanfare and swept me up in a kiss that stole my senses and my breath. Barely coherent when he let me go, I only stayed up because my desk was behind me. I could fall back an inch and no one was aware of the fact that my knees had become jelly.

And then he left.

Said he'd be back soon and not to worry.

Wouldn't tell me where.

Why couldn't he tell me?

What took him away without a reason?

I miss him.


I left today and only I know why.

I had to act like it was nothing, business as usual, just another whim from within my scattered thoughts, my unfathomable brain. But I couldn't help kissing her until she couldn't breathe, hoping she wouldn't be aware of what I was saying until I was gone. I don't think she was, she barely looked conscious when I let her go, leaning against her desk to hide her inability to stand on her own.

I left.

Told her not to worry. I'd be back soon.

Have to do this though.

I miss her.


He came back to me today.

Breezed into the station like it was business as usual, like he hadn't vanished for three days, hadn't left me behind to worry. He kissed me again, made my knees go weak, then swept me up into his arms because I wasn't close to my desk and I'd have fallen if he hadn't caught me.

He swung me around in a circle and I couldn't help but laugh.

Where did he go and why did he leave?

It's been haunting me.

Why? What did he have to do and when will he tell me?


I came back to her today.

Couldn't act like it was nothing, like it was normal, like it was my usual dog and pony show. I kissed her again, barely able to contain my joy. I had to scoop her up because I couldn't bear to let her go and she couldn't stand anyway. No desk to hold her up and hide her weakness for me.

My mission was a success, my quest fulfilled.

I held her, just held her, until her breath returned and her legs worked again.

And then I dropped to a knee.

Juliet, be my wife?


He shocked me today.

I thought something was wrong. That he was running, saying goodbye, leaving me forever.

And then he came back.

But he was too happy. I laughed, but deep inside my heart began to shrink, waiting for the blow to fall.

It wasn't what I expected.

He asked me a question.

I'm not the first to hear it.

He wanted to do it right.

He went to Florida, went to see my dad and ask him first.

My dad said yes.

Now it's my turn.

I think we'll go back to Florida.

Yes, Shawn, I'll marry you.

genre: fluff, enticement: established relationship!fic, genre: het, category: one-shot, rating: e, character: psych: shawn spencer, fic: psych, pairing: shules, genre: romance, character: psych: juliet o'hara, enticement: proposal!fic, enticement: future!fic, team: shules, fandom: psych

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