Title: Eternity In An Hour
Series: Never Say Never
Rating: e
Characters/Pairings: Juliet/Shawn, OFC
Warnings: none
Spoilers: none
Genres: Fluff, Family
Chapters: 1
Completed: Yes
Word count: 431
Disclaimer: Only one person in this fic is mine. If you can't tell who, slap yourself. Hard.
Notes: Definitely follows Keeper. For Jash and her endless requests for a Shules baby!fic.
Summary: The future wasn't just bright, it had gone supernova.
She was so tiny.
Ten little fingers. Ten little toes. Two eyes. Two arms. Two feet. One itty-bitty nose...
He was going to go into diabetic shock if he kept thinking along these lines.
He should be sleeping right now.
He really should be.
But how was he supposed to sleep when he had this to think about? There were so many exciting things to look forward to!
The future wasn't just bright, it had gone supernova.
Her first steps. Her first word. Her first viewing of Pretty in Pink, The Breakfast Club, and Ferris Bueller's Day Off...
Was the second day home from the hospital too soon to do a movie marathon?
Then again, she'd probably fall asleep five minutes in. Better wait until she could stay awake through an entire movie.
But a song was only three minutes, right? She could stay awake that long...
So tomorrow they needed to go shopping. But the real question was, Nano or Touch? The Nano was a better size for her little hand, but the Touch was so interactive.
And interaction was supposed to be good for babies.
He smiled, but didn't turn away from the captivating sight before him.
"Hey, Jules," he whispered.
"Why are you up?" she asked, the tail end distorted by a yawn. "Did she wake up?"
She came to join him at the crib and he shook his head.
"Mmm. Good." Then she glanced at the clock on the wall and sighed. "Of course, she will in another five minutes or so. Might as well..." Reaching in, Juliet scooped up the tiny bundle of adorableness and cuddled her to her chest.
That woke the wee thing up.
"Sh-sh-sh-sh," Juliet soothed instinctively, swaying a little as she walked over to the rocking chair. "It's okay. Just time to eat. Then you can go back to sleep."
She settled herself and little Anna in, humming as she leaned her head back against the chair, the tips of her toes leverage to rock back and forth while Anna devoured her midnight snack with all the daintiness and refinement of Shawn at a pineapple party.
Shawn just grinned goofily as he watched his girls.
Yeah, there was a lot coming down the road. Mostly good, he hoped.
And he was deliberately not thinking about high school, periods, or the inevitable day when he'd have to give his little girl up to some punk who thought he was good enough for her.
For now, however, there was no rush.
He was quite content to stay here in this moment, he decided, for as long as it would last.