SIN - revenge [7/10]

Mar 25, 2012 17:05

title : sin [7/10]
pairing/fandom : alo x mini
rating : m for the series, pg-13 for this part
word count : 1750
summary : Mini and Alo find themselves dealing with sin in a way they never have before.

This one is set during 6x07.

revenge - the action of inflicting hurt or harm on someone for a wrong suffered at their hands



”Why not her?”

Alo doesn’t spot the beautiful brunette right away. If Alo was honest, he wasn’t really in the market for other girls.

He was having a harder time than he expected getting over Mini. He knows he loves her, even if she didn’t believe him. With his luck, he’ll probably love her until the day he dies, withering in the pain of unrequited love. Drowning at the bottom of a bottle, choking on spliff, snorting shit until his nose bleeds. Anything to block out the pain.

The brunette girl is beautiful, Alo knows that much. She looks like Mini’s exact opposite. She’s all big brown eyes and thick dark hair, not much else to her, really. She’s petite, she wouldn’t even come up to Alo’s shoulders.

This is exactly what he needs. A fun girl who couldn’t look more different from Mini. Someone who would help him get over the feeling of rejection that seemed to permanently etch itself in his heart.

He walks over to her and every step feels like betrayal. It doesn’t make sense, really. It wasn’t like Mini loved him back. They weren’t together anymore. What did it matter if he got his rocks off with this new chick? Mini would be doing the same once she found someone more worthy of her.

Jealousy took control of him in that moment. He inwardly maimed the fictional boy in his head, whoever it would be to steal Mini’s heart in the way that a poor farmboy like Alo never could.

Mini may not love him, but she was possessive to say the least. It would be a lie to pretend that one thought didn’t motivate him to go talk to this strange girl. Mini needed to know that he wasn’t her fucking whore. He wasn’t going to wait around for her to come back, asking him to fuck her again.

No, then he’d just fall into this whole mess again and there’s no way he can do that.

He couldn’t take it.

Alo’s a little shocked when the stranger flirts with him, or at least Alo thinks she flirts with him. He’s never been the guy girls flock to or flirt with for anything more than a free drink or spliff.

When Mini finds the duo, laughing together, traces of alcohol running down their faces, Alo can’t help but be pleased at the tense look on her face. It only lasts for a second, but he hates himself for it.

Mini stutters out an excuse and leave him. Even though the girl next to him is looking up at him with hopeful brown eyes and her hand teases the crook of his arm, he can’t help but regret his actions.

It only lasts a second, this feeling of regret. After all, he’s single. He can fuck who he wants. Still, though, Alo needs Mini to believe him when he says he loves her and this is certainly not the way to show it.

He looks down at Poppy and shrugs off Mini’s behaviour. The smaller girl waves it off and sets back to making them both a cocktail.

The girl wasn’t Mini but Mini told him enough he didn’t deserve her anyway.

Maybe he deserved Poppy.


Mini can barely see the screen of her iPhone through her tears as she tries to delete Alo from her life.

“Can you help me with this, Franky?” She pleads with her best friend, thrusting her phone towards the smaller girl.

Franky snatches the phone out of Mini’s hand and her nimble fingers quickly remove any trace of the ginger from Mini’s social network. Franky sighs as she sits next to the crying blonde.

“It’ll be okay,” Franky says in as soothing of a tone as she can. She moves to rest a hand on Mini’s shoulder, only to be rejected as Mini lurches to her bed.

Another sob escapes Mini’s throat and Franky is suddenly very glad for Mini’s love-struck mother and her well-off boyfriend’s new found love for weekend holidays.

“How is it going to be okay, Franks?” Mini stutters through heaving breaths. “The father of my child is a pedo and a liar. How am I going to tell my child that ‘oh, don’t worry, sweetheart, we’re just going to go visit daddy in prison. Maybe when he gets out, you can fix him up with one of your mates!’” Mini’s voice cracks with the last barb and her face crumples. “I can’t do this,” she mutters, more to herself than to Franky. Mini pulls the duvet cover over her head. “Just leave me alone,” she pleads, her voice muffled by the comforter.

Sighing, Franky moves to lay down on a make-shift bed on the floor, Mini’s phone still in her hand.

Franky delves into Mini’s picture folder and finds that scrubbing Alo from Mini’s phone is a much harder task than she previously thought.

There are pictures of them littered throughout Mini’s phone. Smiling and laughing as if nothing in the world can touch them. Some of the pictures were more compromising than others, but they all spoke of this happy, secret relationship Franky and the world were never privy to see.

A pain went through Franky’s chest at the pure joy and love etched on her friend’s faces.

She spared a thought for Alo. No matter how much he fucked up this time, she just knew there had to be some sort of explanation. She knew Alo well enough to know he wasn’t just some random pedo. He was just naive. Certainly not the type to ask a girl her age before fucking her. Rich seemed enthusiastic enough about the girl and Rich is as cynical as they come. There had to be an explanation for this whole mess.

Alo deserved the benefit of the doubt. After all, if he hadn’t randomly reached out to her that long, long time ago, she’d still probably be alone. No friends to speak of. Certainly not fought over by a pair of brothers. She’d be left to suffer under the wrath of the megabitch version of Mini McGuinness and her army of bitches and jocks.

That wasn’t the Mini she saw in these pictures. This Mini was open, laughing and beaming as Alo pulled faces for her amusement. Smiling into his kisses. Their hair was messy and make-up was smudged across Mini’s face but neither seemed to care.

Franky’s mind flits back to the absolute mess Mini made of herself for Nick. The fake tan, the false eyelashes and the broken smile. It was in complete dichotomy with the Mini in these small digital photos.

She can’t bring herself to delete them. She spares a thought to that cheerful ginger boy in the navy blue shirt, a bone hanging around his neck, a symbol of his independent fashion choices. His bright smile, his accepting attitude, readily trading jabs with the sullen metalhead beside him. The way he asked her how she was and really fucking cared.

Suffice to say, Franky wasn’t used to people caring at the time.

Now it’s her turn to repay the favour.

Franky resolves herself and creates a new folder on Mini’s phone. She labels it “Farmboy” and locks it with a password Mini would never figure out, something only Franky knows. Mini wasn’t a perceptive enough person to figure it out.

If she couldn’t figure it out, the pictures would be safe. The memories of the only good point of this entire shitty year would live on, even if the relationship crumbled.

Franky chooses a favourite and messages it to herself, just as evidence that no matter how painful and lonely relationships can be, sometimes there’s happiness laced in as well.


Mini stalks away from that stupid memory-filled barn, traipsing through the dark field.

Perhaps it isn’t the best idea she’s ever had. After all, she’s young, pretty and pregnant. Being alone this late at night and at least an hour’s walk from her home wasn’t high on her to do list.

Still, she needs to get away from him in that moment. She’s so infuriated. Not only does he answer a call from that fucking bitch who almost ruined both of their lives with one stupid lie and have the gaul to laugh with the child but he didn’t answer her question.

All Mini needed from him in that one moment was to say he would stand with her. That he wouldn’t abandon her like her father. That he’d try to be there for her, no matter what she needed.

That’s what love was like, wasn’t it?

He said he loved her. He barreled into her room, promising the world if she would only give him a chance. Yet when she goes to him, desperately yearning for him to fulfill those grand promises, he lets her down.

When the dull glow of the barn is out of her sight, Mini digs for her phone, switching on the flashlight app and turning it up as bright as it will go. She knows he could likely still see the added light across the dark field from his higher vantage point. However, he’s far too drunk to follow after her.

Too drunk, too clueless.

Still, she can’t blame him for not coming after her. She pushed him away enough over the past seven months, insulted him, belittled him and his feelings. Letting her pride get the better of her.

Maybe this was his revenge for that treatment. Finally, finally get her to admit to herself that, yes, she did love him and then drop her. Sorry, see you later, you should have treated me better, sucks for you.

Tears well up in Mini’s eyes at the thought. She shouldn’t be surprised, really. After all, isn’t that what Nick did to her? Isn’t that what her dad did to her?

At least this time, she would be the one walking away. There was no way in hell that Mini would allow another man to get the better of her, whether she was in love with him or not.

Alo Creevey would never get the satisfaction of seeing her cry, that much she was sure of.

mini/alo, fic

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