sin - selfishness

Feb 13, 2012 11:39

title : sin [2/10]
pairing/fandom : alo x mini
rating : m
word count : 1050
summary : Mini and Alo find themselves dealing with sin in a way they never have before.

selfishness - characterized by or manifesting concern or care only for oneself



Mini knows she’s being cruel.

Of course she knows. She knows how much it hurts to be rejected. To be used.

In a way, she thinks she’s being kind. Alo will thank her in the end for being slightly somewhat mean to him every so often. The meaner she is, the more he’ll be fine with just having sex, right?

It isn’t that she doesn’t like him or even doesn’t fancy him. She does, a bit. She wouldn’t just fuck someone she doesn’t like, no matter what bullshit Rich is spouting out to Alo.

It’s just… easier. It’s easier this way, to have him close but at a distance.

He was just such a failure. He fucked everything up and Mini can’t risk being more fucked than she already is.

If she has to hurt him to protect herself, then so be it.

Alo walks into the bedroom, blood gushing out of his nose.

“Gross, Farm Boy!” She squeals, throwing a Kleenex box at him. “Clean yourself off a bit!”

She stretches out on the bed, hoping her naked form and offer of Kleenex is enough to thank him for defending her admittedly tarnished honour. The way he admires her as he stuffs the tissue up his nose tells her that the message was received.

There’s a part of her that feels bad. She knows Rich needs him, maybe even more than Mini needs him right now. It couldn’t be easy to be torn apart from the love of your life. Though Mini doesn’t really know about that. She doubts anyone could love her the way that Rich loves Grace or vice-versa.

Still, she’s grateful to get to see that kind of love, even if it is only once. It lets her know that no matter what, the stories and movies and songs aren’t complete bullshit.

Just mostly.

Mini promises herself she’ll leave the Blood house for now and let Alo tend to Rich.

After one more shag.


“Did you see me kiss that bloke?” Mini slurs as Alo tugs her green dress over her head.

A possessive feeling Alo wasn’t ready to analyse surged through his chest. “Yes,” he says tersely, moving to place a trash can beside her bed.

“Don’t worry, Farm Boy,” she laughs, twisting her arms around his shoulders, pulling him down. “He wasn’t as good at it as you are.” She places a sloppy kiss on his mouth. He stays still, angry at her even though he has no right to be.

He knew what she wanted from him. She never lied about it. She never told him he meant more to her than he did. She didn’t pretend to love him. She never said they were exclusive.

Still, a primal part of him wanted her all for himself. He didn’t want to share her with the hordes of men that fall at her feet. He didn’t want to compete with them for her affections.

He was fairly sure he wouldn’t win.

Mini dots kisses along his jaw-line and down to his chest. “I am so weirdly attracted to you in this outfit,” she says lightly as she runs shaky hands down the silver material covering his sides. “You should stay for a bit.”

A lump forms in Alo’s throat and he’s not entirely sure why. After all, isn’t he getting everything he ever wanted? A constant request for casual sex from a weed-smoking, pill-popping, well-hot chick? Isn’t that what every boy his age wants?

Alo isn’t sure if it’s enough.

“Cheers, Mins,” he manages to force out. “As much as I’d love to stay, I’ve got to get back to Rich. He was in a rough state last time I saw him.”

Mini scoffs. “Well, fuck, Farm Boy. If I knew that, I would have found someone else.” She rolls her eyes and flops down on the bed. She’s asleep almost instantly, the soothing mixture of booze and chemicals knocking her out.

He checks on her breathing briefly before venturing over to her desk. He scrawls a messy note on the back of a New Look receipt telling her he’ll pick her up for the long trip to Paris at ten.

Without even thinking about it, he pockets a picture of them that she left lying by a half-finished collage.

After all, he always steals from people who make him feel inferior.


It wasn’t like Alo didn’t know he was acting like a bit of a prick.

It was just hard for him, this whole Grace thing. He wants to be there for Rich. He’s trying to be there for Mini. He really was.

But he loves Grace too. She was like the little sister he never wanted. They just got along so well, like they were always meant to be friends.

It’s hard for him to just sit around, comforting others. He doesn’t want to think about her. To think about her in that cold, quite hospital room, all bruised up and in a coma. Alo just can’t do it. It’s easier for him to pretend none of this is happening. To drown himself in sex and music and weed. To pretend that she’s just going to show up out of the blue and be better.

Alo knew Rich had a right to be angry with him. After all, who has sex in their best friend’s comatose girlfriend’s parents’ bed?

Well, apparently Alo.

He walks the long way back to the Blood estate from Mini’s small home on the other side of town. Maybe it’s best to leave Rich alone for a bit. He convinces himself that Rich is too busy, too sad, too angry to have company. That it’s better if Alo comes up with distractions for them to do. Activities for the road.

Alo ducks into an all night corner store and nicks a map of Europe. He tries to feel bad about it, but can’t bring himself too.

He spends the rest of the night and well into the morning distracting himself with meaningless tasks, telling himself they have to be done. Anything to keep him away from the Blood manor.

Alo isn’t sure he’s ready to face Rich yet, anyway.

Fuck, Alo isn’t even sure he’s ready to face reality yet.

mini/alo, fic, skins

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