sin - envy

Feb 13, 2012 11:44

title : sin [3/10]
pairing/fandom : alo x mini
rating : m
word count : 1600
summary : Mini and Alo find themselves dealing with sin in a way they never have before.

envy - a feeling of discontent or covetousness with regard to another's advantages, success, possessions, etc.



Alo didn’t particularly understand her jealousy.

It wasn’t as if he never felt it himself. On the contrary, really. He felt it every time he saw some random douchebag charm women with their money. He felt it when he had to stumble all the way out of town after a night of boozing, walking alone for an hour after dropping his friends off at their respective houses. He felt it every time Anita praised Rich in spite of the snappish response she received and every time Kevin lavished outward affection.

That was then, at least.

Now he mostly just felt jealous with every random bloke that traipsed up to Mini, pulling her into a dance or a kiss. He felt a sick feeling twisting in his stomach each time she accepted their mediocre efforts.

He didn’t know what to do about that one, though.

Despite his own experience with the emotion, he still didn’t understand Mini’s jealousy.

He didn’t understand why she was so possessive of her friends.

To Alo, it’s the more the merrier. He was thrilled to accept her offer of friendship, even going out of his way to be cordial to Nick, despite Nick’s rather out of place awkwardness and his registered status as a conversation killer.

Hell, he was even nice to Rider!

Well, as nice as anyone could be to Rider.

Alo wasn’t possessive over his friends. He was happy that Rich found love, even if it was tragically cut short. He was happy Nick was slowly coming out of his shell. He liked that Franky could move past her initial treatment at Roundview to foster a close community.

Mini wasn’t like that.

She hated new people. She was suspicious of anyone chatting with her friends, even when they were just trying to be friendly. Alo recalled an incident in the summer, as he chatted politely to a group of strangers in the smoke pit, only to have Mini snap at them and degrade their outfits.

It was embarrassing for him, to be honest.

Now he was watching her glare at Alex, sputtering excuses to Alo about Liv not even waiting to replace her. She was a better person than Alex could ever be and that Liv was a heinous bitch for working so fast to move on. Liv was going out too much and working too hard to find anyone or any group to use.

Alo disagreed, but it was hard fighting with Mini these days. She was too sad. She cried too easily. Her walls came up too fast.

But every man has his breaking point.

Alo watches Alex run after Liv and shakes his head. “Why do you always have to antagonize her?” He asks softly, not particularly caring about the fact that Nick was present.

Mini’s head snapped over to him sharply. “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”

“It means that she’s going through a lot too,” Alo responds tightly, fiddling with the turquoise ribbon tied around his wrist. “You should cut her a break.” Alo raises his eyes to look at Nick across the table, thankful his black haired friend was too absorbed in his own thoughts to pay attention to the awkward conversation occurring by him.

The sharp look on Mini’s face fades and her eyes begin to well with tears, an activity they’re far too prone to doing in recent weeks. “You’re supposed to be on my side,” she says quietly, something akin to betrayal in her voice. “But fine, take her side. Just like everyone else.”

“What the fuck are you talking about?” Alo asks incredulously.

“Nick used to always take her side too!” She snaps, just a little too loudly.

Nick’s head snaps up at the mention of his name.

Alo shoots him a look, begging him not to get involved. “It’s not like that. It’s not about taking sides, Mins.” Alo says, trying to bring her down. “I just… Grace wouldn’t want this.”

“Don’t ever tell me what she would want,” Mini says with a sneer. She stands up abruptly and grabs her bag. “We’ll talk about this later,” she says before stomping off in the direction Liv and Alex went.

“Shit, Als,” Nick says, dragging Alo’s attention away from Mini. “I dated her and she never talked to me like that. Tough break!”

Alo give Nick a weak smile, silently cursing his best friend’s inability to treat Mini properly for Mini’s inability to treat him properly.


Alo knows he has no right to be jealous. He’s already come to that conclusion.

He couldn’t stop the feeling, though.

There are times he thinks about giving it back to her. Dancing, snogging, shagging other girls just to show her that he doesn’t need her either.

Alo can never bring himself to do it, because for as little as he needs her, he knows that he really fucking wants her. Even when he’s with O’Malley, recording their frankly fantastic magnum opus he can’t stop thinking about the way she’ll respond. He couldn’t give a fuck about the other girls.

The fact that it really doesn’t bother him freaks him out.

His brain gets muddled with the constant argument in his head and he can’t bring himself to stay angry at her so the only option left is to hate himself.

Somewhere along the line, he convinces himself that she’s only doing this to make him jealous or to make him angry. She seems to like him angry, at least when they’re in bed. Alo pretends that the only possible explanation for her behaviour. After all, she only ever flirts with these boys when he’s around. She only snogs them when she’s totally fucked off her head. As far as he knows, it never goes further than that.

God, he hopes it never goes further than that.

Rich’s voice whispers his previous warning in the back of his head and Alo pushes it down to the deepest part of him, not willing to face the maybe-facts.

He knows he’s royally fucked when he beings to sympathise with the blokes she dances and snogs, knowing that if she’s only trying to make him angry, they can never be anything more. It’s a drag, really, because he actually likes a few of them. They’re nice enough guys. Guys he’d be friends with in any other situation.

Now he pictures them skateboarding over cliffs, drowning in booze, ODing on their sub-par pills. Anything to get them out of the picture.

Still, he’s the one she calls when she’s sad. When she’s lonely. When she’s bored. That’s more often than not these days and he feels hope flutter in his chest every time his phone rings.

He may want her, more than anything, but she’s the one who needs him.

At least he has the upper hand in one respect.


Alo finds Mini in the bedroom of the ship, her legs curled up to her chest, tears streaming steadily down her face.

He was unfortunately very used to this by now.

She doesn’t say anything when he walks into the room, but shifts over a bit to let him sit beside her.

He takes the silent cue and settles in next to her.

Whenever this happens, she never reacts in the way he thinks she might. Mini isn’t the type to wrap her arms around him and sob into his shirt. She never says anything. She just sits there and lets the tears come.

Still, Alo wraps an arm around her and softly rubs his thumb against her shoulder. She may be one to shy away from comfort, but he’ll be damned if he doesn’t try to give it to her.

“Why did she have to…? Fuck,” Mini croaks before burying her head in her knees.

It took Alo a moment, shocked that Mini even said anything. Tears sting behind his eyes so he rubs the heel of his hand against them, forcing them away.

“I don’t know,” he says after a minute. “I really don’t fucking know.”

Mini’s head falls back against his shoulder and her legs curl up into his side. Her arms wrap firmly around his back. “Thanks for coming when I called you,” she says softly, her hands curling into his flannel shirt.

“Any time, Mins, no matter what,” he promises. “Thanks for calling for me.”

She lets out a soft laugh. “Yeah, whatever, Farm Boy,” she says, waving off her earlier actions. She pulls away from him, her walls going up. Alo wasn’t particularly bothered though. He was just happy to be the one she let in the door every once in a while.

Mini moves over to the small mirror on the way and begins to fix her make-up, smudging her foundation around and wiping off the remains of her eye shadow. At least she had taken to wearing waterproof mascara and eyeliner lately.

She spins back to him on her heel. “Come on, Creevey. We have to go back before people start to talk.”

Alo rolls his eyes at this demand. “Mins, they’re our friends. I really doubt they give a fuck.”

Mini looks at him with hard blue eyes. He sees her lock that door and immediately wishes he never said anything.

He backs down first, of course. He’ll always back down first. “Whatever,” he mutters, standing up from the bed and moving towards the door. Mini huffs and brushes past him, exiting first.

He follows her, like he always does and always would and attributes the rush of affection and bitterness to the cocaine.

It was easier that way.

mini/alo, fic, skins

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