
Feb 26, 2012 03:37

title : sin [4/10]
pairing/fandom : alo x mini
rating : m for the series, pg-13 for this part
word count : 2200
summary : Mini and Alo find themselves dealing with sin in a way they never have before.

blame - an expression of condemnation; reproof



”You think it’s my fault. You blame me.”

“What the fuck is wrong with you?”

Franky shrugs her shoulders and walks away, leaving Mini gaping behind her. Mini watches as Nick rushes after Franky, seemingly desperate to talk to her. She can’t even spare a thought for that oddity.

Mini’s hands twist together as Franky’s harsh words.

The worst part is Mini knows Franky’s right, per usual. Mini does blame Franky. She blames Franky for running away. She blames Matty and Luke for driving, for engaging in that stupid fucking display of masculinity. She blames Liv for making Matty chase Franky. She blames Rich for getting fired in the most dramatic possible way, forcing him and Grace out of the country.

She blames herself for suggesting a vacation in the first place.

With every passing day, she feels like she’s assigning more blame. She starts blaming Liv for dragging Matty into their lives or Nick for keeping him around. She blames Rider’s stupid half-finished villa for being in Morocco. She blames everyone. Everyone but Grace.

“You all right, Mins?” Alo says, waving a hand in front of her face.

Mini drags her eyes up to Alo and sees the level of concern in his face. His hand is gripping onto her arm and she raises her hand to cover his as tears sting her eyes.

Just what she needs today.

Then, as if a light was switched on, Mini jerks back. “Fuck, Farmboy,” she hisses. “Someone could see us!”

Alo rolls his eyes, something she was growing far too accustomed to seeing these days. “We’re mates, Mins. It’s not out of the question for us to have a conversation!”

“Whatever, Creevey. I have a mock in Psychology to write and I’m sure you have something to fail,” Mini says harshly before spinning on her heel.

Alo catches her arm and pulls her back to him. “I need to know that you’re okay,” he begs.

Mini sighs, worried about the intensity in his eyes. “I’ll be fine, Alo. I’ll see you later, yeah?” She pauses and he keeps staring down at her, his eyes probing her, looking for any sign of pain.

With a small nod, Alo releases her arm, freeing her.


Alo’s increasingly finding it hard to pay attention in English class.

Not that he ever particularly ever paid attention in class to begin with, but now even when he tries, he finds his attention pulled away from his teacher’s dramatic lecturing style. It doesn’t help he doesn’t have Rich to snicker with anymore and Nick is too far away to pass notes.

He’s thrown a few paper airplanes Nick’s way but he’s sick of getting detention for something that’s not illegal.

All Alo can do throughout that whole class is stare at the back of Mini’s head, hoping desperately that his face maintains a certain level of cool.

He’ll blame Mini entirely if his rapidly rising cool status is ruined because he’s getting mushy over her hair.

It wasn't so bad when he was just thinking about the most tactile way to ask her to blow him or if he could get her to watch porn with him. That was normal. He was used to that. He was doing that since year eleven.

Admittedly, it got a little harder once they actually started having sex, when he started replaying the various encounters they’ve had. Then he had to start watching the clock, gauging how long he’d have to clear his mind before his erection subsided.

Alo hasn’t come to a concrete result for that one.

Now it was only getting worse. Now all he could do was think about ways to get her to stay over or to let him stay over at hers. All the dates he’d take her on if he could ever get her to come out with him. Ways to get money to pay for said dates. His fantasies shied away from sex to holding her hand at the movies, laughing at some god-awful Nicholas Sparks style romantic-drama. Or of her getting jealous when he drags her to an Emma Stone comedy instead.

Alo tries to push these thoughts down. What’s the point in thinking about something that could never happen?

Though, to be fair, he thought that about his fantasies last year and they came true. Maybe he just had to dream a little harder.


Mini sneaks off to his van as soon as school let’s out. Most people aren’t paying attention, too busy groaning about the unfair nature of exams to pay attention to the blonde.

For once, she’s grateful not to be the centre of attention.

By the time she gets there, he’s already fiddling with his keys at his front door.

“To the farm, big boy,” she demands firmly before walking past him to the side door, hurrying into the back before she could be caught.

She hears Alo grumbling as he climbs into the front seat and the slamming of his door. “You do realize I’ve driven you around before, right? No one is going to assume we’re shagging. I mean, I fucking drove you to the fabric store for lace and no one assumed we were fucking even though I maintain I should have got a blow job out of that act of kindness.”

“Please, I’ve given you so many blow jobs. You shouldn’t complain.” Mini huffs and throws herself onto his bed next to his guitar. “People always know when other people are fucking. It’s a sixth sense. If we don’t get a move on, I can always go wash my own dishes.”

There’s a lull in their argument before Alo’s engine starts. “Be careful back there,” he warns per usual before pulling out of Roundview’s parking lot.

Mini lays back on the small single bed and looks at the photos adorning the walls. Somewhere around the time Mini and Alo started to properly be friends in the summer, when Mini started to spend more time in Alo’s van, Alo had taken down the numerous photos torn out of porn magazines and FHM at only the slightest hint of Mini’s discomfort.

It was absurd how touched she was by this gesture.

Now his walls consisted of a mosaic of various bands, comedians and celebrities. Mini appreciated that he had chosen mostly-clothed women more along the lines of Aubrey Plaza and Alison Brie to adorn his walls rather than nameless tits constantly in her face.

Alo had also taken to putting up photos of their friends along the part of the wall closest to the pillow. Photos of their summer together, of Morocco before things got shitty, of the wedding that should have been. She was not surprised to find a fair amount of her on that wall, but she couldn’t suppress the smile spreading across her face when she saw old photos of him and Rich. He had pictures of them stretching back as far as their childhood together.

Mini would have to be tortured into saying it out loud, but Alo was a very cute child indeed.

Mini nestled back into his pillow, savouring the smell of weed, spearmint and grass that seemed to cling to everything he owned. It was irritating to her how comforting she found it, but after seeing Franky with that… motherfucker, Mini couldn’t really find herself able to give a shit about the rules she gave herself. Not today, at least.

She feels Alo pull the van to a halt before ducking back to her. “Still dressed?” He asks playfully with mock-disappointment as he sits on the bed, leaning against the wall opposite her, pulling the guitar into his lap.

Mini smiles over at him and kicks him lightly in the shin. “We can’t possibly be at the farm already?” She asks, propping herself up on her elbows.

“Nah. Ma’s having some people over for farm-type shit. I don’t know, I wasn’t listening,” Alo confesses as he begins to pluck at his guitar. “We’re somewhere secluded, though, you don’t have to worry.”

Mini shifts uncomfortably, noting the tinge of bitterness attached to his voice. “It’s fine,” she says, knowing it’s anything but. “We’re mates, right?”

Her lie is worth the small smile he gives her before abandoning his guitar. “I see you’re finally starting to get it,” he teases, moving to crawl up her body. He leans down and presses a kiss to the corner of her mouth. “Are you going to tell me why you were so upset today or am I just going to have to make you feel better without knowing?” Alo asks as he rests his weight on his knees and caresses her arm.

Mini sighs. She hates it, but she knows the only way to feel better about this whole Franky mess is to tell him. The only way she feels better anymore is usually Alo-related.

She’s starting to hate him for it.

Mini shifts onto her side so Alo has enough room to settle in next to her. He takes her silent cue and lays down on his side, stretching his arm out behind her for rest her head on.

Alo might be a fuck up in a lot of ways, a massive fuck up, but even Mini recognizes that he’s going to make some girl a fantastically affectionate boyfriend. She pushes down the feelings of jealousy that arise from that grim thought.

Mini relaxes as Alo begins to play with a lock of her golden hair and focuses her eyes on a winking Emma Stone situated over Alo’s shoulder. “I think Franky’s fucking Luke,” she says softly, curling her hand in Alo’s flannel shirt.

She feels Alo breathe in heavily through his nose, the deep intake of breath causing his chest to bump against her cheek. His hand curls around her waist instinctively, bringing her closer to him.

“Right,” Alo says with more sharpness than Mini is used to hearing. “Okay.”

Mini leans back slightly to look up at Alo’s face. His jaw was locked and his eyes were staring ahead. If looks could kill, there was no way Donald Glover would still be alive.

Mini reaches up and smoothes her hands down his cheeks, embracing a rare moment of tenderness. She hated seeing him so upset. She hated that she hated seeing him so upset, but that moment of self-loathing could come later.

Alo’s eyes snap down to her and soften, though his jaw seems to lock even more intensely. “I can’t believe she’d do that,” Alo sighs after a moment.

“Just Franky’s fantastic taste in men,” Mini says sarcastically.

Alo shakes his head resolutely. “There has to be more to it than that,” he says with conviction. “Matty fucked up but he’s not a sociopath with horrible clothes.”

Mini snorts at his last statement. She pushes him on his back and manoeuvres them so she’s laying on his chest, giving her a better vantage point to gaze down at him. After all, if the rules were going out of the window this one time, she may as well take advantage of it.

“His clothes were horrific. No personal style at all,” Mini smiles, plucking at Alo’s dog tag. Alo smiles up at her and drags her head down to his for a kiss. Mini pulls back before getting too absorbed in him.

“I just can’t believe she would do that after…”

Mini trails off, looking down at Alo’s neck. She presses her nails firmly into her palms to keep from crying as Alo’s hands caress her back softly.

“Yeah, I know,” Alo whispers. “There has to be something we don’t know.”

Mini’s eyes snap back up to Alo. “Like the fact she’s a selfish, stupid bitch?”

Alo’s hands continue their soothing patterns as he shakes his head. “No. Franky isn’t like that. Not really.”

Mini wants to be angry with Alo. She really does. She wants him to be angry with Franky as well. She wants him to hate with her in that moment.

Still, Mini knows that if that was what she really wanted, she wouldn’t be there with him in that moment. She can hate Franky alone but she can only feel better with Alo.

It’s becoming very alarming how much she finds herself needing him lately. Mini doesn’t know how she would have survived the last three months without him there. Unfortunately, she’s starting to forget how she got through the last year without him there. It’s becoming very stark how much she needs him and she can’t stand him for that fact. Even before they were fucking, when she was sad or angry, his smile was enough to turn her mood around, if only for a second. His shear belief in her abilities was enough to make her trust herself.

She hates him for it, but she blames herself for letting it get this far.

She hates herself for not being able to let him go.

mini/alo, fic

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