sin - lie

Mar 05, 2012 09:38

title : sin [5/10]
pairing/fandom : alo x mini
rating : m for the series, pg-13 for this part
word count : 2150
summary : Mini and Alo find themselves dealing with sin in a way they never have before.

lie - false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive; an intentional untruth; a falsehood



Mini hesitates after turning off the light. She can hear Alo fidget from his spot on the floor, the fabric of the blankets she tossed on him rustling around.

She sighs and picks at her fingernails. “Alo?” She asks softly.

“Yeah, Mins?”

“Shove over,” she says, firm in her decision. She slides off the bed and settles in next to him. She can see his teeth gleam in the darkness. “This doesn’t mean anything,” she says harshly. As she snuggles into his chest, she knows she’s lying. She can’t pin-point exactly when it happened, but Mini knew she was developing feelings for Alo.

She is furious about it.

She doesn’t understand how Liv and Nick and Alex could fuck dozens of people and keep it so casual. How they didn’t develop feelings for the other person in their bed. It seemed impossible for Mini.

Alo’s arm wrapped around Mini tightly. “Of course not, Mins,” he says, though Mini can still hear the smile in his voice.

Mini scoffs at Alo’s response. She knows that he’s reading way more into this than she wanted him to. It seems like he reads too much into everything that involves her anymore. Every glance that lingers too long, every call or text telling him to come over, every time she lets her walls down when he’s around or kisses him good bye.

Mini desperately wants to believe that he’s just reading too much into everything, but there’s a part of her that whispers she’s getting in too deep. Mini knows, no matter how much she hates it, that she does feel an undeniable draw to him. One that’s based on more than just sex or attraction.

It was kind of hard not to have feelings for Alo, Mini concedes to herself.

“Your hair smells so fucking good, Mins,” Alo whispers, breaking the heavy silence around them. She closes her eyes and snuggles deeper into his chest as his long fingers pull through the increasingly tangled mess that makes up her hair.

“Some of us wash ourselves regularly, Farm Boy,” Mini whispers back in a teasing tone. His chest rumbles as he chuckles softly. Mini tangles her slim fingers in the mesh that makes up Alo’s tank top and sighs contentedly.

Mini had never felt comfortable being herself around anyone, really. At least anyone who wasn’t Liv.

A churning feeling comes over Mini’s stomach and she spares a thought for her drawer. For her… pregnancy.

“Alo,” she begins, speaking softly. She hoists herself up and drapes half of her body over his chest so she can look into his eyes. Her eyes have adjusted to the darkness enough to allow her to see his face. The glow from the moon and streetlights that filter though her curtains catches in his orange hair. He looks up at her with so much adoration and love that she feels like her chest is going to burst.

She wants so badly to believe he was mistaking about his feelings, but when he looks at her like that, it’s hard to deny he feels something beyond merely wanting to fuck her.

Mini traces a finger down his hairline, savouring the feeling of is soft hair. Alo exhales a breath, his eyes never leaving her face. It isn’t often that she allows herself to behave so affectionately, but every once in a while, she can’t help herself.

“Alo,” Mini repeats, more concrete with her tone. She knows she has to tell him about their predicament. She knows Alo well enough that if she tells him, she won’t have to go through this by herself. He’ll help her any way he can.

“What is it?” He asks quietly, his hand coming up to cup her face. His thumb caresses over her cheekbone and he smiles brightly up at her, completely happy with this moment they were sharing.

Mini smiles softly down at him. “Never mind, it’s not important,” she lies smoothly. Mini leans down and plants a gentle kiss on Alo’s mouth. His hand moves back and combs through her hair as her hand moves down to grip his shoulder.

She pulls back and grins down at him. “Nighty night, Farm Boy,” she says brightly.

A deep laugh ripping through Alo’s chest causes Mini to bounce up and down a few times. “Night, Mins,” he says finally, lifting himself up and planting one last peck on her mouth. His head falls back against the throw pillow and his tongue dips out of his mouth briefly. “You have no fucking idea what you do to me, McGuinness.”

Mini laughs and brings a hand up to tuck her hair behind her ear. “I think I have some idea, Creevey,” she says teasingly, waving a hand towards his crotch.

Alo smiles up at her and shakes his hand. “I wish that was all it was,” he whispers, more to himself than her.

Mini’s smile falters slightly. The last thing she wants right now is this conversation.

“Goodnight, Alo,” she repeats before settling back down on his chest. She reaches her arm over his chest and grips at his ribs tightly. She feels Alo sigh deeply before tracing his fingers down her arm.

“See you tomorrow, Mins,” he says finally before pulling her closer and burying his nose in her hair.


”I don’t think you know how to love anything.”

Alo knows those words aren’t true the moment they spill out of his mouth.

He knows she knows how to love. He sees it in the way she mourns Grace, in the way she worries about Franky, in the way she treated Nick when they were together.

She just didn’t know how to love him.

That truth was a much harder one to accept.

Mini sits behind him for a few more minutes, saying nothing. A part of Alo wants to turn around, clutch her to his chest and apologise for his harsh words. He wants to hold her and kiss her, give her whatever she wants from him. He wants to teach her how to love him. To fix whatever it was that makes him unworthy of her affections.

In those few brief minutes, Alo thinks he would change his whole world just to get her to love him back.

Eventually, Mini sighs heavily, her breath blowing past his ears and he squeezes his eyes shut. He feels his makeshift bed shift as she moves back towards the ladder, the old wood creaking precariously under her weight.

Alo hears her heels scuff on the wood floor and it takes ever ounce of his self-control to stay silent. All he wants in the world is to call her back, to forgive her, even if she’ll never love him.

Still, he refrains. After all, that’s the smart thing to do. No matter how laid back or kind Alo was, he couldn’t let her keep using him for sex.

Rich’s warnings swirl in his head.

He was going to be impossibly smug now.

Alo turns his head and looks out the barn door Mini recently walked through. His vast fields gleamed with the green and gold that he associated with his property, but there was no sight of her glistening hair, her long legs or her infectious spirit. Knowing he’s alone, Alo shuffles back from the ledge, laying back on his pillows. Her scent still clings to them from their rendezvous in his favourite not-so-secret hiding spot a week ago.

A spliff is quickly rolled and lit, anything to keep the feelings of regret from bubbling up. The last thing Alo wants to think about right now is all the things he could have done differently. He lies to himself and pretends he wouldn’t change a thing, that what happens was always going to happen because the only thing Mini knows how to do is to run away.

He thinks about her relationship with Nick and how she would do anything for his friend. How she would follow him around and how hard she tried, even after discovering his cheating. How everyone knew Nick was fucking Liv and Mini still held his hand and sat on his lap and snogged him in front of the college.

It was easier to lie to himself, pretend that Nick was based on status. That if Nick wasn’t the captain of the rugby team, Mini would have run the other way at the hint of affection. That it wasn’t just Alo she couldn’t love.

Alo exhales a huge lungful of smoke over his pillows and hopes to drown out her scent.


Mini has this theory that the ability to lie is inherent. That it’s written in everyone’s DNA or something.

If someone’s parents are good liars, they’ll be a good liar too. That’s why Mini is so good at it, so good at pretending everything is perfect when it’s falling apart. She watched her mother do it everyday when she was a child, as her mother struggled to convince her that, no, of course they weren’t poor! Where on earth would she get a silly idea like that?

Mini pockets these lies away for her child’s inevitable questions.

The other major lie her mother told her was that, yes, of course her dad love her! He’s just busy right now, but he’ll probably be around soon!

At least Mini’s thankful she’ll most likely never have to feed her child this line. That is, if she ever tells Alo. She knows Alo will try his hardest to be around, that even if he doesn’t actually love her and really is just confusing his love of shagging her with proper, always and forever love, he’ll love their child. Alo loves everything to some degree.

It’s Gregory’s influence that hurts the most. Unlike her mother’s lies, Gregory’s had the exact opposite effect. Gregory pretends to love and Mini lies about indifference.

She thinks it’s the worst thing he ever did to her.

It’s easier for her to pretend not to care about the people around her, even when they lavish affection on her. If she pretends to not care then it’s easier when they leave her. At least they’re not holding her pain over her head.

Alo’s accusation rings in her ears and Mini knows she can’t blame him for believing that. She never gave him a lot to work against that belief. She had hoped that some of her actions in the past proved her ability to love, but apparently not to Alo. Mini’s heart breaks for him in that moment, his words lingering in the silence in that barn. She knows it’s not the truth, the words themselves roll right off her. Deep down, she knows that he knows it’s not true. Alo was a horrific liar, after all.

Her heart breaks for the broken teenager in front of her who is crushed by the weight of her lies of indifference.

She tells herself that this is better in the long run, but the voice in her head sounds strangely like her mother’s.


Mini curls up on Franky’s bed as waves of morning sickness wash over her.

Though she was terrified to let anyone know about her pregnancy, she can’t help but be thrilled with her best friend’s skills in observation.

Especially when Franky walks in carrying milky tea and digestive biscuits.

Franky sits on the edge of the bed, her weight jostling the bed slightly. Mini moans slightly as the now familiar pulsing sensation of her nausea.

“Sorry,” Franky apologises as she sees Mini cringe. “Did the doctor say how much longer the morning sickness will last?”

Mini shrugs. “A couple more weeks, give or take. She said most women don’t have it this long.” Mini gazes down at the sonogram picture in her hand. “It’ll be worth it, though. In the end.”

Franky smiles softly at Mini for a moment before staring down at the cup of tea in her hands. “And what about… telling people?”

Mini remains silent for a moment. “Do you mean telling our friends or telling the father?”

“Do you know who the father is?” Franky asks in a careful tone.

Mini scoffs in astonishment, sitting up quickly. “I’m not a slag, Franky! Of course I know who the father is.”

Franky nods and looks over at Mini. “Do I know who the father is?”

Mini falters. It would be so easy to tell Franky. Franky wouldn’t care, she would stand by Mini no matter what, she’s already proved that.

Still, Alo’s Franky’s friend too. Franky has to have a certain amount of loyalty towards him.

“I’d rather not say,” Mini says, turning away from Franky and burying her head in the pillow.

At least it’s not another lie.

mini/alo, fic, skins

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