letters to grace - Franky

Mar 07, 2012 00:47

title : letters to grace [2/8]
pairing/fandom : gen, mentioned at nick x franky
rating : pg
word count : 510
summary : The gang write letters to Grace.



What can I say? What haven’t I said to you a million times before?

My councilor suggested I write you a letter. She said it might help me “get past the blame game”. I think she’s full of shit myself, but I’m trying. I really am.

She told me that moving on is what you’d want me to do. I don’t know how she can get away with saying that, if I'm honest. She doesn’t even fucking know you! Didn’t know you, I guess. She didn’t know you.

I know you wouldn’t want me to feel like this but I can’t help it. If I never got in that car, you’d still be here. I can never stop being sorry for that.

I can’t stop thinking about Rich. How he’s going to feel when he gets back. If he’s going to blame me like Mini does. Mini blames everyone. I think she’s even found a way to blame herself.

I know you’d hate it. That you’d hate us drifting apart like this and I don’t know what to say. I can’t keep us together. Rich is gone, off trying to pretend you’ll be here when he gets back. Mini won’t talk to anyone and Alo is trying to be positive all the time, distracting himself with something that only you probably know now.

Liv is off getting fucked up with her new friend Alex, pretending that she has everything under control. I know she’s wrong. She’s going to explode one day and no one knows it but me. I’ve been there.

Nick… Nick thinks he fancies me now. I think he’s full of shit. He’s too fucked most days to even comprehend what’s going on. I don’t understand why he’d want anything to do with me, if I’m honest. I’d just fuck him up even further, like I did with Matty.

And I know you wouldn’t want me to blame myself. Well, it’s not like you’re here to stop me.



I don’t know what to do anymore, Gracie. Luke was a massive mistake. I just - fuck.

I think that’s not really something I can talk about yet. Not even with you.

I’m going to try to be happier. I’m going to try to be friends with Nick. I’m going to look after Mini, because you know how much she needs it. Something’s going on with her. When Liv breaks down, I’ll help. When Rich gets back, I’ll make sure Alo does a better job. I know he tried, but I think we all know despite his best intentions, he sometimes needs a little help.

You were my first female friend, Grace. You were the first person to ever really try to be friends with me. You were the first, with Alo and Rich, to go out of your way to try and cheer me up. I’ll love you forever for it. I’ll never forget you. I promise.

Love you,


fic, skins, letters to grace

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