SIN - pride [6/10]

Mar 25, 2012 14:02

title : sin [6/10]
pairing/fandom : alo x mini
rating : m for the series, pg-13 for this part
word count : 1800
summary : Mini and Alo find themselves dealing with sin in a way they never have before.

pride - pride or hubris is considered the original and most serious of the seven deadly sins, and the source of the others



Every so often, Mini picks up her phone. Her finger quickly slides down the screen to the “F” column of her contacts and hover for a moment or two over the once-often pressed “Farmboy”.

This was one of those moments.

She knows that their psudo-break up hard for Alo. Every so often he sends her a text, most fueled by the various substances he was abusing to numb his pain. Some were casual, seemingly merely attempts at repairing their now overwhelmingly frayed friendship.

Some were pathetic, typo ridden messes, attempting to convey to her how much he loves her. How much he misses her and needs her.

For some reason, Mini preferred the latter to the former.

Mini tosses the phone to the other end of the bed and slams her head back on the pillow.

She tells herself it’s not fair to him. After all, she’s mostly kind of sure that she doesn’t love him back and if Mini learned anything from her awful relationship experience with Nick it was that being lead on by someone you love is far more painful than initial rejection.

The part Mini hates most is that she doesn’t even just want to have sex with him and kick him out moments after she climaxes.

All that Mini wants is to be with him. To cuddle up next to him while he strokes her hair as another wave of nausea washes over her. She wants him to make her weak tea and joke about her already expanding maternal instincts. She wants to flip through a baby book with him and laugh as they point out ridiculous options for their unborn child’s name.

Mini clutches at her still mostly-flat stomach.

She blames the hormones for this rush of emotion. After all, it wasn’t right for her, Mini McGuinness, to have feelings of someone of Alo Creevey’s social status. She could have any boy in the entirety of Bristol and the general surrounding area.

Mini huffs and turns on her side as her stomach begins to churn.

She doesn’t want these... these feelings. She’s slowly starting to accept the unfortunate fact that something more substantial than just lust had settled in her. She knows that if someone shoved a light in her face and interrogated her about her connection to the ginger teen, she would have to admit that she was far more attached than she would care to admit in general company.

That didn’t mean anyone else needed to know about it, though.

Yeah, maybe she kind of loves him in one way or another.

That doesn’t mean she has to admit it.

Over her dead body would anyone, especially Aloyisus Creevey, find out that she loves him.

Franky gives Mini a knowing glance as she leaves the seat closest to Alo empty. Mini couldn’t help but roll her eye’s at her best friend’s pushy attitude. Still, never one to bow down from a challenge, Mini sits and levels a look at Alo, as if daring him to say something to her.

Alo hesitates for a moment before giving her a nod and necking the bottle of beer in his hand before turning his attention back to Rich. Mini can’t help the feeling of disappointment that settles in her heart.

It was clear from the change in his expression that he was having a rough time with ending whatever it was they had. The drunk texts should have told her that, but seeing it on his face tore at her heart. She didn’t want this for him.

She didn’t want it for her either.

It could be so easy. She could apologise to him, tell him he was worthy of her and that he means more to her than she can even really comprehend.

It was something that should be easy, but just wasn’t. Not for her.

“Need me to flirt with some loser to get you a drink, Mins?” Liv slurs, an arm wrapped firmly around Alex’s shoulders. A surge of jealousy pulses through her at this sight. She should be the person Liv clings to while drunk, not some random stranger like Alex.

“I’m fine,” she says curtly. “I’m detoxing.”

“Detoxing?” Alo asks with an incredulous tone. “Why the fuck would you do something like that?”

”Because I’m pregnant with your child and don’t want it to die of fetal alcohol poisoning or some shit like that.”

That’s what she knows she should say. That’s what she would say, if fear and pride didn’t control her every move these days.

“Do you know how many empty calories are in all that booze you drink?” She asks in a snooty tone, Megabitch Mini taking over. “It’s so unnecessary.”

“Empty calories? Mins, you don’t have to worry about shit like that,” Alo says softly.

Mini glares sharply at him as she notices Liv level a sad look at Alo.

Liv had to know something. It was her nature. She could read people, even better than Franky. She may not be as talented at being able to work out the complexities of the deep secrets the gang kept, but she could suss out the general emotions people were feeling.

It’s the reason Mini withdrew herself from her once-best friend. It was easier to pretend to hate her than have every secret come tumbling out. Liv had an uncanny ability at not only being able to figure out people’s emotions, but being able to poke holes in their motivations.

Mini’s mind wanders back to her failed relationship with Nick. She remembers how easily Liv was able to deconstruct every lie Mini told herself about Nick’s motivations and her own feelings. She remembers how painful it was, to have every action and every justification destroyed with one sentence.

That was not going to happen with Alo.

She could already hear Liv’s words echoing in her head, what Liv would say if only Mini gave her the chance. She would be shocked at first, of course, never being able to see the ginger as anything more than a brother or a friend. Certainly not a sexually viable option.

After that initial shock, Liv would cut down every lie Mini told herself.

She’d tell Mini that Alo’s not like her dad. He’s a nice guy, not the type to just walk out. Sure, he’s irresponsible and he fucks up from time to time, but there’s a reason everyone likes him. There’s a reason they follow him around, despite his shitty sense of non-party related direction. There’s a reason he, along with Liv, is the one to have the closest relationship with each of the people in the group. Fuck, he was even nice to Rider, so certainly there was something to be said for his accepting and kind nature.

She’d tell Mini that she was being an idiot for buying into these stupid ideas of popularity and high school hierarchy. That Mini’s been watching too many American teen dramas and John Hughes movies now that she can’t go out and party with them. That Andrew McCarthy doesn’t exist and even if he did, doesn’t everyone really want Duckie in the end?

She’d tell Mini that how could it just be fucking, really? Five straight months of only sleeping with one person? If Mini truly wanted to, she could find a fuck anywhere. Alo was far from the only boy in this miserable down that was good at sex. Sure, he had a quality dick and was a good kisser, but what did that mean in the grand scheme of things? Nothing, really.

Mini’s pride was too strong for those words. She couldn’t take them and knows they’ll come the second Liv finds out about all this fuckery Mini had somehow found herself embroiled in.

It was too hard. It was all too complicated. Liv would never understand, just like Franky didn’t understand. Even Alo didn’t understand and he was half the problem.


She finds him outside, just after Nick and Franky ran off to god knows where.

Franky told Mini about Nick’s “feelings”. The feelings he thought he had for her. Mini knew Nick better than that, though. He loved it when things were complicated. When there was something or someone to overcome. More often than not, it was his brother.

Alo’s leaning against a brick wall, spliff dangling between his fingers.

“Hey, Farmboy,” she says kindly as she approaches him. She stands where the smoke won’t hit her. He offers her a weak smile and offers her the joint. She waves a hand in place of flat-out refusal, trying to be as friendly as she can.

He sighs and takes another hit. “Don’t girls usually just dye their hair or something after a break up?”

“There was no break up,” she states firmly, annoyance gnawing at her at his insistence of their relationship. “We weren’t together. You have to be together to break up.”

Alo scoffs. “Whatever you say, Mins. Just be careful with that whole detoxing thing,” he requests. “I don’t want you to get sick.”

Mini’s irritation ebbs at his concern. “It’s not a crash diet or anything. I just want to be healthier,” she explains with a shrug.

He turns to look at her and cocks his head. His blue eyes meet hers and a pain strikes her heart. Her stomach churns at the unmasked emotion on his face.

“Why?” He asks. “We have years before we have to be healthy. Why start now?”

Mini opens her mouth to answer. This is finally her chance. She resolves herself and squares her shoulders, as if preparing herself for battle.

“Hey, losers!” Alex’s voice rings out as he and Liv saunter out of the club. “How’s tricks?”

Liv’s laughter bounces off the alley walls and echoes around them. Mini momentarily forgets what she was about to do as her heart sinks at her best friend’s happiness. It should be Mini Liv is happy with, not Alex. It wasn’t fair.

“Fine,” Mini says sharply. “I was just leaving.”

“Mins,” Alo sighs. “At least let me walk you home.”

Franky stumbles out of the club, looking like Mini’s fucked up guardian angel and Mini shakes her head. “I’ve got this one, Farmboy,” she says firmly, walking over to Franky. There are tear stains across her cheeks and her make up was smudged. She looks just as fucked up as Mini feels.

Mini laces her arm through Franky’s and the set off down the street, not bothering to say goodbye to their friends.

mini/alo, fic

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