my room is a piggizy stizzle. i need to clean it tomorrow. Tomorrow i work the morning shift so i will do my laundry and cleaning afterward. Christie E may be coming over tomorrow. i am psyched about that. i dont know what else to say. the last couple of days have been hell. pure hell. As usual, i am safe if i stay in bed
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Well. The vacation is nearly over. I found out allot of things, however. Everything is so bunched up in my head though. As some of you may know, it is quite rare that I remember dreams, but the other day I actually remembered one
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Today was so tiring. It seemed like no one was in school. All my classes were fairly empty. I don’t know what else to say. I was looking forward to seeing Heather face in instrumental, but she was late for school. Blar. I have been trying like hell to remember to take my meds. I am barely hanging in there. I think I will make it though. I really
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WOW! What a fucking day. First me and christ went to the Kingston mall. We got there at about 1230 and met up with Emily. I had a sign that read "Emily" to make it easier to find her, but we found her at our meeting place in no time. the mall was really fun. we had a good time and many laughs and fot ALLOT of shit. I got RUG a Veggie chopper
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My day is hard to put together and write about. I slept at random intervals of the day and did other spontaneous stuff too. Wayde never came over. I called to see where what was going on... but he wasn't home. I ended up ironing the shirts myself. That was the first part of my day after I awoke the first time.... at 10:00a or so. After I ironed
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