I have a theory: I think people who just know that they can push every button and just irk me . . . they just find me like ants that find sweets. Lately many people just want to step on my open nerves. . . rude waitresses, ( http://rebekah1213.livejournal.com/170218.html ) these wanna-be-hipster-emo guys that were sitting behind us during the WWE
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Okay this was the letter wanted to send to my local BW3s, but it was too many characters, so I cut it down. I never had that bad of an experience with a waitress. (Tom and I were hanging out with some friends and we went to BW3s for the wrestling Pay-per-view last Sunday this was just a part of our experience.)
This is what I wrote in Jan 2010 and whatever is in red what I accomplished or cancelled.
I did notice that last year many things and people in Tom and my lives kind of pulled us in different directions. . . I am hoping that this year we may be able to have a quiet year where we can accomplish those goals we have out set for ourselves. I only
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I pay just under 120 dollars for cable (with the box) and Internet each month. I have Time Warner. . . I am not happy with them. Actually we were only supposed to pay a hundred, but they screwed our bill up as well and in order to change my plan I have to turn off the cable and Internet for a month. . . that is just crazy.