Oct 06, 2011 22:45
I pay just under 120 dollars for cable (with the box) and Internet each month. I have Time Warner. . . I am not happy with them. Actually we were only supposed to pay a hundred, but they screwed our bill up as well and in order to change my plan I have to turn off the cable and Internet for a month. . . that is just crazy.
Anyway, we have had serious glitches in cable that varies from a few seconds to a few minutes usually. There have been times where we had local cable go out for hours and not been reimbursed.
Their customer service is more rude than nice. . . I would have to say out of the ten times I have had to call at least 7-8 people have been rude to me. They also push things just to get you off the phone and are extremely stubborn.
Over the past week all of the new shows have come out. . . however our free on demand is NOT working. I don’t even want to call knowing that I will get a rude customer service person who has no idea what they are doing.
This is NOT worth a 120 dollars . . . I really wish I could switch, but I live in an apartment and we can have satellite 7 floors up.