I have a theory: I think people who just know that they can push every button and just irk me . . . they just find me like ants that find sweets. Lately many people just want to step on my open nerves. . . rude waitresses, (
http://rebekah1213.livejournal.com/170218.html ) these wanna-be-hipster-emo guys that were sitting behind us during the WWE pay-per-view. It was like they couldn’t pick style, wrestler, or person to irk. (They had funky hats and weird hair, too much white in their clothes for a BBQ place.) They knew a few of the waiters which explained much of the service. They looked like they starved themselves as they were trying to get their waiter friends to get them free food.
I also cannot stand the damn side burns; either grow a beard or shave, people: make a decision and stick with it. (I didn’t even like Elvis’ sideburns.)
Those guys were way too skinny: they need to stop causing confrontation and get some meat on their bones. (If they stop the drama, they might get a girlfriend.)
They used more hair products than some of the women did in the bar. It was crazy.
By the way, white clothes are supposed to be fashionable between the months of June through September.
I didn’t think it would have bothered me as much if they didn’t have an inappropriate, loud comment for everything.
Every other word was “suck my dick,” “Blow me.” It pissed me off, because the sexual innuendos just are tasteless as we are watching two grown men holding each other down (hopefully innocently.) It’s bad enough the kids there were learning four letter words (yes I shouted a few.)
It just seemed that every time someone was excited about a match those guys had to comment something and ruin the moment.
I think I am cursed, I seem to find morons everywhere I go. I lost my voice chanting against them.