Sunday, May 19, 1999
Kevin can't sleep Sibyll thinks back on what the day means Eloise visits the memorial and runs into Anthony Rita owls Angelina Katie goes to see Dean Draco remembers Andromeda thinks about things Harry takes care of an overdue something Oliver reflects Wayne has the day off Susan wishes that she had another family Greg visits an old friend Draco sends out invitations Gawain is working George, Lee and Rita attend a candle lighting ceremony Charlie thinks as he browses through newspapers and magazines Kevin runs into Michael Harry and Hermione spend the day together Ginny visits Fred's grave Lavender lights a candle Rita stops by the Three Broomsticks and talks to Rosmerta Pansy tries to write her parents Cho thinks about the importance of the day Millicent talks with her father Monday, May 20, 1999
Millicent owls Bill Lisa remembers Tuesday, May 21, 1999
Parvati runs into Adrian Kevin makes dinner for Lisa Padma runs into Anthony Rita sends out invitations Wednesday, May 22, 1999
Wayne owls Eloise Members of the book club go to the Leaky after their meeting Mandy and Pansy have tea Luna studies Percy and Penny have lunch Tracey, Kevin and Millicent have soup Ginny and Luna talk Thursday, May 23, 1999
Hermione and Oliver have lunch Lavender runs into Ron at the ice cream shop Neville and Terry goof around with a football Lisa and Angelina go to an art exhibit Parvati drops in on Seamus Friday, May 24, 1999
Angelina owls Wayne Seamus and Neville make some food. Ernie and Kevin drop by. George and Hermione go for a walk Saturday, May 25, 1999
Oliver and Ginny spend time together Hermione goes shopping after work Anthony meets his neighbor again Katie runs into Cho at the park Verity bumps into Adrian Sunday, May 26, 1999
George owls Molly Ginny talks to Reed Harry and Hermione work out Tracey meets up with Cho at work George and Lee talk about their anniversary Monday, May 27, 1999
Cho and Anthony break bread Angelina runs into Greg wayne drops by to see Roger after work Narcissa owls Andromeda Neville owls Pansy Tuesday, May 28, 1999
Harry runs into Pansy while out walking Dodger Narcissa has tea with Andy and Teddy Wednesday, May 29, 1999
Hannah runs into Zach Harry asks Arthur for advice Hermione owls Pansy Adrian posts a help wanted advert Thursday, May 30, 1999
Harry and Ron catch up after work Hermione and Neville have lunch George visits Fleur Eloise drops by to see Wayne Roger runs into Andy and Teddy at the market Friday, May 31, 1999
Kevin helps Millicent and Cho study Lavender runs into Narcissa while window shopping Saturday, June 1, 1999
Rita has her birthday party at the Sweet Shop Neville and Pansy return from dinner with his gran Percy and Hestia go to the opera Zach runs into Gwenog at the pub Note: I got behind on summaries, but hope to get them caught up over the next few days. Sorry!