Date: 28 May 1999
Characters: Harry Potter, anyone else.
Location: Hawthorne Park, Hogsmeade
Status: Public
Summary: Harry takes Dodger on a nighttime walk.
Completion: Complete
After dinner, Harry had felt too antsy to head to bed, despite his long day at work. Figuring that a walk would do him good, he'd taken Dodger to Hogsmeade to walk around a bit. The ground was still wet from the off-and-on rain, but it was still pretty warm. He and Dodger didn't really spend as much time together since he'd started work, and Harry knew the dog really liked this park even if it was out of his way.
He'd been thinking about Sunday for the last couple of days, and couldn't get Hermione out of his mind. Apart from exchanging glances with her a few times, they hadn't really talked at length since they'd worked out together. Not that they'd spent much time working out. Although he was trying not to, he was wondering if she'd be ready for more soon. If they'd be ready. He didn't want to rush anything, but it was hard not to think about it. There were things he'd need to buy, and everything -- just in case.
As he let Dodger lead the way through the park, Harry wished he'd brought his Firebolt. It had been a long time since he'd been flying, and there was really nothing better for clearing one's mind.