Date: 23 May 1999 | Early Evening
Characters: Neville Longbottom, Terry Boot
Location: Hawthorne Park in Hogsmeade
Status: Public
Summary: Neville goofing around with a football.
Completion: Closed
Neville was completely caught up on his assignments for his apprenticeship, at least until Monday when he began the next portion of the syllabus. Tomorrow Neville had an examination on the last segment and if -- and Master Gurdin said it was a big if -- Neville had a perfect score, he would be allowed to step foot in another one of the greenhouses. He wasn't worried. He understood this round of material really well, unlike the last bit that dealt him fits. Neville was prepared. He was also caught up with his landscaping and the elves he hired had the routine down pat.
There wasn't really much for Neville to do between now and dinner. It was too beautiful outside to stay indoors though. Remembering he'd purchased a football last fall when he'd seen one on sale in Muggle London, Neville dug it out of the closet to take to the park. He thought he'd try some of those moves he'd seen the other blokes do. He reckoned he'd be chasing the ball more than bouncing it on his knees, but you never learned to do anything by not trying. At the very least it was a great weather for hanging out in the park.