Sep 01, 2006 11:25
Nightwish's alt mode Galvatron and Cho's second chance, part 1 Galvatron and Cho's second chance, part 2, and two femmes hit Earth hard. Galvatron and Cho met Dreadnought and listened to the anti Starscream plotting Clarion the day after the day after she came Kia woke a few days later Sunhalo's first sounds Sunhalo's first words and then a few moments later, Draco's first look at the world. Sunhalo met Perceptor, and Kia was repaired Sunhalo met Deluge Kia tidied up Perceptor's worktable Kia made sure Perceptor refueled, and met some of his friends Optimus and Galvatron introduced WJ to a chibied TC Sideswipe got sideswiped stuff much prankage and plotting and babies and saving a life. new supplies, new relationships, and a new body First Aid spoke to Ratchet Galvatron answered a Nexus question Hound got hurt and Skywarp got a new little brother Sunhalo went to another reality with Showtime, and met Kriti Sunhalo wished to be grown Airwolf getting stronger, but caught a virus. Hound and Desinex woke up, and Sunhalo learned about family a sparklet born and a bond formed foreshadowings from the sister reality and a surprise for Clarion and Ratchet sleepy times Nightwish arrived on Earth and then WakeJumper went to d 'verse and got bugstomped the day after the bug stomping in dv Eclipse, fresh from rescuing her young alt in the dressing room, rescued Keepsake from a snuggle monster when she got back to dv Airwolf got out of medbay, and Perceptor found out Ratchet's secret Sunhalo found a job for Showtime and family and then an unexpected visitor showed up at the base. First Aid repaired Keepsake Aria went to the Nexus with her papa Ridgeback was born, and Ratchet took his medicine Then Skywarp found the new Starscream Disturbing tidings Tragedy struck Showtime and Sunstreaker Cragbuster's birth, Skyfire's arrival, Optimus' return, etc Backwing Wisp Waltz memorial for Showtime and Sunstreaker's sparklet and someone getting past Starscream's walls. wings of love .... Starscream's family Soundwave came courting and Thundercracker asked permission to court Thundercracker got cured of a LOL Ratchet did a housecall to the Nexus and met Mira Nightwish talked to a mech named Rattrap in the Nexus Fangfire arrived Sideswipe escaped for a little while, so did WakeJumper Keepsake and Eclipse met an alternate Wheeljack the Nexus Snow Waltze's mama came to visit and a few days later she came to stay Sideswipe got a dame and Bluestreak is a dame WakeJumper got fixed the original hsvScream came back... part of him. Wheeljack's family learned the truth about Bluestreak, and about she and Wheeljack's new son. And then hsvScream died. Snarl came online, and her creators word bonded WakeJumper met a bittyStarscream in the Nexus a surprise for Bumblebee Columba and Sideswipe, sitting in a tree.... three's company Starscream took a leap of trust MMORPG Waltz met Kriti daunting introduction to a second sister reality Denver brought aid to the new sister reality, and then brought back a surprise for Optimus Welcome, Silverstreak Wildling. And then froggy Air Raid went courting Columba went with her family to the Black Dog Ratchet, Lumen, and WakeJumper met Col. Orion Pax in the Nexus Way too much kissing Babies, tornadoes, and bonds Responsibility Little monsters Ironhide and Carina met an alternate 'Hide and his daughter in the Nexus Sunhalo kissed Lumen (near the end of the log) Peace for Ophi and Starscream Ironhide tracked his missing daughter to the Nexus, then hung out with alts Ironhide stalled, and where WakeJumper went A Valentine's day break up and a Valentine's day walk. Also moar babbies! Karen. And Wake was returned Wake's gone again Robin Hood, Easter baskets, and the beginning of goodbye. Gold and Emerald. Two weddings and no funeral. Sideswipe/Columba and Slingshot/Garnet. Skywarp convention. McKenzie family wedding pictures, flying pigeons, and goodbye. Sunstreaker found out that Mira's alive Starscream and Ophi's babies Tracks broke down, Wake and co returned, Tsubasa arrived, and Seastar courted. 2 Tsubasa checkups, Powerglide and Tracks humaned, Desinex fixed, and Grimlock born Tracks woke up, and Denver found out about Air Raid's dare. Also, steaks were cooked Sunhalo + Lumen. It's Jake Ratchet found Torque and Mirage Chromia, Sunstreaker, and Showtime helped the lostbots 2 A friend remembered and two teammates lost. Also a driller and double Prime. Optimus vs hurricane Irene. Stormsurge, Ultra Prime, Velocia, Superion, and courtship for Silverbolt and Seastar. Shockwave learned of some of his mv alternate's doings. Ratchet repaired mvWheeljack. Mearing at the race track.