hsv, Autobot Base, Waltz

Aug 13, 2009 19:50

hsvBumblebee:  *quietly coming into the base sometime past midnight, looking like he's been shot at and missed and #$@#$@ at and hit*

quiet little yellow femme:  *follows him*

Eclipse: *Coming off of a long shift, frowns as she spots Bumblebee* *quietly* Bumblebee? Are you alright?

Bumblebee:  *plays a snatch of song about feeling wiped out, then switches it to a tune about being stunned*  *and then remembers he can talk*  Uh... really really weirded out.

Eclipse: *Earlights turn a concerned orange* Did you wind up in the Nexus?

Bumblebee:  *nods, looking a bit scared*  I was talking to a lady Jazz.  And she was really nice.  We were talking about how harsh things are on her Cybertron right now.  *hugs himself a bit*  And then somebody threw some kind of gas bomb in our faces.

Eclipse: *optics wide, and then she's clicking quietly and moving to gently pat Bumblebee's hand* You were LOL'd... Sounds like the same LOL that created Carina and Diehard... and turned Denver into a Cybertronian...

Bumblebee:  *turns his head and reaches to take the little pale yellow femme's hand*  *voice shaking*  This is Waltz.

Waltz:  *wide brown optics look at Eclipse and then are hidden against Bumblebee*

Eclipse: *gentle smile, clicks to Waltz*

Bumblebee:  *very subdued and young sounding*  I... I gotta wake Ratchet up.  'N he's gonna yell.  *crying silently*

Waltz:  *scared by her creator's tears*

Eclipse: *puzzled headtilt* Why do you need to wake Ratchet up? Why not talk to First Aid or Wake?

Bumblebee:  Wake's just little... 'N First Aid.  *embarrassed and ashamed*  He's kinda stuck to his berth right now.

Eclipse: ... You duct taped him to it? *headtilts as she listens to WakeJumper for a moment* And Wake says to tell you he can still do his job...

Bumblebee:  ...Epoxy adhesive.

Eclipse: ...Did you get into my workshop, or did you ask Pa for it? *trying not to laugh*

Bumblebee:  *furtive*  Sideswipe gave it to me a few weeks ago.

Eclipse: oh... *nods a bit, listening to WakeJumper again, before she moves to gently tug Bumblebee in the direction of her workshop* C'mon... Lumen's got Wake right now... they'll meet us at my workshop doors...

Bumblebee:  *comes, still holding onto his new daughter's hand*

Lumen: *does indeed meet the group outside of Eclipse's workshop, WakeJumper being held in the crook of the blue mech's arm*

Bumblebee:  *stumbling a bit with weariness*  I don't feel so good, Wake.

WJ: *quietly* you got hit with a LOL that used part of your spark to create a new life... *why yes, Eclipse told him what happened*

Lumen: *transferring WakeJumper over to Eclipse, before going to get a couple of cubes of energon for Bumblebee and Waltz*

Bumblebee:  But I'm okay?  *sags against the wall*

WJ: *waits for Eclipse to scan Bumblebee with the hand-held scanner she's been working on, before nodding after the results come back* Just low on energy... and your spark's showing a bit of stress... probably from the LOL...

Lumen: *Comes back with two cubes of mid grade energon, which get offered to Bumblebee and Waltz*

Bumblebee: Thanks *awkwardly making sure the newspark knows what to do with an energon cube before he takes his own and chugs it, his hands shaking slightly as he does so*

Waltz:  *drinking thirstily but neatly*

Lumen: *nods and heads down the hall a ways*

WJ: Is it alright if I let Optimus know what happened?

Bumblebee:  *winces and sputters his energon, but nods*  Yeah... he's gonna wonder where Waltz came from.  *drinks the last and poofs the cube away before rubbing his face*  'M I gonna be able to do my shift tomorrow?

WJ: *nods* Once you get some rest, that is. *quietly pinging Optimus's comm*

Optimus:  //*groans*  Optimus here....//

WJ: //Sorry if I woke you up, Optimus... But we've had another incident of someone getting LOL'd...//

Optimus:  *voice sharpens*  //One of our team in the Nexus?//

WJ: //No... Bumblebee wound up there on accident. He and a femme alternate of Jazz were hit with the same type of LOL that you, Elita, Ironhide and Chromia were hit with.//

Optimus:  *startled silence*

WJ: //The newspark is a femme... She appears to be fully mature... Eclipse just told me her name is Waltz... She and Bumblebee are both alright, if a bit drained for energy at the moment.//

Optimus:  //The youngster's here?  Why isn't she with her mother?//

WJ: //...One moment... I'll ask Bumblebee...// *quietly* Bumblebee, why is Waltz here, and not with her mother?

Bumblebee:  :\  Because her war's just starting.

WJ: ... *quietly relays this to Optimus, before ducking his head against Eclipse*

Optimus:  *silent again as he prays for the femme and her people, but then he can't help saying*  //Jazz and Bumblebee... Primus preserve us.//

WJ: *Quiet snerk over comms* //Can't be any worse than when Eclipse and Solar Flare were born...//

Optimus:  //Wheeljack and Bluestreak are a far cry from Jazz and Bumblebee.  *startled exclamation*  Why is First Aid glued to his berth?//

WJ: //...*SNERK* I... have no idea...// *asking Eclipse, who bites her lower lip* //...Apparently... Sideswipe may have had a hand in providing someone with the epoxy adhesive a few weeks back... Eclipse isn't saying anything else about it though...//

Optimus:  //...I have a good idea who it was.  *sighs*  Tell Bumblebee he's off duty till further notice.  We'll see about getting him bigger quarters or a bunk berth tomorrow.//

WJ: //Alright... oh, Sir? do you know anything about what Desinex and Hound have been doing?//

Optimus:  //The memorial service?//

WJ: //Oh... so that's what they're up to.// *inadvertantly yawns over the comms, before apologizing and signing off*

Optimus:  //Get some rest.  Optimus out.//  *stares at the ceiling for a bit till sleeping sparklet knocks him out again*

Bumblebee:  *asleep leaning against the wall*

Waltz:  *looking around with weary curiosity*

WJ: *leans and gently pokes Bumblebee's shoulder*

Bumblebee:  *starts awake*  I was listening, sir!  *blink blink and rub the back of his neck as Waltz clicks quizzically*  Um....

WJ: Optimus said to tell you that you're off duty until further notice... and that we'll see about getting you bigger quarters or a bunk berth tomorrow... Go get some rest... *small glimmer of his old self in his optics* Medic's orders...

Bumblebee:  *dismayed little yellow bot*  Off duty?  Oh man... Optimus knows about 'Aid, doesn't he?

WJ: Considering he asked me why 'Aid was glued to his berth?

Eclipse: *I know nothing!*

Bumblebee:  I didn't think he'd take me off duty for it!  *poor little eager mech.  He can't do his work.  And it's never occurred to him that this is creator's leave*

WJ: *gently* This might be creator's leave, like what Eclipse and I were on when Lumen was born...

Bumblebee:  *blink*  ....Oh.

Waltz:  *leans on Bumblebee and falls asleep*

WJ: *chuckles quietly, before yawning and getting held close to Eclipse's spark*

Eclipse: *clicking quietly to WakeJumper*

Bumblebee:  *looks at his daughter blankly*  Uh....

WJ: *tiredly* she'll sleep better on the berth with you... *shuttering his optics*

Bumblebee:  With me?  Oh... uh... but she's too big for me to carry.

Eclipse: *pings Lumen's comm, and the young mech is soon approaching*

Lumen: *moves to gently lift Waltz* *quietly* Lead the way, Bumblebee...

Bumblebee:  *tried grin at the youngling, and then thanks WakeJumper and Eclipse before leading the way to his quarters.  Once there he springs a booby trap someone set over his door and then springs the other one on the inside of the door before going into the cheerfully cluttered room and making sure there's nothing sticky on the berth and that all his stuffed animals and model cars are safe and in order*  Okay, you can come in.

Lumen: *quiet snerk as he takes notes on the booby traps for future reference, before he moves to gently set Waltz on the berth*

Bumblebee:  *watches with weary concern, then takes his big pink carnival gorilla that Mikaela won for him and tucks it into his daughter's arms.  Yes, it's his favorite toy*

Lumen: *gently* Get some rest... I'll bring more energon at the next shift start... sound good?

Bumblebee:  *tired and distracted smile as his processor shuts down*  Sure.  Thanks, Lumen.  *sits on the edge of the berth and then abruptly falls over backward and hits the wall with a clonk as he passes out*

Lumen: *Dims the lights on his way out, before he heads to his own quarters for the night*

((co-written with random_xtras))
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