hsv, Various Locations, Changes and Homecomings

Apr 06, 2011 00:28

Karen: *busy buffing the dark blue Corvette's hood till it's mirror like* ...He hit him with a festivus pole? What the heck's that?

Tracks: *As he tries not to squirm too much* From what I've been able to tell, it's an aluminum pole... Raoul and Beau were laughing themselves silly at the idea... *sigh*

Karen: ...And what's the Grinch quote have to do with it? *moves on to another spot on the hood, just enjoying the stories told by the beautiful blue car during his weekly polishing session. Wishes she didn't feel so tired*

Tracks: I have no idea... But considering the source, I don't think I want to know...

Karen: That's the guy that shuts his brain off and then bumps into power boxes, right? *steady circular motion with the buffing mitt*

Tracks: *Dryly* To put it mildly, yes.

Karen: Huh. So what else is new?

Tracks: I've apparently acquired a new hoodlum...

Karen: Another one? *glances at his windshield* I thought the two you have drove you nuts.

Tracks: Oh, they do. But I'd hate to think of the trouble they'd get into without me... Miles, thankfully, is a student at the local college.

Karen: *squints one eye* A college student... I'd think that'd make things more crazy.

Tracks: Not at all... Miles spends most of his day in classes, and most of his nights are dedicated to homework, followed by sleep... *chuckle* He hasn't got time to get into trouble...

Karen: So he's a nerd?

Tracks: *pauses for a moment to look up the definition before answering* I don't think he collects comic books, or plays any games...

Karen: There are nerds that are all about school and studying, too. *steps back and looks at the hood, then goes at the last corner of it*

Tracks: *Squirrrm* Hm... *is so going to ask Miles about that later*

Karen: *slight grin under her saggy old sun hat* You know, I always wonder why you come every week if this is so uncomfortable for you.

Tracks: Because nobody else does as good of a job as you do.

Karen: At torturing you? Are you some kind of perv car?

Tracks: *Would SO be giving you a Look right now* Hardly.

Karen: ...So this is suffering for beauty? *frowns and gently pokes at a paint chip with one blunt, unpainted and rather ink-stained fingernail*

Tracks: *soft snort, shifts on his wheels slightly*

Karen: *scrapes at the chip again, and then resumes polishing* So what else is new?

Tracks: *chuckle* Well, there was a slight incident involving Flashpoint's husband...

Karen: Husband? *glances at his windshield again*

Tracks: Her bondmate.... *trying to think how to explain without being crude*

Karen: I know what husband means... just didn't realize you guys did that kind of thing. *polishes a little harder as she frowns to herself*

Tracks: *Relaxes, glad for the fact that he doesn't have to explain* From what I've heard, it's more common now, seeing as we're no longer at war...

Karen: Huh. So what'd Flashpoint's husband do? *checks hood, moves on to roof*

Tracks: Oh, he accidentally stumbled upon a counterpart of his creator and the mech's wife... *amusedly* I wasn't aware that it was possible for Cybertronians to blush....

Karen: *stops short, her eyes wide* ...Stumbled on... *alarm in her voice* What were they doing?

Tracks: Just being affectionate, according to Flashpoint... She saw him blushing and pried the story out of him... *far too amused at that*

Karen: Being affectionate... *slow stare* Right. And... creator? That's his dad?

Tracks: Yes... Though technically, Air Raid and his brothers have another creator... Elita-One...

Karen: *starts polishing again, working this over in her mind as she often does the things that Tracks tells her* ...Their mom?

Tracks: Is that the term for female creator? *is double-checking the guide that Eclipse put together for new arrivals*

Karen: Well, or the woman that raises you, anyway. Unless it's your Grandma or your Aunt.

Tracks: Hmm... *checking with the guide* Ah... I think I understand...

Karen: Some moms are adopted. Mine kind of was. She was Dad's second wife.

Tracks: Ah... *not quite sure what he should say, or if he should say anything at all*

Karen: *pauses her polishing to look at him* What's wrong?

Tracks: I had no idea humans could have complex family units...

Karen: *chuckles* Mine's not that complex. My first mom was an only child, and so was Dad. Mom had a brother, but he died before she did. And I'm all there is for kids for Dad and the Moms. *starts polishing again*

Tracks: *Tries not to squirm too much when she gets to one of the more sensitive areas, will think about what she's said about her family*

Karen: *finishes his roof and goes to his trunk, is humming softly*

Tracks: *thoughts turning to something he heard Beau and Raoul talking about a few days ago* *Hesitantly* Would a father also be a male who takes care of youngsters?

Karen: Yup. If your hoodlums don't have any other guy that they think of as a dad, then that makes you their dad.

Tracks: ... I see... *and yet again, he's amazed at her ability to get to the heart of his questions*

Karen: Parents don't have to be legally adopted, either. I had a new dad at church for a couple years till he died. *bit of a chuckle as she works*

Tracks: *okay, that sounds somewhat familiar...* I think I've heard about something similar...

Karen: *as she shines his corvette logo* Yeah?

Tracks: WakeJumper said something of the sort in regards to his teammates taking him in when he was very young... Apparently, they're the closest thing to parents that he's got...

Karen: *sobers. Compassion in her voice* War orphan?

Tracks: I think so... I don't really know him that well....

Karen: Ah. *moves down to his bumper, feeling surprised at the total lack of rock chips here*

Tracks: *rocks on his shocks just slightly* *Has been trying to avoid gravel roads as of late*

Karen: *pokes him in a spot she knows he's squirmy about* Hold still, you made me smudge.

Tracks: *fidget* Isn't tonight your game night?

Karen: Nah. *wipes off the smudge and starts buffing again* I missed a couple nights, so the girls found someplace else to play. You know anybody who'd want to buy a hand made fully dressed lady barbarian? I'll throw in the dice.

Tracks: I might...

Karen: Think they'd pay ten bucks?

Tracks: *surprised that she'd ask so little for the hand whittled lady barbarian, when he's seen similar figures go for almost five times as much* Darling, you'll starve...

Karen: Huh? Nah. *looks up with a slight frown* What do you mean?

Tracks: Hand carved figurines go for at least thirty in the shops in town... And I've seen ones online that weren't nearly as lovely as yours going for fifty....

Karen: Oh. *shrug* That's okay. I don't need her anymore. I just thought I'd get enough to try some new hobby, or a new typewriter ribbon. *returns to the polishing*

Tracks: Still....

Karen: I'll bring her out after I'm done getting you shiny, and you can show her to your friend. *glances at the elastic on her finger* Did I give you a copy of that last zine? The one about how being unclean when they menstruated was a holiday for women in Bible times?

Tracks: Yes... *dramatic sigh* Beau and Raoul find it amusing....

Karen: *blinks* I'm surprised they read it. Most teenage guys... that's the last thing they want to think about.

Tracks: Honestly, I'm just glad they're reading...

Karen: What do you mean? *moving on to his sides now. Opening his doors to make sure that even the spaces around them are shiny, like she always does*

Tracks: I've heard most teenagers prefer to watch television... And given the content of what is being broadcast... *Shudders in disgust*

Karen: Ohhhhh. *chuckle* I don't even know what's on. But you say 'you've heard'. So the hoodlums don't like TV better?

Tracks: I think they only have the basic cable package for the internet, to be quite frank....

Karen: *chuckles and closes his door, then moves over to his other side* Wow.

Tracks: Hm? *watching her with his sensors, but isn't quite sure what's got her attention*

Karen: Just commenting on what you said. Do you know what kind of stuff they usually do for fun?

Tracks: Beau runs... Raoul works on cars or torments Beau... *chuckle* And Miles tries to find new ways to show his girlfriend how important she is to him.

Karen: *slight snerk as she goes to finish off by making his grill and front bumper all pretty* I don't know about the girlfriend bit, but the other two sound like they've got pretty cool hobbies.

Tracks: It keeps them out of trouble, for the most part... Which is more than enough for me...

Karen: Yeah. *chuckles and moves around to his stern, where she frowns at his bumper thoughtfully*

Tracks: *chuckle* And there you go, admiring my gorgeous backside again...

Karen: *blushes and boots him in that backside with one bare foot before she can think*

Tracks: *Startled horn honk*

Karen: *hands to face as she cracks up silently in startlement and mirth at that beep*

Tracks: *SO MORTIFIED* *and so very glad none of the hoodlums are anywhere in the area*

Karen: Um... I'm not admiring it, but I need to get that footprint off. *hand to her side as she grins embarrassedly*

Tracks: *embarrased engine cough* Er... Yes... That might be the best thing to do...

Karen: *gets a new and clean buffing mitt from her toolbox and quickly mends the blemish* There you go. I'll go get that DnD stuff now.

Tracks: I'll call my friend then... *pesters Miles*

Karen: Ah, just take it with you. *heading for the house* If he doesn't want it you can recycle it or something. *through the front door and out of sight, though she's not out of sensor range*

Tracks: *keeping a few sensors focused on Karen, even as he hears Miles gleespazzing on the other end of the connection*

Karen: *comes back out with the figurine and a handful of pretty granite patterned dice wrapped in an old rag that was once part of a T-shirt* Here you go. Where do you want it?

Tracks: The glove compartment is fine.

Karen: *opens his door and puts it, then checks for fingerprints after shutting the door* Well, see you next week. And make sure you get that little chip on your hood fixed, okay?

Tracks: I'll see if Raoul has time... See you next week.

Karen: *grins and steps back* Maybe by then the sale on the house will have gone through. *hasn't mentioned that before, nope*

Tracks: ...You've sold your house?

Karen: Yeah. But the contract says the basement and the driveway are still mine to use for as long as I want them.

Tracks: *concerned* How long have you been trying to sell your house?

Karen: *shrug* A couple years.

Tracks: *Would be frowning if he were in root mode* Is there a reason why you've been trying to sell it?

Karen: I don't need that much space. Besides the taxes are nuts.

Tracks: Ah... *doesn't quite get it, will ask Beau and Raoul about it later* I see...

Karen: *cheerfully* I won't have to worry about all that stinkin' house cleaning anymore!

Tracks: I suppose not...

Karen: *looks up from her toes* ...You're worrying again.

Tracks: *Quietly* Where will you be staying?

Karen: Like I said, the basement's still mine. *grin*

Tracks: *soft sigh* Alright... *double checks that she's been paid for this week* *isn't too thrilled with the idea of her living in a basement... Especially with what he's heard about them from Miles*

Karen: *looks past him as someone toots their horn* *chuckles* You're kinda in the road, Tracks. *scoots to pick up the buffing mitt she dropped*

Tracks: *Startles and sheepishly moves so he can pull onto the main part of the road*

Karen: *waves to him, and then moves to talk to the next customer as they pull their tall SUV into the driveway*

Tracks: *Doesn't head straight home as he normally does. What Karen has said about selling her home has him a bit upset, so he's going for a bit of a drive to get his head on straight*

Raoul: //Hey, man, Tracks, aren't you done prissing yet? Sam sent somebody to fix Beau's computer.//

Tracks: //*Quiet sigh* I just got done, Raoul... And it's not 'prissing'...// *Slight pause at a traffic light* //Someone is there to fix Beau's computer?//

Raoul: //Fine fine. Primping, then. Yeah. It's a girl!// *chuckle*

Tracks: //...I hope you and Beau are behaving, Raoul.//

Raoul: //Beau's out running.// *snort*

Tracks: *Dryly* //Thank goodness for small miracles...//

Raoul: //Hey, what's that supposeta mean? Huh? Oh, you gotta flip that light switch for that plug in to work. I dunno, Chip, this place was wired like that when we got here.// *yes, he just called the girl by her name*

Tracks: //... You've warned her about the circuit that the refrigerator is connected to, right?//

Raoul: //She's not in the kitchen, man.//

Tracks: //I know, but the circuit isn't just in the kitchen... Beau found out the hard way when he was trying to get that new alarm clock of his plugged in...//

Raoul: //... Is that what he cussed for the other day? Chip, wait up.//

Tracks: //I believe so...//

Raoul: //Ugh, so where is it?//

Tracks: //According to Beau, it's near his nightstand table...//

Raoul: //...She's not goin' in his room, either. Here, you talk to her.//

perky and curious girl voice: //Hello?//

Tracks: *Surprised* //Er... Hello... // *not sure what to say now*

Chip: //Hi, I'm Chip Chase. Raoul says I need to watch out for something?//

Tracks: //Ah, yes. The wiring in the building is very strange... One of the circuits goes from the kitchen area on the first floor to the upper levels... I'm not sure if it goes to other areas of the building as well...//

Chip: //Wow. Well... is this plug in by the computer desks in the living room safe?//

Tracks: //It should be... I keep meaning to map out the wiring of the building...//

Chip: *voice a little shaky-brave* //Okay... here goes. Ahhh! Raoul, what did you yell for? Oh... that's not funny.//

Tracks: //... I'm almost afraid to ask...//

Chip: //Oh, sorry, Mr. Trach. Raoul screamed and fell down when I flipped the switch.//

Tracks: //... *Long suffering sigh* Is he hurt?//

Chip: *sheepish and ashamed to admit* //Well, a little. I poked him in the stomach with my crutch when I nearly fell down.//

Tracks: //*another sigh* I'll be home soon...//

Chip: //Okay. Er... do you want me to put Raoul back on?//

Tracks: //That might be best....//

Raoul: *wheezy, with laughter in his voice* //Yo.//

Tracks: //You deserved getting poked in the stomach.//

Raoul: //I know.// *that grin is audible*

Tracks: //Hoodlum.//

Raoul: //Thrrpt!//

Tracks: *chuckle* //I'm pulling into the garage now, Raoul.//

Raoul: //Uhhhh...//

Tracks: *holoform on just before the garage door opened enough for anyone to get a good view inside his passenger compartment*

Raoul: //I can't think of anything ta feel guilty about.//

Tracks: *holoform facepalms*

Raoul: //So I guess I did like you said.// *shrug in his voice*

Tracks: //Alright...// *will carefully park in the part of the building that's become his space...* //... Raoul? Why is there a demotivator on my wall?//

Raoul: //A... huh?//

Tracks: //... I'm going to have to have a word with Beau, aren't I?//

Raoul: //Well, I didn't do it. What's it say?//

Tracks: //"Little Bunny Foo Foo Skirata"... and beneath that, "Fear has a new name"...//

Raoul: //Hey! That jerk! That's mine.//

Tracks: //... Well, that explains why he went running...//

Raoul: *grumble* //Yeah. It's not where I left it anymore.// *grouch grouch*

Tracks: //Just remember, blood is hard to get out of concrete.//

Raoul: //Slapping somebody in the head or honking the horn while they got their head under the hood don't leave any blood.//

Tracks: //Alright. But if he chases you, I'm not saving you.//

Raoul: //Hard to chase somebody when they're locked in a car. 'N he has more homework than I do.//

Tracks: *Sigh* //Just try not to damage yourself.//

Raoul: //Hey, I ain't the crazy one around here. Now 'scuse me. I'm gonna use Beau's cake mix to make a cute chica some cupcakes.//

seven days later

Tracks: *on his way to his appointment, and wondering if he's got a leaky seal, as he's almost certain some water's gotten into his trunk somehow... Blasted automatic car washes and their over-powered spray...* *stops short in the street when he sees the minivan that's parked in Karen's driveway*

red van: *grimy, dented, and sporting a duct taped brake light. Is only one change to the scene. Karen's runner beans are gone from the power pole. Her vegetables have been removed from the bed next to the house and replaced with screaming pink geraniums and fuchsia. Children's toys litter the front steps. And the front window is now covered by heavy, lined drapes*

Tracks: ... *Will try calling the phone number he has marked as Karen's, intends to find out just what's going on*

number: *disconnected*

Tracks: ... *Parks nearby, and activates his holoform. Will have it get out of his passenger compartment, just in case any humans have noticed him. That done, he'll make it walk up the sidewalk towards the front door*

small dog: *starts barking hysterically somewhere inside*

Tracks-holo: *cringe*

woman: *bleached blond hair, baby on her hip* *opens door and glares* We don't want any.

Tracks-holo: I'm not selling anything, miss... I have an appointment with the woman who used to own this house, and I was wondering if you might know where I could find her...

woman: *impatient shrug* No idea. I don't think she's home.

Karen: *stumbles around from the back, rubbing her eyes* Tracks?

woman: *angry screech* What did Justin say about you trespassing on our property, you #@$@@#?!?

Karen: Like I said. I have to get out somehow.

woman: Not through OUR yards!

Tracks-holo: *Small frown* There's no need to be so rude...

woman: Shut the @#$#@ up! I have a right to protect my children and my rights! And if you don't leave I'm calling the police!

Karen: *flinch* C'mon, Andy, there's no need for that.

woman: SHUT UP!

Karen: *stumbles slightly, flinching*

Tracks-holo: *moves to catch Karen* *Will give the other woman a disapproving Look* There's a difference between protecting your rights, and being a rude git.

woman: I'm calling now. *smug*

Karen: *desperately* No. Please. Look, we're going now, okay? Just calm down. *voice shaking slightly* I'm sorry, alright?

Tracks-holo: *Gently, to Karen* Let's go...

Karen: *nods, trying to pull away*

Tracks-holo: *Will move to guide her towards his root mode*

Karen: You don't have to hold onto me. I can walk. *sounds like she's been through a wringer*

Tracks-holo: *Quietly* I'd rather you not damage yourself...

Karen: I won't. I won't. I'm okay.

Tracks-holo: Humor me...

Karen: *a little desperate and embarrassed* I don't want anybody getting ideas.

Tracks: *door opens as his holo touches the handle*

Tracks-holo: ... *Small frown* If they wish to gossip, then they're only proving their own ignorance.

Karen: I gotta be above reproach. *settles on the passenger seat, then closes her eyes for a moment and squirms slightly with discomfort before fastening her seatbelt*

Tracks-holo: *moving to the other side of his main body after closing the door*

Tracks: *Quietly, as his holoform gets in* Why on earth was that horrid woman so rude to you?

Karen: She's touchy about her kids. *chin on chest and eyes closed as she prays she's not going to get car sick*

Tracks-holo: *much frown* But to imply you were trespassing?

Karen: The yards are theirs. I forgot to mention that in the contract.

Tracks-holo: That doesn't give her the right to be so rude.

Karen: *nose wrinkles* Oh darnit, I smell.

Tracks: *absently wonders to himself if this is what Desinex meant when she said that Autobots and Decepticons weren't so different in their desires to protect what they consider theirs* *Quietly* Do you need anything?

Karen: No. I just need to figure out where a laundromat is. Andy's got my washer full of messy baby diapers.

Tracks: *careful as he turns a corner* I know where there's an inexpensive one...

Karen: In walking distance from my place?

Tracks: It's not too far... *is surprised to find himself just a bit miffed at 'Andy'*

Karen: Oh yeah. I won't be making anymore zines. Sorry.

Tracks: ... Did they take your typewriter?

Karen: The sound of it drove Benjie bonkers, till he bit Raymond. And then one of the kids came downstairs with Andy the other day while I was out and she wanted to wash diapers, and they pushed it off the table by accident and smashed it. *shrug, though her expression's resigned*

Tracks: ... Did she at least offer to replace it? *has a feeling he knows what the answer is*

Karen: *thinking of the typewriter that had belonged to her Dad's mother and how proud she'd been of the ancient clunker* Huh? No, she just told me that the library's got computers people can use. They don't have a lot of money after buying the house. And I don't think you can buy typewriters like that anymore, anyway.

Tracks: *engine growl as he slows to a stop outside the shop*

Karen: *sighs, but then quickly stops herself and looks up* Hey... where's this?

Tracks: The shop where Beau and Raoul work... I'm sure one of them will have something you can borrow while you wash your clothes...

Karen: *eyes widen* Uh. No. I can't...

Tracks: That woman... is making it difficult for you to tend to even the basic necessities....

Karen: *turns to look at his holodriver* Tracks, she's just defending her family the only way she knows how. *trying so hard to be good and turn the other cheek here, but that tremor that no human would hear is in her voice again in the face of his outrage on her behalf*

Tracks: That does not make the way she treats you right.

Beau: *is that blond guy who just came out to see who was out front* *blink blink* Tracks? Y'u got a date 'r s'meth'n?

Karen: *quietly, and firmly* I'll be... 0_0 *horror*

Tracks: *Dryly* And there's one of the hoodlums... *To Beau* Don't be so crude, Beau...

Beau: *Raised brow at the tension he hears in Tracks' tone*

Karen: *silenced by embarrassment as she peers through the window at that tall, pale-haired boy*

Tracks: *Quietly* Beau may be a hoodlum, but I trust him...

Beau: *moves to get the garage door opened for Tracks*

Karen: Yeah. You've told me a lot of stories about him.

Tracks: *Pulls into the garage* *Will open his door once he's parked*

Beau: *To Karen* C'n Ah git y'u s'me tea 'r coffeh?

Karen: *shakes her head as she looks out into the interior of the garage* No thanks. I'm good. *doesn't mention, as she did to Tracks at some time or other, that she only drinks water or occasionally a shot of cranberry juice*

Beau: *Small nod, will at least make sure there's water or juice available in case she changes her mind*

Garage: *is currently occupied by a few older cars that are in various stages of repair or paint*

Karen: *still looking. Not getting out. Praying like mad inside, but not letting any of it show*

Tracks: *gently* It's alright...

Karen: *shoots his holoform a slightly startled look* Yeah. I know. Though I still don't wanna be a pain.

Tracks: Darling, if you were being a pain, I'd certainly say so.

Beau: *From where he's making a snack* 'N 'ow.

Karen: *slight chuckle and moves slightly. Can't stop the tiny hiss that escapes through her teeth*

Tracks: ...Are you alright, Karen?

Karen: Yeah. I'm fine. Just... *face suddenly screws up and pales* No.

Tracks: *Worried now!* Do you need a doctor?

Karen: *shakes her head, eyes squeezed shut and jaw clenched*

Beau: *Coming over to see what's up*

Tracks: If you're damaged, at least let a doctor see what's wrong... *Very worried, yes. Is considering taking her to Ratchet, since the medic knows a lot more about treating humans than he does*

Karen: They can't do anything. I... just needto lay down.

Beau: *quietly* We's gotta couch y'u c'n rest on... *gentle offer of assistance*

Karen: *hating the admission. Doesn't want to sound like an attention seeking wimp* I can't get up.

Beau: Ah c'n 'elp y'u...

Karen: *face pinking with embarrassment despite its pallor. Lifts her arm that's closer to the door*

Beau: *Careful as he helps her out of the car* *concerned expression is a go as he feels something on the woman's side*

Karen: *words come out in a gasp* Careful of the shunt!

Tracks: *worry worry worry!* *Calls Ratchet!* *Will wait till Beau has carefully gotten Karen out before he's transforming, crouching, and moving to gently lift the woman*

Karen: *small squeak of astonishment as she stares up at Tracks, her expression showing flat-footed surprise*

Tracks: *Gentle clicks, his concern for her very obvious on his face as he carefully brings her over to the couch in the break area of the shop*

Beau: *doesn't seem the least bit fazed by Tracks' transforming, will move to follow after his guardian*

Karen: *breathing a little gaspy as she shivers slightly and tries to figure out something to say. Is still looking at Tracks. Not really scared, just trying to get her brain around the fact that the blue corvette just turned into a gigantic metal person with a sculpted red face and worried, glowing, blue eyes*

Beau: *As Tracks gently sets Karen on the couch* Y'u need aneh painkillers 'r anehth'n else?

Karen: *blinks and turns her attention to the boy. Something she understands and can relate to better* No... If I take any more painkiller I'll wind up in a coma. *glances at Tracks again, knowing he's going to fuss, even though she's still brain broken about his appearance, then pushes up the slightly past elbow-length sleeve of her oversize T-shirt to show the medical pump*

Beau: *concerned expression is almost a mirror of Tracks'*

Tracks: *is indeed starting to fuss*

big, diesel-sounding vehicle: *just pulled up outside*

Karen: Hey, knock it off. I'll be okay in a few minutes. *pulls her sleeve down again*

Tracks: *slight wibble that he'd probably deny if questioned about*

Beau: *Quietly* Wh't's th't f'r, 'f y'u don' mahnd me askin'?

Karen: *eyes back to the boy* Some condition I was born with.

Beau: *small nod, concern clear in his eyes* *Attention going to the door when he hears someone clear their throat*

Ratchet-holo: *is that Hugh Laurie look-alike right over there*

Karen: *looks over at the tall red-haired guy, her brows lifting slightly in a silent 'what?' that Tracks will have seen before*

Tracks: *complete lack of snark!* Thank you for coming out on such short notice, Ratchet...

Ratchet-holo: *raised brow at the lack of snark, will move to approach*

Karen: *notices the red-haired guy moving in her direction and frowns* Ratchet? The medic?

Ratchet-holo: My true form won't fit in this building, I'm afraid...

Karen: *blink blink. Brief 0.o. And then more frowning* I'm alright. I don't need a doctor.

Ratchet-holo: *conversationally* Tracks will thow a fit if I don't at least scan you...

Tracks: *Glares at Ratchet*

Karen: *face shows the first sign of temper that Tracks will have ever seen on it* *to Tracks* What? My word's not good enough?

Tracks: *Startled by that*

Karen: *then bites her lip and looks from Ratchet to Beau, and then back to Tracks* *quietly* I'm sorry.

Ratchet-holo: *Amused chuckle*

Beau: *snickering*

Karen: *hesitates, and then glances quickly at Beau again and then away. Clearly wishes he wasn't in the room, but doubts her right to ask him to not be*

Beau: *Will go double-check something upstairs*

Karen: *watches him go, blinking with surprise. Then looks back to Tracks and Ratchet* *quietly* You have to promise not to tell anyone. Not my pastor. No one.

Ratchet-holo: It's not my normal practice to break patient confidentiality.

Tracks: You have my word that your secret is safe.

Karen: *sighs and firms her jaw, regret at having to disclose her secret clear* Okay. ...What's a scan?

Ratchet-holo: *Will explain what a scan is* It's similar to an x-ray and an MRI.

Karen: *frowning that slight frown again* Is it radioactive?

Ratchet-holo: *headshake* It's not. *Will do his best to explain how a scan works*

Karen: *listens intently, her eyes blinking wearily as she does. And then she nods when he's done* Okay. Just so long as there's no radiation. That makes the darn things grow like mushrooms.

Ratchet-holo: ... *blink blink* *will scan her then*

Karen: *abdominal cavity is full of large, fibrous growths that are crushing several of her organs and obstructing the others. Vital signs aren't strong, and there are clear signs that she's nearing the last stages of her existence*

Ratchet-holo: *quietly* I see...

Tracks: ... *has never heard that tone from any medic and had it mean anything good*

Karen: *little twist of her mouth as she nods, thinking of how she'd always thought she'd die in the same house she'd been born in and how it's not going to be* *softly* I'll be alright.

Ratchet-holo: *quietly* I trust you've made arrangements?

Tracks: *Optics flash with shock at what Ratchet's told him over comms*

Karen: Yeah. Once I don't need it anymore this is going to Harvard Med so they can see just how gross it all looks, and if they can kill it dead when they see it again.

Ratchet-holo: *small nod*

Tracks: *Quietly* What about your friends and family?

Karen: *looks confused* What about them?

Tracks: Don't any of them care?

Karen: *thinks, then quirks her mouth again and looks up at him frankly* Well... I guess you do.

Tracks: *a bit surprised that nobody else in Karen's life seems to care, clicks quietly*

Karen: My family's dead. Nobody else is really interested in some short weird chick that dresses like a teenage boy and wears a 'proud prude' pin. *shrug* I'm alright.

Tracks: *Soft clicks are accompanied by a worried trill. He's upset enough that he's forgotten to stick with English*

Karen: *brows draw together in a frown of concern* Hey. I'm serious. I'm sorry I'll be leaving you behind. But I really will be okay.

First Aid: //Ratchet?//

Ratchet: //Yes, First Aid?//

First Aid: //Lumen just jumped off the roof, bounced off Springer, and landed on Hot Rod.//

Ratchet: //...// *holoform facepalms* //Are any of them damaged?//

First Aid: //Springer's not as flat as he was last time. But I think he's broken something laughing.//

Ratchet: //What about Hot Rod and Lumen?//

First Aid: //We're gathering up the pieces of Hot Rod now. He flew apart instead of flattening out.//

Ratchet: //...I'll be back as soon as I can...//

Tracks: *upset that nobody else seems to give a slag about Karen*

Karen: *reaches out to Tracks* Hey... Come on. Don't get so worked up.

Tracks: *will move to gently cradle her in his hands*

Karen: *winces but lets herself be lifted, her small hand patting his fingers* *softly* I'm really sorry, Tracks.

Tracks: *Quiet clicks*

Karen: *squeezes the edge of his finger and smiles at him reassuringly, but then nods slightly and drifts off*

Tracks: *Will carefully move to sit down without jostling her*

Karen: *small snuggling motion, but doesn't wake from the pain med induced slumber*

Tracks: *will keep her safe*

Ratchet-holo: *Flickers out after quietly discussing something with Tracks*

Lumen: *pulling up outside about half an hour later, listen to that engine rumble!*

Karen: *opens confused eyes and blinks around, wondering where she is, and if she needs to get up and polish that rumbling vehicle*

Tracks: *Gentle clicks* *Quietly* Lumen brought your belongings...

Karen: *frowns* Huh?

Tracks: Your belongings... The horrid people.... *Trying to keep calm* Decided they'd rather not have you or your belongings on their property.

Karen: *lips thin, and then she shuts her eyes for a moment as she prays* *quietly* They broke the contract.

Lumen: *holoform bringing a box in* *Quietly calling the parents impolite names in pig latin*

Karen: *turns her head* Don't. Hey, stop that.

Lumen-holo: *slight scowl* Well, they're teaching their kids that it's okay to treat people who are different from them like slag.

Karen: *quietly* Yeah, but they're still people made in God's image, and I'm trying to pray for them. *frowns and squints at her watch* Oh darnit. Can you hand me my meds?

Lumen-holo: *more scowl* The police took everything that looked illegal.

Karen: *confused look on her face* The police? But that was a prescription... wait, the pot. *facepalm* That was actually a prescription too. *lowers hand and scowls slightly, worried and trying to think up a solution* But I'm supposed to take that other stuff every two hours.

Tracks: *Frown* Do you remember what the prescriptions were?

Karen: Yeah, it's... *rattles off the convoluted name of the anti-inflammatory drug, and the dosage in each pill*

Tracks: *checks with Ratchet to see if there's any way he can get Karen the prescription*

Karen: Wait. *turns her head to look for Lumen* Is there a little knit hemp bag in there? Green with red trim and a yellow star button?

Lumen-holo: *Will check the box* *Quietly* It's there... but there's nothing in it...

Karen: *actually struck dumb with her mouth open at that*

Tracks: ... *frown* What was in the bag?

Karen: *presses lips together* Three hundred dollars.

Tracks: ...They stole your money.

Karen: *bewildered* I can't believe they'd do that. Justin grounded Raymond just for coming home with another kid's baseball.

Lumen-holo: Slaggers.... *brow twitching just slightly*

Karen: Don't. *wriggles slightly and sits up* I have to get that back.

Lumen-holo: *quietly* The police were looking for you so they could arrest you.

Karen: ...o.0 What?

Lumen-holo: Apparently, the lady of the house told her husband what she thought happened, and he called the police.

Karen: *face in hands* I never told her about the pain meds. She must have thought I was doped up when I came out to meet Tracks.

Tracks: You had just gotten up, hadn't you? *no accusation, just observing*

Karen: Yeah... the pain stuff knocked me out. *lifts a knee, and then winces and puts it down again as it puts pressure on her abdomen. Doesn't take her hands from her face* *quietly* I don't know what to do, Tracks. I'm so stinking sorry for getting you mixed up in this mess.

Tracks: *Gently* You have nothing to apologize for.

Karen: Yes I do. I'm making a big scene... but I didn't mean to.

Tracks: *Gently* I know you hate drawing attention to yourself... *teasingly* And unfortunately for you, I'm not the sort of person who likes not helping the people I care about.

Karen: *clenches her jaw to keep her chin from trembling behind her hands*

Tracks: *softly* Ratchet's doing his best to get your prescriptions...

Lumen-holo: *attention going towards where he's parked* ... I think he did more than just try, Tracks...

Tracks: Hm? *looks to see what Lumen means, boggles when he sees the blue and red sparkles in the younger mech's hand* What the....

Karen: *lowers hands and also follows Tracks' gaze. Curious despite her dismay* Shiny lights?

Lumen-holo: Probably one of the Guardian Fae helping out...

Tracks: ... Guardian Fae?

Karen: ...Fairies? Um... fairies don't exist.

Lumen-holo: *attention back on Karen* *Will set her box of belongings down and start clapping*

Karen: *can't help it, she stares* Um... what?

Tracks: ....

Lumen-holo: You've never heard of Peter Pan?

Karen: Oh. Yeah. But I've never read it.

Lumen-holo: ... I thought it was a movie.... Robin Williams played Peter....

Tracks and Karen: ...Who?/Who's that? *stare at each other*

Lumen-holo: ... Seriously?

Karen: I've never watched any movies in my life. *bit embarrassed*

Lumen-holo: ... Wow....

Tracks: *Giving Lumen-holo a Look*

Karen: So... those lights? Were supposed to be some fairy or something?

Lumen-holo: Ratchet got a wish so you could have your prescriptions... and going by the color of the lights, it was probably Big Oppy...

Karen: *looks at Tracks, wondering if he knows what Lumen's talking about, but then double takes* I better take that quick.

Lumen-holo: *Will jog out to where his main body is, and retrieve what was brought before hurrying back into the garage*

Karen: *small wriggle* Let me down, Tracks. *quick look up* It's okay, I won't break.

Tracks: *Reluctantly does so*

Karen: Thanks. *looks around* Could I get a cup of water? *reaching for the medicine bottle even as she takes a step toward the kitchen*

Tracks: Of course.

Lumen-holo: *gives the bottle*

Karen: *grins at Lumen, and then moves toward the kitchen and snags a coffee cup with a filling station ad on it. Fills it with water, and then takes the required dosage of her meds before closing her eyes with an embarrassed smirk as her stomach gurgles slightly. Finishes drinking her water and puts the cup in the sink, then turns to come back and wobbles a bit in doing so* Thanks.

Tracks: You're welcome... *Quiet sigh as he considers what to do next*

Karen: *looks up at him* There's a legal punk housing complex somewhere on the other side of the park where they have the free market. *goes to her box of stuff and pokes through it* Can I bum a ride?

Tracks: *Quietly* How safe is it?

Karen: *shrugs* The people I've talked to seem to think it's okay. *pulls out a battered paperback book* This is for Beau. *a second book, newer* And this one's for Miles.

Tracks: *small nod* *Really doesn't think she should be living in a housing complex, but he also knows how stubborn she can be*

Karen: *turns as she stands, her hands already going up to offer the books. But then she's going down again, one knee hitting the concrete floor hard as the books drop* Urgh...

Tracks: *fuss! Will gently help her up, with Lumen-holo's assistance*

Karen: I'm... *knees sag* ...Dizzy?

Tracks: *Gentle clicks* I have you...

Karen: *deep breath, her expression changing from confusion, to dismay, and then crumpling into tears as she hides her face*

Tracks: *Soothing clicks*

Karen: *quiet, shocked anger* I can't even do stuff anymore.

Tracks: *Gently* That's not true....

Karen: *shoulders shake silently, for the first time since he's known her they're bowed. She's mortified by needing attention, and slightly crushed to realize that this weakness and tiredness isn't going to go away till she does*

Tracks: *quiet clicks, being supportive the only way he really knows how*

Raoul: //Hey, Tracks, how much salt do you put in the water when you're cooking macaroni from scratch?//

Tracks: //... I'm not sure... Does Beau know?//

Raoul: //I don't wanna call him... can't you google or somethin'?//

Tracks: *quiet sigh, googles and then lets Raoul know how much salt to use*

Karen: *looks up at that sigh, absently wiping her eyes*

Raoul: //Thanks! Do you know if the tablespoon you eat with is the same as the measuring one?//

Tracks: //...I think Beau would have a fit if you did that.//

Raoul: //I'm not cookin' for him! Wait... no, I mean the same size.//

Tracks: //...Then I have no idea...//

Raoul: //Arrghh. Thanks anyhow, dork.// *click*

Tracks: *murmur* Hoodlum... *quiet clicks*

Karen: *looks around for the hoodlum and doesn't see one, turns back quizzically to Tracks, but then nearly falls over again with surprise as a very startled orange medic lands outside*

Lumen: *Startled curse*

Tracks: *Attention going to the door* What the?!

WakeJumper: *quite surprised, and a bit stunned*

Lumen: *Calling his dad all manner of names, since the older mech landed on him*

Karen: *blinks* ...Was he on the roof?

Lumen-holo: I would've seen him. *Twitching just a bit*

Tracks: *sounding slightly shocked* WakeJumper's been missing for almost a month....

Karen: The orange guy? *concerned, and slips free of Tracks to walk toward the two burly mechs outside* Hey, are you alright?

WakeJumper: *quiet groan, moves to cover his optics with his arm* Just peachy...

Lumen: *Sarcastic* Yeah. Just fine... I have my dad, with his titanic aft, laying on me like a slagging lump on a log!

Karen: *softly and soothingly* Hey, at least you have your dad. *puts a hand on WakeJumper comfortingly*

WakeJumper: *Quiet* Shouldn't have had that last drink with Dr. Watson...

Lumen: *slight wince* Mom's all excited and spazzing....

Tracks: *Also wincing* *Quietly* I'd almost forgotten how excitable Eclipse can be... *Just got an audiofull over comms*

Karen: *concern again* Can you move, WakeJumper? Go slow, okay? Maybe just try to roll over and then crawl till you're not on Lumen anymore.

WakeJumper: *careful and slow as he moves to get off of Lumen's back* *once he's well away from the youngster, he's laying down on his belly* *Quietly* Sooo shouldn't have had that last drink....

Tracks: ... *mutter* I can hear Ratchet laughing...

Karen: *doesn't respond to the mutter. She's checking on Lumen as best as she's able* Is anything broken? I can't tell.

Lumen: Naw... I bounced off of Springer and landed on Hot Rod earlier...

Karen: *slightly surprised* Okay. *pat and turns to go to WakeJumper*

WakeJumper: *just laying quietly and cycling air. Giving the impression of being pretty darn miserable right now... and quite possibly drunk*

Karen: *reaches him and puts a hand on his arm* The sun will make it feel better. How many did you have, anyway? *skipping the obvious first question of 'you guys drink?' because obviously, the poor guy was*

WakeJumper: *quietly* I lost count after the second... Or was it the third one? Then I fell down something....

Karen: *wince* Maan. What were you drinking?

WakeJumper: Rum punch....

Lumen: ... You got turned human? *Sounds amused*

Karen: Rum... huh? *turns to look at Lumen*

WakeJumper: *Quietly* My PINpoint dropped me in an alternate Earth...

Karen: ... *looks at WakeJumper, then back to Lumen* That's not just the rum punch talking?

Lumen: Nope...

Karen: *frowning and trying to figure this out* *quietly* Oi, first fairies, and now alternate Earths? *shrugs and turns back to WakeJumper* Uh, yeah. Rum punch would do it. I hear it's pretty bad stuff.

WakeJumper: I feel like I downed four different Ironhide mixes...

Karen: I don't know what those are, but if they make you feel like you look like you feel then I don't think I want to know either. *absently glances toward the garage to see if there's room for WakeJumper to fit inside* You need to sleep it off.

Lumen: I'll get him home to Mom... Hopefully before she busts her vocalizer... *moves to put a hand on the orange mech*

Karen: Okay. *slight grin and a pat for WakeJumper, and then she steps back... and winds up on her butt* >_o Ow.

Tracks: *moves to help her up, fussing quietly*

Lumen: *Soft clicks, worried expression is a go* You alright?

Karen: Yeah, I'm okay. *sighs slightly as she pulls herself up with Tracks' help* I should probably get over to the co-op. *because she can feel herself drooping again and wants to be out of Tracks' figurative hair*

Lumen: *Small nod, isn't quite sure he believes her, but will vanish in a swish and flash with WakeJumper*

Karen: *nearly hits the pavement again as she meeps very softly with surprise*

Tracks: *is just a bit surprised*

Karen: *looking up at him now, her eyes wide and questioning as she seeks answers as to what just happened*

Tracks: ...That must be the PINpoint thing....

Karen: Um... what's that again?

Track: I've heard they're a type of teleportation device... But I wasn't sure that that was what Beau and Raoul have....

Karen: *slow head shake* Wow... you guys have totally blown holes in my worldview today.

Tracks: I think we've all had a trip through the fairy realm.... *Yes, he mangled a quote.... but at least he's read something by a human!*

Karen: *slight chuckle, but then hangs her head for a moment* I better get going while I still can.

Tracks: *Small nod* Alright... *Will move to transform*

Karen: *blinks* You don't need to bring me. I've already bugged you long enough.

Tracks: It's no trouble.

Karen: *frowns a bit* *quietly* I'm feeling like a mooch.

Tracks: I would say something if I minded. *opening his door*

Karen: *looks down a bit, frowning slightly, then startles and looks up* ...This is that friend thing, huh?

Tracks: *gently* What are friends for, if they aren't willing to be there when you need them?

Karen: *turning to go get her box* I don't know. I never had one before, I don't think. My second Dad tried helping. But he was in a wheelchair, so helping for him was trying to sneak twenties into my pocket when I wasn't looking.

Tracks: *Gentle clicks, isn't quite sure what he should say now*

Karen: *slight snerk* And then I'd sneak them back to him. He never did catch on. *looks in the box* Do you know anybody that'd like a stack of 'biodieselSMARTER' zines?

Tracks: ... Actually, I do...

Karen: *carefully kneels, wincing as the bruises on the knee she hit earlier make themselves known, then lifts out the pile of little booklets* This is five to eleven. *flips through one* ...And they're computer done. Fancy. *looks over at Tracks*

Tracks: *opening his glove compartment, revealing that there's an envelope with her name on it*

Karen: *sees that envelope peeking there* What's that?

Tracks: The money from Miles buying your figurine and dice.

Karen: Oh yeah. I forgot about that. *taps the zines on the floor to even them out, and then gets up* Where do you want these?

Tracks: Well, once you've got the envelope, there should be room for them in the glove compartment.

Karen: *brings them over and stuffs them in carefully, setting the envelope aside on the seat* Yeah, they fit. Cool. *grins*

Tracks: *chuckle*

Karen: *goes to get the box, and then sighs when she realizes that picking it up isn't possible. Takes the stuff out and brings it over one piece at a time instead*

Tracks: *Worried, gentle fussing*

Karen: *slight grin as she lays her rolled sleeping mat behind the front seat* Hey, cut it out. You're going to give yourself an ulcer.

Tracks: *Soft huff*

Karen: *gives his seat a gentle squeeze as though it were a shoulder, and then gets the box and the last few small things, like her tiny library of zines. Will put the box behind the seat too* There we go.

Tracks: *Soft clicks. Would rather Karen stay where he can keep her safe, but knows that suggesting that would likely start a fight*

Karen: *settles tiredly into the passenger seat, on top of the envelope. Slight sigh as she fastens her seatbelt, but doesn't voice any complaint or explanation for it. Instead she grins at a small green marble with feet and a tuft of purple hair before setting it carefully on Tracks' dash* Here, you can have him. He'll grin at you when you need it.

Tracks: *Surprised* Karen....

Karen: *blinks* What?

Tracks: *Quietly* Thank you....

Karen: *grins* Hey, it's just a goofy little doll.

Tracks: *Quietly* Nobody's ever given me something like this though....

Karen: *grin falters* Oh. *hand on his dash* Well, that's what friends do, right?

Tracks: *Softly* Yes... It is... *sighs and carefully closes his door before moving to pull out into the street*

Karen: *makes sure the marble doll is steady on his dash, and then leans back and pulls on her bandanna a bit till it covers all of her short cropped light brown hair. There's a soft murmur, and then the hand sinks slowly to her lap as she once more succumbs to the need for sleep*

Tracks: *looking up the address of the commune, will carefully drive there*

commune: *in an office building that dates back to the foundation of the city. Wears a sign that says, "In the Middle of Tranquillity Cooperative Housing Project". Also wears a lot of drying laundry in the windows, and there seem to be children peeking down from the roof*

Tracks: *Not terribly impressed, but will keep his attention on gently waking Karen*

Karen: *blinks and rubs her eyes* Darn. Fell asleep again. *ducks her head and looks at the building, then grins and unfastens her seatbelt* Thanks, Tracks.

Tracks: You're welcome... If you need a ride anywhere, don't hesitate to call....

Karen: *hand on the door, asking to be let out* I'll be okay.

Tracks: *opens the door, clicking softly as his holoform flickers back on*

Karen: *gets out slowly, then turns and puts her head back in* Help me get all the stuff together? I guess I just need the mat and the sleeping bag. And the zines.

Tracks-holo: *moving to do so*

Karen: *carefully slings the mat's strap over her shoulder and makes sure it's not bumping the shunt bag, then picks up the box full of sleeping bag. She doesn't realize that the stress of the day has made her pale and brought out dark shadows under her eyes*

Tracks-holo: *Concerned expression is a go* Are you sure you'll be alright?

Karen: I'm sure. *patient, slight smile, though her grey eyes hold their own concern* I'm not sure about you, though.

Tracks-holo: *quietly* I'll be alright...

Karen: *lifts her eyebrows slightly, but then turns and looks as a tall skinny guy with a bald head under a mohawk hat comes over*

guy: *looks at Tracks-holo warily, distrust of his clean middle class looks very clear* You guys looking for something?

Tracks-holo: *being as civil as he can* I'm just helping Karen with her belongings...

guy: *looks at Karen*

Karen: *shy smile* Are you the spokesman?

guy: *brow quirk* Yeah. Buddy Jolly.

Karen: Do you guys have any room?

guy: ... *presses lips together apologetically* Not for you. This isn't a hostel.

Tracks-holo: ... *raised brow*

Karen: ...But this is a place for people who need somewhere to stay, right?

guy: *uncomfortable fidget* I can call you an ambulance.

Karen: *surprised expression, and then dismay* I don't need one.

Tracks-holo: ... *very confused* I don't understand....

guy: *quietly* My significant other just died after being sick for a long time. She looked just like this before she went. We don't have... There's nobody to take care of someone that sick here. They're all as selfish a lot of #@$#@@ as anybody else.

Karen: *head droops as she realizes that Buddy is right. It doesn't take away the old sting of rejection though*

Tracks-holo: *Quietly* I'm sorry for your loss... *moving to put a gentle hand on Karen's shoulder*

guy: *slight shrug, though his dark eyes hold a bit of shock and bewilderment* It was her fault. She couldn't leave the needles alone.

Tracks-holo: ... *a bit miffed that 'Buddy' is assuming things about Karen, or so he thinks*

Karen: *glances at him* *elbow*

Tracks-holo: *Surprised sound*

Karen: *with her eyes glances toward the tall man, trying to indicate that he's talking about his lost mate*

Tracks-holo: *feels like a curr now*

guy: *looks up from one threadbare canvas sneaker and lifts his hairless eyebrows as he sees Tracks-holo's expression. Assumes himself* Hey, there are places where she can go. People who actually give a @#$@#. It'll be alright.

Tracks-holo: *small nod, glances at Karen to see what she has to say on the matter*

Karen: Let's go, Tracks. *hand gives the holoform's sleeve a slight tug as she turns away* Thanks, Buddy.

Tracks-holo: *nods and moves to follow her, will open the door for her*

Karen: *sees the envelope and absently puts it into the box, then settles in the passenger seat. Her expression tells of extreme thought and is a bit pensive, but she's not afraid or distressed*

Tracks: *gently, as his holoform gets into the driver's seat* You're welcome to stay the night, Karen.

Karen: I'll get in the way. *says it absently and without any rancour*

Tracks: Nonsense. There's more than enough room at the shop.

Karen: You don't think you can take care of me. I really don't want to stress you out any more than I already have.

Tracks: *Seriously* I may not be a medic... But I can at least get you to and from wherever you need to go... Besides, Raoul, Beau, and Miles give me worse fits than you do.

Raoul: *right on cue* //Tracks, I need help!//

Tracks-holo: *Facepalm*

Karen: *quizzical look*

Raoul: *desperately* //Tracks?//

Tracks: //What did you do, Raoul?//

Raoul: //I don't even know. But Chip tried to kiss me!//

Tracks: //...// *SNERK* *The absurdity of that, coupled with how stressed he's been today, has hit the proverbial funny bone*

Karen: *leans over a bit to look at the holoform's face, her own face quirking with an echo of his amusement*

Raoul: //I didn't do it, though. I told 'er I needed mouthwash and locked myself in the can.//

Tracks: //Oh, Raoul...// *Highly amused. Feel the trembling, Karen? He's trying not to laugh*

Raoul: //What? You're always tellin' me to stay outta trouble. Now tell me how!//

Tracks: *As his holoform's shoulders shake with mirth at the irony* //Did you try telling her that you weren't interested in her as a potential mate?//

Raoul: //Uh... you get on my #$^@#%@#% for lying too.// *sheepish*

Tracks: //...//

Tracks-holo: *looks up, surprise clear on his face*

Karen: *brows go up at that expression*

Tracks: //...I'm... not exactly sure what to tell you then, Raoul...//

Raoul: *gasps quietly as a soft knocking is heard at the bathroom door*

Chip: *calling in the background* //Raoul? Are you alright?//

Raoul: //Oh man oh man oh man.//

Tracks: *Trying to think of someone who might be able to help out with this situation, calls Showtime, since he's pretty sure Flashpoint is still in the sibling reality* //Raoul, breathe... I've called someone who will be able to help...//

Chip: //Raoul, I'm sorry. I promise to stay on my end of the couch if you come back out. We still have to watch '28 Days'.//

Raoul: //Uhhh. What?//

Chip: //I thought you cooked me dinner to get closer... *embarrassed sound* I'm sorry.//

Raoul: *small 'eeee' sound under his breath at how sad she sounds*

Tracks: //...// *Soft chuckle*

Showtime: *can be heard talking to her sons, who are a chorus of clicks, chirps, and happy chattering*

Chip: //Hey, I can even get a chaperon!//

Raoul: //Uh. I'm coming out. Tracks, I gotta go.//

Tracks: //Alright, Raoul... Behave yourself...// *Chuckles over comms*

Raoul: //I'm tryin'! Stop laughing at me.// *click*

Tracks: *far too amused*

Karen: ...Did Lumen jump on somebody again? *remembering what the young blue bot had said earlier*

Tracks: No... One of my hoodlums has taken a liking to a young lady, but is trying to behave around her....

Karen: *confusion joins the questioning on her expression* ...Did he do something... wrong?

Tracks: No... The young lady in question thought he was cooking her dinner as a way to get closer to her... *more chuckle* Which was the last thing he had intended...

Karen: *scratches absently at her worn cargo pants* Oh. *doesn't get it*

Tracks: She tried to kiss him... *knows Raoul will KILL him for saying that*

Karen: *involuntary face scrunch*

Tracks: He locked himself in the bathroom so she wouldn't... And then she apologized, and promised to stay on her end of the couch while they watch a movie...

Karen: *face smooths out* ...That's actually kind of cute. *surprised by that thought*

Tracks: He called me to ask what he should do, since he didn't want to be a heel....

Karen: *and now she's smiling*

Tracks: *pulling into the shop garage again*

Karen: *pokes the little marble person* Is he going to be safe here while you change shape?

Tracks-holo: *moves to carefully stow the little marble person in his glove compartment* He'll be safer there....

Karen: *smiles and unfastens her seatbelt* In with the bio diesel books.

Tracks: Yes... I'll have to find out when the safest time to visit Wheeljack is....

Karen: *quizzical look as she puts a hand on the inside of his door*

Tracks: He tends towards... somewhat dangerous experiments...

Karen: *expression of faint apprehension* What kind of experiments?

Tracks: Usually frame modifications, or new types of fuel... He has terrible luck with things exploding in his face....

Karen: ... Oh.

Tracks: *Sigh* And his offspring tend to have similar luck, though Eclipse, thankfully, chose to focus her energy towards security....

Karen: Wow... That's... um. Can I ask a dumb question?

Tracks: *Quoting something he's heard Miles say* The only dumb question is one that goes unasked...

Karen: Well... no. I've heard some that really make you wonder just what the person's doing to their brains.

Tracks: ... True...

Karen: I don't think mine's that bad. *slight smile* Just... what are you guys?

Tracks: *chuckles as he opens his door* Well, as a whole, my people are called Cybertronians...

Karen: *turns and puts her feet out, then stands carefully, feeling her joints ache without pain* What's that mean, though?

Tracks: Our homeworld is called Cybertron... And you've seen me in root mode, as well as Lumen, and his male creator... We're autonomous robotic organisms...

Karen: *quietly, without looking at him* Wow.

Tracks: There are three subgroups, but nobody's seen any sign of Neutrals for vorns, so they may have ended up going offline...

Karen: Neutral from what?

Tracks: *Quietly* The different factions during the war...

Karen: *winces and turns to reach for the stuff she left behind the seats, since she suspects Tracks isn't going to let her have the box and the mat* You're refugees, aren't you?

Tracks: *Softly* Only until we're able to return to our homeworld....

Karen: Where is it? *straightens and clonks head. Sits abruptly on floor and winces*

Tracks-holo: *moving to help her and gently fuss over her* It's approximately.... *quick calculation and then tells the distance*

Karen: Ouch. Wow, that's a long way. *wobbly now and looking totally beat*

Tracks: *concerned clicks*

Karen: *quiet and embarrassed* I think I need to go to bed.

Tracks-holo: *Will help her get situated with her mat and sleeping bag*

Beau: *sticks head out of the kitchen, a still fizzing milk moustache on his upper lip* D' y'all need aneh 'elp?

Karen: *looks up from watching Tracks let air into the mat* *slight grin* Your lip is fizzing.

Beau: *Blink blink, snerk, wipe mouth*

Karen: *grin grows a little as she lets Tracks take her sleeping bag from her* What was that, anyway? I didn't know there was a white drink that fizzes.

Tracks-holo: Beau and Miles have candies that fizz when dropped into liquids... And since they drink soymilk...

Karen: *eyes widen slightly* Oh wow. I never realized people made things like that.

Beau: Yep... *moving to get something from the kitchen*

Karen: *looks at Tracks as he gently touches her arm, then smiles at him and settles down to sit on the mat* Thanks, Tracks.

Tracks-holo: *Gently* Get some rest...

Karen: *small chuckle. Knows by now that he's not going to stop fussing. Gives a quiet sigh of contentment as she tucks a rolled up shirt under her head and pulls the sleeping bag up around her shoulders*

Tracks-holo: *Will move to tell Beau what Karen can and can't eat once he realizes that the poor woman hasn't eaten anything for awhile and that the teen has gone to make her a sandwich*

Karen: *sighs again, and then she's asleep, feeling at home as she hasn't since her house sold*

((co-written with random_xtras))
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