hsv and London, Autobot Base and Baker Street, Return?

Apr 09, 2011 23:31

Keepsake: *walking ahead of WakeJumper, and snarking away with her sister*

Nightwish: *walking along behind WakeJumper, and dragging Lumen by one foot*

Lumen: *Leaving furrows as he tries, fruitlessly, to get out of Nightwish's grip*

WakeJumper: *carrying Eclipse, despite the femme's earlier assertion that she could walk*

Eclipse: *yakking away with Keepsake, is humoring her mate, and secretly enjoying being held after missing his presence for three weeks*

Keepsake: Yeah right, I'll believe that when... *pauses after stepping through what should have been the outside door and looks around at slushy streets and thick yellow smog* The frag slagging cold flashed hell?

Eclipse: *shocked into silence*

WakeJumper: *Wary as he looks around*

Lumen: Bhuh?

Nightwish: ... *looks down the front of the brown tweed jacket she's suddenly wearing*

WakeJumper: ... *looks at himself, almost certain about what he'll see*

Keepsake: Why the fragging slag am I squishy? Do I have a Lambo glitch to smack?

WakeJumper: *As Lumen protests being dragged through unsavory things* No... This is like what happened when I wound up in the reality I was in for a while...

Eclipse: *poking herself in the chest, soooo brain-broken*

Keepsake: ... You mean this is Victorian England? *looks around at the strange conveyances surrounding them*

Nightwish: *lets go of Lumen and starts unfastening buttons, her forehead furrowed in a frown as she does so*

Lumen: *Getting himself up off the ground and making disgusted sounds*

WakeJumper: *As he holds Eclipse closer* It might be... *looking around*

police officer: *stops and clears his throat* Excuse me, Miss. You might not want to do that. *is carefully NOT looking at Nightwish*

Keepsake: *looks. Snerks*

Eclipse: *blink blink, attention going to Nightwish* ...

Nightwish: *frowning down at the copper, her hands on the strings of the corset she's got on under the man's jacket that she's wearing with loose trousers*

Eclipse: *hesitantly* It... might be a good idea to do what he says.... *sounds so lost right now*

Nightwish: *deeper frown, but lets her hands drop* *dark eyes go to WakeJumper* Orders, sir?

copper: *blinks and looks at WakeJumper* And who might you be?

WakeJumper: *silently praying that Keepsake, Nightwish, Lumen, and Eclipse will follow his lead* Doctor William Johnson. *indicates Eclipse* This is my wife, Ellie...

Lumen: *heywaitaminutewhat? ... Oh. Will move to see how his mother is doing*

copper: *glances from WakeJumper to the others* Pardon my asking, but why are you standing in the middle of the street?

Keepsake: *frowning up at the rain that just started falling through the ewsmog*

WakeJumper: We got turned around trying to find our way...

copper: Where's your carriage?

Keepsake: *under her breath* With the rest of my chassis.

WakeJumper: *thinking fast* We're not sure, sir... We stopped for our evening meal, and it was gone when we were done....

copper: And you didn't call for another? *frowns*

Keepsake: New city. We didn't think. *shrugs, and then tries to figure out just what the point of this wretched dragging fabric around her legs is*

copper: *thinks the good doctor and his party have had a bit too much to drink*

WakeJumper: We were supposed to be meeting with Doctor Watson...

copper: And who's that? *blinks, but then shakes his head slightly*

Keepsake: ...Sherlock Holmes' friend? You don't know who that is?

copper: *wait. He was right?* o.0

WakeJumper: *Sees that look* I suspect he's probably not expecting us to arrive tonight....

Eclipse: *quiet sigh, is going to have a near-silent freak out, kthx*

Lumen: *Worried* We should probably get a room for the night...

four wheeler cab: *stops near them, the two men in the pullwheel looking curiously at the odd group*

cabbie: *in the light voice of a young man* Ye needin' a ride, gov?

WakeJumper: *Attention on the cabbie, relief on his face* Ah, yes, please...

cabbie: *blue eyes sharp in his thin, rat-like face* I'm free. Where ye need ta be?

WakeJumper: *recites the address on Baker Street, as Lumen checks his pockets*

Lumen: *Expression brightens as he finds that his stash of credits has turned into the local currency*

copper: *will hold the cab door open for the ladies, and then blush and look away from Nightwish again as she looms and frowns at him*

WakeJumper: *to Nightwish* It's alright... *Will make sure Eclipse and Keepsake are comfortable, before offering to help the tall woman into the cab as well*

Nightwish: *shakes head* I'm good, sir. *frowns at Lumen*

Lumen: *is going to ignore you for now, Nightwish*

Nightwish: *snorts and gets up on the back of the cab, holding onto the rings there*

WakeJumper: *to the officer* Thank you for your assistance, sir... *will move to try and usher Lumen into the cab as well*

Keepsake: Lu, stop playing a fish and get in here. The rain's getting harder.

rain: *certainly is*

Lumen: *scoots!*

WakeJumper: *sighs and gets in as well*

sky: *opens up as the cab sets out*

Keepsake: *unimpressed as she growls at the fabric on her legs* Everything's on the bottom. Don't they realize that humans lose warmth through their tops?

WakeJumper: *soft snerk* Well, you're certainly the picture of a fashionable young lady...

Keepsake: *narrow-eyed look*

Lumen: Says the guy whose clothes are too short.

Eclipse: *ducking her head against her mate's chest* *Quietly* I want to go home...

Keepsake: *eyes go to her sister. Not unkindly* Suck it up, Clipsie. You've got your guy and your kid right here with you.

Eclipse: *Quiet* Doesn't make it much better, Keepie...

Keepsake: At least you're not going to have a slagged off Seeker driving himself till he crashes. *looks at her hands*

WakeJumper: *gently* It'll be okay...

Keepsake: *hrrms, but then looks up as the cab stops*

Nightwish: *pulls the door open. Is drenched, and hasn't buttoned her jacket back up either*

WakeJumper: ...*face.palm* Have we arrived then?

Nightwish: Yup. *drip*

Dr. Watson: *running down the walk with a big black umbrella over his head* *calls above the sound of the rain and wind* What is it?

Lumen: *out to pay the cabbie*

WakeJumper: *As he moves to get out so he can help Keepsake and Eclipse out of the cab his expression brightens* Doctor Watson...

cabbie: *won't take the money* Ye already paid me, gov.

Lumen: *blink blink* I don't understand...

Dr. Watson: William? *face goes from concern to pleased surprise* Quickly, let's get the ladies inside.

cabbie: *turns his head to look at WakeJumper... who might notice the familiarity of that sharp profile*

WakeJumper: *nods, chuckling softly when he recognizes the cabbie* *Will move to help Keepsake out of the cab, while Lumen continues to boggle a bit*

Keepsake: *gives Dr. Watson a wary look that is pure Wheeljack, but allows him to give her his arm*

Dr. Watson: *concerned about the ladies not having proper wraps. Turns to look at Nightwish, realizes he's looking at a corset, and sighs* Hurry, let's get you all inside.

WakeJumper: *Will help Eclipse out of the cab and talk quietly to her*

Lumen: *so confused, but will help get his mother inside*

Dr. Watson: *notices the second tiny lady's confusion and distress and speaks to her gently as he ushers everyone inside*

Mrs. Hudson: *has the front hall liberally lined with newspapers. Also has slippers of all descriptions so that guests can get out of wet shoes*

Lumen: *puzzling over the human garments, but will be polite and thank Mrs. Hudson*

WakeJumper: We weren't intending to arrive here...

Dr. Watson: I think we have more hope of finding you comfortable space here than Dr. Marten would. *sets the umbrella into the stand, then takes hats and hangs them up* *startled* My word, Will, you're still wearing the same clothing that you were when you vanished the other night.

WakeJumper: *ignoring the snickerfit that is coming from Lumen* I was brought back to my home, with a hangover...

Eclipse: *Starting to look around and take an interest in her surroundings*

Dr. Watson: *clears throat and looks sheepish* I knew we shouldn't have opened the vintage brandy after the rum punch was gone.

Lumen: *more snickerfit*

Dr. Watson: *frowns quizzically at the young man*

WakeJumper: Lumen, don't.

Lumen: *shuts up*

Nightwish: *is going after those soggy laces again*

Eclipse: *Quietly* I don't think that's a good idea, Nightwish... I mean, what if you aren't wearing anything underneath?

Nightwish: I'm not. *gets the laces loosened and then crams her hand down the front of the corset*

Dr. Watson: :o

Eclipse: ... *Blink blink*

WakeJumper: .... *sigh*

Nightwish: *pulls out a bottle of that modern herbal and vitamin supplement that WakeJumper had wanted for Holmes the last time he was here*

Keepsake: >_>

WakeJumper: *blink blink* *soft snerk*

Nightwish: *looks at it, and then sets it on the hall stand before pulling the laces tight again and looking up*

Dr. Watson: *blink...*

WakeJumper: That's the supplement I was talking about...

Dr. Watson: *snaps out of shock and looks at WakeJumper, then reaches an eager hand toward the bottle* Is it?

WakeJumper: *nods and makes sure Eclipse is steady on her feet*

Watson: *has bottle, has big grin* Wonderful. *herds everyone upstairs and then sends the page out to get some things for the ladies after making sure that Keepsake and Eclipse have the armchairs, pulled up close to the fire* *to Nightwish* Er... I'm afraid all I can offer you till Billy returns is my dressing gown, and that's hardly see...

Nightwish: Good. Where is it?

WakeJumper: *soft chuckle, attention on Keepsake and Eclipse*

Eclipse: *eyes wide and curious as she looks around from where she's seated*

Watson: *pours two glasses of sherry and offers one of them to Eclipse after telling Nightwish where to find things. Is clearly confused by that tall, dark-skinned woman with the serious face*

Eclipse: *surprised expression is a go, but she'll thank Watson and sip at the sherry... before pulling a surprised face at the flavor*

Keepsake: *takes hers. Tastes it, and then slams it back*

Watson: *getting brandy for Lumen and WakeJumper* I'm not sure I approve of the method of transporting it, but I'm exceedingly grateful for that supplement, Will. *lines of concern show on his honest face as he offers the tumblers*

WakeJumper: Nightwish has her own way of doing things... *sipping at the brandy*

Lumen: *coughing a bit at his first taste of brandy*

Watson: *softly, as he takes a footstool as the last remaining sitting place* Ah, so these are more of your people?

Keepsake: Yeah, but don't hold it against me. I ain't the derp that built or sparked me.

WakeJumper: *Soft chuckle at Keepsake's words* Yes... Keepsake is my sister-in-law... *hand on Eclipse's shoulder* This is my wife, Eclipse, and Lumen is our son... Nightwish is a friend....

Keepsake: Sister-in-law both ways. Clipsie's my sister, and I married his older brother.

Watson: *polite greetings in return for the introductions, and then a bit of a smile at what Keepsake adds*

Mrs. Hudson: *bringing in supper: cold beef, a poultry pie, a salad, some sort of savory pudding, and bread, butter, and yellow cake*

Watson: *sees that* Ah... *turns back to WakeJumper* Have you eaten yet?

WakeJumper: *small headshake* We were on our way to do so when Lumen made a nuisance of himself for the medic I answer to....

Keepsake: *snerk* Poor Hank. He looked twice as big as usual.

WakeJumper: *to Keepsake* Don't encourage Lumen...

Lumen: I can hear you, Dad.

Keepsake: *thoughtfully, as she looks at Lumen* You know, you have hair now too...

Lumen: *Gives Keepsake a Look* Don't you dare, Aunt Keepie.

Keepsake: *Wheeljack grin*

Eclipse: Keepie, be nice.... *is about halfway through her sherry now, and looking a bit red in the cheeks*

Watson: *has noticed a strange draft coming from under his bedroom door. Gets up and knocks* Miss Nightwish? Is everything alright?

Nightwish: *no answer*

WakeJumper: ... How easily could someone get to the roof?

Watson: *surprised look over his shoulder* ...Don't tell me.

WakeJumper: I honestly wouldn't put it past her...

Lumen: I'd say she went bonkers after marrying Skywarp, but... *Shrug*

heavy rap: *comes to the living room door*

Nightwish: Let me in!

Watson: *face palm*

WakeJumper: *is also facepalming*

Lumen: *cracking up now, kthx*

Nightwish: *knocks again, making the door rattle*

Eclipse: Someone should let her in... *moving to get up*

Keepsake: *kicks Lumen sharply in the shin with one dainty dancing shoe*

Lumen: *Yelp! Hop hop hop away from Aunty!*

Watson: *goes and opens the door, then exclaims with surprise as he sees the man hanging limp in Nightwish's grasp* What on Earth??

Nightwish: *pushes inside, once more dripping wet*

WakeJumper: *attention going that way, moves to see who Nightwish has*

Nightwish: *hands her catch over and pulls the wet dressing gown shut over her corset and drawers* He was watching the windows.

Watson: *suddenly frowning* Was he?

Nightwish: *glances at him* That's what I said.

Watson: *comes to have a look at the man and the contents of his pockets*

man: *has had application of sleeper hold*

WakeJumper: *moving to lay the man down on the floor*

Lumen: *will situate himself nearby, just in case the guy tries to put up a fight when he wakes up*

Watson: *studying all pocket contents, the condition of the man's clothing and hands, and also his face and hair*

WakeJumper: Any identification?

Watson: Nothing. Which in itself can be a form of identification. *continues search*

Nightwish: *helps self to a piece of cake while she waits. Bows head, bites. Surprised grimace, but eats*

WakeJumper: Hm... *studying the man's face as well*

Eclipse: *trying to get up out of the armchair again, isn't having much luck*

Watson: *and then looks up at Nightwish's hand and goes round-eyed as he realizes she's holding a small rifle... which has been crushed and bent in half*

WakeJumper: *looking up to ask Nightwish something, soft snort* So he was targeting someone....

Nightwish: You think I'd wring his neck for just being nosy?

Watson: *grim* So it's started again.

WakeJumper: *attention on Watson* What's started again?

Watson: *looks at him* The remnants of Moriarty's gang are still hoping to end Holmes' life.

WakeJumper: *dark scowl that's nearly mirrored on Lumen's face* I see.

Watson: *gets to his feet* I'll go and call the police. In what state did you leave my door, Miss Nightwish?

Nightwish: *blinks* I blocked it to keep you guys out. I'll go open it. *out and gone*

Watson: *sighs and looks at WakeJumper*

WakeJumper: *Simply* Anyone out there is in more danger than Nightwish is....

Eclipse: *Squeaks as her butt meets the floor*

Keepsake: *up and kneeling by sister*

Watson: *bit of a frown* Are you certain?

WakeJumper: *nods* She's a bit of an oddity, but that makes her incredibly difficult to injure or kill...

Watson: An oddity in what way? *startles as footsteps on the stairs are followed by a polite tap*

voice: Someone said a constable's needed here?

WakeJumper: I'll explain later... *Going to check on Eclipse*

Watson: *lets the police man in, and makes a statement. More constables are called in, and then the man is carried out and the constables all go* *watches them go, and then turns his head as the bedroom door opens and Nightwish slips back into the room* I'll need that bit of evidence.

Nightwish: *gets it off his bed and hands it over* I didn't see any fingerprints.

Watson: Well, you have to dust for those.

Nightwish: Nuh uh. *back to the food*

Watson: *blinking with a bit of confusion as he sets the rifle aside to bring it to the police station in the morning*

WakeJumper: Nightwish's senses are stronger than mine, and I'm a medic... *trying to get Eclipse to stand up so he can help her back to the chair*

Watson: Yes, but you use that little hand held device when you're in human form.

Nightwish: *finger and thumb hold a hazelnut... and then crack it easily*

WakeJumper: Her senses are even stronger than what I can detect with my scanner...

Watson: *eyes widen slightly* *glances at the busily tasting Amazon* Even now?

WakeJumper: It looks like it... *gentle clicks to Eclipse, who looks absolutely baffled as to why her feet aren't cooperating*

Keepsake: You're wasted, aren't you, Clipsie?

Eclipse: Thrrpt.

Watson: *amazed by that uncouth sound*

WakeJumper: She doesn't normally drink strong drinks, Keepsake...

Keepsake: *snort* Do I look like I'm givin' her a hard time? *turns head as the pageboy slips inside with a stack of boxes* *perk* Real clothes?

Billy: *grins* I bought you the kind of things Dr. Marten likes to wear.

Keepsake: Who's Dr. Marten?

WakeJumper: *chuckle* Persephone Marten... The alias of a Perceptor who was brought here with her reality's Megatron...

Keepsake: ... Okay, and what kinda clothes does this Percy wear? *looks at the boxes Billy is offering to her*

WakeJumper: Dresses, with Turkish pantaloons, when she's riding her scooter... *will describe the other outfits he's seen the woman in question wear*

Keepsake: *wrinkles her nose* Why do we gotta wear anything different from you?

Nightwish: Hey, I think I've got more here than Sari does.

Dr. Watson: *spittakes his brandy*

WakeJumper: *facepalm*

Lumen: *Snickering, but doesn't DARE look*

Keepsake: 'Wish, you better not have that junk out.

Nightwish: *snort* I know human protocol.

Dr. Watson: *excuses himself to get a clean shirt. Looks mortified*

Billy: *has nooo idea what is going on here. Looks around quizzically*

WakeJumper: *Surprised sound as Eclipse decides she wants to be affectionate*

Keepsake: Hsst. Not now, Clipsie!

WakeJumper: *Blushing muchly, will move to deposit Eclipse in the armchair again*

Keepsake: Here, eat this. *offers sister cake* *then looks at Wake* You never answered my question.

Eclipse: *blink blink, soft clicks as she studies the cake*

WakeJumper: It's the culture...

Keepsake: Lame. *pokes a bit of the cake at Eclipse's mouth*

Eclipse: *Soft sound of surprise* *nom*

Keepsake: *grins and rubs sister's back* Yeah, that's good. Hey, this looks like blitzbread. *picks up bread and butter and tastes* Euw... doesn't taste like it. *another bite* Guess it's not bad. *eats*

WakeJumper: *chuckle* *makes a mental note to try and get sugared violets for Keepsake and Eclipse to try*

Lumen: *wonders when Dr. Watson will come back*

Nightwish: He's standing with his hand on his doorknob, listening to the guy in the other room cough.

WakeJumper: *expression goes somber* Mr. Holmes is recovering his strength...

Billy: *slightly indignant expression*

WakeJumper: *Attention on Billy* *Gently* You don't have to stay...

Billy: *blinks* Yes, sir, Doctor Johnson. Just ring the bell if you need anything. *too well-mannered to give Nightwish a look for calling his master a guy, whatever that means*

Nightwish: *as Billy closes the door behind him* Doesn't sound like it's working very well.

Watson: *steps out then, his expression sombre and thoughtful*

WakeJumper: How is he?

Watson: *eyes go to WakeJumper, and then uncertainly to the others*

Eclipse: *conked out in the armchair*

WakeJumper: Keepsake's got medical training, and Lumen...

Lumen: I know how to keep my trap shut, for the most part.

Keepsake: We're not idiots, Doc. 'Wish can hear him in there, and if you don't let Wake help he'll fuss worse than Wheeljack does when his mate's on patrol.

WakeJumper: *Gives sister-in-law a Look*

Keepsake: What? It's true?

Watson: *shakes his head slightly and indicates with his hand that he'd like WakeJumper to come over to him*

WakeJumper: *moves to go over to where Watson is*

Lumen: *Going to go poke at his mother, kthx*

Watson: *opens the door to Holmes' room and leads WakeJumper inside as Keepsake slaps Lumen's hand and tells him to bug the food. Quietly* He's not doing as well as I'd wish. His condition's deteriorated since Mary left.

WakeJumper: *Frown* *quietly* Why did she leave?

Watson: She'd recovered her strength after John's birth. *slight head shake* This isn't her home, or even her chosen country of residence.

WakeJumper: *Soft sigh* It's almost like he's pining for her...

Watson: *looks at his friend* *quietly* I believe he's come to depend on her while in this weakened state.

WakeJumper: *small nod* *Quietly* I'd suggest asking her if she'd mind staying, but I'm not sure how well that would go over...

Watson: *shrugs his shoulders slightly* She's gone, Will.

WakeJumper: *gives Watson an amused look* She's not as gone as you think...

Watson: *lifts brows*

WakeJumper: *Will explain about the cabbie*

Watson: *very surprised* I wonder why she hasn't gone yet. It cannot be lack of money.

WakeJumper: *shrugs* Now that is one thing I'm not certain about...

Watson: Hmmm.

Holmes: *coughs again, and then makes a faint, irritated sigh before opening his eyes and giving the ceiling a Look*

Watson: *hurries over* Holmes? Can you hear me?

Holmes: *scowl*

WakeJumper: *Soft snerk*

Holmes: *brows lift, and he turns his head slightly as he seeks for the source of that snerk*

Watson: Dr. Johnson's back. He brought that medication that I thought might help you.

Holmes: *faint snort*

WakeJumper: *moves so Holmes can see him easily*

Watson: *starts to say something else, but then sighs and excuses himself to go speak with Mrs. Hudson as she calls for him*

Holmes: *watches his friend go, and then looks at WakeJumper again*

WakeJumper: It's been a very interesting couple of days....

Holmes: *coughs softly and then lifts his brows, inviting Wake to continue*

WakeJumper: *will elaborate, starting from when he went missing, to his return*

Holmes: *contributes a couple faint chuckles to the narrative, and then coughs till his face screws up with weary pain*

WakeJumper: *Soft clicks as he checks his pockets for his scanner* *pulls it out and moves to scan Holmes*

Holmes: *very weak. Would be in serious trouble if not for the life support machines that WakeJumper helped make the last time he was here. Also isn't getting enough nourishment yet, despite the IV*

WakeJumper: *more soft clicks, will check the IV*

Holmes: *watches him through grey eyes that have lost their customary icy chill and sharpness. Looks as though he's already drifting off to sleep again*

WakeJumper: *Gently* Get some rest...

Holmes: *slight frown and a restless movement of his head*

WakeJumper: *Quietly* I'll see if I can talk to Mary....

Holmes: *eyes open, and though there is impatience and dislike in them and in his expression, there is also longing*

WakeJumper: *Softly* She's still in London...

Holmes: *brows lift in surprise*

WakeJumper: I'm not sure why she stayed... but I have an idea on how to find her again...

Holmes: *small sound, and then he's asleep*

WakeJumper: *Will make sure Holmes is comfortable*

Holmes: *sleeps through this*

WakeJumper: *Will duck out of the room to talk to Dr. Watson*

Dr. Watson: *carefully moving things off the sofa so that Lumen will be able to sleep there. The three women are not in the room*

Lumen: *Helping move things*

WakeJumper: *puzzled* Where are Keepsake, Nightwish, and Eclipse?

Dr. Watson: In the quarters Mrs. Hudson was able to find for them. Misses Keepsake and Nightwish are sharing a room in the attic, and Mrs. Johnson is currently sleeping in my bed.

WakeJumper: *small nod*

Dr. Watson: ...Though I strongly suspect that Miss Nightwish won't be spending the night in bed. *looks at where her suit had been hanging by the fire to dry*

WakeJumper: You're right in your suspicions....

Dr. Watson: She is a surprising being. *finishes sofa clearing, and then lays out the blankets and pillow brought by the kindly landlady*

WakeJumper: *chuckle* That's barely scratching the surface.... *Attention going towards Watson's room, concern for his mate clear on his face*

Lumen: *stretching a bit as he thanks Watson, then he's moving to lay down*

Dr. Watson: *as he stands and turns away from the sofa* Mrs. Johnson appears to be sleeping quietly. *face softens* Though she asked Mrs. Hudson to bring her a doll to hold.

WakeJumper: *Expression softens a bit* *Quietly* She's still very young...

Dr. Watson: You've said you aren't very old yourself, Will. *walks over to put a hand on his shoulder and squeeze*

WakeJumper: *over Lumen's soft snores* Eclipse is even younger than I am... And only a little older than our son...

Dr. Watson: *eyebrows shoot upward, but then return to their proper level* That's why her sister is so protective of her?

WakeJumper: Keepsake is around the same age as Eclipse... They're half-sisters...

Dr. Watson: *surprised again* Ah, I see.

WakeJumper: *Attention going to his son, a bit of sadness clear in his eyes*

Lumen: *expression relaxed and without the slightly mischevious quirks that animate his features when he's awake. Seems a lot younger than he looks*

Dr. Watson: *looks toward the boy himself and shakes his head slightly as he realizes that Lumen's hugging the pillow instead of putting his head on it*

WakeJumper: *soft sigh* If not for the timing of his birth, he'd have gotten to have a proper childhood..

Dr. Watson: *quietly* You told me about him while we were drinking the other night.

WakeJumper: I don't think I told you how old he and Eclipse are though...

Dr. Watson: Yes. You did. But I couldn't understand the time units. *wry*

WakeJumper: *Quietly translates the time units*

Dr. Watson: *staggered*

WakeJumper: Cybertronians age differently than humans... and if the war hadn't happened, it's likely Eclipse and I would both still be youngsters...

Dr. Watson: *quietly* I'm sorry.

WakeJumper: *softly* I wouldn't trade my blessings for that life. Despite the curve ball I've been thrown as of late, I'm happy.

Dr. Watson: *slight smile, and then a look of concern toward the room where Eclipse is sleeping* Oh dear, is she sobbing?

WakeJumper: *goes to check on his mate, worried about her*

Eclipse: *Hugging the little doll made by tying a string around a muslin sack full of flour, and hiccuping in her sleep*

WakeJumper: *Soft chuckle, gently smooths her hair and clicks quietly before carefully shifting her so she's more comfortable. Then he'll move to leave the room* *Quietly, to Watson* She's hiccupping...

Watson: *softly* Ahhh. *slight smile* Are you going to turn in now?

WakeJumper: I probably should... Eclipse will wake up soon if I don't...

Watson: *nods* I'll wish you a good night, then.

WakeJumper: Thank you, Dr. Watson... *will move to retire for the night. Though it will be a little while before he'll succumb to sleep, as he's going to gently smooth Eclipse's hair and hold her close*

((Co-written with random_xtras))
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