mbv, Various Locations, News and Strange Happenings...

Apr 14, 2011 01:02

Rachel: *has pulled up big chair near where her husband is sitting in the Ark computer rec room. Snuggles in chair and reads letters from envelopes that she pulls out of a fabric bag as Jack bounces on a yoga ball and builds levels for his Sackboy to play in* *And then she starts cackling softly*

Jack: *glances over and tries not to fall off of his ball* ?

Rachel: *cackling turns to muffled sniggers behind her hand, and then she glances up and sees the look* *snerk* 'The Libertine Letters', by Lori Bragg.

Jack: Ah... *chuckle, attention starting to wander back to his game*

Rachel: *leans over and pecks him on the cheek, then turns her attention back to the paper in her hand* *snerk!*

Jack: *bounce bounce bounce* *build build build*

Med ward

Kup: *wakes up, counts the number of kids on his chest and sighs. Then pauses and squints as he realizes that he seems to have a few young humans mixed in there this time*

Sean: *looks up as Kup moves and grins at him, then resumes reading the small hard cover magazine*

Kriti: *making more grammar and sentence flashcards for Usagi... as well as a few origami figures*

Sarah: *dressing some of her dolls and telling Meryl about them*

Meryl: *cuddling a rag doll that's almost bigger than she is. Is an attentive listener!*

Desinex: *happy purrs*

Usagi: *sound asleep as Lockdown cuddles her like a doll, is sprawled and totally relaxed, her little round face full of peace, and one ponytail coming loose*

Kriti: *looks up once she's finished making a set of cards, soft chuckle, scoots over closer to Lockdown*

Blitzwing: *appears in the doorway, frowning* You got my sparklet?

Kup: *froze at the sight of the triple changer, but now his mouth is open slightly with surprise* ...Your sparklet?

Desinex: *awake! And scooting to scale Mt. Blitzwing!*

Kriti: *glances over at Blitzwing and smiles* Hello, Uncle.

Blitzwing: Hey, Kriti. *head tilted as he scans the pile, then nods and points* That little soft one. *slight frown that can't hide the affection in his optics* I'll let her sleep. *and then he chuckles* Easy to see you're whipped.

Kup: Whipped? What the sl... ow motion are you talking about?

Desinex: *is a clickstorm from on top of Mt. Blitzwing!*

Blitzwing: *just snorts*

Kup: Just wait till I can get up. I'll show you whipped...

Med ward main room

Glit: *looks up from rolling around on Russell's desk as the sound of a snark session echoes softly down the hall leading to the private rooms. Snerk*

Russell: ... *can't help it, snickers*

Glit: Well, I think this clears up all concern as to whether he's got a will to live.

Russell: So it would seem... *soft chuckle* I think Desinex has decided she wants to keep him...

Glit: Not surprising. Unless I'm mistaken she has Sharpshot's missing first memories.

Russell: *quiet as he thinks about this* *small nod* It makes sense... And explains a lot, really...

Glit: *sniffs Russell's hand written report, and then rolls and sheds on it* Of course it does.


Alicia: *starting to get bored with waiting for the bus to arrive, has taken to pacing. Col. Franklin gave her orders to go pick up the new NEST recruit and talk to him, but other than that, she has no idea what the guy's like*

bus: *finally limps in... towed behind a wrecker*

Alicia: ... Dude... Fail.

wrecker: *lets bus down, which then opens its door and lets out the three people who refused to take the replacement which would have bypassed Blacksburg. There's a banker, a kid with dreds, and a tall, muscular blond guy in fatigues*

Alicia: ... *blink blink. Pinches herself on the thigh to make sure she isn't dreaming*

blond guy: *gets his duffel and slings it on his back, then looks around slowly and thoughtfully*

Alicia: *SQUEAL! Runs to greet the soldier!*

Jamie: Wha... ALI! *duffel flies as he throws his arms out*

Alicia: Jamie! *GLOMPCLING*

Jamie: *staggers back* Whoa...

Alicia: *muffled, as she's currently got her face mushed against Jamie's chest* I was worried you weren't gonna come back....

Jamie: *slowly* Well... I'm going to be working on that base with the fancy robots.

Alicia: *leans back a bit* *realization crossing her face* ...That sneaky slagger... *amused and pleased expression is a go*

Jamie: Um... what? *quirks a puzzled grin*

Alicia: I'll explain later... *moving to put her feet on the ground so she can lead Jamie to the NEST sedan she was loaned for the mission*

Jamie: Okay. Wait... I have to meet a liaison.

Alicia: That'd be me.

Jamie: o.0 You're in the military?

Alicia: *shrugs a shoulder* Kinda... Your CO at the base is Lt. Col. Oberson, right?

Jamie: *nods and then stops short like he hit a brick wall* 0.o Oh no way.

Alicia: Dad's pancake truck finally died, by the way. *grin*

Jamie: But... how does the school librarian get time to run a military base? *brain broken*

Alicia: *a bit more serious* I'll explain as much as I can on the way there.

Jamie: Okay... *slings duffel back onto back and follows, his bewilderment plain* ...It's not April first, right?

Alicia: *headshake* That was four days ago. *reaches for his hand and moves to lead him to the sedan*

Jamie: *follows, and then acks as he sits in the passenger seat and a tiny black cat hops up on the seat and kisses him on the back of the neck with a cold little nose*

Alicia: Ravage! You little stowaway! *checks the back seat, grump* You two'd better have a darn good reason for stowing away in the back seat.

Steeljaw: *thunderpurr*

Ravage: M'mu? *squeak?*

Alicia: *sigh* Just don't distract me while I drive, and don't pester Jamie.

Steeljaw: *kitty chuckle*

Punky: Mew?

Alicia: ... You two are so weird.

Ravage: //Three.// *tries to get onto Jamie's shoulder*

Steeljaw: *more kitty chuckle, moves to try and bring Punky so the little guy can sit on Jamie's lap*

Jamie: ... *rhetorically* What happened to 'don't pester Jamie'?

Alicia: *sigh* You'd think they actually were cats.... *to Jamie* You're buckled up, right?

Jamie: *pauses, one hand on the chest strap of his seat belt* Uh... what are they if they're not cats?

Alicia: Cybertronians... Well, except for the little guy. He's a cat...

Punky: Mew? *Someone wants cat?*

Jamie: So... what's a Cybertronian? *is looking at Alicia. Is not petting kitties*

Alicia: The fancy robots... Buckle up... I really don't wanna get pulled over for a seatbelt violation....

Jamie: *finishes the buckling and then looks back down at his passengers* ...Woah.

Steeljaw: *thunderpurr*

Alicia: *once she's buckled up, she'll pull out of the parking lot and into traffic* There are three main sub-groups of Cybertronians at the base... The Autobots, the Dinobots, and the Destrons. Autobots are the civilian side of the people, but most of the ones there at the moment have fought in the war... Destrons are like the police and military forces... And they're usually bigger than the Autobots, but not always... The Dinobots were made here, by a couple of the Autobots...

Jamie: *eyes go toward her while his face stays turned down toward the furballs in his lap* ...Whut?

Alicia: *chuckles* You'll get to meet all of the sub-groups when we get to the base... *and now the city and neighborhoods are starting to turn rural* Including the sub-groups of the sub-groups...

Jamie: *quietly. Frowning* Which war?

Alicia: The Autobot-Decepticon civil war... *quietly* The Autobots were exiled, and a lot of them wound up here....

Jamie: *jolts* The robots aren't US military hardware.

Ravage: *rubbing her little cheek against his and bittysinging*

Steeljaw: Noooooo... *chuckle*

Alicia: Nope.

Jamie: *looks down at that chuckle, then back to his fiancée* And your dad's connected to the base somehow.

Alicia: *nods and turns onto the road that leads to the base* In more ways than one...

Jamie: *apprehensive look on his good natured face. He's wondering if he's going to hear Something Scary* Oh.

Alicia: *looking out the windshield, chuckles as something glints in the sun as she steers the sedan onto the driveway for the base*

Jamie: *watches the planes, then looks around for robots*

Alicia: *parking the car* Fireflight's not distracted by birds... *chuckle* That's actually kinda nice...

Steeljaw: *streeetttch*

Ember: *just about took out that parking sign just now! Will park his skidplate on the hood of the sedan and clickstorm when he sees peoples in the car!*

Jamie: Whoa! *totally traumatized*

Alicia: *totally not* Ember won't hurt you, Jamie... He's just a baby.

Jamie: *pushing cats off him now and getting the seatbelt loose with a jerk. And then he's out of the car and reaching for the little guy to check him for damage, his outstretched hands shaking*

Ravage: *did header* DX

Steeljaw: *kissies for Ravage!*

Ember: *squee! Clickstorm at being picked up, isn't hurt, but is totally putting on the cute overdrive!*

Alicia: *getting out* He's a Seeker. They're built to take dents while they're learning to fly.

Jamie: *deep breath, and then hides his face on the little dark violet and orange-red robot and tries to hide the fact that he's crying*

Ember: *clickclickchirp, person has a sad? Gentle patpats*

Alicia: *gentle hand on Jamie's back* *Softly* It's okay... His mom's around here somewhere, keeping him in sensor range...

Sky: *looks around the barn as she checks on the feed from Ember's optics and sees what's happening, her brows drawn together in a frown as her long hair sways softly in the breeze*

Jamie: *just hugs the little Seeklet and tries to get the scared out of his system*

Alicia: *gentle backrub is a go*

Ember: *clickstorm, wiggle, wants to find Mama and tell her about the new person*

Jamie: *deep breath, and then sets the little bot down* Sorry.

Sky: *walks over slowly, one hand still holding one of the pussy willow cuttings she'd been sticking into the ground by the warm side of the barn* What happened, Air Raid?

Alicia: Ember almost took out a parking sign and landed on the hood of the sedan.

Ember: Mama! *zips up to play with Mamahair*

Steeljaw: *trotting past with Punky in his mouth*

Jamie: *blinks* Mama? Air Raid? *looks from Alicia to Sky*

Sky: Yeah. *son on hip, eyebrow quirked*

Alicia: I'll explain in a little bit... *attention going skyward as she goes a bit pale*

Fireflight: *just narrowly avoided a bird strike, is going to cling to Windbreaker*

Jamie: *follows her gaze. Fervent use of the s word*

Ember: *squeee! Points at Jamie!*

Alicia: *worried for her sister* *quietly* That was too close, 'Flight...

Windbreaker: *slowly and carefully settling to earth, his arms close around his wife as he clicks and croons in the softer side of Seeker*

Fireflight: *notices Jamie from where she's clinging to her wordmate*

Alicia: *relaxing once Fireflight and Windbreaker are on the ground, but will still come over to check that her sister is alright*

Fireflight: I'm okay... That was kinda scary though.... Is Jamie going to be working here now, 'Raid?

Jamie: *eyes just went full 0_0 at sound of her voice* Ferdy?

Fireflight: *attention on Jamie, friendly grin* Yup! ^_^

Jamie: *face goes through a series of expressions that ends in what's very clearly a sinking feeling as he turns to look at Alicia*

Alicia: *quietly* 'Flight and I are Autobots... *moves to transform* We're part of a team known as the Aerialbots... You've met Silverbolt, Slingshot, and Skydive before, at school...

Jamie: *thinks she's beautiful, even in metal. But his eyes are filling with tears again which he hastily wipes away*

Air Raid: *moves to transform again* *Softly, a hint of worry in her voice* Jamie?

Jamie: Yeah? *doesn't look up*

Alicia: *bites her lower lip a bit, is worried* *hesitantly* Talk to me... I can't fix things that aren't right if I don't know what the problem is...

Jamie: *tries a couple times to get his voice to work, his shoulders slumping more with each attempt. Finally, softly* You don't?

Alicia: *slight wibble* *quietly* Oh... *moves to head for the barn*

Fireflight: *quietly* She really missed you while you were at training...

Jamie: *confused look for Fireflight, and then a look after Alicia that suggests his heart's breaking* *but still, even though he's gotten it into his head that he can't be her husband because she's robotic he can't stand seeing her that sad and goes after her*

Alicia: *moving at a quick pace, nearly runs into Denver and Rose*

Denver: *acks and flattens herself against the wall to let the upset Aerialbot past, before turning her attention to Jamie* ... *raised brow*

Rose: *babbling as she watches Alicia go into the lift*

Jamie: Ali!

Denver: *hand going to her ear out of habit, is asking Fireflight and Sky just what the heck happened to upset Air Raid*

Sky: //Her dumbaft mate started blubbering when he realized she's a bot.//

Denver: ... Gotcha... *attention on Jamie* 'Old y'r 'orses, Private. *authoritative tone*

Jamie: *freezes and automatically snaps to attention*

Denver: Jes' wh't's wrong wit' bein' married t' 'n Autobot?

Jamie: *brows shoot up* Sir?

Denver: *seriousness in her eyes* Y'u w'ldn't be th' first 'uman 'n base t' be married t' 'n Autobot... So whah're y'u glitch'n 'bout 't?

Jamie: *confusion on his face, which is also turning red* I... wouldn't?

Denver: Nope. *holds up her left hand, which has a simple wedding band of silver, engraved with a rose* Mah 'usband 's 'un.

Jamie: *confusion grows as he looks at the little baby, who looks so much like Denver that she can't not be related to her*

Denver: Let Susie, Sabrina, 'n Scarlett get 'Licia calmed down. Th'n go 'n apologahz f'r 'avin' a brainfart. Ah'll let Patrick know y'u're 'eah, but 'e ain't gonna be 'round till latah 'n th' day, 'cause 'f fahnals.

Jamie: *face scrunched as he tries his hardest not to cry again* Yes, sir.

Denver: *as she moves to go for a run* 'Licia lahks th' chocolate chip cookies Mrs. Jones makes. Th' mess 'all 's on th' second level. *gone*

Rose: Nom! *happy babbles as Mama starts to run*

Jamie: *watches them go and then goes and does his usual activity after derping out. Head wall, head wall. Quiet, gentle clunk clunk clunk...*

V Tech

Const. MacRily: *pings Patrick's comm*

Patrick: //Yes, Constable MacRily?//

Const. MacRily: //I found your third Destron Triplechanger, sir.//

Patrick: //Octane? Where is he? And is he online?//

Const. MacRily: //He's online on Leestos. But nobody's tried to contact him.//

Patrick: //...How far is Leestos from Cybertron, and how far is it from Earth?//

Const. MacRily: *tells him coordinates that will put it in one of the closed off and heavily guarded systems not far from Cybertron*

Patrick: //...And nobody's tried conctacting him...// *surprised by that*

Const. MacRily: //Leestans are afraid of JDs, sir.//

Patrick: //...Oh...// *yes, that sounds a bit odd to him, but he's sure they have their reasons* //What about Cybertronian contact?//

Const. MacRily: //Well, all I know on that subject is that Octane was bought from slave traders by a Leestan man on Rona.//

Patrick: //...I'm going to go home sick. How soon can a transport be arranged?//

Const. MacRily: //Two hours at the most.//

Patrick: //I'll be ready. Oberson out.//

Const. MacRily: //MacRily out.//

Patrick: *going to talk to his supervisor, will head to the Ark base*

Jamie: *sitting on a chair outside Patrick's office door at the Ark, holding onto Alicia like he's afraid of losing her*

Alicia: *has her head on Jamie's shoulder, is hiccupping softly and hiding her face in what's left of his hair*

Patrick: *blink blink* Alicia? Jamie? What's wrong?

Jamie: *quietly* I messed up, sir.

Patrick: ... *small frown as he thinks of what Jamie could mean* *and then it hits him* *quietly* You aren't the first human who has a Cybertronian who has taken an interest in them. There are a few other couples...

Alicia: *quiet clicks*

Jamie: *deep breath* Still don't know how that works. But I don't care. Sir. *arms tighten*

Patrick: Some of them have opted to do civil ceremonies, so they're legally married, as well as the traditional word-bond... I can explain what a word-bond is, if you'd like.

Jamie: *quietly* With all due respect, sir, I just want to be left alone right now. *that grip says he counts Alicia as part of his alone*

Patrick: Alright. *as he moves to go see if Emilia wants to come with him to talk to Octane* If you need a witness later on, I'll witness.

Jamie: *distracted by Alicia's clicks* *absently* Yes, sir.

Alicia: *clicks have a slightly happier tone*

Patrick: *heads down the hall*

Soli: *sitting on Mama with lip stuck out. GLARING at tall Daddy. Is not going to talk to him!*

Galvatron ghost: *same exact expression*

Patrick: *blink blink* Er....

Emilia: *deep breaths* *has had a really craptastic evening so far*

Galvatron ghost: *looks at Patrick. Looks sheepish. And vanishes*

Soli: NO!

Patrick: *gentle clicks as he moves to approach*

Soli: *getting ready to have a tantrum*

Justice: *is that sigh that Patrick just walked through*

Emilia: *cringing and muting her audios in anticipation of Soli's tantrum*

Patrick: Justice? What's going on?

Justice: *more sigh* -Galvatron tried to interact with Soli. She objected.-

Patrick: *wince* I see... *moving to gently rub Soli's back and click quietly*

Soli: *growls and tries to slug him*

Patrick: *startled by that*

Soli: Dadabad.*spoiling for a fight*

Patrick: *frown* No... *confused about what she means, since he doesn't think he's been bad...*

Soli: *tells him off in angry clicks and squeaks!*

Justice: -She just wants to fight because she's feeling grouchy.-

Patrick: *quiet sigh, clicks softly* -I was hoping Emi was feeling well enough to come with me to talk to Octane... but I don't want to stress her or Velocia...-

Justice: -Lossie's only stressed because she wants to argue with Soli for arguing with Mom.-

Patrick: *moves to put a gentle hand on Emi's back so he can give her a backrub*

Soli: *sees Daddy sympathizing with the wrong girl and bursts into a fit of tired and angry tears*

Patrick: *will transform and move to open the compartment Ratchet installed for him back when Soli was nearly helpless, will offer to tuck her in there*

Soli: *stops and stares, clearly weighing pros and cons*

compartment: *still has a nice, warm blanket in it*

Soli: *deep scowl. Think think. Absent glance up at Mama*

Emi: *relaxing now that there's no yelling, but she's still got a slight wince on her face*

Soli: *scowl deepens as she sees Mama's expression* No.

Optimus: Alright... *closes the compartment after getting the blanket out to offer to the sparklet*

Emi: *taking deep breaths and trying to get Velocia to calm down*

Soli: *whut?? Turns to look at Daddy and flails* Nooooooooo. *why did you shut that? What's going on here?*

Optimus: *thought Soli meant she wanted to stay with Emi, will open the compartment again and click apologetically*

Soli: *stands on Mama's lap and puts little arms around her neck as she gives kissies, then turns and nearly takes a header as she jumps for Daddy*

Optimus: *quick to catch his obstinate daughter, will gently tuck her into the compartment with the blanket*

Soli: *wrings the blanket's neck and scowls at it as she curls up*

Optimus: *soft chuckle as he closes the compartment cover*

Soli: *unprintable word!*

Justice: *feels like a >_<*

Optimus: *slight wince, will click quietly and move to gently cuddle Emi*

Justice: *snuggles too, wordlessly talking to both baby sisters*

Optimus: *quietly explains why he's home so early, earns a startled look from Emi*

Justice: *curious perk*

Optimus: Octane's on a world that Megatron's trying to wipe out...

Justice: *angry rejection of this Megatron and all he stands for. Then fades out of sensor range as he goes to check on Sora, like he promised her that he would*

Optimus: *will bring Emi to where the transport will pick them up, since she's agreeable to a trip for now...*

ping: *comes to his comm*

Optimus: //Optimus speaking.//

woman: //This is Lt. Angela Crichton. Are you ready for teleport, sir?//

Optimus: //We're ready.// *lets Ratchet know where he and Emi are going*

Rachel: *manages to acknowledge past laughter as she continues to read her novelty book*

Lt. Crichton: //Err. We have a slight problem.//

Optimus: //...What sort of problem?//

Lt. Crichton: //My sensors are reporting four life sign readings?//

Optimus: *soft chuckle* //I'll explain once Elita-One and I are where we need to be to get where we're going...//

Lt. Crichton: //Actually, I need to know what's going on before I can teleport you, sir. I'm sorry.//

Optimus: *surprised* //Elita-One is carrying a newspark, and I have one of our daughters with me in a compartment...//

Lt. Crichton: *sound of flat footed surprise in her voice* //You're bringing your children?//

Optimus: //Soli was upset by something earlier, and I don't think it would end well if Elita and I left her with the creche... Velocia hasn't separated from Elita's spark yet...//

Lt. Crichton: //Ah. Hmm. According to my data you have teleporter tech of your own? Would it be able to bring you to the ship?//

Optimus: //Do you have coordinates for it?//

Lt. Crichton: //Yes, sir.// *relates them*

Optimus: //Incoming shortly...// *will program his PINpoint and bring Emi to the ship*

Lt. Crichton: *is a slender JD women with plain, pale blue paint on her head scales and soft dark eyes which hold a bit of anxiety now* Are the babies alright?

Optimus: *listening to gauge Soli's upset level*

Emilia: *quietly, hand on chest* Velocia's started to settle down...

Soli: *sound asleep and scowling contentedly*

Optimus: Soli's asleep. She should be alright.

Lt. Crichton: *nods and looks relieved* Using the Bounder would probably have upset them both.

Optimus: *quiet chuckle* Soli tends to express herself a lot...

Lt. Crichton: *as she offers them seats at a nearby table* Does she?

Optimus: *will guide Emilia over* Yes... *Chuckle*

Lt. Crichton: *smiles and offers mugs of a warm cinnamon scented drink* I have to admit I've never really been around any babies of any species. The kids in my neighborhood were all about the same age as me and my siblings.

Optimus: *as he thanks the Lt. and offers Emi one of the mugs* It's only been within the last two years that we've started having babies...

Lt. Crichton: *surprised raising of brow ridges as she sets the brew pot back on its rest and reaches a small datapad* Really?

Optimus: *nods* We used to get new Cybertronians from the creation computer...

Lt. Crichton: But not babies?

Optimus: We had babies... they just came from the computer... The ones that didn't have mentors to guide them would wind up in the crèches...

Lt. Crichton: *face goes blank with shock* No one wanted them?

Emilia: It's not that they weren't wanted... Sometimes, Vector Sigma would put out more newsparks than there were mentors who could care for them.... I grew up in a creche due to a similar situation...

Optimus: And sometimes, the creche guardians wanted the little sprogs more... *chuckling now, thinking of Bumblebee*

Lt. Crichton: *uncertainly* Oh. *then looks down at the datapad and offers it* The debriefing.

Optimus: *reaches for the datapad, will read it*

datapad: *gives what information they have about the brief and quickly stopped market at which Octane was sold at, as well as information about the Leestan people, who are peaceful vegetarians who have very little contact with anyone of other races. Notes that they are a people who observe gender segregation, and that women are only seen veiled in public. Also states that only one in every forty women is fertile, the majority being sterile and low in IQ*

Optimus: *raised brow ridge, glances at Emilia, who frowns ever so slightly*

Lt. Crichton: *sees their reactions* Sirs?

Optimus: Will Elita's presence be a problem? *Doesn't want to cause trouble*

Lt. Crichton: In what way?

Optimus: The Leestans observe gender segregation... I don't want to offend anyone... *concerned*

Lt. Crichton: Ahhh. ...I'm not sure if it will be a problem or not. *apologetic* We don't know as much about the people of Leestos as we'd like to, because they're afraid of us.

Optimus: *small nod*

Emilia: *expression quizzical*

Lt. Crichton: *quietly* I've actually seen the reaction myself when the captain of this vessel was forced to speak with a Leestan man via commlink after we rescued the ship he was on from a Decepticon attack.

Optimus: *soft clicks*

Lt. Crichton: We do have the coordinates of the home of the man who bought Octane, though. So you won't have to be out in public for long.

Optimus: Alright...

Lt. Crichton: His name is Fer Lone, and he's a trader of some standing among his people. And one of the few Leestans to have ever left the planet.

Optimus: *small nod, moving to reach for Emilia's hand* The sooner we get going, the better, right?

Lt. Crichton: *surprised* We set out the moment you were on board, sir.

Optimus: *blink blink, sheepish grin as he ducks his head*

Emilia: *chuckles and informs her mate that he's a derp*

Lt. Crichton: *apologetic smile* Er. Do you eat donuts?

Optimus: On occasion... We usually don't get to, because we have a trio of furry thieves who are obsessed with donuts and similarly-shaped foods...

Lt. Crichton: *pauses in the act of going to get the box that one of the non JD crewmembers picked up on Earth to give him a round-eyed look of inquiry*

Optimus: Rumble, Frenzy, and Rewind... They all transform into ferrets....

Lt. Crichton: What are ferrets like? *bringing back the box and then opening it and giving the contents an uncertain look*

Optimus: *will describe ferrets, even as he moves to see what types of donuts are there*

Lt. Crichton: Ohhh. They're like... *says the Cybertronian word for turboferret*

donuts: *all the gooiest ones including those lovely new ones with blueberries, cranberries, and a bit of lemon cream*

Optimus: *nods, grinning as he sees the types of donuts that are available*

Lt. Crichton: *reassured by that grin* This is the kind you like? These are good food for you?

Optimus: *nods* We've got modifications that let us draw energy from non-energon sources.

Lt. Crichton: Oh. That's got to be a relief. *thinks of the starving young Decepticon that her crew just recently brought back from the brink of death a few months ago*

Optimus: *nods, then chuckles* We've found fuels that we tend to favor, because we like the taste of them.

Lt. Crichton: *slight grin* Oh everyone does that, sir.

Optimus: *small nod, more chuckle as he reaches for one of the donuts that looks like it's got lemon filling*

Lt. Crichton: *watches, her expression polite and friendly/interested, but holding just the edges of 'ewwww'*

Optimus: *pleased grin as he bites into his choice of nom*

Lt. Crichton: o.0 Is it... bleeding?

Emilia: It's got lemon filling...

Lt. Crichton: Ahhh. *looks at her wrist cuff* Ah, I have to report for my shift. Lt. Ee-Chirr and Corporal Donovan should be here soon if you need anything.

Optimus: *in between bites* Thank you, Lt. Crichton.

Lt. Crichton: *dark eyes sparkle* Doing my job, sir. You're welcome. *slips out of the room past another slender JD woman and a young Nebulan man as they enter and look around*

Optimus: *attention going to the JD woman and Nebulan man* Lt. Ee-Chirr? Corporal Donovan?

Corp. Donovan: *salutes with easygoing JD grace despite his obvious Nebulan heritage. Is also wearing the emblem for a JD world on his shoulder patch* Sir.

Lt. Ee-Chirr: *also salutes, though she'll tilt her head ever so slightly to one side* Sir.

Optimus: At ease... *recognizes Ee-Chirr's mannerisms, but will wonder about it another time*

Emilia: *soft chuckle as she also recognizes Ee-Chirr's mannerisms*

Corp. Donovan: *quizzical and friendly look for Emilia. Still acting like a JD, it seems to be his natural way of being*

Lt. Ee-Chirr: *attention on Emilia, headtilt the other way at the chuckle*

Emilia: Lt. Ee-Chirr's mannerisms remind me of a Mrrpt-Nyaah gentleman that I know as Ensign Vato Falman...

Corp. Donovan: *eyes twinkle worse* She only wears JD for the voicebox.

Emilia: *more chuckle* ENS. Falman usually wears human, but I think he's got a translator for when he doesn't....

Lt. Ee-Chirr: *looks intrigued by the idea* Huh... I wonder where he got it?

Corp. Donovan: You mean you never asked the higher ups for something like that? *brows lift*

Lt. Ee-Chirr: It didn't occur to me... *slight shrug*

Corp. Donovan: *grin* If it's not broke, don't fix it?

Lt. Ee-Chirr: Exactly. *grin*

Optimus: *amused as he watches the pair interacting*

Emilia: *expression mirroring mate's amusement, looks a lot less ill than she did when she arrived*

Corp. Donovan: *and then he's sniffing, his expression going to confusion and wonder* ...I smell granberry bluefruit cake.

Lt. Ee-Chirr: *chuckle*

Optimus: *Will offer the donut box to Corp. Donovan*

Corp. Donovan: But these are your cakes, sir.

Optimus: *gently* I don't mind sharing.

Corp. Donovan: *eyebrow and a glance up at Ee-Chirr to get her opinion*

Ee-Chirr: *encouraging nudge*

Corp. Donovan: *realizes that she probably got those cakes so that he could have one* *sheepishly to both her and Patrick* Thanks. *takes the delicious fruity donut and then resumes his place by his superior*

Optimus: *going to rub Emilia's back for a little while, and enjoy another couple of donuts*

Ee-Chirr: *soft sound as she remembers something she was going to do* *to Corp. Donovan* Will you be alright while I go get something?

Corp. Donovan: *looks up from his donut and nods* Sure. Go ahead.

Ee-Chirr: *smiles and nods, before going to get the datachips that Corporal MacRily asked her to give to Optimus*

Corp. Donovan: *watches her go, and then glances at his cuff* We're passing the halfway point between systems now.

Optimus: Alright... *starting to get a bit worried*

Corp. Donovan: *notices the mood change* Is something wrong, sir?

Optimus: I'm just a bit nervous... Octane's a Decepticon...

Corp. Donovan: *brows lift slightly* Well... he hasn't been causing any distress down there yet.

Optimus: Alright...

Corp. Donovan: Have you ever been to that system?

Optimus: No... Despite its proximity to the Cybertronian system...

Corp. Donovan: Do you know anything about it?

Optimus: Other than what I've read on the datapad, no...

Corp. Donovan: *finishes his donut and brushes his hands together* A total of nine inhabitable worlds, three of which orbit the resident gas giant. Three of the nine worlds graced with their own unique sentient races. One of the worlds even has two.

Optimus: *surprised by this*

Corp. Donovan: The outermost inhabitable world is one with an indigenous race. If you ever visit stay away from the twin islands and instead aim yourself toward the one that stands alone.

Optimus: Any reason why?

Corp. Donovan: The Tlick'ta are sweet people. But if you're smaller than them you're going to get pounced and possibly eaten. They can't help it.

Optimus: *wince* Ah...

Corp. Donovan: They've given the big island to a group of Lu that needed a new home. Lu are only dangerous if you're a piece of ripe fruit.

Optimus: Huh...

Corp. Donovan: *slight snerk* It's kind of funny to watch a bunch of twenty foot tall guys running over each other as they realize the peaches are ready.

Optimus: ... *Snerk*

Emilia: ... If it's any more hilarious than watching a trio of ferrets chasing after a raven that just stole their box of Cheerios, then I'll be impressed....

Corp. Donovan: *pokes a button on his cuff to call up the holos he took last time he was on the world*

Emilia: ... *snickerfit*

Optimus: *gets a data chip out of subspace and loads it on the datapad, before offering the whole thing to Corp. Donovan as a holofeed begins, showing Rumble, Frenzy, and Rewind chasing after Laserbeak*

Corp. Donovan: *grinning widely* Not quite the same effect. *looks at his holo as it switches to a group of three women... who are twice the height of those men, and who are busy standing waist deep in the surging surf and using throw nets*

Emilia: *impressed whistle*

Corp. Donovan: According to the stories these guys came from another reality. Their home was so small that these people were living on little rafts in the ocean. *lips thin* And they had to kill most of their babies because there wasn't anywhere for them.

Emilia: ... *winces as Optimus grimaces*

Ee-Chirr: *coming back with a couple data chips*

Corp. Donovan: *watches as a forth woman, this one's fur a beautiful bluish grey with dark points, suddenly raises from the surf like some creature from the deep and then shows her neighbours the oyster shells that she's carrying in a net bag* Oh yeah. If you ever want a prism pearl cheap, ask them. *looks toward his superior*

Ee-Chirr: *also has a music device she got on another world, and is entertaining herself by dancing to something that Jazz and Blaster would both likely appreciate*

Corp. Donovan: *brow lifts. Glances over to Patrick and Emi to see what they think of his superior's tendency to have a short attention span*

Optimus: *soft chuckle*

Emilia: *more obvious with her amusement at the Lt.'s dancing*

Corp. Donovan: The next world with indigenous people is Leestos. And the third, the one with two native races, is closer to the natural sun, about the same orbit as Earth holds around her sun, actually.

Optimus: *small nod, though he is watching Ee-Chirr, and making note that she seems to be a better dancer than Vato*

Corp. Donovan: Since the sun of this system's different than the one in the Sol system, Thara's pretty well stinking sauna tropical all over.

Ee-Chirr: *doesn't pause in her dancing, even as she reminds Corp. Donovan not to use the term he just used*

Optimus: *Blink blink, shares a look with Emilia*

Corp. Donovan: Um. Right. *turns his head to look at Ee-Chirr* What am I supposed to say again? Nebulan cooking heat and humidity?

Ee-Chirr: Tropical climate.... *shrug, gives Optimus the datachips she went to get, resumes dancing*

Corp. Donovan: But 'Tropical' covers a lot of different climes. *bit of a frown, but then looks back at his holo pictures* I don't have any Leestan images.

Ee-Chirr: *small frown as she thinks this over*

Corp. Donovan: Oh wait! I do.

Optimus: *looks up from changing datachips* Oh?

Corp. Donovan: *calls up a small image of what looks for all the world like one of the more rounded Cybertronians*

Optimus: *studying the image, curiosity clear on his face*

Corp. Donovan: This guy shows up on Rona once in awhile. He might be Fer Lone.

Optimus: Ah... If all else fails, we can ask around, right?

Ee-Chirr: We've got the coordinates for Fer Lone's house... We're just not sure what he looks like...

Corp. Donovan: *nodding with typical JD earnestness*

Optimus: Oh... *looks down at the datapad, slight pause, looks up* Did someone just say something?

Corp. Donovan: *looks up from searching for the image he wants* Like what, sir?

Optimus: I thought I heard someone say my name...

Corp. Donovan: *blinks* I didn't hear anything. *looks to Ee-Chirr*

Ee-Chirr: *headshake* I didn't say anything....

Corp. Donovan: Was it your comm unit?

Optimus: *small frown as he checks* No...

Corp. Donovan: Huh. I don't know what it could have been, sir.

Optimus: Hrm.... *sooo puzzled*

Ee-Chirr: *soft sound, is concerned*

Corp. Donovan: *looks at his cuff as it chimes softly* We're nearly Leestan orbit.

Optimus: *strange occurrence put to the back of his processor for the moment* Alright...

Ee-Chirr: Is that what you're going to be wearing?

Optimus: *puzzled expression is a go*

Corp. Donovan: You shift, right?

Optimus: ...Oh... *will transform and then make sure his outfit looks presentable*

Soli: *grumbles and wriggles to get comfortable again*

Patrick: *soft clicks*

Ee-Chirr: *headtilt* Sir?

Emilia: Our second youngest is getting comfortable... *chuckle*

Justice: *suddenly is soft static on sensors and a prickle on hair*

Patrick: *as Ee-Chirr quickly looks around* And there's Justice... Soli's older brother.

Corp. Donovan: *looking at his superior* Sir?

Patrick: Justice is a freespark... He chose to stay...

Corp. Donovan: ...Pardon my ignorance, but what's that mean?

Justice: *settles in Patrick's shell with a silent and peaceful sigh*

Soli: *growls at him*

Patrick: *soft sigh at Soli's growling, but will explain about freesparks*

Corp. Donovan: o.0

Ee-Chirr: *would be chattering uneasily if she were in her true form*

Patrick: *quietly* His mother was an alternate of myself... So we're family....

Corp. Donovan: And he's... dead. *hand on Ee-Chirr's arm. He knows what her people believe about spirits*

Patrick: *nods*

Emilia: *gently* He chose to come back...

Corp. Donovan: Why?

Patrick: His little sister doesn't like it when he leaves... *hand over the compartment where Soli is tucked in with the blanket*

Ee-Chirr: *slight frown, before her attention goes to her cuff* *quietly* We're in orbit...

Corp. Donovan: *perks and looks toward the door*

Lt. Crichton: *comes in, absently rubbing her arms as she does* Thanks, Ee-Chirr, Jeff. You can go clean up those packing pellets you left in the captain's ready room now.

Ee-Chirr: *coughs to hide her snicker. Is still a bit freaked out by the thought of Cybertronian spirits*

Corp. Donovan: Hey, I didn't do that. o.0

Lt. Crichton: You're part of the team responsible. *grin*

Corp. Donovan: *sighs and gives his superior a reproving look as he turns toward the door*

Ee-Chirr: *chuckle, shifts form and scampers off*

Corp. Donovan: *follows*

Lt. Crichton: *shakes head after them, and then turns to Patrick*

Patrick: *soft chuckle* And to think, Ensign Falman and Warrant Officer Caine are some of better-behaved members of their team....

Lt. Crichton: Ee-Chirr is a friend of our captain's. They do things like this to each other all the time.

Patrick: Ah...

Lt. Crichton: *doesn't bat an eye as a yowl echoes down the hall* Are you ready for planet-fall?

Patrick: *moves to help Emilia to her feet* Yes.

Lt. Crichton: Will your personal teleporter be able to make the trip? *smiles at Emilia, and absently rubs her arms again*

Patrick: I think so... We've got coordinates... *pauses as an image of Cybertron comes to his processor* ... *blink blink*

Emilia: *attention on mate* Patrick?

Lt. Crichton: Is something wrong?

Patrick: *small headshake* No... -Justice, was that you just now?-

Justice: -No.- *feels curious*

Patrick: -...Huh...- *to Lt. Crichton* About how close are we to Cybertron?

Lt. Crichton: *tells him the distance. Then* We could get there in a few minutes without hyper jumps.

Patrick: *considering look as he realizes that they got from Earth to the Leestan homeworld so quickly by using hyper jumps* If there's time after we finish speaking with Octane, and there's no risk of danger to the ship and crew, would it be possible to go there?

Lt. Crichton: *considers* I can check the conditions around Cybertron while you're planetside.

Patrick: That would be appreciated, Lt. Crichton.

Lt. Crichton: *smiles. Can't stifle a worried expression as she thinks of the children, but only offers Patrick a small box*

Patrick: *curious about the box*

Lt. Crichton: It's a traditional visiting gift. We know it's a custom... one of the few things we do know.

Patrick: Ah... *small nod* Should we get going then?

Lt. Crichton: When you're ready. *smiles. And rubs her arms again*

Patrick: We'll try not to be gone too long... *will bring his family to the coordinates on the Leestan homeworld*

Leestos: *warm, comfortable. Quiet but for soft chirping and singing. A few robots whiz past, or stalk on long spiderish legs. Leestan men walk by or loiter, talking in their soft language like cricket song, and veiled figures like brightly hued ghosts flit from building to building*

Patrick: *looks around, trying to spot Fer Lone*

Justice: -That's the house that the coordinates lead to, Dad.- *sensation of the young freespark pointing toward a nearby large, low building*

Patrick: -Ah...- *will move to guide Emilia towards the house*

door: *opens as they pause on the step, and a big eyed little robot shaped like a wooden peg person looks out at them* Treeeedle?

Patrick: *blink blink* Er... We're looking for Fer Lone...

doorbot: *closes door behind them, and then turns those big eyes toward a taller bot as it rolls over*

butler: *about as tall as an average Decepticon, but looks much more kindly as dark optics look down at the two Autobots quizzically*

Patrick: *repeating himself* We're looking for Fer Lone...

butler: *chirps and trills at them earnestly, and then indicates that they should follow as he heads down the short hall and into a bright and airy room*

Emilia: *shares a curious look with Patrick before they're both following the butler*

butler: *stops and talks again, then nods toward the figure seated on a low stool at the far side of the room*

Octane: *sitting on that stool beside a smaller figure draped in a cheerful red veil. Is staring curiously at these unexpected guests*

Patrick: *surprised expression is a go* Er.... Hello...

Octane: *squints one optic and tries a reply in Leestan*

Patrick: *repeats himself, this time in Cybertronian* [Hello, Octane...]

Octane: *startled and wary expression* [Hello...]

Patrick: *soothingly* [We're not here to cause any trouble. The IGP alerted us to your presence, and we only wish to make contact...]

Octane: *protective attitude toward the figure at his side* [Won't you come and sit, and have something to eat?] *tone is gentle, and formal. And totally unlike cocky Octane*

Patrick: *bows at the waist* [Thank you for the invitation.] *will move to help Emilia to a seat, before taking his place beside her* *will also offer Octane the visiting gift*

Octane: *takes the gift and opens it* [This is pleasing. Please forgive my not eating any.] *passes the box to the figure at his side, who lets an intricate puzzle cube roll out from under the red veil as they take the box instead*

figure: *happy trills and munches*

Patrick: *small nod* [That's quite alright.] *hand on Emilia's*

Octane: *picks up a bowl and looks in it, then frowns and sets it back down* [You know my name. But I don't have the honor, I'm afraid.]

Patrick: *small nod* [I had a different alternate mode the last time we encountered one another... My designation is Optimus Prime, though I have adopted the name of Patrick Oberson while I am in this form.]

Emilia: [And my designation is Elita-One, though I go by the name of Emilia Oberson while in alternate mode.]

Octane: *half rises off his stool, but then visibly forces himself to sit down again. Chirps to the butler, and then turns back to the visitors* [I'm not breaking any laws. This is my brother's house, and that makes it mine, too.] *yes, Patrick. Octane has gone native*

Patrick: *soft chuckle* [As I said earlier, we are not here to cause trouble.]

Emilia: [We're mainly here to verify facts.] *shrugs* [We have no interest in fighting if it isn't necessary, Octane.]

Octane: *turns his head slightly toward the lattice on the wall behind him as two voices, one sweet and pure, and the other shy and gentle, intertwine in a beautiful harmony of chirps. Then turns back to the visitors* [What facts?] *sudden double take and then he's got his hands over his optics*

Patrick: [Mainly that you were here, and that you're happy. We've been receiving intel about Decepticons dying off, or being driven off of Cybertron...] *puzzled by the triple-changer's actions*

Octane: [...Would your wife care to step behind the lattice where it's cool? My Sweetheart and my Golda would love a visitor.] *sounding embarrassed*

Emilia: *blink blink, slight facepalm, moves to get up* [Sorry...]

Patrick: *forgot all about the segregation thing, is apologizing for being impolite*

Octane: [No. I was rude. I looked at her.]

Patrick: [We did not mean to offend...]

Emilia: *has gone around to the other side of the lattice*

Octane: *cautiously lowers his hands as his companion adds her voice to the song for a few phrases* *lifts brow ridges at Patrick, still looking sheepish*

Patrick: [Sweetheart and Golda are yours?] *politely curious*

Octane: *nods* [My wives. Ruby's the third one.] *hand on the shoulder of the veiled woman, who pushes it away and resumes munching under her covering*

Patrick: *small nod* [I see...]

Octane: [It's the local custom. My brother gave Sweetheart to me the first night I was here, and then he brought me on a courting tour a few weeks later. You can't be a Leestan man without a treasure collection.]

butler: *back with JD issue energon cans*

Patrick: [Ah...] *attention going to the butler for a few moments, small smile*

butler: *serves the guest first, and then his master before rolling back to his place by the door*

Patrick: *nods his thanks before opening a can and having a sip of the energon* [Three wives?]

Octane: *sips too as he glances toward the excited chirping from behind the lattice* [My brother has twelve.]

Patrick: *brows lift. Then, quietly* [How much do you know about what's been going on with Cybertron?] *is trying to decide whether or not to let the triplechanger know what he himself knows*

Octane: [I know Megatron's losing bulk because his self repair is salvaging his own shell.]

Patrick: ... *boggling a bit. He hadn't heard that*

Octane: *turns back toward him* [I know the halls of the Citadel are littered with brittle shells.]

Patrick: *quietly* [Merciful Creator...] *stunned*

Octane: [They were trying to find out if the city was dead or just in deep stasis when the trader went through and Megatron decided to sell me for some cheap cruddy fuel.]

Patrick: *quietly, more to himself* [And on Earth, Autobots, Decepticons, and Destrons are thriving...]

Octane: [So are Megatron's little business deals.]

Patrick: *hand up to pinch the bridge of his nose* *quiet murmur of a prayer for those who have passed on*

Octane: *watches him, expression bitter*

Ruby: *pat pat with hand under veil*

Patrick: *quietly* [Nightbird lives... Despite Megatron's attempt at destroying her...]

Octane: [I know.]

Patrick: [She has claimed Prowl as her mate... and the Stunticons reluctantly take orders from him...]

Octane: .... *snerk*

Patrick: *hand away from his nose* *quietly* [What happened to Deadlock, to cause him to leave?]

Octane: *bitter smirk* [Megatron tried to recycle him.]

Patrick: *wince*

Octane: [It's not going to be so easy for bots to get off the planet, now that I'm gone.] *there's the old sneaky*

Patrick: [That... is somewhat reassuring...]

Octane: [How you figure?]

Patrick: [It will be harder for Megatron to get around... and those Decepticons who would try to make trouble will have to be capable of building a ship, or capable of flight...]

Octane: [So instead they'll cower in some corner till their sparks give out from lack of energy. It wasn't Megatron I was smuggling offworld.]

Patrick: .... *quiet sigh that stops mid-way*

Octane: *giving him a rather unfriendly but not threatening scowl*

Patrick: *befuddled expression*

Octane: *raises a brow ridge* [What is your problem?]

Patrick: *hesitantly* [I keep hearing someone calling me... but there are no logs of missed comms...]

Octane: *snerk* [Did you hit your head?]

Patrick: [No... At least, I don't think I have lately...]

Octane: [If you hit it hard enough to cause a glitch you probably wouldn't remember. Don't die in my brother's house, alright?]

Patrick: [I have no intention of dying anytime soon, Octane... Speaking of your brother... Is he here?]

Octane: [He's in his harem, helping his Jewel tend the new eggs.]

Patrick: *blink blink* [Ah...]

Octane: [He'll be busy with that for the next twenty or so solar cycles.]

Patrick: *small nod* [Alright.]

Octane: [Is there anything else?] *tilts head toward Ruby as she starts singing in a clear tone like a small bell*

Patrick: [No... But if you ever need assistance, the IGP can help you, either directly, or by getting in touch with the Ark Base on Earth...]

Octane: [I have the help I need here.] *gets his hand pushed away again even as Ruby continues to sing to him*

Patrick: *small nod* [Elita and I had better get going then... I wish you many stellar cycles of happiness and safety.]

Octane: *simply as his fighting side finally shows just slightly* [This place will always be safe. I'll make sure.]

Patrick: *small smile, nods* *attention going to the lattice as he hears Emilia's laughter*

Octane: *looks too* [They're probably feeding her and dressing her.]

Patrick: *soft chuckle* [She sounds like she's having a good time...] *will ask Emilia if she's ready to go, and get a "Just about" answer*

Hot Rod but deeper: *voice in Patrick's head* -Will you get your aft in gear already?-

Patrick: *startled expression*

Octane: *turns back in time to see a flash of light from Patrick's chest* [... Did you just short out?]

Patrick: *hand going to his chest, a stunned expression on his face*

Octane: *facepalm* [You do realize the nearest mechanic's on whatever IGP ship's in orbit right now?]

Emilia: Patrick? *concerned tone to her voice as she comes from around the lattice, wearing a pretty veil and shadowed by a slightly smaller figure in a complementing wrapper*

Octane: *attention going to Emilia's shadow* [Fer Tactin's little sister likes you.]

Emilia: *small nod* [I kind of figured...] *is a bit distracted by mate confusion and Velocia responding to that*

Octane: [They've got you pegged for a mother. She wants to go home with you.]

Justice: *offering comfort to unborn sister as he talks to Emilia* -Primus and the Primes are calling Dad to Cybertron.-

Emilia: *boggling now, will move to put a gentle hand on Patrick's shoulder* *quietly, to Octane* [Primus and the Primes of the past are trying to get Optimus' attention...]

Octane: ... o_0 0_o

Soli: *wriggles. Wants out!*

Patrick: *transforms, clicking softly as he moves to open the compartment*

Soli: *goes right to Emi*

Emilia: *soothing sounds as she holds Soli*

Soli: *snuggaMama as brother hides in Mama's shell*

Optimus: *apologizes for having to leave so suddenly, will bring his family back to the transport*

little sister: *goes with*

Emilia: *is feeling just a bit urky now*

soothing feeling: *touches the carrying femme, enveloping her in a feeling like a warm, slightly damp blanket*

Optimus: *softly* I'll be back as soon as possible...*closes the cover on his baby carrying compartment, will give Emilia a gentle nuzzle, before PINpointing out. His destination: Cybertron*

((co-written with random_xtras))
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