dtc, The Tavern and Tavern Grounds, Surprises

Apr 17, 2011 19:18

Nightwish: *comes in after having an epic air battle with a big orange flying monster and its tall blue, tailed rider. Has the rider's mohawk, all his weapons, and all his shinies too*

Viisaus: *blink blink* *surprised by the weapons* I take it you had an excellent hunt?

Nightwish: Yes. And an interesting encounter as I was nearing home. *looks at one of the long arrows with satisfaction, and then easily draws the monstrous bow*

Viisaus: *chuckle* Did you share the meat with the tavern?

Nightwish: I let him keep his winged beast, he seemed attached to it. Do you think Bluestreak will like this?

Viisaus: *nods* I believe Young Lumen may be able to duplicate the arrows in shape... He has been carving arrow shafts that look near identical to the ones he used to carve before his retirement...

Nightwish: He's also been throwing tankards at Col Stormrunner's head.

Viisaus: ... *Snerks* For a good reason, I hope?

Nightwish: I didn't stop to ask. *hangs the bow and quiver on the wall, and then sits down use the long black hair from the mohawk to make something useful*

Viisaus: *small nod, returns his attention to weapon repair*

Nightwish: *looks at the colour of his face and frowns, her fingers not pausing in their swift cord plating* Did you get stuck in time again?

Viisaus: *another nod* *dryly* I almost sympathize with the monsters... I have a mean right hook...

Nightwish: *quizzical frown*

Viisaus: I startled my younger self...

Sparrow: *pushing the door weed aside with her head* Mum-ma. Mum-ma. *happy baby drake*

door weed: *playful tussle with the family baby*

Viisaus: *Attention going to the baby, chuckles*

Nightwish: Well at least time didn't reverse while you were watching Quickstrike make an idiot of himself again.

Viisaus: *Grimace* Or worse...

Sparrow: *is in! Nosestewpot. Noms here?*

stew pot: *has plenty of meat and good broth, as well as vegetables*

Sparrow: *nom nom nom!*

Nightwish: *snort*

Viisaus: *Chuckles* *to Sparrow* I'm glad my cooking meets with your approval.

Sparrow: Muh? *peeks at him past a muzzle of stew*

Viisaus: *more chuckle, returns his attention to repairs*

Nightwish: I've never heard a drakling make that much noise before. *checks the cord and continues braiding*

Viisaus: *amused* From what I have heard, Sh'rani was very talkative as a hatchling...

Nightwish: ...That doesn't surprise me, I guess. But she's not a blue drake.

Sparrow: Mu-ma! *nuzzles Viisaus with stew-covered muzzle*

Viisaus: True... *gentle patpat for the hatchling blue drake, will get a cloth to carefully clean the baby's face*

Sparrow: Bleh. *tries to avoid face cleanings*

Nightwish: *slight smile as she watches the interaction*

Viisaus: *more amused chuckling, will carefully and gently wrangle the hatchling blue drake so he can clean her muzzle* *now has the baby on his lap*

Nightwish: *grin has grown even more* *softly, her head turning slightly toward the entrance* Sh'rani, do you see this?

Sh'rani: *chuckling* *can see Vissy acting silly just fine from her perch*

Sparrow: Nan! Nan! *wriggle*

Viisaus: *softly* Now none of that... Unless you'd rather Sh'rani clean you up.... *knows how particular the two-headed wyvern can be when it comes to cleanliness... and just how much two tongues can tickle!*

Sparrow: *frustrated squeal. But then nearly knocks herself over with a massive yawn*

Viisaus: *Soothing clicks as he continues to clean her up in preparation for sleep*

Sparrow: *puts her head down and blinks* Mum-ma...

Sh'rani: *is getting the nest ready for the night* *one head looks into the cavern and trills softly while the other rearranges straw so it's not so flattened*

Sparrow: Bweee.

Nightwish: *chuckles and finishes off the length of cord* Did she eat that blanket you gave her?

Viisaus: It would not surprise me if she has...

Nightwish: *glances at Sh'rani, brows lifting on her smooth forehead*

Sh'rani: *Snort, will get the blanket from the big nest then*

Sparrow: *sees blanket, wants to go to blanket!*

Viisaus: *chuckles and puts the cleaning cloth aside before setting Sparrow loose*

Sparrow: *zoom!* Muh! Mum-muh!

Sh'rani: *pleased wyvern chuckle, both heads gently nuzzle Sparrow and herd the hatchling towards the nest*

Nightwish: *watches them go, then tells the tangler thorn to block the main entrance for the night. Doesn't feel like having the dragon members of her family separate from the others*

thorn: *plug entrance, plug entrance*

Nightwish: *approving sound for the thorn, and then comes to sit by the fire again*

Viisaus: *quietly humming something he heard earlier, or maybe later...* *working on finishing repairs*

Nightwish: *pulls a packet out of her belt purse. The smell of pickled and spiced eggs rises from it*

Viisaus: *looks up from his work, chuckle*

Nightwish: I suppose you're full. *lifts one brow teasingly*

Viisaus: *gives her an amused Look* Hardly...

Nightwish: *chuckles and opens the package to expose... quail eggs!*

Viisaus: *pleased grin, amusement dancing in his eyes*

Nightwish: *picks up one of the tiny delicacies and pops it into his mouth*

Viisaus: *happy sounds as he eats*

Nightwish: *will feed the husband, then rub the kinks out of his shoulders before dragging his passed out butt to the hammock and settling down for the night*


Ironhide: *busy polishing her sword. Has a whole pickled lime in her mouth*

Chromia: *peeling a lime and telling about her most recent conquest, is looking a lot better than she has for awhile*

Snarl: *conked out and using Daddy's tunic as a bed*

Sludge: *snuggaSnarlbubby. Peep in sleep*

Skyfire: *blankie bundle with Rose*

Ironhide: *glances toward the sleepy peep, then shifts her lime to the other cheek and snerks at something her sister just said*

Chromia: *Doing a pretty spot-on impression of one of the pirates she dealt with earlier*

Ironhide: *accidentally bounces her lime off Wheeljack's head*

Kriti: *Arriving in a puff of smoke and flashing orbs of light* *snerks when she sees Wheeljack flailing because of getting beaned by a flying lime*

Ironhide: *is now cackling both at sister and at Sworn Brother*

Chromia: *points and laughs at Wheeljack*

Bluestreak: *trying to figure out what just happened!*

Swoop: *giddy cheepings from on Daddy's head! Liking the ride*

Old Lumen: *chuckling and shaking his head over his Giantblood Beer*

Bluestreak: 'Jack? What is it? What happened? *shifts limply snoozing Slag to one arm to reach toward her husband*

Wheeljack: Something just hit me in the head!

Swoop: *Cheep cheep! Saw the nom bounce off of Daddy's head*

Bluestreak: I didn't hear a thump... *looks around, and then finds the lime in her stew. Fishes it out and holds it up* Oh... I'm so glad that didn't hurt Swoop.

Ironhide: *snort* Ah k'n aim.

Swoop: *Gonna try and nab the nom!*

Bluestreak: *gives the lime to her daughter* That's a lime. Remember how those taste?

Swoop: *Cheep*

Ironhide: Weren't cheap. *chuckles, but then looks toward the door as she realizes that someone's standing in it*

Kriti: *Attention going to the door as she moves to get food* ?

dark-skinned woman in strange clothing: *standing in the doorway and looking utterly lost*

Kriti: *Wary, will let Mama or Aunt 'Mia talk to the stranger. She's going to go feed her husband*

Ironhide: *studies the way the woman's looking around* Looks lahk a fahghter.

Chromia: *Small nod, is studying the woman as well*

Ironhide: *looks around to see who of the louts is nearby* *and sober*

Dion: *playing a dice game with Magnus at the next table over. Both have tankards of spiced buttermilk instead of their usual booze*

Ironhide: *bounces a lime pit off Magnus's head*

Magnus: *Startles and turns to look at Ironhide* We're being good, 'Hide....

Ironhide: *nods toward the door*

Magnus: *blinks and turns to look*

woman: *has moved out of the door, but now she's standing with her back to the wall and one hand absently patting a hip that bears no weapon*

Magnus: *blink blink, will move to get up and see if the woman needs any help*

woman: *looks up at that tall, dark-haired stranger warily as he comes near*

Magnus: *Gently* Do you need any help, Miss?

woman: *slowly, as her face creases into a confused frown* Yeah, man... think I do. Somethin' ain't groovin' here.

Magnus: *thrown for a bit of a loop by the woman's way of talking* Ah... I don't quite understand... but I'll do my best to help you.

woman: Somethin' ain't right. This... I don't know how I got here, or where 'here' is.

Magnus: This is the Dragon Tavern... It's situated at the midpoint of the Mountain Kingdoms, the Steel Empire, and the Deadlands...

woman: ... Where's that from New York?

Magnus: ... What kingdom is that in?

woman: Uh. It ain't. It's in the United States of America.

Magnus: .... *blank look. That means nothing to him*

woman: *brows draw together* North America?

Magnus: *Apologetic* I've never heard of that.... Sorry...

woman: *soft breath of dismay* How the slag'd I get myself inta this mess?

Magnus: Maybe a Planeswalker left a portal open...

woman: A whutnow?

Magnus: A Planeswalker... *Will explain what that is, and about the one he's most familiar with*

woman: *boggling by the time he's done* ...They change bots ta humans, too?

Magnus: ... Er... I don't think so... *has nooooo idea what a 'bot' is*

woman: *looks down at herself* Well somethin' did that to me.

Magnus: ...Huh... *not sure what to do about that... will go with what he knows* I can get you something to eat if you're hungry...

woman: I gotta get home. *turns to look at the door and meeps as she comes face to face with Flashpoint's bust*

Flashpoint: ... Th' slag? *backing up a bit*

Magnus: Hey, Boss, you know anything about Planeswalkers' portals changing people?

Flashpoint: *headshake as she studies the unfamiliar woman*

woman: *has an Autobot symbol smack in the center of the chest of her white shirt*

Flashpoint: *Both brows up* *to the woman* Wh're're y'u from, hon? *recognizes the symbol, yes*

woman: Well, I was in New York City, but right now I usually kick back in Mount St. Hillary. *noticed that recognition, is focused on you now, Flashpoint*

Flashpoint: *doesn't recognize the name of either place, slight frown* 'N wh't do we call y'u?

woman: My name's Jazz.

Magnus: .... *eyes wide as he and Flashpoint share a startled look*

Jazz: ...Oh now what?

Flashpoint: *Answering for her lout* We knew y'ur Name Siblin'... W's a long tahm ago though....

Jazz: My whutnow? *so lost*

Magnus: A Name Sibling's someone who shares your name... They aren't always the same gender, class, or even the same type of person... Heck, I know a couple that aren't even from the same kingdom....

Jazz: ...So there was somebody else named Jazz. That happens back home ta humans too. It don't mean nothin'... *quizzical look*

Magnus: *quick glance around the common room* Hey, Lu!

Old Lumen: *looks up from his tankard as Young Lumen looks up from carving more arrow shafts* What, Magnus?

Ironhide: *also looks up, brow quirking* *has heard the entire conversation by the door*

Jazz: ...Magnus?

Magnus: *was about to ask the Dwarven Bezerker if he remembered the person named Jazz, attention going back to the lady Jazz* Hm?

Flashpoint: *As she moves to try and usher everyone away from the door* S'metahms, Name Siblin's c'n be fr'm diff'rent planes too...

Jazz: *focused on the tall guy as she's herded* You mean like Ultra Magnus?

Magnus: *shrug* Only if I go back to the province I came from in the Mountain Kingdoms.

Jazz: *slowly* Is there an Optimus Prime here too?

Magnus: *blink blink, looks to Ironhide, since she would likely know*

Ironhide: Th'r callin' King 'Rion 'Prahm' now. *absently rubbing Sludge's back as the baby hiccups on her shoulder*

Magnus: Ah... Yeah, you'd know, wouldn't you, Ironhide? *not mocking, just stating a fact*

Jazz: ...Ironhide? *looks toward the redhead with clear surprise*

Flashpoint: Ahrnhahd's 'Rion's cousin.... *Going to see if she can get her daughter from Raoul and Kriti now, kthx*

Chromia: 'N mahn too. *noms a lime*

Jazz: *turns her attention to that strong brunette* 'N what's your name?

Chromia: *Grins after finishing the bite of lime* Name's Chromia.

Jazz: *slowly* The Ironhide I know's a guy... and Chromia's 'is... wife. And 'Rion... s'at 'Orion'?

Old Lumen: Yeah... *having a long swig of whatever's in his tankard* *is watching Jazz and trying to make sense of her*

Jazz: *glances up at Magnus* You don't seem too surprised.

Magnus: About what? *puzzled expression is a go*

Jazz: You got guy 'Hides married ta 'Mias here too?

Ironhide: *glances at her husband with that wry twist of her lips that she's gotten every time she hears of that pairing in the Nexus*

Old Lumen: *Soft snerk*

Chromia: *Wrinkles her nose at the idea*

Magnus: *shrug* There's probably a Name Sibling of Ironhide's who's married to a Name Sibling of Chromia's somewhere in the world...

Ironhide: Ratch's 'Hahd nevah got old 'nough t' catch nobodeh's ah. 'N 'e nevah 'ad aneh brothahs 'r sistahs.

Chromia: *attention going to the door, is trying to see if she can catch a sign that Ratchet will be returning to the tavern soon*

Jazz: *head in hands like it hurts*

Young Lumen: *purses his lips and moves to scoot towards Jazz with the intention of offering a stein of buttermilk to her*

Jazz: *startles and looks at the young man with the pointed ears and the slightly crossed eyes* ...And who are you?

Young Lumen: *small, apologetic smile, touches his head and then his throat to indicate that he can't talk*

Old Lumen: That's Young Lumen... He was hurt pretty badly in a fall awhile back, so he won't be able to answer you with spoken words.

Jazz: *sympathy shows in her dark eyes* Sorry, man. I didn't know.

Young Lumen: *Gentle patpat for Jazz's arm, offers the stein of buttermilk again*

Jazz: *takes the huge wooden mug and looks uncertainly at the contents* ...What is it?

Magnus: *looks* Spiced buttermilk.

Jazz: ...What's that? *looks up at him, her brows lifting under her close cap of curls*

Magnus: *Will explain what spiced buttermilk is, and that it's good to drink*

Jazz: *looks far from convinced. Offers it to him* Uh... No thanks, I just charged this mornin'.

Magnus: *blink blink* Charged?

Jazz: Uh... fueled up? Ate?

Magnus: *small frown* How long ago was that?

Jazz: *looks through the door at the darkness outside* ...No idea, man.

Magnus: Hang on... *Will go get a plate of cabbage and bacon*

Ironhide: Magnus, wait. Give 'er th's. *picks up the slice of rye bread and butter that little Annie had helpfully given her an hour or so before*

Magnus: *Blink blink, will offer Jazz the bread slice then*

Jazz: *gives it another bewildered and suspicious look* ...A sandwich?

Magnus: *headshake* Rye bread with butter.

Jazz: *frowns at it, and then looks up at him, confusion and a sense of being overwhelmed starting to set in*

Ironhide: *softly* Flash, she don't smell too good. Y'u've talked t' th' bot folk morn' Ah have. Y'u got aneh ahdea wh't t' do?

Flashpoint: *as she carefully balances Rose on her hip* Mahght need 'un 'f th'se fanceh amulet th'n's t' git 'er back t' 'er 'ome....

Ironhide: Fanceh amulet? *sits up, shifting Sludge to the crook of her arm*

Flashpoint: *nods and describes the item in question as Rose begins to search for milk* Th'y's lahk 'n Amulet 'f Recall, but fanceh'r... Ah th'nk Tracks' Name Brothah called 't a PINpoint....

Ironhide: Y'u know where t' git th'm? *shoves stuff off the hearth beside her so there's room for Flashpoint to sit down*

Flashpoint: *As she moves to sit* 'N th' Nexus, Ah'd recon...

Ironhide: But she ain't in 'er rahght shape... *not sure how that works* Ah kin smell she's really 'uman.

Flashpoint: *Small frown as she thinks about this* Mebbeh mah Name Sister 'r Tracks' Name Brothah'd know wh't t' do....

Rose: *has found milk, is gonna drink*

Jazz: *blink blink BLINK* *quietly, distracted from culture shock* ...So that's what those things're for? Crazy.

Magnus: *Blink blink, will offer to help Jazz to an empty spot on one of the nearby benches*

Jazz: *looks up at him* Uh, thanks, man. *Magnus will feel her shaking slightly, and feel the silent sigh she lets out as she settles on the bench*

Magnus: *small frown* Are you alright? *concern clear in his expression*

Jazz: *closes her eyes, fingers absently squishing the edge of the bread and butter* Yeah... everything's just... hittin' me at once.

Bluestreak: *move and accidentally bumps Jazz's side as Slag wriggles and fusses in his sleep*

Jazz: *gasps and goes pale*

Magnus: *is there to catch Jazz if she needs catching*

Bluestreak: *apologizes as the dark woman passes out, her free hand automatically catching the food and setting it on the table beside her own trencher of roasted wyvern* Oh no...

Magnus: *moving to gently lift Jazz* It's not your fault, Blue... *going to see if he can't get Jazz a quiet room for the night*

Bluestreak: *is streaking and fussing despite Magnus' words*

Young Lumen: *just ganked one of the louts' helmets and is passing it around*

Ironhide: *lifts her head and turns it* *quietly* Th' babehs 're comin'.

Chromia: *on her feet and moving to keep Sunstreaker from running into the door frame in his haste to find Deepdancer*

Sunstreaker: They're coming. The wet stuff came out. But she won't let me bring her in! *gasping for breath, his eyes wide with panic*

Sideswipe: *hurrying over to slap his brother in the head*

Young Lumen: *scooting to find Deepdancer, will pause to touch Bluestreak's shoulder and point to Sunstreaker, brows raising in a question*

Bluestreak: *looks at him and concentrates, trying to read the thoughts behind his eyes*

Young Lumen: *Wants to know if she knows anything about helping an Elvish woman in labor*

Bluestreak: *shakes her head as she hugs her grumpy little son close* I wasn't allowed to mid wife.

Young Lumen: *Small nod, will gently patpat her shoulder and go to see if Deepdancer's where she usually is at night... Someone should probably go with him, since he's not sure which door she'd be behind*

Ironhide: Dion. *nods after Young Lumen*

Dion: *gets up and goes to help the Moon Elf find Deepdancer*

Ironhide: She's sleepin'. *braces herself for the vituperation to come*

vituperation: *comes*

Dion: *Explaining that Showtime needs a midwife, is using Young Lumen as a shield*

Ironhide: *soft snerk as Deepdancer grabs her things and pushes past the young men, smacking Dion in the back of the head in passing*

Dion: *cringing and biting his tongue to keep from yelping*

Young Lumen: *moving to follow after Deepdancer* *is going to see if Eruiste is close enough to help Showtime as well*

Ironhide: *head tilted as she listens to Showtime and Showtime's unborn children. Prays for them as she does so*

Showtime: *Trying to stay calm despite the labor pains*

one of the boy babies: *putting up a bit of silent fuss because he's a bit squished at the moment*

another boy baby: *also feeling a bit squished, is squirming like crazy*

third boy baby: *seems to be ignoring his more energetic siblings, is sucking on his thumb and listening to mamacalm*

girl baby: *is the closest to the door*

Chromia: *staying out of Deepdancer's way, worry clear on her face as she looks towards the giant boots*

Ironhide: *stands slowly* 'Ere, Lu. Take Sludge. Ah gotta go talk ta s'me s'mbodehs.

Old Lumen: *Will gently tuck Sludge into his tunic* Alright...

Ironhide: *last glance toward that Jazz. Startles and stares, but then strides out of the tavern and heads for the boots*

Magnus: *Attention going back to Jazz now*

Jazz: *moving slightly, slowly pulling herself back to consciousness* Nnnnn.

Dion: *picking up where Young Lumen left off in the collection of credits to get Jazz a room for the night*

Magnus: *quietly* Jazz?

Jazz: *eyes open* Uh... Ultra Magnus. *groans softly and tries to sit up*

Magnus: *quietly* We'll get you a quiet room for the night.

Jazz: I gotta get back. All kindsa slag were goin' down.

Magnus: *small frown* You should rest... *not sure if he can help her get back to where she says she's from*

Jazz: But Megatron... *pauses to breath around the ache in her side*

Magnus: *Concerned* Jazz?

Flashpoint: ... Megatron's a king 'n th' Steel Empahr....

Chromia: *lips are a thin line. She picked up on the same thing Ironhide did, and isn't sure how to break the news to Jazz*

Jazz: *stares hazily at Flashpoint* He's the big bad where I come from. 'N him 'n his guys were tryin' ta kill my boys.

Flashpoint: .... *much frown*

Chromia: *Quietly, as she moves to approach* Jazz... Ah ain't sure y'u c'n git back....

Jazz: *attention goes to Chromia* I gotta. They need me.

Chromia: *will carefully touch Jazz's side without putting any real pressure on it*

Jazz: *gasps and screws her face up*

Chromia: *Quietly* Ah th'nk y'u got 'urt badleh.... *will see if she can find Ratchet or not*

Ratchet: *just coming in from checking on Perceptor and Kia, is frowning deeply*

Chromia: *Will grab her husband and bring him over to Jazz*

Ratchet: *as he's steered toward the bar* What is it?

Chromia: *Will quietly explain about Jazz, and what she and Ironhide both sensed, though she doesn't realize that her sister has also sensed that Jazz is unable to return to her home realm*

Ratchet: ...You're sure about that? How can you tell?

Chromia: *Quietly* S'meth'n' 'n 'er scent don' smell rahght f'r a person who c'n c'me 'n go 's th'y please....

Ratchet: You've met other people like that?

Chromia: *headshake* But mah gut's tell'n me th't th't's wh't 'appened....

Ratchet: *frowns and looks at the woman in Magnus' arms* *quietly* She's in shock.

Magnus: *Talking quietly to Jazz, and trying to wrap her in his cloak*

Dion: *trying to haggle a bit on the price for the room, though he knows Anna won't likely budge*

Anna: I've already given you yahoos enough discounts. Annie no. Don't kick him. Go clear the tables.

Jazz: *sees that little winged unitaur and blinks. Then turns her hazy attention back to Magnus* ...What're you doin'?

Ratchet: Excuse me. I'm a physician. May I please examine you?

Jazz: *blinks at the sound of his voice* ...Ratchet?

Chromia: *as Magnus tries to carefully get to his coin pouch* 'E's th' Name Siblin' 'f th' gah y'u know...

Jazz: *wearily* Gotta trust... a Ratchet.

Chromia: *nods and goes to help pay for the room*

Ratchet: Dion, give her the credits. I need to get this woman somewhere that I can take care of her. And I don't think sticking her in Gerard and Deepdancer's room will work.

Dion: *gives the credits to Anna*

Gerard: *coming out of the hall* Oh dear. What's the matter, Flashpoint?

Flashpoint: Sunneh 'n Show's bebehs're bein' born, 'n we got a gal who's 'urt... *tips her head towards the bar*

Gerard: *looks, his eyes squinting slightly through his spectacles* Is she an Outlander?

Flashpoint: S'meth'n lahk th't...

Chromia: *quietly, as she moves to get something from her satchel* She ain't able t' go 'ome, Gerreh...

Gerard: ...Exiled? *concern on his kindly face*

Chromia: Looks lahk 't...

Ratchet: *speaking quietly to Jazz as he looks into her eyes and counts her pulse*

Magnus: *Trying his hardest to keep from putting pressure on Jazz's side*

Jazz: *replying to Ratchet's questions. Feeling just a bit more relaxed despite his scanning being different than what she's used to*

Chromia: *pursing her lips a bit, before her attention's going to the door* Young Lu's lost 'gain...

Kriti: *Already going to check on the Moon Elf*

Ratchet: His weed will set him straight. *looks at Dion* Do we have the room yet?

Dion: *checking his pockets to see if he has any more credits, will put what he finds on the counter with the rest of the money, including what was in Magnus' coin pouch*

Ratchet: *fishes out what he's got*

Desinex: *comes over and gives what she has, credit-wise, after talking to Chromia*

Anna: *counts* One more.

Old Lumen: *coming over to chip in, since he just found a credit under his seat*

Ratchet: Good. Get this poor woman to bed.

Magnus: *nods* The sooner, the better...

Ratchet: *frowns at Magnus and waits for him to go down the hall*

Magnus: *will carefully carry Jazz down the hall after getting the key from Anna*

Jazz: *shivering a bit more now. Blinks blearily at Ratchet as he gets the key from Magnus and opens the door to the small room*

Ratchet: Let me throw a quilt on that cot. *runs to get quilt*

Magnus: *soothingly* Ratchet knows his stuff... he'll be able to help you....

Ratchet: *back with quilt, an irate Tracks yell following him down the hall* You weren't using it anyway!

Magnus: *Raised brow* ... So you ganked a blanket from Tracks and the Boss?

Ratchet: It's one Tracks took from the loft. *uses the quilt to pad the cot*

Magnus: *snerks, will carefully set Jazz on the quilt-padded cot*

Ratchet: *looks for a fastener on the woman's white and black long sleeved top*

Magnus: *Wonders to himself if he should make himself scarce*

Ratchet: *realizes the top is stretchy. Does NOT want to hurt the injured woman by pulling that thing off over her head. Cuts it* I'll need something to cover her with, since she hasn't got a cloak.

Magnus: I've got some clothes in my most recent payment... *will go get them*

Ratchet: *cuts the shirt along the sleeves too, then gently lifts Jazz to pull it out from under her* Shhh. Just lay back and let me get a ... slag, how were you even walking?

Jazz: *teeth chattering softly* P... pig-headedness?

Magnus: *Back with a cloak and a change of clothes, which he'll offer to Ratchet with one hand through the door, to spare Jazz some dignity*

Ratchet: ...Oh send one of the girls here to help. *snort*

Jazz: *squints toward the door* ...What's 'e hidin' from?

Magnus: *Calling for Kriti*

Kriti: *Amused Infiltrator is amused as she brings the clothes in* He's trying to be polite...

Jazz: *quizzical look for the tiny girl, and then a soft groan as Ratchet very gently touches the edge of the massive black bruise on her chest*

Kriti: *As Magnus scoots down the hall* He's the eldest son of one of the Lords in the Mountain Kingdoms... His dad allows him to serve under Flashpoint's command as long as he's behaving himself, and isn't doing anything that will generate gossip. *small, concerned frown as she sees the bruise*

Jazz: Still... don't git it.

Ratchet: *pulls the bottle of poppy and honey out of his pack and measures a dose*

Kriti: People gossip. Gossip reaches the fancy people, and Magnus likes being out here. *Shrug*

Jazz: What's ta gossip about? Helpin' somebody? *eyes go round as she tastes what Ratchet just stuck in her mouth*

Kriti: *shrug* People assume things... It's not every day we have an Outworlder show up... Besides, you're a girl...

Jazz: *licking lips and settling a bit as Ratchet spreads the cloak over her and the heavy wool warms her quickly*

Kriti: *Will go poke her head out the door and tell Magnus that Jazz has coverings on*

Ratchet: *waiting till he sees Jazz relax before he works on her* *quietly* She's got a lot of broken ribs.

Kriti: *attention on Ratchet* She'll be alright though, won't she?

Magnus: *is going to keep watch by the door*

Ratchet: If the ribs haven't torn anything. Her colour looks good, though.

Kriti: *small nod*

Ratchet: The shock of unexpectedly changing worlds seems to be hitting her pretty hard, though. *only uncovers the bruised area and then examines it gently and carefully*

Jazz: *soft whine at the dull ache of Ratchet's fingers on her broken ribs*

Kriti: *over to gently smooth Jazz's forehead and murmur reassuringly*

Jazz: *whimpers, her face screwing up*

Ratchet: *face a little grim* I'm going to have to open her up.

Kriti: ... *See, Ratchet? Even someone with Kriti's coloration can go pale*

Magnus: Do you need me to get Anna?

Ratchet: No. Just get me some boiling water. *gets more poppy and honey and feeds it to Jazz*

Magnus: *Will go to do so, after grabbing Kriti and depositing the minute Infiltrator out in the hallway*

Jazz: *very soon sleeping like a rock, doesn't even twitch as Ratchet rubs first a numbing agent and then strong drink on the bruised area of her chest*

Magnus: *Back with the boiling water, also has a stockpile of clean rags and bandages*

Ratchet: *looks at what Magnus brought* Thanks. *sharp look* Are you going to help?

Magnus: If you need someone to hand you things while you work, then yeah.

Ratchet: You'll be seeing her without her tunic or wraps.

Magnus: *Quietly* It's more important that she gets taken care of so she can heal. *Plus, he's pretty certain his father would understand*

Ratchet: Good. *sets to work*

A few hours later...

Ironhide: *curled up near the boots in her dragon form, listening to Showtime and Sunstreaker's newborn family and comforting the orange and white kitten, who has been evicted for one night*

baby Miracle: *is currently eating her fill, as is X-Brawn*

Sideburn: *sleeping, has a full belly and warms*

Hot Shot: *also asleep, is drooling on Daddy*

Showtime: *tired, but happy, is quietly humming*

Young Lumen: *making his way over, getting the occasional guiding nudge from his companion vine* *Quizzical look for Ironhide*

Ironhide: *gently curls her tail around Young Lumen* What're y'u doin' still runnin' 'round, Lu?

Young Lumen: *slight headtilt towards the tavern grounds, will carefully tap his vine* *Is trying to find Iste, and is also curious about how Showtime and Sunstreaker's family is doing*

Ironhide: *softly* Iste's comin' home. She dahd twice. *glances toward Sunsteaker as he returns to the boots with a large mug of honeyed milk for his wife*

Young Lumen: *Concerned expression is a go*

Hot Shot: *Drool and sleep*

Ironhide: *soft chuckle as she hears Sunstreaker commenting on the drooling as soon as he's handed the milk to Showtime*

Sunstreaker: He started doing it as soon as my other hand was full. Did he do it on purpose? Oh... and Swiper kissed him on the head.

Showtime: *Soft chuckle as she gets situated* Babies drool sometimes, Sunny...

X-Brawn: *yaaaawns and sleeps*

Miracle: *gonna suck on her hand a bit till she falls asleep as well*

Sunstreaker: Is the milk right? Warm enough? *settling to sit beside wife there in the toe of the boot*

Showtime: *nods as she sips at the milk*

Sunstreaker: The babies are warm enough? *peeks at the one cuddled under his cloak*

Hot Shot: *soft chuckle as he sleeps*

Showtime: It's warm enough in here... *soft snerk as Sideburn echoes Hot Shot's chuckle*

Sunstreaker: Whoa, they're doing me and Swiper's slag. *impressed with sons*

Showtime: *Soft 'heh', will work on finishing the mug of milk*

Ironhide: *chuckles as she listens to the new parents, then looks back to Young Lumen with a soft snort of steam*

Young Lumen: *blink blink, forgot why he was out here... again*

Ironhide: *gentle reminder*

Young Lumen: *will look down the path, hoping to catch sight of Iste*

Eruiste: *here she comes, sitting tiredly cross-legged on the back of her Furious Thornwood Behemoth as it rumbles along the road*

Ironhide: Ah see 'er.

Young Lumen: *perks up, will wiggle a bit in an attempt to meet his wife halfway*

Ironhide: *lets him go, making sure he doesn't overbalance and faceplant*

Young Lumen: *going to see Eruiste*

Eruiste: *sees him. Pulls him up onto the broad back of the massive plant beast, and then snogs him stupid before leaning against him and passing out*

Young Lumen: *surprised by the passing out, will hold her close and try and get the Furious Thornwood Behemoth to cooperate*

Furious Thornwood Behemoth: *is just going home. Rumbles up past the Tavern, and then past the boots. Stops underneath the flet*

Young Lumen: *Pleased grin, will try and work out how to get Eruiste up to the flet*

willows: *reaching down from the platform to gently scoop up both elves and bring them aloft*

Young Lumen: *soft sound, will cuddle with wife once they're both situated in the flet*

willows: *forming a windbreak and roof over the pair*

Bumblebee: *stops under the flet and calls up to Young Lumen that he forgot his cloak again. Holds the garment up*

Young Lumen: *peeeks over the side* *Oh! Hi! Wave!*

Bumblebee: *grins and offers cloak*

Eruiste: *quietly* Who... yelling?

Young Lumen: *Distracted from Bumblebee* *Will buzz his lips in an attempt to say the woman's name* Bbbbb....

Eruiste: *catches the image in his mind, soft trill to the willows, which reach down and take the cloak*

Young Lumen: *cuddles wife*

willows: *tuck the cloak over the pair*

Ironhide: *listens to them settling in, and then looks toward the tavern*

Ratchet: *passed out on the stool in the corner of Jazz's room. Looks like he's going to break his neck*

Jazz: *wired, sewn, and bandaged together, is sleeping heavily under the influence of the poppy and honey*

Magnus: *will try and gently wake Ratchet before Chromia comes to look for him*

Kriti: *conked out in Raoul's chair, still has her face hidden against her husband's neck*

Old Lumen: *getting ready to bring Snarl, Sludge and Skyfire to the loft for the night*

Chromia: *heading down the hall to check on her husband and possibly bring him to the loft for the night*

Ratchet: *grumbling softly and rubbing the crick out of his neck* I just got to sleep, Magnus. Is something wrong with Jazz?

Magnus: *Quietly* Just getting you up before Chromia comes looking for you...

Ratchet: Hrrrm. *rubs eyes and then looks at his patient* Not sure I should leave her tonight. Have you heard Deepdancer go to bed yet?

Magnus: Yeah... She helped bring Sunny and Show's kids into the world...

Ratchet: *quirks a brow* I knew that.

Magnus: I can bug Anna....

Ratchet: *peers at him* How tired are you?

Magnus: *bluntly* A lot less than you are.

Ratchet: Then why am I making more sense?

Magnus: *About to answer, gets pulled out of the room by Chromia*

Chromia: *when she gets into the room* Y'u're gonna wahnd up wit' a sore neck, Ratchet...

Ratchet: o.0 *chuckle* I wonder if I'll ever get used to you knowing things.

Chromia: *soft chuckle, will move to sit on the floor and indicate that she wants Ratchet to lay down next to her* Ah c'n keep 'n ah 'n th' gal...

Ratchet: *looks at her* *softly* Yes, you can. *settles on the worn fur rug, pulling his cloak around him*

Chromia: *Will gently smooth his forehead and keep watch*

((co-written with random_xtras))
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