Helterskelter 'verse. Autobot base. Welcome, Draco.

Feb 13, 2009 22:56

Lumen: *is now hiding from possible Sunhalo buttwhapping attacks*

Galvatron: *wakes up from where he and Cho have been sleeping on the couch through everything and looks around with a groggy frown*

Desi: *quiet humming, serene expression on faceplates as Sunhalo dozes on her lap*

Sweep: *curled up on chair nearby*

Cho: *makes a small sound of distress*

Galvatron: *looks at her quickly, realizing what woke him up* Cho?

Cho: I'm alright.

Galvatron: No you're not.

Eclipse: *looks up from trying to coax her son out from under the couch* Do I need to get Wake?

Cho: *grimaces slightly and stares at ceiling, but then nods*

Galvatron: *panic!*

Eclipse: *surprisingly calm as she talks to WJ through their bond* He'll be here soon...*Speaking of, here comes the mech now!*

WJ: *scans Cho, tries to remain calm*

Eclipse: *focuses on coaxing Lumen out from hiding, succeeds, gets the frag out of WJ's way*

Galvatron: Is it the sparklet?

WJ: *nods, trying his best to remain calm* I believe so...

Cho: *tiny spark compartment crammed so full of spark that it's leaking out the edges* *the sparks pulse, and she grimaces again*

Galvatron: ...It's time?

WJ: *scans again, brusque nod, moves to gently lift Cho and Galvatron so he can carry them both to the medbay*

Galvatron: *makes sure his mate doesn't get jostled too much during the lifting*

WJ: *careful dash to the medbay is a go*

Cho: *tenses, her face scrunching up as another sound escapes her*

Galvatron: *very worried! His Cho never shows pain*

WJ: *gently sets Cho on one of the repair berths, and sets Galvatron next to Cho* Okay... *still trying his hardest to remain calm, jumps slightly when Ratchet brings over another protoform*

Galvatron: *gives Cho his hand*

Cho: *he tries, she won't take it*

Galvatron: :\

Ratchet: *A heck of a lot calmer than WJ, nudges the younger mech aside, earning a sound of protest, which he ignores* I'll need to get to the new spark. *Calmly, and quietly, trying to keep from stressing Cho out more than she already is*

Galvatron: *looks up* No... the new spark gets to keep this protoform. Cho gets the new one.

Ratchet: *a bit surprised, but nods, prepping the bigger protoform* Alright then.

Cho: Nnnnn >_<

Galvatron: *frowning with concern, but forcing himself to be calm*

Ratchet: *Is the master of the art of Multi-tasking, keeps a watchful optic on the new spark so he can get Cho's spark transferred once the new spark separates completely, and is quizzing WJ on every aspect of the procedure*

new spark: *finishes coming loose... and then tries 'climbing' out of the crowded spark chamber*

Galvatron: 0_0

Ratchet: Ah-ah...*quickly and carefully puts the new spark into temporary stasis, just for the brief time it will take him to transfer Cho's spark to the bigger protoform*

Galvatron: *quietly praying*

Ratchet: *calm, also puts Cho's spark into temporary stasis while he does the transfer. Once Cho's spark is in the chamber, he brings her out of stasis, and then turns his attention to bringing the new spark out of stasis as well*

Cho: *testing her new hand and limbs*

Galvatron: *kisses her on the forehead*

Cho: *gives him a slight smile*

WJ: *darts off to get energon for the family*

Ratchet: *finishes bringing the new spark out of stasis*

Draco: *turns head and frowns, then clicks quietly*

Cho: *turns her head toward the sound, and she and Galvatron are watching the newcomer uncertainly*

WJ: *pauses in the doorway, watching*

Ratchet: I'll let you two get to know your little one then... *makes his way to the door*

Draco: *watches him go, then squirms till he rolls over and looks around*

Galvatron: *moves over to pick him up*

Draco: *grins, glad to see him*

WJ: *makes a soft sound as he brings three cubes, two of them mid-grade, over to the berth, and sets them down* Congratulations. ^_^

Galvatron: ...Thank you. *looks soberly into the big optics looking back at him* ....What do we do with him?

Cho: *watching with her habitual silence*

WJ: *surprised expression* Well...try to keep him safe...teach him about Cybertron, and about Earth and the humans...basically, be there for him, let him learn and grow....*rubs back of helm sheepishly* I'm not really the best mech to ask about that sort of thing...Lumen's only a couple of months old now...

Draco: *clicks and snuggles and listens to his dad's spark*

Galvatron: *watches him curiously*

WJ: *chuckles a little* You'll find out quick, sparklings like three things overall: warmth, information, and you being on their level...or being on your level... and if you ever need some time alone, chances are good that you can find a sparkling-sitter pretty easily around here...In fact, I think Miss Remmington, Mister Walker, or Miss MacKenzie wouldn't mind keeping watch...they've all got little ones of their own....

Galvatron: *nods and lays the little one next to Cho, who touches him gently as she examines him and is examined in return, then reaches to take the cubes one at a time*

WJ: *quietly excuses himself so the family can get some time to get to know one another better*

((co-written with dens_extra_pups))
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