kv Eclipse: *looks around, before tucking the borrowed PINpoint away* I think we had a clean get away this time...
Starscream: *looking around, his optics enormous with excitement* Will the Black Dog have the goodies for Wheeljack's birthday?
kv Eclipse: Yeah... and with what Blue and Docbot gave me, as well as what I've saved up, I think we'll be able to get everything on the list. *grins*
Starscream: *happy squeak* And my little piece of gold that was left over after we paid for Spike's school!
kv Eclipse: Yup! ^_^
Starscream: Yaaaaaay! Oh. *stops as he notices a big orange and black mech looking their way* ....Was I too loud, Eclipse?
kv Eclipse: *blinkblink* I don't think so... *looks at the mech* What? Do I have something on my face?
hsv WakeJumper: ... Er.....
Starscream: *very earnestly and seriously* Ratchet would growl at you for that reply.
hsv WakeJumper: ...
kv Eclipse: Starscream, be nice... *moving to scoot past the mech* 'Scuse me! ^_^
hsv WakeJumper: *mutter* ... I would run into an alternate of 'Clipsie....
Starscream: *looking up at her with wide optics that are starting to show more purple than red* Was that rude? I don't want him to.... Eclipse doesn't like people calling her that.
hsv WakeJumper: *chuckle* The one I know spazzes when I call her that...
Eclipse: *small scowl at the bigger mech* Wow, I wonder why?
Starscream: *frowning. Bittybot does not approve of teasing his friend*
hsv WakeJumper: *amused at the look on Starscream's face* Well, I only do it sometimes... She knows I love her and that I respect her.
Eclipse: Still... *microwings down, does not approve*
Starscream: It isn't respectful to pick on people.
hsv WakeJumper: She gives as good as she gets, kid... She's got brains to match her looks... *fond smile*
Starscream: *doesn't understand. Doesn't approve*
Eclipse: *knows what it means when someone's got that look on their face* ... You 'n the Eclipse where you're from are courting?
hsv WakeJumper: Not courting... She's my mate.
Starscream: *blinks, protective bittysnuggle*
Eclipse: *makes a face at hsv WakeJumper, snuggles Starscream*
Starscream: Your wires are sticking out.
hsv WakeJumper: *amused brow raise* So?
Starscream: *eyes him, and then folds his little arms across his chest* You are ugly and rude.
Eclipse: *Would facepalm, has arms full of bitty. Yeah, she agrees with Starscream about the orange guy being ugly and rude, but that doesn't mean she thinks it's polite to say so*
hsv WakeJumper: *small shrug* I'm not built to be attractive. I'm built for my function.
Starscream: Well, unless your function is picking on my friend, then STOP IT! *very shrill there, yes.*
hsv WakeJumper: *Winces at the shrill*
Eclipse: *Snuggles Starscream* Awww, it's okay. He's just being dumb. C'mon. Let's go get that stuff for 'Jack's birthday party.
Starscream: *dummy forgotten as his whole tiny being lights up with joy* Okay!
hsv WakeJumper: *remembers why he's here, heads to the bar to get boxes of cookies*
Eclipse: *watches the strange mech go to the bar, frown*
Starscream: *joy fading* ...He went to the Black Dog, Eclipse.
Eclipse: Well, I guess we can wait for him to leave...
Starscream: *slight wibble* What if he's there for drinks?
Eclipse: ... Well, we can ignore him and ask one of the waiters for our order, right?
Starscream: *brightens a bit* Archiva is nice.
Eclipse: *nod nod, smile* Let's go get the stuff for the party. *heads for the Black Dog*
Starscream: *excited little sparklet digging through his subspace for his little piece of gold*
Eclipse: *happily chatting away about what the plans for the party are going to be*
Aleph: *big drone with one optic. He meets them near the door and tilts his head quizzically*
Eclipse: Hey Aleph! We're here to get stuff for Wheeljack's birthday. Do you have any suggestions?
Aleph: *looks at them. Ponders 'suggestion' and comes up with age-appropriate one.* Fizzy energon is nice. This is for you. *hands her a credit chit*
Eclipse: *Blinkblink* Huh? What's this for? I mean, I appreciate it and all... *rambles on for a few moments in this same vein*
Aleph: WakeJumper wants you to get a Cybertron Sunrise and the things for your party.
Starscream: *looks up at her quickly, his gold forgotten and his hand still in subspace*
Eclipse: ... *blinks, shocked into silence. Assumes it's the WakeJumper from back home* How'd he get here? I thought he was doing his lessons with Ratchet and First Aid!
Aleph: ...I'm sorry, I don't know.
hsv WakeJumper: *heads out the door, boxes of cookies in hand* *doing his best to resist the urge to snerk at the baffled look on Eclipse's face*
Starscream: Eclipse.... Where would WakeJumper get the money?
Eclipse: ... I don't know... *slight wibble*
Starscream: *worried* I don't think we should take this. If he found it someone will want it back.
hsv WakeJumper: *soft sigh, can't help but blow his own cover* Or he could have used his own funds to help an alternate of his mate and her friend out.
Eclipse: *blink blink, gives hsv WakeJumper a Look*
Starscream: *totally unaware of how adorable he looks when baffled*
hsv WakeJumper: *soft chuckle* Seriously. Get yourself a Cybertron Sunrise. They're a bit pricey, but they're worth every credit.
Starscream: *baffled changes to worried* We shouldn't take money from strangers.
Eclipse: *sounds a bit shocked. Even with her prior experience in the Nexus, she's still got a lot to learn, it seems* ...You're WakeJumper...
Starscream: *another quick look up at her* What?
hsv WakeJumper: *nod* A version of him, anyways...
Eclipse: ... You're still a jerk.
Starscream: *wibbling a bit now* But I like our WakeJumper. I don't want him to grow up to be a jerk.
hsv WakeJumper: He prolly won't... Especially if he's got his team with him. Deluge is very good at dealing with disrespect. *nods*
Starscream: *more wibble* We don't know any Deluge.
Eclipse: *gently, to Starscream* But he's got Orion Pax and Ariel and Wheelie, remember?
Starscream: *anxious* Will they keep him from being a jerk?
Eclipse: I think so. Remember, Orion Pax usedta be Optimus Prime, 'n Ariel usedta be Elita One.
Starscream: *blink blink, and then a big grin* Right. Orion Pax can do anything.
hsv WakeJumper: *soft chuckle* The one I know's not much bigger than you... Same with Ariel...
Starscream: *his expression as he looks up at the big mech states quite plainly that he cannot envision this and he thinks WakeJumper's had too much buzz powder*
Eclipse: *blink blink* Wait... what?
Starscream: *tiny version of his trademark scowl* You're lying.
hsv WakeJumper: I'm not. *pulls up a holo image of what everyone back home has come to affectionately call the 'Rowdy Trio' of Ariel, Dion, and Orion Pax* The little red guy's Orion Pax... the orange one's Dion, and the pink femme is Ariel. They're sparklets...
Starscream: *scowl changes to angry frown, and then frightened and confused tears* No they're not.
Eclipse: *Clicks and rubs Starscream's back as she studies the holo image* Heeeeey.... These three're the same kinda tech that Kriti's papa and mama and Nemesis, and Archiva, and Aleph and Bet are.... *Has seen the holo images, knows of what she speaks*
Starscream: Orion Pax can't be... can't be li... little!
Eclipse: *Continues with the back rubbing, frowns at hsv WakeJumper*
hsv WakeJumper: *gently* The ones where I'm from are... They were spark fragments at one point... and soon, they'll be big bots...
Starscream: *shakes his head, in full blown tears now* If... if... if Optimus is little then Megatron will wuh... win.
hsv WakeJumper: Megatron's gone... He got owned by Optimus where I'm from.
Starscream: *utterly confused and hiding his face on Eclipse to cry*
Eclipse: *Scowls at hsv WakeJumper, focuses on comforting Starscream* Shhh, Starscream, it's okay.
hsv WakeJumper: ... *blink* Starscream? *sounds a bit shocked. It's just NOW sinking in who he's been talking to*
Starscream: *hunches his shoulders and hides harder, small hands clinging to Eclipse's armor*
hsv WakeJumper: ... *looks a bit brain-broken* What the heck is with all the Starscreams I've run into being little lately?!
Eclipse: *holds Starscream close, lets hsv WakeJumper have a piece of her mind. She's more than likely going to get a few stares and amused looks from some of the bar patrons, considering she's definitely using words sparklets shouldn't know, and saying them rapidly to boot.*
Archiva: *comes over, her gentle blue optics concerned* Is there a problem here?
Eclipse: Yeah! This *#$^&^%$# 's makin' Starscream feel bad! *is MAD. NOBODY upsets her friend and gets away with it!*
Archiva: *gently reproving look at WakeJumper* WakeJumper?
hsv WakeJumper: *still looks a bit brain-broken* I just... *mumbles quietly about the situation where he's from*
Archiva: Did you explain to them that your Orion Pax is your Optimus' baby brother?
hsv WakeJumper: *small headshake*
Archiva: *softly and kindly* Maybe you should do that now.
hsv WakeJumper: *Small nod, throat clearing sound* Orion Pax... is the baby brother of Optimus Prime where I'm from...
Eclipse: ... *raised brow ridge*
Archiva: Wasn't he born from a fragment of Optimus' spark?
hsv WakeJumper: *nods* The fragment somehow wound up inside the body of Ophelia Remmington...
Archiva: Ah... that might be too scary for young sparklets.
hsv WakeJumper: *Small nod, pulls up another holo image that he's been saving to frame for Optimus as a gift. It shows Optimus snoozing on a couch in the rec room, with Diehard, Draco, Orion Pax, Ariel, and Dion napping on him*
Eclipse: *blink blink* Awwww! They're all so little and cute!
hsv WakeJumper: They look even littler than they are, because Optimus is so much bigger than everyone else... Well, except for Skyfire, Jetfire, and the other Seekers... >.>;;
Starscream: *must peek at little and cute.... 0_0* Optimus is big! *yes, he'd know that mech anywhere, even with flames painted on him and his wires sticking out*
hsv WakeJumper: That particular version's right around twenty-eight to thirty-two feet tall... I don't know exactly, as I've never taken the time to get his measurements... Ratchet'd know for sure
Starscream: *leaning against Eclipse* *quietly* Why didn't you tell us this before? Were you being mean just because I'm Starscream?
hsv WakeJumper: *headshake* No... I just wasn't thinking.
Starscream: *big optics steadily and warily on his face. This tiny sparklet knows what it's like for people to sometimes mistrust him*
hsv WakeJumper: *Quietly* I should probably get going... I promised the kids that I'd get cookies....
Archiva: *gently* Thank you for explaining, WakeJumper.
Starscream: *looks up at Eclipse, and then leans forward with baby impulsiveness to offer the big mech a hug*
hsv WakeJumper: *soft chuckle, gives a very gentle hug*
Starscream: *hugs hard, then takes the credit chit from Eclipse and holds it out to him* Carly says it's not good for little kids to take things from strangers.
hsv WakeJumper: *chuckles and accepts the chit back* Carly sounds like a very smart lady.
Starscream: She is. Even though Sparkplug says she isn't because she loves Spike.
hsv WakeJumper: *another chuckle* Sparkplug is her father?
Starscream: *shakes his head* Sparkplug is Mr. Witwicky. He's Spike's father.
hsv WakeJumper: Ah... my bad... *rumbly chuckle*
Starscream: *hesitates and looks up at Eclipse again, then, quietly* I'm sorry if the other Starscream that you know is bad.
hsv WakeJumper: *small snuggle, moves back a few steps*
Eclipse: *snuggles Starscream as well* Let's get the stuff for the party...
Starscream: Okay. *snuggling back* Should we get one of those sunrisey things for Wheeljack?
Eclipse: *nod* And if we have enough, maybe one for us to share?
Starscream: *optics wide* Ohhhhh. Okay!
Eclipse: *smile, snuggle, moves to the bar*
hsv WakeJumper: *soft chuckle, PINpoints home*
((co-written with